Huan Heng did not speak, lowered his head and panted.

The surroundings were silent and speechless. After a long time, Wei Lan put down her wine glass, glanced at the crowd, and said with a smile: "Why don't you drink?"

With that said, Wei Lan stood up, walked to Huan Heng with the wine, bent down, and reached out to him.

"Get up."

She has a gentle voice: "It's cold on the ground."

Huan Heng didn't speak. He raised his hand and grabbed Wei Lan's hand. After standing up with her strength, he grabbed her and said, "You come with me."

"Huan Heng." Xie Zichen said coldly. Huan Heng turned to look at Xie Zichen and said angrily: "You try to catch up?!"

As they spoke, Huanheng’s guards drew their swords, and the Yulin Army also drew their swords. The two looked at each other coldly, and Wei Lan finally said, “It’s just going out to let the wind out. Why such a big battle?”

With that said, Wei Lan took her hand out of Huan Heng's hand and raised her hand and said, "Marshal Huan, please."

Huanheng didn't say much, and turned to leave.

After going out of the palace gate, a cool breeze suddenly hits, making people sober.

Huan Heng walked in front, seeming to hesitate a little, Wei Lan followed unhurriedly, and didn't speak, just waiting for him. When there were fewer people around, he came to the back of the palace, Huan Heng stopped in front of the fence, and finally said, "I thought about what you said that day."

"Oh?" Wei Lan raised her brows: "But what's your experience?"

"You're right," Huan Heng lowered his eyes, speaking extremely difficultly: "I have been living in the past, and I have never let go. Alan, you have gone so far, but I have always stayed in the original place. Land, and then I always want to find a reason to bring you back. This is my fault."

Wei Lan didn't speak, she knew the point was behind. Huan Heng raised his head with the faint light of palace lanterns in his eyes: "So I want to understand, Alan, let's start again."

Hearing this, Wei Lan was a little surprised, Huan Heng smiled, her face gentle: "I know you are gone, but it doesn't matter, I can keep up."

"A Heng," Wei Lan finally frowned, "I'm married."

"I do not care."

"I care." Wei Lan said in a low voice, "I don't want to give Zichen any reason to be concerned, so A Heng, I hope you can understand that we are not in the past, and we can't go back to the past. You should let go."

Huan Heng did not speak. He pursed his lips. After a long time, he finally said: "Alan, I hope you are by my side, but I hope you have a good life."

As he said, he laughed with a bitter face: "What do you want, so what. If you want me to be your brother, then I will be your brother. But Alan, I hope you understand—"

He raised his hand, placed it on his chest, and said hoarsely: "In my heart, I have never been your brother."

"I promise you," he smiled, his eyes bright: "I will realize your wishes, and I will agree to whatever you ask me to do. I said, if you let me not want Jiuxi, I can do nothing. not lying to you."

Wei Lan didn't speak, she didn't know what to say for a while. If Huanheng froze with her, if Huanheng made a big fuss, she still had the reason and ability to cope, but when Huanheng was so obedient, she unexpectedly Don't know what to say.

So she could only sigh and said: "Don't embarrass Zichen."

"it is good."

"Go back to the north."

Huan Heng didn't speak, his eyes lowered, just like when he was a teenager, he didn't want to promise anything, and he wouldn't refuse Wei Lan, so he just stood silently. Wei Lan couldn't help being a little funny: "What do you mean?"

"I want to stay in Shengjing."

Wei Lan had a cold expression: "What are you keeping?"

Huan Heng pursed his lips and finally said, "I want to be with you."

"Aheng," Wei Lan said with a cold voice: "You, a northern general staying in Shengjing, know what it means? You bring soldiers, no one will believe that you have no intention of rebelliousness, you do not bring soldiers, then It is to put yourself in a dangerous place. What happened back then, do you want to happen again?"

Huan Heng froze.

If he hadn't come to Shengjing voluntarily back then, he would not have been embarrassed when he returned to the north.

He didn't say a word. Wei Lan knew that he had hit his sore spot, and said softly, "A Heng, didn't you say that you have grown up?"

"When you grow up, you need to know how to leave and let go."

"You know, why I stubbornly wanted to keep you in the north that year?" Huan Heng smiled bitterly, slowly raised his eyes, and stared at Wei Lan: "Because I can't bear it."

What else did Wei Lan want to say, Huan Heng suddenly raised his hand and calmly said: "I'll go back."

"But Alan, you have to understand," Huan Heng was dressed in moonlight and his face was flat: "I am going back, not because I am afraid of Shengjing, but I want you to feel at ease."

"I know, if I don't go back, you have a big rock in your heart, always wondering what I want to do. So I go back."

"It's just Alan," Huan Heng suddenly felt a little sad: "Before I go back, can you hug me?"

Wei Lan was a little embarrassed for a while, Huan Heng stepped forward without saying anything, and took Wei Lan in his arms. He hugged the warmth of this moment, and said hoarsely: "Who is bullying you in Shengjing? Write to me."


Wei Lan didn't know what was wrong, and her heart suddenly became sore.

In her heart, Huan Heng has always been a person as important as Wei Hua, even closer than Wei Xiong. After all, when she went to the battlefield alone to the north, it was this young man who accompanied her all the time when she started at the end of her life.

He is like a brother and a friend to her, even if there is no half of love, there are layers of fetters that cannot be cut.

He was wrong, she could be tough enough to make herself do all sensible actions, including letting him die.

But when he lowered his head to soften, Wei Lan was unable to parry, there was no way to take him for a while. Knowing that he is not cherishing the affection of a sibling, but at this moment, there is no more reason to insist on pushing away.

Huan Heng noticed her softening and closed her eyes.

"Alan," he slowly said, "In this life, don't be afraid of anything you encounter, I am here."

"Don't worry," Xie Zichen said in a cool voice: "I won't die so early in this life, it's not your turn to worry about it."

Hearing this, Wei Lan couldn't help laughing. She pushed Huanheng, and Huanheng let her go. Wei Lan turned her head with a smile and looked at Xie Zichen and said, "Where can I bother me? In the next life, not yet. What have you been afraid of."

This sound made Xie Zichen feel more comfortable, with his hands folded between his sleeves, he looked at Huan Heng, and said coldly, "Aren't you going out?"

Huan Heng sneered, brushed his sleeves, and gently said to Wei Lan: "A Lan, I'm going back."

"Yeah." Wei Lan nodded, and Huan Heng turned and left, as if Xie Zichen didn't exist.

As soon as Huan Heng left, Wei Lan immediately raised her hand and said in a gesture of surrender: "I was wrong, I shouldn't let him hold it."

"He has no good intentions."


Wei Lan admitted her mistake very quickly. All of Xie Zichen's words were blocked. For a long time, she finally reluctantly said, "How can you attract bees and butterflies like this?"

Wei Lan thought for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: "Probably... the person is too good?"

Xie Zichen sneered and said directly: "I'm afraid it's too much affection."

Wei Lan knew that the jealousy was going to turn tonight, fearing it would be bad, she quickly took Xie Zichen's hand and put it in his palm, letting Xie Zichen hold it. Xie Zichen saw her little movement, his eyebrows finally stretched a lot, and he crowned. Huan Heng had just cut it off. At this moment, the hair was scattered on both sides, and the clothes were also torn apart by the sword wind, with a rare look of embarrassment. But this is the case, he is still rich and handsome, handsome, and does not lose the title of "Leng Zi".

Thinking of the name she had in Shengjing's daughter's home, Wei Lan couldn't help laughing. Xie Zichen was a little curious: "What are you laughing at?"

"I chatted with Queen Mother Xie the other day and learned some interesting things."


"I heard that you were in Shengjing when you were secretly called Master Leng by those women secretly. It's really a good name."

Hearing this, Xie Zichen understood Wei Lan's smile. He held her hand and hooked the corner of her mouth: "Do you know what your name is?"

"And me?" Wei Lan had a bad feeling.

"Of course," Xie Zichen nodded, "Master Yu."

"Master Leng Xie Zichen, Master Yu Wei Lan, Son Wang Xi..."

Xie Zichen counted the nicknames of those people back then and said with emotion: "These women who embroider at home every day are really idle."

"Yes." Wei Lan nodded in agreement: "It is indeed quite enviable."

"If you are envious, it's not easy?" Xie Zichen turned his head back with a smile: "Being Mrs. Xie, you can embroider if you want to embroider. You can listen to the drama if you want to listen to it. Spend it whatever you want. Isn't that bad?"

"It's okay," Wei Lan followed him, shaking her head and said: "In case you are unhappy any time, I will have no money to spend."

"How come?" Xie Zichen looked at her seriously: "My property has long been in your name."

Wei Lan was taken aback for a while, and Xie Zichen laughed loudly: "Alan, I especially like to see you suddenly stupid."

"Others buy a lot of money and laugh," Xie Zichen said with emotion: "I am a fool to buy a million dollars."

Wei Lan came back to her senses, then smiled, and sighed with emotion: "Xie Zichen, you are the first man to give me money in so many years."

"Of course," Xie Zichen lowered his head, leaned to her ear, and said hoarsely: "So I am your husband."

Wei Lan didn't move, and raised her eyebrows with a smile. That eye tickled people's heart, and Xie Zichen felt like a cat scratched in his heart, and he wanted to put this man in this corner of Miyagi.

Fortunately, he was wise, so he took the person out of the palace.

A new guard saw him from a distance, and he was quite surprised: "Is that Monk Wei Xiang Shuling? Their feelings are so good?"

"In this court, who has a bad relationship with whom?"

Another old guard sneered: "In private, who knows what's tricky? Listen to me, if you really want to rely on Shang Shuling, you must be loyal, understand?"

"Understand." The guard nodded and watched the two walk to the side of the carriage holding hands. Xie Zichen raised his hand to get Wei Lan into the car, and Wei Lan took him up again. The two are like glue, even if they are so far apart, they can feel an inexplicable sweet surround.

The guard always felt something was wrong.

"Senior," he couldn't help but said, "I think the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary!"

"So I said," the old guard sighed, "you are still too young..."

After many years, the pitted guard finally understood that it is better to be younger than people.

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