The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 591: God knows who it is

It is safest to blow up, this is a mine, and blasting is commonplace. And to be honest, Zhang Nan would never move an African primitive religious idol to his home, and he didn't think about it!

Xiang Zhangsheng began to take photos, and also took a set of backups, so that one of the films did not get caught.

That's it, start to clean up the gravel and bones on the ground.

For at least a thousand years, many skeletons have been somewhat weathered, although the cave is sealed.

The fabrics, animal skins, and so on are not left behind, and the dust has returned to dust and dirt.

I didn't even think about letting these bones go into the soil for peace. This is Africa, so I don't care too much. Besides, there is a mine outside. Even if it is buried, it may be dug out after a while, so it's better to stay here.


The thing that slashed people's heads was found.

"You are teasing me!"

It turned out to be a stone axe.

Very sharp, it seems to be made of black flares, just a large piece of stone.

There is no hole, it should have been tied with a rope, and the cutting edge was slightly broken.

Looking for metal tools, it turned out to be such a result.

Just count on whether there are metal objects on the bones, otherwise even if this civilization is reached, it will still be a primitive thing.

There are no iron knives left, no copper ones!

Don't give up, keep looking.

After a lap, something finally appeared: a gold ring was placed on the boned phalanx, and a huge red gem was inlaid on it.

The first to show the gem was Li Panfeng, who broke off the ring directly from the skeleton and let Mr. Brown look at it.

"It's a diamond, the roughest polishing. It was not easy to have this technique 100 years ago. It seems that people at that time had already mastered the technique of polishing diamonds with emery, but it would be very time-consuming."

After listening to Brown's words, Zhang Nan took the ring while looking at it and said: "The ruler lacks time most. You don't need to come by yourself. There are craftsmen to do this.

In the Chinese society thousands of years ago, ropes were used to carve jade. Some ancient handicrafts might even take a craftsman several years or even more than ten years. "

Xiang Zhangsheng's thinking was at another latitude, and he said on the side: "These people treat diamonds as treasures, so there should be giant diamonds in this mining area!"

Everyone agrees with this point of view, which is good news!

Even if the ancients spent hundreds or even hundreds of years collecting these diamonds in the cave, according to modern productivity, this mining area will bring enough surprises to Zhang Nan in a short time.

As for gold, it has a relatively low melting point and beautiful color. It was used by humans earlier: a society that can smelt copper can use gold.

It's a pity that I turned this place upside down in the end, and never found any other valuable clues: clues for tracing these remains and ruins.

"Civilization without words is a kind of sorrow. Southern Africa began to have civilization in the 4th and 5th centuries. It is Great Zimbabwe, which is one or two hundred kilometers away to the south.

The stone cities there are not made by the original stone people, and the level of civilization is not low.

But until now, no one knows who built those buildings. Some people guessed it was black, or Arab, and even involved King Solomon..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Nan suddenly aimed at the bones that were being cleaned, and said to several bodyguards: “Leave a sample of each bone. Don’t confuse the person whose head was chopped off. Take it back and have a chance to let people. have a look.

By the way, you can restore your appearance by bringing your head on. "

What DNA and genetics research is still not very good now, and this technology will be overwhelming in two decades.

Research a paper?

Zhang Nan is not so empty, it is just that it is possible to explain a question in his mind.

As for whether others know: Take care of me!

It's also fun to see others guessing there, but you know the real answer.

Zhang Nan is not an "expert" who plays with words, and he likes to talk about everything. If some people have evidence in their hands, they can't wait for the whole world to accept their opinions.

Zhang Nan is a tomb thief and antique collector. Many people who play antiques have a habit since ancient times: secret play!

Just like Jin Yi Ye walks at night, let's just have fun by ourselves, why tell others?

Sometimes Zhang Nan loves to show off, and sometimes he loves to hide it. This is playing antiques, and contradictory behaviors will appear in one person at the same time.


There is no text here, not even a mark on the ring.

Without words, once civilization disappears, it means that civilization is completely finished.

The people who created civilization may have died, may have moved, or the black buddies in the tribes outside may be the descendants of this civilization a thousand years ago.

However, there is no written word. When civilization declines or disappears due to some man-made or natural reasons, even their descendants will not know about their ancestors.

According to word of mouth, it won't take a few generations, and everything will be forgotten: except for the traces left by modern people outside this cave, there is no history over 1oo years ago.

As for the history of Umtali, which is more than ten kilometers away, it has a history of more than a hundred years. It is located a hundred years ago between Rhodesia, a colony of British southern Africa, and the eastern Portuguese East Africa. The trade moved over to a small town that was originally more than ten kilometers north of Umtali.

Even if it is a small town, as the British recorded it, it might have been a tribal gathering area at the beginning.

Up to now, Umtali has become a backward, but still a decent city.

But even the residents of Umtali don’t know the exact history of this land as early as 1oo years ago, because since the fourth and fifth centuries AD, the local civilization that may have been continued or may have been interrupted, has been before the mid-19th century Completely interrupted.

Why is it interrupted?

It is said that it was because of the war, but the victorious side seemed to have no words, and there was still no proof!

When the Europeans arrived here, there were black buddies who lived in thatched houses and lived almost in a primitive state.

The Arabs did business in those Stone Towns hundreds of years ago, and they should have met the residents there.

But I don't know what these Arabs think. When they told the Europeans in the north of what they had learned in southern Africa, they all linked the people who built the Stone City with the King Solomon more than two thousand years ago.

What's even more exaggerated is that these things are not written in the Arabs' own literature at all.

Before the Europeans began to rule here a hundred years ago, decades of time have turned all the civilizations into legends!

Because it has no text.

In Mozambique to the east, the Portuguese have been there since the end of the 15th century. In 1505 they also used force to expel the Arabs in Sofala and established the first colonial stronghold in Southeast Africa.

But Africa at that time was not something Europeans could rule all at once, because of the environment and climate!

The mine is close to the border, dozens of kilometers to the east, and once you pass the mountainous area, you will find the original jungle. The Portuguese have not completely occupied the eastern part of the land for hundreds of years6.

It was not until 1891 that the United Kingdom and Portugal signed an agreement to recognize that the entire Mozambique was placed under Portugal: Mozambique was officially delimited, known as Portuguese East Africa.

In this piece of Big 6, more than 10 years ago, colonists often occupied a stronghold along the coast, and then declared that this is my state!

Then let a team of expeditions enter Inner 6, and it was advertised everywhere that it was my territory. In fact, there was not much actual control ability at all.

The Arabs are bluffing; the British don’t know the history of Zimbabwe, they come late; the Portuguese next door is cut off by the jungle and don’t know, then...

God knows who the former ruler here is!

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