The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1916: Saturated fixed-point clearance for cruise missiles

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The loading factor of aerial high-explosive bombs is much higher than that of ordinary artillery shells, which can reach nearly 40%. As long as it hits accurately, a 250 kg aerial bomb can destroy a five-story building.

Even if the building cannot be completely blown down sometimes, it can basically guarantee that there is no living inside!

This would drop 280 250 kg aerial bombs in one breath, not only completely covering the hangar of the Madiun Air Force Base, but also all buildings within a few hundred meters of the straight line were blown to scorched earth.

Carpet bombing. In the eyes of observers observing from the roof of a four-story building a kilometer away, the dense explosion was like lifting a carpet over once.

The ground was completely ploughed once, and conventional weapons killed and wounded. Only strategic bombers using ordinary aerial bombs can achieve this effect!

The three observers were thrilled to see, especially one of the local people who led the way, who looked a little silly with the telescope.

Shocked, really shocked, I even worried that the building I was in would collapse!

The perfect air strike.

At the same time, the remaining three air bases in central and eastern Java and western Sumatra also suffered the same carpet bombing.

Within a short period of one minute, the Indonesian Air Force completely lost air superiority and its already weak anti-ship capabilities. There were 12 F-16s, more than 20 F5 light fighters, and the same number of A-4 attacks. The aircraft, the two-seater trainer, and the attack aircraft were completely destroyed.

The Indonesian Air Force still has some propeller-type anti-guerrilla warfare aircraft left, and the airport where those aircraft are located is not worth using the Tu-160 strategic bomber.

The small propeller planes are all more expensive than the bombs we have never dropped.

However, even if the anti-ship capabilities of those aircraft are a joke, they are also part of the company's strike plan tonight, just not using the Tu-160 as a big killer.

The Indonesian Air Force has fought against guerrilla warfare for too many years. It has always been in the sky to bully the gang of guerrillas in the forest. I never thought that I would be bombed one day.

When the bomb fell and exploded, the air force base was far away from the hangar, and those who hadn't blown it into the sky hadn't figured out what was going on.

I can't even think of what the explosion was!

The people in the air base are like that, let alone others.

In the middle of the night, there were no military radars in Indonesia, not to mention that the incoming Tu-160 was still an ultra-low-altitude penetration, even if it was turned on, it would not be detected.

As for those civilian navigation radars, these bombers can't be found, but...

A minute ago, an air traffic controller on duty in charge of navigation and monitoring in Jakarta airspace was drinking some coffee when he suddenly saw two small bright spots on the radar screen moving at a fast speed.

The flying height of the light spot is very low. This speed is several times faster than the low-altitude passenger aircraft in the take-off and landing phase, at least eight or nine hundred kilometers!

The passenger plane will only fly up to a thousand kilometers at high altitude, and it can be very slow at the beginning.

It was strange, but disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the air traffic control thought it was dazzling.

I don’t understand what it is. After thinking about it, I think there may be a small problem on the radar screen, similar to the small light spots caused by the unstable original electrical appliances. If this happens next time, I will notify the technical department to send someone to look at it. Look.

As for tonight...

Forget it, it doesn't interfere with work anyway, and I have to get off work in an hour. It is better to do more than to do less.

The air traffic control did not know that the few light spots he saw were some of the tactical air-launched KN-55 cruise missiles launched from a large number of Tu-95 and Tu-160, which have entered the terrain matching guidance stage, because Avoiding the mountains increased the flying height for a short time, and the distance was close to the civil aviation radar and close, so it was briefly detected by the radar.

Nearly two hundred cruise missiles, Zhang Nan didn't feel distressed!

What is unique is that, except for the parts obtained by obscure means, when the 19 Tu-160s were imported alone, they received 575 from Ukraine.

Besides, the strategic type with a range of 3000 kilometers is hidden. The tactical type is used first, otherwise the storage time is long and maintenance will be costly, and they are used in few occasions.

Hoarding too much is a waste, and it will eventually wait for it to be scrapped.

Besides, this will continue to deliver the latest KN-555 cruise missile that Russia is producing according to its own import order, which has higher accuracy.

If the air traffic controller in the airspace of Jakarta had a better look and took more responsibility, he would find that the two bright spots just now are flying towards the city of Jakarta.

But what if you find it?

Not to mention the civil aviation radar, even if the military duty radar finds an abnormality for a short time, it will be useless by this time!

At a relative altitude of one hundred meters and at a speed of 940 kilometers, eight of the KN-55s launched by the same Tu-95 bomber are successively locking onto the president’s private residence on Jindana Street in downtown Jakarta.

The first president of this country usually lives in the "Independence Palace", the presidential palace converted from the Dutch governor's palace in East India, but the current family does not live there, but lives in their own private official residence. The presidential palace is bigger and more luxurious.

Indonesia's first greed, this is not blown out!

At 23 o'clock, the Jakartas who slept late were still in the night market and entertainment venues. The ordinary office workers were basically lying in bed ready to rest even if they were not asleep.

There are many windows in the president's private residence with lights on. At least half of the people who live here are still awake at this point.

Since I didn't sleep, I won't have a chance to sleep again in this life!

The first Kn-55 screamed, and in the final stage, it dropped in height, and accurately hit 20 meters to the left of the center of the four-story main building of the mansion with an angle of nearly 20 degrees.

The projectile penetrated the building easily, and the 410 kg high-explosive warhead was activated after it had penetrated into the building a few meters!

The high-energy explosive exploded in an instant. Before the people in the building could react, shock waves, flames, and broken structures swept past...

Two-thirds of the left side of the building was instantly blasted through, and the front and back of the entrance were completely penetrated by the explosion. Several people who happened to see this scene in the distance were dumbfounded, and then screamed in panic!

There was a loud noise, fragments, and some people on the right side of the building were temporarily alive. They were shocked and deaf. At the same time, they couldn't figure out what happened.

Except for the explosion of flames, loud noises, and debris, the lights were all black, and only a few people had the idea of ​​"bomb explosion!" in their minds.

But an idea flashed through, and after three seconds, the second missile arrived!

Slightly off, it can be nearly 30 meters away from the hit position of the first one, but it happened to hit the right side of the mansion. This blasted all the people alive in the building to pieces. There are a few unlucky ones. The egg is too close to the warhead, and even directly becomes a molecular state.

Followed by the third round, the fourth round...

A total of eight cruise missiles all hit the range of the mansion, of which six accurately hit the main building and the ruins of the building. After the fifth missile exploded, this huge and once luxurious building collapsed, so one can only be said to hit the ruins. .

Almost overkill!

Of the other two, one of them was unlucky and would have hit the top of the main building, but because the building collapsed, that location became a cloud of flames and dust and was empty.

After the missile finally flew more than 20 meters obliquely, it smashed into a big hole in the The shrapnel and the shock wave swept the surroundings again, and also hid the original behind the gate building by the way. The two sentinels who were half-dead were blown away.

The accuracy of the last missile's hit was a bit poor, and it was nearly 50 meters away from the theoretical aiming point, but it was also a crooked hit, giving the staff of the official residence and the president's bodyguards a catch!

Originally, that building had only been ravaged by shrapnel, building fragments and shock waves from the outside for a few times, and a large number of people inside were injured, and none of them died for the time being.

This time is good, one is reimbursed without leaving!

However, compared with the big figures in the main building, the people in this auxiliary building are relatively lucky. At least later, rescuers may find a few more complete scorched corpses here.

What about the main building...

Either it exploded, or it was broken!

Almost at the same time, several important people in the city, especially the official residences where military figures lived, were attacked by cruise missiles in varying numbers. At least two steps were taken, all of which were targeted for clearance.

Clean and neat, these Kn-55s have good accuracy and power, which did not disappoint.

These important people should also feel honored. It was not guerrilla bullets or cheap roadside bombs that sent them to the sky this time, but high-tech cruise missiles!

Cruise missiles are very expensive, not to mention that this country can’t get a single one. They are rare and have never been seen before.

At the same time, the entire Indonesian military’s important command structures have also been hit by cruise missiles, with explosions everywhere, and the whole of Jakarta is destined to be a sleepless night tonight.

The bombers launched not only land-based cruise missiles, but also a small number of anti-ship cruise missiles. Together with the more than 20 anti-ship cruise missiles launched by the fleet, the quay areas of the two naval bases were also blown up.

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