When it comes to bed matters, Wei Lan is extremely enthusiastic and talented. Since she was a teenager, out of love for men, she felt that she could never lose to her in this matter. Sisters, so I have seen countless painting books, and discussed with friends in depth.

She is very solemn in the marriage, because she always feels that when you marry that person and get married with that person, you decide to carry that person on your body for the rest of your life. You have to take this responsibility, and you have to entrust him for life. Such a huge gamble in life is by no means comparable to a certain political struggle. Choosing a prince's assistant has to think about it, let alone the person around him who will be with him for life?

So for so many years, although she missed the flowers for the pastime of loneliness, she never married, did not intend to marry, and naturally would not move them casually. Before Xie Zichen, Wei Lan did not have any practical objects.

Now with Xie Zichen, Wei Lan has used almost all of what she has learned throughout her life. At first she was a bit jerky and ignorant, but after so long, Wei Lan was already too proficient. She knew every sensitive place and every way she liked. Even if she didn't do the last step, she still had a way to make the person under her groan.

She likes the appearance of this person panting and silent under her; she likes the appearance of him inserting his hand into her hair because of tension and tightening the lip line; she likes the appearance of him holding her tightly when he is excited, his eyes gleaming ; I like the way he couldn't help calling her name and begging softly.

Even if she looked at it this way, she felt satisfied. She brought great joy to this person, who was conquered by her, subordinate to her, and submit to her. In no moment did Wei Lan feel so clearly that she had defeated him.

It was like a duel, she could not tolerate losing to the person in her bed.

However, Xie Zichen was not without such a strong force, so the two of them rolled upside down on the bed. In the end, they were all sweating and panting heavily. The two of them bent their bodies and looked at each other quietly. The moonlight fell on the opposite person's face. Seeing the sweat stains and bright expressions on that person's face, they couldn't help laughing.

Xie Zichen got up and called for water. After each bathing and changing into dry pajamas, Xie Zichen hugged him in his arms, bowed his head and kissed, and said gently: "Go to sleep."

The two fell asleep, and Wei Lan woke up early and began to read the news from all over the place.

The Thirty Thousand Army of Sioux City has settled on the front line of Yizhou. Wei Xiong was transferred from Huanheng by Wei Lan and served as the coach under the assistance of Qing Shu. She was worried that Wei Xiong was too young to serve as the commander of the 30,000 army. However, in Wei Xiong's reply, she talked about the military plan and the balance of power in the army in an orderly manner, and she was relieved.

Lin Xia also had a very good life in the north. Wei Hua was very useful under Huan Heng. On the surface, Lin Xia was a military doctor sent by Wei Lan to Huan Heng, but in secret, it was Wei Hua’s exclusive military doctor. Wei Hua has Once he almost died on the battlefield, Lin Xia went to drag him back. After returning, the two felt that life and death were inconsistent, and they became relatives.

Lin Xia said to Wei Lan at the end of the letter that life and death are fateful, time is not for me, I hope you will cherish it.

After reading the letter, Wei Lan smiled and wanted to reply. She had a thousand words, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, she just replied, I am fine.

It was snowing outside and charcoal fire was burning in the house. It didn't feel cold. Xie Zichen opened the curtain and got up and saw this man sitting in front of the slip, quietly looking at the letter. Xie Zichen got out of bed, walked behind her, and took her into his arms.

"Good morning."

He kissed her profile sideways, and Wei Lan curled her mouth and turned her head and kissed him.

The two went to the court together, and now the major event in the court is arranging the enthronement ceremony. This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Ritual. The two of them relax, and after a daze, Wei Lan will perform her duties and take Rong Ji and Rong Hua. Go to Da Chu and introduce them to Da Chu. Rong Hua was in poor health, and now it was the cold winter of Da Chu. He couldn't go to the location, so he left Wei Lan and let Rong Ji go out to play.

Wei Lan found someone and called Wang Xi to receive Rong Ji. Wang Xi has always been a person who can make people happy, and it would be better to take care of such a girl.

So Rong Ji was taken to the streets by Wang Xi, and Wei Lan played chess with Rong Hua in the palace.

Rong Hua's body was weak, and the charcoal fire in the house was about to burn more vigorously. Wei Lan took off her outer robe and was wearing her single clothes, and she couldn't help feeling a little hot. She didn't move, with the flushing caused by the heat, Rong Hua glanced at it, and then smiled: "Why don't you change into a light dress."

Wei Lan smiled, shook her head and said, "No, it's too much trouble."

"That's what caused the world's son to suffer." Rong Hua had an apology in his eyes. It is extremely comfortable to get along with this kind of person. Even if you know that he is a viper-like person, he is a vicious dog that can bite back anytime and anywhere. This kind of person knows the best way to deal with people, and will not make you feel uncomfortable. Even if you are sorry, it will make people listen.

Wei Lan shook her head, the maids played chess, Rong Hua dressed in fox fur, holding the stove, leaning on the couch, slowly said: "When I first heard Wei Shizi's name back then, I thought that , Wei Shizi must be a strong man of five big and three thick to kill all quarters on the battlefield. Later, he was fortunate to see Raocheng in the First World War. At that time, Shizi's white robe and embroidered cranes fought on the battlefield. The heart of admiration since this life has finally been able to meet each other, and it is finally worthy of this life."

"Your Highness has won the award." Wei Lan grabbed a handful of chess pieces and put her hand on the table. The hand that wrapped the chess piece was exceptionally beautiful. Rong Hua stared at the hand and guessed, "Double."

Wei Lan opened her palm and began to move the two pieces aside, counting the number of pieces, and said calmly: "When I heard about the reputation of His Royal Highness for the first time, I also thought that His Highness must be a warrior with round eyes and mustaches. In a palace like Di Jie, I won the first place in one fell swoop. The Yuan Emperor was beheaded by my own hands and was succeeded by the eldest prince Rong Zhen. He is about to die now, right?"

The **** counted out, it was singular. Wei Lan took the **** and landed it on the chessboard with the black peg, and said indifferently: "I don't know when your Royal Highness plans to succeed?"

"Wei Xiang laughed," Rong Hua smiled, pale so pale that he could almost see the blue veins under his skin holding the white zi, and falling onto the chessboard, and said gently: "Because of this, someone who may be sent to Huangquan at any time will take it again. What is going to take that position?"

"I don't know when your Highness will go to the Yincao Difu," Wei Lan thought about the chess piece and said lightly: "But now the Emperor Di Jie must go before His Highness, but he knows this."

Rong Hua smiled and said nothing. Wenya dropped the chess pieces, sipped tea, and raised her hands, just like a big Chu.

The charcoal fire crackled, and Rong Hua said indifferently: "My mother used to be in the palace and always liked to do things that were incompatible with Dijie's palace. Playing chess and warming tea~www.readwn.com~ painting."

Wei Lan listened quietly to his words, and there was nostalgia in his voice: "Everyone hates such a mother, and thinks she is weak and gentle. I also think that if she could be more resolute, it would be great. I have to fight. Struggle, grab it, she always holds grievances and never tells her, even if the father asks her, she always says that she is fine."

"I hate her like this. But when she died, I recalled that everything she did was beautiful."

"Playing chess and warming tea~www.readwn.com~ Paintings, including her clothes and cakes, all make me feel exquisite and beautiful. Many years ago I yearned for the landscape of Da Chu. I think this It must be a beautiful country with outstanding individuals."

"Later I went to the battlefield and found that there is no difference. The people of Da Chu and Di Jie are the same, they are just as ugly. Until I saw Wei Xiang on the battlefield, it was really beautiful."

Wei Lan didn't say a word, Rong Hua raised his hand and took a sip of tea, and the chess style began to become fierce.

"Arong." He called the attendant next to him, and the attendant immediately took out a few paintings from the inner room. Several maids were standing in a row, drawing pictures one by one. All of them were Wei Lan. During those years she fought on the battlefield, she looked like she was murdering, she was holding a sword, she was driving a gun, and her back The appearance of leading soldiers to the battlefield under the banner of Da Chu; she was covered in blood, standing in a pile of people high on the hill, carrying the head of Captain Di Jie and staring at her surroundings.

"I have painted a lot of Wei Xiang's paintings. These are my favorites. The one I like the most is this one." Rong Hua pointed to her painting with the head of the head coach Di Jie, with obsession in his eyes: "It's like a **** asura People who hate me and Di Jie like to call me evil spirits. When I saw Wei Xiang in this painting, I felt that I and Wei Xiang were really a match made in heaven. Over the past years, Wei Xiang has been included under his command. It has always been the biggest wish of Xia Xia, but it was a pity that Xia Xia was not full of wings and couldn't give Wei Xiang anything. Now, although the wings are plump, Wei Xiang is already in the right position. I am afraid that I can give it. Wei Xiang already disdains. "

"What does your highness mean?" Wei Lan's face was flat, Rong Hua smiled, and said gently: "It's nothing, just say it casually."

As he said, Rong Hua dropped a piece in an inconspicuous position, and a corner that had always been unknown suddenly became a piece, besieging Wei Lan's chess in it, Wei Lan was taken aback, and the person was already holding his hand.


"Your Royal Highness's chess skills are really superb," ​​Wei Lan sighed, and also dropped the word, but it was connected to the position of Rong Hua, which became a "life and death" situation. Rong Hua stiffened slightly and looked up at Wei Lan. Wei Lan met Rong Hua's gaze, and said gently: "But it's not unprepared to go down."

Rong Hua didn't speak, and after a while, he laughed low.

"Wei Xiang, you are such a very interesting person."

"Zai Xia can't help but feel a little curious," he straightened up, approaching Wei Lan, exasperated: "Wei Xiang and Master Xie also get along like this?"

The wind swept goose feathers and heavy snow hit the doors and windows, making a "bang" sound.

Wei Lan curled up her mouth and laughed mockingly.


Wang Xi took Rong Ji into the carriage. The princess left Rong Hua and exposed her own nature. As soon as she got on the carriage, she began to mock Wang Xi and said: "You men in Da Chu are as weak as rabbits!"

Wang Xi: "..."

What's the matter with this princess?

Why didn't she have the consciousness that she was a defeated country and came to marry?

She probably has a brain hole, right?

All kinds of questions flashed in Wang Xi's mind desperately, but she still smiled without saying a word with her usual romantic smile on her face.

"Look," Rong Ji sneered: "I don't even have the courage to reply. If there is anyone in Di Jie who humiliates our country, we will fight him desperately!"

"Princess," Wang Xi held his anger and took a deep breath: "You are a princess."

"So you dare not answer back because of power?"

"No," Wang Xi said seriously, "I just think you are a woman."

"Liar!" Rong Ji said angrily: "You Da Chu has no rule not to beat women."

Wang Xi was stunned. He didn't quite believe that Rong Ji could meet a man who would beat a woman in Da Chu. After all, those who could get close to Rong Ji should belong to a more distinguished family. He didn't understand that there would be any family. Will beat women.

No, there is one.

Wang Xi immediately remembered, and subconsciously said: "You won't be beaten by Xie Zichen?!"

Upon hearing this, Rong Ji's face blushed, and she stammered: "So... so what!"

Wang Xi: "..."

It was the first time he had seen this kind of situation when the man blushed even after being beaten.

He is not the kind of stunned guy Xie Zichen who has never been in a relationship. He understood Rong Ji's appearance when he looked at him. He sighed, patted Rong Ji's shoulder and said, "Princess, don't think too much, you are broken in love. "

Rong Ji was a little dazed: "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Wang Xi said earnestly, "Xie Zichen has family members, you have nothing to play."

"Impossible," Rong Ji decisively denied: "I've inquired, he is not married, and there is no woman around him, he has never contacted any woman! Why do you and Wei Lan both lie to me?"

Wang Xi was stunned, and then laughed out: "Princess, you are very smart, do you act fast enough?"

Wang Xi's laugh made Rong Ji blush, turned her head, snorted, and said nothing.

Seeing that she was quiet, Wang Xi stopped paying attention to her. After a while, Rong Ji whispered: "Um, do you know him?"

"Uh... of course know..."

"Then you take me to find him!"

Rong Ji's eyes lightened, and Wang Xi was a little helpless: "Princess, don't be embarrassed. You like it, don't put it into actual action."

"Why can't I put it into practice?" Rong Ji was puzzled, and then said: "I have thought about it. I am here to make a relationship. As long as I marry in Da Chu, it doesn't matter whether I marry the monarch or the courtier? "

Wang Xi: "..."

It makes sense, she wants to marry Su Bai, and Su Bai does not necessarily want to marry. After all, a Di Jie's imperial concubine, if she accidentally gave birth to a son and engages in political conspiracy, just like Rong Hua nowadays, and then ascends the throne, half of the country will change her surname.

The princess looked stupid, but she was not pure stupid, she still had some brains. Wang Xi looked at her complicatedly, and then said: "Then what do you want to do?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Rong Ji jumped over, grabbed Wang Xi's sleeve, and said with bright eyes: "Take me to Master Xie!"

Wang Xi didn't speak, his mood was a bit complicated for a while.

He knew that he shouldn't have brought Rong Ji there. The relationship between Xie Zichen and Wei Lan had been settled, and there was no need to bother Zichen for such hopeless things.

However, the gloom in his heart urged him.

Let Rong Ji wrap around Xie Zichen, let Rong Ji separate Xie Zichen and Wei Lan, if Xie Zichen and Wei Lan keep in this state, any aristocratic family will be suppressed, and the Wang family will have no future.

He was struggling and clamoring in his heart, two thoughts appeared alternately, Rong Ji quietly looked at him, waiting for his reply, but she was ready no matter what he answered, she would find a way to find Xie Zichen's idea.

She didn't believe what Wang Xi said. She checked Xie Zichen. Except for a better relationship with Wei Lan, Xie Zichen didn't even have a long-term close person.

And those things Wei Lan said must have deceived her. What is her person? What does it mean that he has a master? The two men, is there anything else they can't do?

Rong Ji could not imagine.

Since there is no woman around Xie Zichen, she can marry him. He is such a gentle and handsome man. After marrying him and becoming his wife, he should treat her very gently, right?

Rong Ji dreamed about her life in the future. After a long time, she heard Wang Xi's instructions from outside: "Let's contact the person who followed Xie Zichen to see where he is. Go and look for him."


The people outside answered. Rong Ji was stunned, and then reacted: "You promised me?"

"I'll take you to find him," Wang Xi turned her head and said coldly: "I'll be there soon, I'll let you go, you pretend to leave me out to find him, let him take you to play and send You go back to the palace. You can't mention that I helped you, you know?"

"I know!" Rong Ji exclaimed, "Wang Xi, you are such a good person."

Wang Xi didn't speak, Rong Ji stepped aside and began to think about how she would strike up a conversation. Wei Lan said that her level of strike up was too bad, and she couldn't hook up a man at all.

"What kind of woman does Xie Zichen like?" Rong Ji remembered that there was a ready-made military adviser in front of him. Wang Xi glanced over. Rong Ji looked pretty good. If she hadn't seen Wei Lan's astonishing beauty, perhaps she would count. Last beautiful woman. But Zhuyu was in front, it was too difficult to attract Xie Zichen with her beauty.

But she has an advantage, she is a woman after all, or a girl.

"He has never liked women." Wang Xi said directly, and Rong Ji said in surprise, "So he is so pure!"

Wang Xi laughed out loud, and then said: "You have to contact him, don't be too hard, and act like a baby as Princess Di Jie. When you go there, you will say that you are lost, and then you have never been out of the palace. , Let him accompany you. If he doesn’t accompany you, just tell him to tell him that if he doesn’t accompany you, you will find Wei Lan. Then express your love for Wei Lan, and plan to ask the emperor to get married. To Wei Lan."

Upon hearing this, Rong Ji didn't quite understand: "Why do you say that?"

"Do you want to get close to Xie Zichen?" Wang Xi smiled, with an unstoppable temptation in his words. Rong Ji nodded decisively, and Wang Xi said: "Don't ask why, just do what I said."

The carriage drove to the lake. Xie Zichen walked out of the restaurant after talking about official business. Wang Xi rolled up the curtain of the car, saw Xie Zichen's figure, pushed Rong Ji and said, "Go."

Rong Ji hurriedly jumped out of the car, Wang Xi let him drive into the dark, watching Rong Ji rush over.

"Zichen, Zichen!"

Rong Ji jumped in front of Xie Zichen, Xie Zichen was taken aback, then frowned, looking at Rong Ji who was full of excitement, and said dissatisfied: "Why are you here?"

It stands to reason that she should be taken care of by Wei Lan now, but at this moment, she was brought to him by herself without a guard. What about Wei Lan?

Thinking about this, he asked: "Where is Wei Lan?"

"She is with my brother!" Rong Ji happily said: "Zichen, I finally saw you, do you want me!"

"She is with your brother, why are you here?" Xie Zichen felt a little uncomfortable when hearing Wei Lan alone with Rong Hua. Rong Ji laughed and said, "Because I miss you, I secretly ran out to find you. I am. I've been lost for a long time, thinking I can't find you, but I didn't expect you to be here!"

Xie Zichen didn't speak, he looked at Rong Ji.

He knew that she was lying, there was no such coincidence in the world, he was talking secretly, could he be hit by her? Moreover, she didn't look like she had been lost for a long time on the winter street. It was clear that she had just come out of a warm place without a trace of coldness on her body.

But he did not expose her meaning. Wei Lan would not let her come out alone. She must have sent someone to accompany her. According to Wei Lan’s temperament, the person sent must be Wang Xi, and Wang Xi now estimates him Xie Zichen was not surprised at all because he wanted to trouble him.

So he turned around and said: "Let's go, you should go back to the palace."

"Don't!" Rong Ji grabbed his sleeve and said coquettishly: "I have never been out of Di Jie's court. This is my first time out, Zichen, take me around!"

"His Royal Highness Rong Ji," Xie Zichen looked down at her holding her sleeve and said coldly: "First of all, I have nothing to do with you, please don't call me so close. You can call me Lord Xie, Shangshu Xie, or even Xie Zichen . But you, a woman, still hope to keep a distance from me."

"Second," Xie Zichen shook his sleeves wide, and then threw Rong Ji's hand away, and said coldly, "I still hope to respect myself."

This can be regarded as extremely serious. If it's Da Chu's daughter's home, there are people who are ashamed and angry to commit suicide. But Rong Ji is very carefree. Hearing this, not only did not feel ashamed, but smiled: "No, I treat the Zichen without self-respect."

Xie Zichen frowned and said coldly: "His Royal Highness, what does this mean?"

"It's not interesting," Rong Ji spread his hands, "I just want you to take me around Shengjing."

"Xie Tong," Xie Zichen turned and left: "Take His Royal Highness Rong Ji back to the palace."

"Well, you don't accompany me, I'll find Wei Lan!" Rong Ji called out according to Wang Xi's words. Xie Zichen paused. Seeing that it was really useful, Rong Ji said: "If you don't take me to Shengjing, I will Let Wei Xiang go, Wei Xiang looks good anyway! Then I will ask your Majesty to marry me and her, then you will have no chance to be a princess!"

Xie Zichen did not speak, he began to think about the authenticity of Rong Ji's words.

Rong Ji didn't meet him very often, and she kept talking coldly to her, there should be no possibility of falling in love. If he really liked Rong Ji, it was probably this face. Wei Lan is indeed a good-looking person. If he rejects Rong Ji, he is afraid that Rong Ji will really look for Wei Lan. Wei Lan wanted to be gentle and considerate. When Rong Ji was about to fall in love with Wei Lan, that would be a big trouble.

Xie Zichen weighed it up and finally said, "Let's go, where are you going?"

Rong Ji rolled his eyes, and then said, "I'm going to the riverside!"

Without a word, Xie Zichen took Rong Ji to the moat.

Rong Ji had to buy new things along the way. Xie Zichen just wanted to send her away as soon as possible, so she didn't even bother to say a word. Rong Ji held a lot of things on her own, but didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, she said, "You see me very capable, Zichen? Can you mention so many things! Isn't it much better than your Dachu daughters?"

Hearing this, Xie Zichen glanced at the high mountain in her arms and said nothing.

After a while, the two of them came to the moat, and there were people coming and going. Xie Zichen said coldly, "Here is the river. I have seen it. Go back to the palace."

"No!" Rong Ji shook her head and said, "It's ugly, I want to look at the beautiful river!"

Saying that, Rong Ji went upstream, there were few visitors, and Xie Zichen was too lazy to take care of her, so he followed her up, halfway through, Rong Ji suddenly pointed to the clay figure in the distance and said: "What is that? I want !"

Xie Zichen glanced at Xie Tong, he didn't want to argue with Rong Ji.

Xie Tong realized what Xie Zichen meant, and immediately went to the clay figurine stall to buy clay figurines.

Rong Ji had good eyesight, and the clay figure was not close. After Xie Tong went far away, Rong Ji held a pile of things and cautiously said, "Brother Zichen, what kind of girl do you like?"

"It's not like you." Xie Zichenguo broke.

Rong Ji: "..."

Can't answer the call at all.

She couldn't help being a little angry. She smashed things on the ground and said angrily: "I treat you kindly, can't you be nice to me?!"

"I'm afraid you will fall in love with me."

Rong Ji: "..."

Xie Zichen's face was stern, and he spoke very clearly: "I have a family, don't mess around."

"You bullshit!" Rong Ji refused to believe, and immediately went forward to try to pull Xie Zichen, but he stepped on the condensed snow block, slipped and fell straight back. Xie Zichen's complexion changed and he couldn't care about anything. He stretched out his hand to pull her, but it was a step too late, and Rong Ji fell directly into the water!

Di Jie has little water, few Di Jie people can swim, and the moat is deep and wide, Rong Ji began to struggle desperately after falling.

In the winter, the river was so cold that people's bones were chilled. Rong Ji struggled and said: "Save me...uh...save me..."

Xie Zichen looked at the person falling in the water with an extremely ugly face.

Xie Tong is still buying clay figurines in the distance. There are no people here. He can only save people. Rong Ji is Princess Di Jie, she must be saved. But if he rescued a wet princess...

Xie Zichen thought about it, and finally felt that life was critical, so he plunged into the water, grabbed Rong Ji's hair waving his hands, and pulled her out of the water directly.

Rong Ji patted the water and tried to pester Xie Zichen. After pouring a few mouthfuls of cold water in, she lost consciousness. Xie Zichen pulled her to the shore, pressed her abdomen to squeeze out the water, and then slapped her on her shoulders. After Rong Ji spit out water, she finally woke up, coughing hurriedly, trembling and saying: " I am cold……"

Xie Zichen didn't care about the others, so he hugged her and went to a crowded place. Xie Tong rushed back with the clay figurines, and saw the two wet people, he quickly took off his coats and covered Rong Ji's body.

The surrounding people talked a lot. A woman who fell into the water, a young talent, was afraid it would be another good thing.

So many people watched, even if they didn't like Rong Ji, Xie Zichen wouldn't let a woman be so wet and watched by everyone.

He wrapped Rong Ji in Xie Tong's clothes, hugged her and rushed into the carriage. He was very warm all over, and Rong Ji was next to him, feeling the gentleness unique to this person at this moment.

He intimately covered her with his clothes, and he cut off the sight of others with his body. After he carried Rong Ji into the car, he said to Xie Tong, "Go back to Rong Hua immediately."

Xie Tong drove the carriage fast, and Xie Zichen and Rong Ji got wet. If they don't change their clothes for a long time, they are afraid that they will get cold.

Xie Zichen left the only stall to Rong Ji, and then sat far away with his back to Rong Ji. Rong Ji Sese shivered and covered himself with a stall, quietly watching the man's tall and tall back.

She never felt that for a moment, she made herself feel safe.

"Thanks...thank you..." Her teeth trembled, and Xie Zichen responded and said calmly: "You are a princess, this is what I should do. Don't make any mistakes."

"But I...still...thank you..."

Rong Ji said with difficulty: "You said you have family members, but there is no woman by your side."

"You check me." Xie Zichen stated, and then sneered: "How dare you come to question me? Do I have any family members or women, and I still want to explain to you?"

"I do not mind."

Rong Ji said hoarsely.

She hasn't experienced such warmth for too long.

From Di Jie's wandering to Da Chu, she has always been full of fear and fear, and she needs someone to support her too much.

She opened the curtain, plucked up all the courage, and walked towards Xie Zichen.

"I heard... You Da Chu, if a woman is seen in front of a man, that man must marry her."

"This is a rumor."

Xie Zichenguo broke up: "Even if it wasn't a rumor, I won't marry you."

"But, I will marry you."

As he said, Rong Ji hugged Xie Zichen, lowered her head and kissed him, and said sincerely: "Anything, I am willing."

The moment Rong Ji hugged Xie Zichen, all the hairs on Xie Zichen's body stood up. He really couldn't bear it, and threw Rong Ji away, shouting angrily: "You still shameless?!"

Rong Ji was hit on the wall of the carriage, and the carriage shook violently, a little unstable. Xie Zichen looked at Rong Ji in the corner and said angrily: "My patience is limited. Rong Ji, I tell you, if you come to provoke me again, I will not be polite to you."

"You..." Rong Ji red eyes: "What is wrong with me?"

"Are you going to talk about where you are?!"

"I... Am I not good-looking?" Rong Ji was a little aggrieved. She is also Di Jie's number one beauty. Xie Zichen sneered: "Do you have Wei Lan pretty?"

Why compare with Wei Lan?

Rong Ji looked blank.

"She... what does she have to do with me?"

Xie Zichen sneered and closed his eyes.

No one in this world can beat Wei Lan, in his heart.

And Rong Ji didn't even have the qualifications for face comparison.

Rong Ji was a little sad, she curled up in the corner, the little one, Xie Zichen calmed down, and she was a little embarrassed when she opened her eyes to look at such a poor one.

After all, she is a girl.

The first time I met, even if I did, I kept my hands.

He was a little embarrassed for a while, and the atmosphere in the car became weird.

The carriage quickly arrived at Rong Hua's residence, and Wei Lan was playing chess with Rong Hua.

After Rong Hua asked about the relationship between her and Xie Zichen, Wei Lan smiled frankly, but said: "What kind of relationship does your Highness think we are, then what kind of relationship is it."

Rong Hua bends his eyebrows, and then said: "So, there is a chance in the next?"


Wei Lan raised her eyebrows: "Do you think that in front of Xie Zichen, you can have a chance?"

"I think," Rong Hua dropped his chess piece: "Between Xie-sir and Zai, it is hard to say who is better."

"Well, the others may not be comparable, but if your Royal Highness is interesting to you, there is a question you must ask."

"Appreciate further details."

Wei Lan raised her head, holding the chess piece, smiling but not smiling, "Is Your Royal Highness the perfect body?"

Rong Hua was stunned, somewhat uncomprehending. Wei Lan dropped the chess piece and said calmly: "I have no interest at all in the man I've met with others."

Rong Hua's face instantly turned extremely ugly. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say it for a long time. After holding back for a long time, he finally said, "How come there are people like you..."

"Isn't this normal? There are many people who have cleanliness."

Wei Lan was indifferent, Rong Hua thought for a while, but asked: "So Wei Xiang is the perfect body again?"

"Me?" Wei Lan raised her eyes to look at him: "I have Xie Zichen, didn't Your Highness see it?"

Rong Hua choked slightly and bowed his head to play against Wei Lan. After a long time, Rong Hua may not be able to hold it anymore, and finally said, "I am."

Wei Lan was a little surprised. Her expression made Rong Hua a little embarrassed. He turned his face away, his face flushed with shame for unknown reasons: "I used to be in a low position and had no one to serve. Later... I didn't have a body. It’s too good to be indulgent."

"In other words, you can't." Wei Lan hit the nail on the head, and Rong Hua coughed anxiously. Any man who listened to this would be extremely angry.

The person next to him hurried up to give Rong Hua a sigh. After a hurried cough, Rong Hua raised his head and glared at Wei Lan. He gritted his teeth and said, "Believe it or not, Wei Xianglai will know if you try it?!"

Wei Lan smiled and dropped the chess piece. She suddenly found that watching Rong Hua break her usual calm, such a lively speech was actually quite interesting.

So she made persistent efforts: "I already know that Master Xie is very good, why should I try to go to the palace? What if I accidentally try to find a three-to-two short, is it not good?"

"You presumptuous!" Rong Hua hasn't made such a big fire for a long time.

However, after he finished roaring, Wei Lan burst into laughter. She was really a beauty he had rarely seen. Rong Hua set his eyes on her shoulders, waist, and legs crossed, his eyes a little deep.

He calmed down amidst her laughter, and then said calmly: "Wei Xiang is really humorous, so let's have fun."

Wei Lan raised her eyebrows without saying a word. That's when the guard's announcement came from outside: "Your Highness, it's not good, the princess has fallen into the water!"

Rong Hua's complexion changed. He naturally knew Da Chu's rules. Rong Ji fell into the water. Su Bai would definitely not want a princess with a damaged reputation. It is more likely that whoever saved the princess would let him marry. she was. Rong Hua immediately said, "Who saved Rong Ji?"

"It's Shang Shuling, Lord Xie Zichen." The guard replied respectfully. Rong Hua was taken aback for a moment. Wei Lan suddenly raised her head, then raised her cloak and strode out, and told others: "Clothes and **** soup to be changed!"

As she said, she turned her head, Tong Ronghua said, "I borrow your Royal Highness's clothes, your Highness doesn't mind?"

"Naturally don't mind."

Rong Hua smiled slightly, watching Wei Lan walk out quickly, with a chill in his eyes.

"Why did Rong Ji fall into the water?" He said coldly, and the guards hesitated: "The princess... secretly went to Master Xie, forcing Master Xie to swim with her in the moat, and then fell into the water..."

"She has learned to be clever." Rong Hua sneered, "I'm afraid I forgot what I said to her, but Xie Zichen..."

Rong Hua pondered for a moment, but smiled: "Also."

Wei Lan hurried out and saw Xie Zichen, who was soaked all over, with cold frost on his clothes, and Rong Ji surrounded by others behind him.

Wei Lan said with a cold face, and came forward without saying a word, and directly draped the great cloak on Xie Zichen, encircling him and the guard said: "Where is the guest room? Bring the clothes and Jiang Tang."

Xie Zichen noticed that Wei Lan hadn't made an appointment and didn't dare to say anything. Wei Lan walked into the house with him, undressed and changed his clothes, and then wiped his hair with a veil.

Xie Zichen drank the **** soup, and finally got some courage when his body warmed up completely: "Alan... listen to me explain..."

"There is nothing to explain." Wei Lan said coldly: "You should let her die in the moat. I'll take care of everything."

"Alan," Xie Zichen sighed, "Don't talk angry."

Wei Lan sneered: "Do you think I dare not make it?"

"Xie Zichen," Wei Lan knelt in front of Xie Zichen, pinched his chin, forced him to look at herself, and said coldly: "You are my person, do you know?"

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