After putting on the windproof down jacket, Zhang Nan, Lin Ming, Paul and the Mark brothers who had been waiting for him to leave the hotel.

Ma Wei, Jiang Wangfeng, and Wang Qiu, who were sitting in the hall, immediately walked out the door first when they saw the boss coming.

A group of people still walked to the mountain village. The road leading there was still covered with snow, and the compacted place was frozen.

Nobody cleaned it up. As a southerner, Zhang Nan liked the feeling of walking in the snow, and didn't drive anyway.

When we got there, we didn't enter the main building, and went straight to the back. Xiang Weirong and others were waiting for Zhang Nan to come.

I didn't say much, I went straight to the garage: Good fellow, smoke is hooting up inside the raised rolling gate!

It’s not a fire, or a group of people smoking inside...

Even Xiang Weirong has quit smoking, and the bodyguards have long said goodbye to Tobacco!

It was the open hole that was emitting white smoke, and Zhang Nan immediately understood the reason: this is the phenomenon of the warm and humid air coming out of the underground space being affected by the low temperature, which is the same as the smoke from the sewer manhole cover in winter.

The white smoke is still coming out, and there is a faint gloomy smell in the air: the space under the ventilation duct of the hole is definitely not small!

When I walked to the broken hole, I saw that the ventilation pipe was not small, with a diameter of almost one meter. The cement knocked off by the pneumatic pick was still the upper and lower layers of different periods: the lower layer was of poor quality and was poured directly on a pig iron. On the big lid.

The upper layer is the floor of the garage, and the pouring time is probably the last two to thirty years: if the people who did this work removed the original cement layer and poured it, the secret below might have been discovered long ago.

Zhang Nan looked up at the roof of the garage, "It seems that this row of auxiliary houses was only repaired after the war."

The cement floor is a laminated layer, which is obvious.

The hole is found, and the air is not dangerous, but the space below is most likely closed. It is better to wait and send someone down.

It has been closed for decades, and the air is not good.

The torch took a photo: Like all large-size ventilation pipes, the lower pipe wall is lined with inverted U-shaped steel steps for people to enter and exit.

The steel bars at least 45 years ago have been in a closed space for such a long time. The oral information seems to be fine. However, some of the steel bars below are most likely to have been rusted due to the leakage of water from the mountain.

Seeing enough of the vents, Zhang Nan got out of the garage and walked to the top of the western hillside by himself, staring at the valley below with a daze.

Knowing that Paul was on the side, he pointed his hand at random and asked, "How far is the gap to the bottom of the valley?"

"Compared with the central district of Klingenthal, it's almost 200 meters, and it's less than 100 meters vertically."

Klingenthal is a small mountain town, built along a valley. The long strip of urban area has an elevation difference of almost hundreds of meters.

In fact, this side has left the city, the altitude is higher, and you can comfortably get a bird's eye view of the small city that is more than two kilometers, nearly three kilometers away.

Hearing Paul's answer, Zhang Nan said again: "With the slope, the safety rope must be longer than the length of the vertical valley.

I have a feeling that the space connected below should have something to do with the bottom of the valley. "

how long?

Zhang Nan is not good at math and can't figure it out, but he doesn't need to worry about it.

This will open a ventilation shaft, and the space it is connected to should be near the bottom of the valley: no one will be idle and nothing to do on the mountainside to do major projects, that is nothing to look for.

With a ventilation shaft with a length of more than 100 meters, the engineering requirements for the space below are very high, and the space is bound to be not small.

As for now...

Wait, ventilation takes time.

Returning to the garage, Mr. Guan is arranging personnel to enter the vent to explore.

"Wendong, Paul, and Linman go down with me, monitor, I'll trouble you from above."

Guan Xingquan decided to go down in person, and the other three had strong climbing ability.

As for Zhang Nan, let's wait for it first, because he doesn't need him to go on an adventure.

You need a professional climbing rope to enter the vents. I didn't bring it on this trip, but this is not a problem: there is a professional mountaineering equipment store in Klingenthal, where you can buy a few hundred meters of climbing rope and supporting equipment.

When he found the vent, Guan Xingquan had already sent someone to go to the city to buy the equipment he needed. This was just a few hours later, because he had to wait for the store to open at ten o'clock.

The ventilation shaft has a slope, but it feels straight when it is illuminated with a bright flashlight. Simply twist the bright cold light lighting rod and throw it down, pinch the time to count the seconds, and then calculate the required safety rope length.

The four who were about to go down tested the communication equipment again. Although this thing could not go through the ground, it was still okay to contact the ground through the straight ventilation pipe near the opening below.

By eleven o'clock noon, the four of them went down the well.

Linman, who is the heaviest, started to test the quality of the steel steps, and the three people behind went down one by one.

There are four guys above using two telephone poles nearby, one person is responsible for a safety rope, listening to the sound in the earphones and slowly lowering it.

Linman's voice continued to be heard from the earphones: "...50 meters, the structure and the step handrails are normal, no water seepage...70 meters, a water seepage point was found, but it is dry, the lower steel steps are normal...

At the bottom, here is a small room with four concrete walls and a single-open iron door, which is not sealed.

Captain, I'm on standby for the time being, everything is normal. "

Very Everything is normal.

After a while, Zhang Nan heard Guan Xingquan's voice in his earphones: "Squad leader, outside is an abandoned railway tunnel. It is very long and there is no danger of collapse.

I haven't found it yet. Paul and I will explore the north side. We can come down. Wendong and Linman will meet at the exit. There is no problem with the air quality and the oxygen content is normal. "

The call signal is encrypted, and there is no need to use code words, but the sound is a bit hard.

After listening to the report, Xiang Weirong above said: "Understood, we have taken the insurance rope."

Several guys went up to take the rope, Xiang Weirong glanced at the people outside, "Landi, Tu Haibo and Ma Wei accompany Anan down."

The Mark and Jacob brothers were eager to try before, but they were a little helpless after hearing Xiang Weirong's words: No way, my brother is too heavy, and I still have to stay on top of it.

Climbing the ventilation shaft, no matter what the turn of their brothers, they honestly lead the boss to the safety rope.

Wearing a miner's lamp hat on his head, and a noose between his legs, Zhang Nan followed Randy down the vent from his chest up.

Honestly, step by step, the German engineering quality has nothing to say. In the past few decades, the rebar steps have not been loosened at all.

I climbed down a hundred meters diagonally, and finally reached the ventilation room.

Lin Man below helped the boss remove the safety rope. At this time, from the open iron door, he heard that the two of Guan Xingquan who had gone to the west of the tunnel to explore before had returned.

As soon as he saw Zhang Nan, Guan Xingquan said, "There is nothing to the west, and it collapsed more than 500 meters away. It was a large-scale explosion of explosives, which is estimated to be very large."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Nan's eyes turned to the east side of the tunnel: There is a black hole!

"If so, in the east!

The blasting should be to completely close and scrap the tunnel. "

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