Xie Zichen was a little embarrassed after hearing what Wei Lan said. He turned away, pretending to be calm, and said in a low voice, "I see."

"Know?" Wei Lan laughed angrily at his appearance: "Knowing that it will cause me trouble to come back? This princess is afraid that she will pester you."

"I was alone at the time, and I would die if I didn't save her. If the princess died, Di Jie and Da Chu would not be able to form an alliance. Now you know the situation in Da Chu. As soon as it was consumed, the court kept increasing Huanheng's troops and food due to the situation. It might not be easy to weaken Huanheng."

Xie Zichen frowned and gave Wei Lan a serious look. Naturally, Wei Lan knew these truths, but when she thought of Rong Ji's attention to Xie Zichen every day, she became angry.

I didn't think that Rong Ji had any lethality before. Some people admired Xie Zichen, and Wei Lan felt it was normal. Such a handsome and excellent man has few admirers, which is abnormal. However, now Rong Ji and Xie Zichen have such an affair, and they have not dealt with it well. I am afraid that Xie Zichen is really going to make Princess Xie Zichen. When Wei Lan thinks of this possibility, she has the idea of ​​directly killing Rong Ji.

She restrained her emotions, worried that Xie Zichen's hair would be hurt because of her bad mood. Xie Zichen didn't dare to speak, and carefully glanced at Wei Lan.

After Wei Lan dried his hair, she planned to stand up. Xie Zichen decisively reached out and hugged her waist. Wei Lan said calmly, "Let go."

"It's okay if you don't get angry, I will solve this matter, I promise."

"I'm not angry," Wei Lan said softly, "I'll get your coat, don't be cold."

"Are you really angry?"

Xie Zichen raised his face, Wei Lan looked at his child-like eyes, no matter how strong his temperament was, she could only say: "Don't be angry anymore. Being angry is not because of you. I, Wei Lan, are not venting my own man. People."

"Then you kiss me. If you kiss me, I believe you are not angry anymore."

Xie Zichen looked like a beast, Wei Lan was amused by him, pushed his forehead with her finger, and said with a smile: "Where can I learn such a rascal!"

"do not know."

Xie Zichen leaned on her, put his ear to her belly, felt her temperature, listened to her voice, and slowly said: "I don't know what's wrong with me, like a demon, in front of you, I always want to act like a baby with you, like a child, to please you more."

"I have never had such emotions towards others. I want to act like a baby. I want the other person to look at myself a few times. I want her to have my own eyes. Even when I was very young, I wanted him to face my son's father. It’s never been like this before."

"Alan," Xie Zichen raised his head and stared at Wei Lan: "I'm not like a man at all, like a child, will you dislike me?"

Wei Lan smiled, she touched his hair, bent down, bowed her head and kissed him on the lips.

"No," she said softly, "I like it anyway."

Xie Zichen likes to hear her say so.

Every time she said these two words, there was endless joy in his heart, wanting to pull this person into his arms and rubbing hard.

He stretched out his hand to pull her belt, Wei Lan pushed his hand away with a fan, and stared: "This is in the guest room, don't mess around."

Xie Zichen nodded, and Wei Lan put down her defenses. At this moment, Xie Zichen pulled her into her arms, quickly shook her hand inside, and then bowed her head and kissed her.

There was a knock on the door outside, Wei Lan frowned in dissatisfaction, Xie Zichen kneaded her.

Wei Lan's heartbeat quickened, nervous and irritating, and Rong Hua's puzzled voice came from outside: "Wei Xiang, but something has happened? Wei Xiang, we are going to come in next. Wei Xiang..."

The door was kicked open. Rong Hua stood at the door, coughing hurriedly, while the two people in the room had already changed their postures, one sitting upright, the other helping to wipe his hair. Xie Zichen swept over indifferently, and said calmly, "Your Highness has something?"

"The two of them didn't reply, I thought that something happened to them."

Rong Hua glanced over Wei Lan's aqua-colored lips, lowered his eyes, and coughed in a low voice: "I didn't expect the two of them to have their own business and are bothering them. But, Master Xie is all right?"


"Then Mr. Xie," Rong Hua said with a corner of his mouth, "Is it time to come and discuss the matter of this king and sister?"

Rong Hua is a person who is very good at changing his identity. Talking with different people and conversations on different occasions, he can change his self-proclaim freely. He generally has an extremely humble attitude, usually calling himself "under", but when he calls himself "the king", that is an extremely serious attitude that cannot be denied.

Xie Zichen nodded and prepared to get up. However, Wei Lan held his shoulders and raised her head with a smile, and met Rong Hua's gaze and said: "This matter, just come down to talk."

With that said, Wei Lan stood up, patted Xie Zichen's head, and said gently: "Get a good rest, be good."

Xie Zichen: "..."

Seeing Wei Lan going out, he was still a little worried. He stood up and prepared to follow out. Wei Lan turned around and yelled, "Sit down!"

Xie Zichen stood up stiffly.

She is probably still angry...

Forget it, just listen to her.

Think about it if it's me, my daughter-in-law saved other men from entangled in peach blossom debt, I guess I don't want her daughter-in-law to have any trouble with this matter.

Xie Zichen was very confident in Wei Lan's ability, so he sat in the room obediently, wearing Wei Lan's cloak.

What did Wei Lan tell him just now?

Oh, rest.

Wei Lan and Rong Hua came outside. The wind and snow were blowing outside the house. Rong Hua was in poor physique, so Wei Lan stood beside Rong Hua to block the wind and snow outside for him.

"His Royal Highness Rong Ji is okay?"

Wei Lan raised her hand to block a gust of wind. The wind blew her sleeves, but it protected Rong Hua very well. Rong Hua hardly felt the chill. He turned his head and saw only the indifferent expression of the young man.

Few people have treated him so tenderly. Rong Hua recalled that he had always been taking care of others. In order to climb up, he has long learned to observe words and colors, and his handling of people’s hearts is second to none in Dijie’s court. Because he is so smart, few people really regard him as a patient, and it is even more difficult to regard him as a weak person. The person in front of him, no matter what he said or did, she didn't seem to care, and she had been taking care of him carefully and thoughtfully.

"Your Highness?" Wei Lan subconsciously asked when Rong Hua hadn't recovered for a long time. Rong Hua retracted his mind, lowered his eyes, no longer looked at the confusing skin, and said with a smile: "Thanks to Master Xie for helping me, Rong Ji is fine."

"That's fine," Wei Lan nodded: "I will order people to go down. Today, Master Xie saved my cousin from a distant house, Wei Lan. No one knows that the princess who fell into the water today is your Royal Highness. What do you think?"

"What do you mean," Rong Hua said with a smile as he stepped into the warm hall: "Are you not going to let Xie Zichen be responsible?"

"Being responsible for the woman who fell into the water, this is Da Chu's rules, not Di Jie's rules," Wei Lan looked flat: "His Royal Highness wants to take this to rely on Xie Zichen?"

"But Rong Ji came to Da Chu to make friends," Rong Hua smiled and lay on the sloping couch, seeming to be a little tired: "We Di Jie don't care, don't you Da Chu care? Now, besides Xie Zichen, who else can Rong Ji marry? "

"His Royal Highness Rong Hua," Wei Lan walked to Rong Hua's side, with her hands folded in front of her, looking down at him, and said indifferently: "We know that people don't talk secretly, you talk so much to me, it's nothing more than wanting me Help you, does His Royal Highness Rong Hua want Rong Ji to be the imperial concubine?"

Rong Hua didn't speak, smiled.

Wei Lan sat on the couch, turned her head to look at him, and continued: "I can help His Royal Highness Rong Hua, what should His Highness Rong Hua change?"

"You help me?" Rong Hua laughed loudly: "Then Wei Xiang doesn't have to worry about this. I think that Rong Ji can marry Lord Xie, it is also an excellent good fortune. The imperial concubine, Rong Hua no longer Think about it."

"Really?" Wei Lan raised his eyebrows, Rong Hua raised his hand to take a sip of tea, and said with a low smile: "Wei Xiang is really interesting. Wei said that people don't talk secretly, but they hide their feelings. If I want Rong Ji to marry Xie Zichen, will Wei Xiang agree?"

"If Wei Xiang must give Rong Hua something in exchange, and let Wei Xiang help Rong Ji ascend the position of the imperial concubine, this exchange is probably, I will not let Rong Ji marry Xie Zichen."

"I don't know if this gift is enough? If it's not enough, Wei Xiang will try to see if I really have this idea."

Wei Lan didn't speak. In fact, she helped Rong Hua to assist Rong Ji in the position of the imperial concubine. She was planning to talk to Rong Hua. She didn't think it was too much to exchange Xie Zichen for peace. When Rong Ji came to Da Chu, it was originally the most suitable place to put it in the Su White House, and she was not relieved to put it to anyone else.

Marrying a family of foreign princesses, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no other thoughts.

But after a while, Su Bai had a child, and it was time to go. Su Bai was gone, and his imperial concubine had no meaning, and he could be buried with him for any reason. When the time comes, when Da Chu settles down, and then he will go northward, Di Jie will not be afraid.

Now the alliance with Di Jie is only because Da Chu needs a few years of peace.

Wei Lan was hesitant on her face, but her heart was already settled. After a while, Wei Lan sneered: "His Royal Highness is just taking care of the thoughts of Master Xie."

"So, your Highness agreed?" Rong Hua took a sip of his tea.

Wei Lan nodded and stood up and said: "His Royal Highness Ronghua, don't worry, this matter will never leak. As long as your highness's mouth is tight, there won't be any problems on the next. Your Royal Highness will wait for the ceremony of ascension to the throne, and then watch. Let His Royal Highness Rong Ji canonize the imperial concubine."

"Rong Hua is overjoyed to receive such promise from Wei Xiang." Rong Hua smiled and raised his teacup. Wei Lan appeared displeased and turned to leave.

Then she entered the guest room and saw Xie Zichen sitting upright, eyes closed without moving. She couldn't help but wonder: "Zichen what are you doing?"

"Huh?" Xie Zichen opened his eyes in a daze, and when he realized what she was asking, he smiled and said, "rest."

Wei Lan was stunned, and then she understood what he meant. She couldn't help but laughed, walked up to him, pulled him up, took his hand, then turned and left and said, "Let's go, I'll take you back."

"What did he want?"

Xie Zichen knew that for such a quick settlement, Wei Lan and Rong Hua must have reached some agreement. Wei Lan watched him wearing the cloak, turned her head to fasten the belt of the cloak, and then straightened his clothes and whispered: " I helped Rong Ji become a noble concubine."

"He really wants that position." Xie Zichen sneered: "Does he think that there will be another Rong Hua in the court of Da Chu?"

"Believe it or not," Wei Lan got into the carriage with him: "He wants to figure out the day when Su Bai will die. The arrangement for Rong Ji in the harem is to wait for one day when he wants to send troops to Chu. Ji is in harmony with him inside and outside, when the monarch will be in a new mourning, the ruling and the opposition will be in chaos, and he will come prepared, isn't it the best time?"

"Naturally is the best time." Xie Zichen smiled, his eyes were cold: "He wants too beautiful too."

Wei Lan took a sip of hot tea, leaning on the wall of the car and looking at Xie Zichen who was opposite, her eyes gentle.

"Yes," she chuckled: "If there is a child minister, where is the turn to get Rong Hua, a sick child, to point fingers at Da Chu."

Xie Zichen heard the teasing in her words, and immediately replied: "Wei Xiang's remarks are serious, even if there are no Zichens, won't there be Wei Xiang?"

"Zichen's words are wrong." Wei Lan leaned over, lifted him a bunch of blue silk in her hand, lowered her head and sniffed.

"If you can't be with beautiful people, you don't care about the mountains and rivers."

With that, Wei Lan raised her head, her bright eyes filled with Xie Zichen's appearance, and said softly: "The Zichen is here, I just want to protect the great Chu rivers and mountains, and take care of the wolves."

"What you said," Xie Zichen curled up his mouth, with mockery in his eyes: "I will just listen."

I didn't know who it was before, and clamored that I would rather be separated to realize my ideal of revenge, and I would also go north to flatten the miscellaneous countries and restore the Han Dynasty.

When Wei Lan heard what he meant, she couldn't help but stiffen up. After a while, she returned to her position and sighed: "Zichen is puzzled by the style."

"I don't know how to untie the customs," Xie Zichen turned his head, with a serious face: "I can only untie Luoshan."

Wei Lan: "..."

After Xie Zichen finished speaking, seeing that Wei Lan didn't reply, he finally felt that he had returned to the game with a smile on his face. Wei Lan couldn't bear it and said: "Zichen, be more reserved!"

"Um...reserved," Xie Zichen thought for a while, learning from Wei Lan's usual words: "This is not something we Da Chu men should have."

Wei Lan: "..."

Bad learning.

The two went all the way back to Changxinhou's Mansion, Rong Ji changed her clothes and went to see Rong Hua.

Rong Hua was drinking tea, reading a book, and said calmly, "Wang Xi taught you to do this?"


Rong Ji lay on the ground, shivering, and Rong Hua mocked: "Without Wang Xi, you can find Xie Zichen and force him to play with you. I want to force others to marry you?!"

"I'm not...not... deliberately..."

Rong Ji's words were incomplete at all, and Rong Hua didn't bother to say more to her, and said directly: "Go down and get the punishment."

Thinking of the so-called "punishment", thinking of the terrifying methods used by this brother. They won't leave any scars on you, but they can make you worse off than death. Rong Ji began to kneel on the ground and kowtow, desperately saying: "I was wrong, brother, I was wrong."

"Go down." Rong Hua said calmly, "Long remember, you will become the Queen of Chu and the mother of the Emperor of Chu in the future."

"Wh...what?" Rong Ji raised her head, staring at Rong Hua blankly, and hurriedly said: "Isn't it Xie Zichen to marry me?!"

"Xie Zichen?" Rong Hua sneered: "Do your Spring and Autumn Dreams! He is not the one you can think of."

"No..." Rong Ji tremblingly said, "I can even do the imperial concubine, but I can't marry a Xie Zichen? You lie to me... You lie to me!"

"Did I lie to you," Rong Hua said calmly: "Are you not sure about yourself? Rong Ji, he doesn't want you."

Having said that, Rong Hua stood up, walked to Rong Ji, leaned over and stared at her.

"Yong Ji, remember, your day today is your brothers who insulted me, that's why you live today. And in your days from now on, you will be punished by me, you enter the palace, you To experience those conspiracies and tricks, you have to have children for a man you don't love. All the gloom and misery in your life are given by Xie Zichen and Wei Lan."

Rong Ji knelt in a daze, Rong Hua lowered his head, attached to her ear, and said again: "Rong Ji, she doesn't want you, no one except Dijie wants you."

"No!" Rong Ji screamed, reaching out to push the person in front of him. Rong Hua grabbed her hand, pressed her tightly, and said coldly: "Remember, remember your Di Jie’s princess, remember your identity, your dignity, and who gave you your beauty? Yours, your sins, your misery, who gave it to you."

Rong Ji froze in place, she did not dare to speak.

Seeing her calm down, Rong Hua finally said, "Bring it on."

Rong Ji was dragged down. That night she did not struggle and yell as before. She was always quiet. After passing all the punishments, she was carried back to her bedroom, like an ordinary princess.

She lay quietly on the bed without saying a word. Wei Lan had come to perform her duties several times. Rong Ji counted the number of times that Wei Lan came. Every time she came, it meant that the closer to the ascension ceremony, the closer the ascension ceremony. It means that her time to enter the palace is closer.

She desperately wanted her injury to get better, she had to fight again, and she should not put her destiny in Rong Hua's hands.

Being forced to come and be married is already her limit. She doesn't want to, and never marry someone she doesn't like. Their sons and daughters of Di Jie are people who want to hold their destiny in their hands. She wants to find Xie Zichen... She wants to find a way...

Her injuries improved day by day, and she saw that the enthronement ceremony was about to arrive. The night before the ascension ceremony, she made all the plans, and then waited on the side of the promenade. She took out her dagger, and all the drugs her brother had left her.

She wore a black robe and came to the door. Before the guards could say anything, she smelled a strange scent and fell down.

Rong Ji rushed out and ran out desperately.

She had already inquired about it a long time ago, and inquired better about the location of the palace. She came to the gate of the palace according to the address that she had drawn in her mind countless times and banged the gate of the palace.

The man in the palace opened the door and saw a woman caged in the dark night, and frowned: "Who is the girl looking for?"

"I'm looking for Wang Xi."

Rong Ji suppressed her voice: "You tell him that I am the foreigner he helped."

The Wang’s family rules are strict, and there is no such thing as a dog’s eye to see people low. The servant dare not neglect, and immediately said: "Girl wait a minute."

Soon after, the door of the Wang family was opened, and the servant led Rong Ji in. When Wang Xi saw that it was her, he frowned and said, "What is your highness doing?"

"I want you to help me." Rong Ji walked out of the dark and said coldly: "I want Xie Zichen."

"Your Highness," Wang Xi said in a low voice, "Are you crazy?"

Wei Lan is now working around for Rong Ji in the palace, buying up the **** who is the emperor's most used eunuch. Now it is no secret that Su Bai is interested in Rong Ji. If it weren’t for Rong Ji’s disappearance in the past few days, Su Bai would have been I want to tell her lovesickness.

But the less she saw Su Bai, the more Su Bai listened to others saying that she was good, and the more she missed her. Wang Xi knew that this was Rong Hua's method to suffocate Su Bai's appetite, but in any case, Rong Ji would enter the palace. Tomorrow was the time when she officially wanted to see Su Bai, but then she was going to Xie Zichen?

"I'm not crazy," Rong Ji's voice was extra calm: "I don't want to marry someone I don't like. I don't want to have a tragic fate like my mother. I will not succumb to fate, I will go to Xie Zichen."

"Either he married me," Rong Ji took out a sharp blade from her arms, and her voice was decisive: "Either I killed him."

"The dignity of my royal family, Rong Ji, cannot be trampled on by others. I can not want him, but he must not want me."

Wang Xi looked at the girl coldly in the night.

He thought, this person had already been tortured crazy by Rong Hua. Rong Hua brought such a crazy woman to Da Chu, he might not be a lunatic.

However, her eyes were absolutely shocking. Wang Xi looked at the dagger in her hand and suddenly remembered Lin Che who was soaked in blood in the prison.

Sadness overwhelmed the earth, almost drowning him. He told everyone that the past is over, but only he knows that some things will never pass, and some people will never forget.

"Go ahead."

Wang Xi closed his eyes, and he suddenly became tired.

He beckoned and let a shadow guard out.

"Take her to find Xie Zichen."

"Thank you."

Rong Ji turned around and walked a few steps. She stopped and said slowly.

"Whether it is successful or not, I will thank you, Wang Xi."

Wang Xi did not speak.

He didn't need her thanks, which reminded him of his despicableness and embarrassed him.

The author has something to say:


Although I know that after getting used to a character above the IQ average line, I suddenly see a princess below the average line will not like it, but for the diversified character of the character and the plot needs of the article, for her to promote the plot, I should bear this Princess. Anyway, this episode will soon pass.

Then our Zichen can happily fight monsters with Wei Lan.

【small theater】

Mo Shubai: "Zichen, did you realize that you have become a loyal dog from that moment?"

Xie Zichen: "Probably... the moment Alan called to sit down? I feel that my body has produced an irresistible magical power..."

(Scene review)

Wei Lan: "Sit down!"

Xie Zichen froze and sat down slowly.


Xie Zichen: "Wang!"

[Interview·Why don’t they drive yet]

Reader: "Dabai, can you explain why they can linger for so long? What are they doing every night without driving for so long?"

Mo Shubai: "This thing is like this. I am a very patient person and a very interesting person. I like to make progress gradually, and I don't like to carry a gun."

Reader: "So?"

Mo Shubai: "My friend, don't you know that there are actually a lot of steps before the last step? It is very happy to do these things, okay?"

Reader: "For example?"

Mo Shubai: "For example (beep——), such as (beep——)"

Reader: "Da Bai, what you say, I can't hear!!"

Jinjiang System: "Dear author, because your language contains a lot of prohibited words, you are now locked in a small black room. If you want to complain, just complain, it's useless anyway."

Mo Shubai: "Wang cried out."

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