The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1908: How bold and productive people are

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The baby girl has seen too many remains of the Soviet Red Army martyrs. It is not good for the children to see too much. Zhang Nan is a little worried that the housekeeper will whisper to herself after knowing this.

The password was deliberately given behind, so as not to get confused in time!

But my daughter’s password cannot be used, otherwise I would say: "Dad said I can’t tell you..."

It's over.

But the more you worry about something, the more it will come!

The next morning, without notice, the housekeeper Nicole suddenly appeared in front of the father and daughter who were having breakfast in the dining room.

The housekeeper is a queen fan, with long legs and high heels coming in, her aura is terrifying!

In addition to the two assistants behind him, there is also Eliza Korykova who is not very comfortable when looking directly at her.

The former Syra had a halo of killing, and even Andre would avoid her if nothing happened.

"Mom!" As soon as my sister saw Nicole, she dropped the steamed bun in her hand and rushed over. Nicole only dismissed Queen Fan, smiling and bending over to hug her daughter.

"Following your dad, have you done a little sabotage these days?" Nicole ignored the man who was eating buns at all.

"No, absolutely not! Mom, I'm very obedient. I didn't touch the bombs, the guns, or the mines...

By the way, mom, I have a lot of little tigers and little bears now. It's so fun, do you want to play?

I will give you two..."

"Tiger?..." Nicole asked in a long voice.

The younger sister turned her head and said to the butler standing nearby: "Uncle Tom, do me a favor and let someone bring me my tiger, Xiong Da and Xiong Er, mother wants to see."

Putting down half a big meat bun, there is a deep black line on Zhang Nan's forehead...

Nicole put her daughter down and motioned to the butler not to.

A little bit of a tiger, she might find it strange that her own man gave her daughter a whole dinosaur.

At this time, the two assistants had taken the initiative to leave, and Eliza was still carrying a briefcase in her hand.

"Why come here suddenly?" Zhang Nan asked, and motioned to the table again, "Have you eaten?"

"It's almost ten o'clock, your schedule is messy, beware of stomach problems!" Nicole sat down at the table and said again: "Where are brother-in-law and Guan?"

"Brother-in-law went to Moscow, and Brother Guan went to the archaeological excavation site early in the morning, not far from here."

At this time, Nicole took the briefcase from Eliza and asked her to take her daughter to the side to continue eating.

"Tom, bring me a cup of coffee."

"Yes, ma'am."

The butler also glanced at Eliza, who said: "I don't need it, thank you!"

Tom turned around to cook it himself. He knew the best taste that everyone in the host family was used to. As long as he was free, he wouldn't let others come to make tea and coffee.

Here Nicole took out a document from her bag and handed it to Zhang Nan, saying, "I miss my sister a bit, and I have to tell you a few things. I don't know if it will affect your Southeast Asian strategy."

As he said, his right hand gestured around the restaurant again.

Zhang Nan took the document and saw the "Investigation Report on the Minelay Company" written on it, and said: "These were all bought by Alexandrov before and dug three feet into the ground. Just say anything. "

There is absolutely no eavesdropping problem on my own site, and no secrets will be leaked.

"In two months you are going to make a big fight. Jenny and I initially set aside a 100 billion cash budget for you, whatever you want.

If it is not enough, you ask the joint force to report the new budget, and I will approve it.

Last month, Bill bypassed Congress and directly transferred US$20 billion in loans from the Exchange Stabilization Fund of the Ministry of Finance to the Mexican government to stabilize the financial market.

Coupled with other channels of financial assistance, the Mexican financial market has gradually stabilized, and the financial crisis there has been flat.

Greenspan has also notified Congress that he believes that there is no need to raise interest rates again, and that the Federal Reserve will continue to cut interest rates when there are any signs of economic depression.

The financial market reacted very quickly. The Dow Jones Index entered ‘4000+’ on the day Greenspan spoke. The company’s think tank judged that the stock market has officially formed, and nothing can stop this trend.

Entering ‘5000+’ in the second half of the year is not a problem, and your actions in Indonesia will not stop this momentum. It will fluctuate for a few days at most, and it will soon become a catalyst for the rapid rise of the stock market. "

Zhang Nan looked at the document in hand, heard this, raised his head and said, "That is to say, if I launch a regional conflict, the cost can be counted as a war to support the war. North American investors will help me pay the bill?

Nicole sneered and said: "The same can be said, but it is not North America, but the stockholders of half the world. The hundreds of resource stocks belonging to the group will rise.

But you call that regional conflict?

The use of a fleet, dozens of strategic bombers, and tens of thousands of troops will dismember a country with a population of hundreds of millions. What counts as a conflict?"

"The Gambia says that conflict is conflict." Zhang Nan smiled.

This is nothing wrong with opening your eyes and talking nonsense, with the characteristics of the Western world.

Nicole didn't bother to care about this, and said: "Just do whatever you say, that is, if you swallow Kalimantan, the resources on a single island can make the U.S. stock market burst up!

The capital market drinks human blood, just like this.

There are just some minor problems. We noticed that the company you are holding soon, a small company in Canada, can be considered lucky.

However, they invested 600,000 U.S. dollars a year ago to obtain the exploration and exploitation rights from the Indonesian government in the core area of ​​central Kalimantan.

The existing proven 1700 tons, the prospect will be more, may reach 2500 tons or so.

You decide how to do it yourself. It's up to you to decide whether they accidentally grab food, buy or buy their stocks, or use other means. "

Zhang Nan didn't answer directly, but continued to read the information, looking carefully.

Bray Mining Company, registered in Canada, has been listed for 6 years, but the scale is not large, and the previous benefits are not good. The stock price has fluctuated between 30 and 40 points for several years, and it is basically a junk stock.

But in December of the previous year, the Bray Company announced that it had discovered a gold ore body with a thickness of 80 meters in the Busan area of ​​Kalimantan Island where it had obtained the exploration and mining rights. The stock price of has doubled!

After reading the entire document for a while, Zhang Nan said: "28 Canadian dollars, it will go up."

Nicole took a sip. "Yes, I didn't ask today, it might be 30."

According to forecasts, it is possible to get 150 dollars within three months, or even 200 Canadian dollars. "

The daily increase does not need to be capped at 10%.

The Bray company has just spent a lot of money and hired a Wall Street consulting company to estimate the gold content for it. At the beginning of the year, it announced that the mine’s recoverable gold reserves based on rock samples were 1,700 tons, and the prospects were 2,400 tons.

2400 tons, there was not so much gold in the world's largest gold mine before!

"Did you buy their stock?"

"Bought, a lot."

"Fry up, short-term, throw it away before the conflict breaks out, and get some pocket money."

"Then, don't you want that mine?"

Zhang Nan looked at her own housekeeper with a foolish look, and said, "Where is Kalimantan's super gold mine?

This is a scam. A few partners earn tens of millions or 100 million. You are used to big business. Forget that most people in this world dare to do anything for tens of millions!"

"Scam?" Nicole frowned.

Zhang Nan smiled and said: "Yes, a scam, a scam of stockholders and a bunch of financial speculators.

Kalimantan has everything, but it lacks a super gold mine.

It is 1,700 tons, which is so lucky that they can shout.

The place is full of virgin forests, and it is still one hundred and eighty thousand miles away from North America. It is impossible for stockholders to check on the spot. As long as the stock can rise and make money, everything is what this mine company says.

As for the sample, it is also simple. Add some gold ore particles to the sample, and the content is what you want.

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