The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1769: African slave

Hearing the boss say, "Black Africa, trouble!" Pavel smiled and said: "But it is also an opportunity. The last continent with development prospects is where you, boss, can show their skills."

Zhang Nan turned around and said to him: "Comrade General, I didn't expect you to learn to flattery."

Pavel didn't take it seriously, "I can take it for granted, who is 100 times more nasty than this. It's just the truth. There is no flattery or flattery.

By the way, boss, do you want to see the orphan camp set up here for children evacuated from Rwanda?

After five to ten years, those children will be your most loyal fighters, absolutely loyal!

The person in charge of the camp also wants to expand the scale of the camp, that is, large quantities of good seedlings are not easy to find, and want to buy some younger slaves from West Africa..."

Hearing this, Zhang Nan frowned, but quickly relaxed again.

This is in Black Africa, where a large number of barbaric and primitive rules have been preserved, and slavery exists!

It is not "basically a slavery that is basically forced slave labor" in the modern sense, but a barbaric system that is almost the same as the traditional slavery two thousand years ago: slave owners have everything about slaves, including life!

There is no slavery in Botswana, because the country is sparsely populated, rich in natural resources, and the country and the people are relatively wealthy.

Even in the most remote areas, it is also suitable for large-scale cattle breeding!

But in several countries in West Africa, as well as Sudan in Northeast Africa, there is almost a traditional style of slavery.

Zhang Nan hates slave traders and hates human trafficking even more. Now half of the world knows who makes the human trafficking system in Europe tremble!

It is a joint force. Since the destruction of several human trafficking channels in Germany and France and the destruction of a large group of human traffickers, the joint power has been the nightmare of the European human traffickers!

Killing human traffickers in Europe and working as human traffickers in Africa?

Zhang Nan is not so nervous and perverted!

I bought those slaves and gave them a skill to eat instead of buying people and giving them freedom. In a few days, those people became goods in the slave market again!

The company needs manpower, a large variety of manpower.

I am only 26 years old now. 20 years later, red devils like Vasily and Andre will slowly grow old, as will brother-in-law, Guan Ge, Alyosha and others.

The Slavic soldiers in the Soviet era, as well as the retired Chinese soldiers who have experienced wars, will be old by then, but the power they control requires a steady supply of fresh blood.

The talents I cultivated are the most assured, let alone the cannibal world outside of China, and I don't need to restrict myself with the moral values ​​of my life.

Ten years later, the orphans rescued from the massacre may become the sharpest knives in their hands, or they may become the most reliable bodyguards standing by their side.

Of course, if you want to become your own personal bodyguard, you have to have children who are married and have children. Zhang Nan will never use an unconcerned orphan as his personal guard.

As for the West African slaves that Pavel said, he bought those who were trafficked by his family and sold himself, and gave those people the option of working.

Young and strong go to the mines. There is no need to go to the mines. The subsidiaries of the mining group companies in West Africa are mines and need manpower.

Simple human hands do not need to use construction machinery, and many mines over there simply cannot use large construction machinery.

Salary is at least better than that of local workers: those people are too lazy to die and are inefficient!

Those who have a bit of training value are trained as soldiers. Arranging like this on the continent of Africa is doing good deeds.

This is black Africa, so **** to say it!

Let those people learn a skill and learn the skills to survive, kill and fight, this seems to be normal in Black Africa.

The tribal soldiers in Botswana are easy to use, but the cost is relatively cheap, and the basic population is also a bit smaller.

With those elites, you have to give ten thousand dollars for a year, right?

What about West African mercenaries?

Two or three hundred dollars a month, people can happily sell your life to you: pay attention, only when you are downwind.

Two or three hundred dollars is a lot. In the slave markets of several big cities in West Africa, this money can buy a male slave who is seventeen or eighteen years old and able to do farm work.

As for children, it's cheaper.

Unlike the crimes of abducting and selling children in China, in Africa, female slaves and children are valuable, while male slaves and children are only half the price of the former.

As for the reason, most of the girls are sold to Europe after they are raised!

European civilization...

Shit is in the shadows!

A little bit beyond Pavel’s expectation, his own cruel and black-handed boss actually rejected the suggestion of the person in charge of the camp, telling him: “Even if there is a shortage of manpower, don’t buy child slaves. I don’t want to be caught. attack.

Child soldiers and juvenile soldiers buy people as cannon fodder, and no matter how whitewashed they are, they can't escape the black!

There are families in Africa that cannot survive. Let those people expand their minds, and there will always be enough people vying to be cannon fodder mercenaries.

In this way, I hate slave traders, and I hate human traders even more! "

Later, when Zhang Nan went to visit the children who were studying cultural classes in the orphan camp, in Benin City, Nigeria, thousands of kilometers away, Dakota Harrison and Craig Meyer The pair of snipers was looking strangely at two things that happened on the same street.

The two took part in the revenge operation that drove the Spanish Sunshine Coast and evacuated to Algeria, and then went to southern Sudan.

One has four children to feed, and the other suffers from the "Unhappy Mercenary, Not Killing Discomfort Syndrome". This combination is more active than anyone else.

However, as the company's core combat capabilities, the two still have to listen to the company's arrangements.

At the beginning of the year, I was transferred to Botswana and worked as a counter-sniper instructor for several months, teaching a bunch of recruits from all over the world and all skin colors how to survive as much as possible in the face of snipers.

Last month, he was sent to Nigeria to protect the mining company in a group-type mining area in the shallow sea marshes of the estuary, and work with the local government forces to deal with the troublesome guerrillas.

I kind of hate the climate in the new mission area, which reminds Harrison and Meyer of the **** southern Vietnam estuary jungle in the movie.

The endless heat and humidity, the temperature of 30 degrees below zero is not as hot as in North But the high humidity in the Niger River Estuary Delta will make people crazy for a long time!

Fortunately, the company is not short of money, and the oil well areas in the mining area are all air-conditioned, otherwise the two will be even more depressed.

After a few days of vacation, I made an appointment with Haribu, a local foreman I met in the past few months, to land and go shopping.

Harib is more than 40 years old. He has worked for Shell for many years. He is a native of Benin City in the western part of the Delta region.

This buddy knows that it is good to have a good relationship with Europeans. He invited Harrison and Meyer to play in his hometown. Just like that, the two Harrisons arrived in Benin City, the ancient capital of West Africa.

Often, one side of the street is looking at a stone palace-like building with a history of several hundred years. A crew from a local Nigerian film company is shooting a movie.

On the other side of the street, a group of black buddies, black girls, and a few Europeans are conducting an auction.

Selling people!

That is actually a slave market!

What makes Harrison even more unexpected is that this Harib actually said: "Today there are human traffickers in Europe. There will be good goods. My small farm still lacks a few people. It is better to add a maid. Go and see."

To put it right, Harrison couldn't help but say: "I said... brother, do you know what the company did in France and Germany in the past two years?"

Harib looked dumbfounded.

After understanding the situation after a while, Harib felt that he was wronged. "This is our tradition. The bosses of the company here know it. The big boss won't care about this, right?"

"I guess he doesn't have that leisurely mind. Even if you want to buy, don't be in front of us. This is a heartfelt response."

After hearing Harrison's words here, Harry Bu was relieved, but Meyer on the other side said: "Go, go and see the excitement."

Mr. Observer is interested. He has seen a lot of murders, and has not seen anyone selling people publicly.

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