At the end of the spring, when Da Chu began to grow grass and warblers, Di Jie was still roaring in the cold wind. This was when the snow began to melt, which was the coldest time.

Under the service of the attendant, Rong Hua put on the black costume unique to the regent, coughing while wearing it.

After this winter, his condition worsened. The doctor told him that if he could go to the south for training, it would be of great benefit to his health.

He also wants to go to the south.

This is the last day, he closed his eyes and thought.

Cui Jie came from outside and said respectfully: "Your Highness, the patriarchs of all races are here."

Rong Hua nodded, picked up the pill from the porcelain plate next to the attendant, and ate it.

After taking the pill, his face was much more ruddy, and Cui Jie couldn't help but frown, "His Royal Highness, this tiger wolf medicine can't be used anymore!"

"It's okay." Rong Hua's expression was indifferent: "Anyway, I won't live long."

It's just a day or a day, and it's better to fight hard than to linger.

After his mental head eased, people put on a hair crown and walked towards the vestibule.

The youngest regent of Di Jie, for the first time in the court, summoned the leaders of all nations and gave a grand palace banquet. All the chiefs knew exactly what he meant. The regent had planned to go south for many years and had been around for more than a year. However, the chiefs of several big clans insisted on not letting go south, always thinking that the time was not yet. I would rather annex other small clans in the internal war than to fight. The other small clans didn’t say it in their hearts, but in fact they understood that these big clans were not willing to lose their strength, but were bought by the southern aristocracy. They had money and food in their hands. Why did they want to fight in the south?

This time Rong Hua summoned everyone into the palace. Everyone knew that this was a banquet at the grand sect. He didn’t plan to come, but the regent was quite able to let go of his figure. He personally looked for the leaders one by one. In the past year, Almost all the tribes of Dijie have been visited, leaving an excellent reputation. The tribe loved him very much, and when he put it down like this, the leaders had to come.

Anyway... this regent doesn't seem to be a promising one.

The son born by a southern woman just likes some conspiracies, so what can he do?

The leaders who grew up with the tip of the knife and licked their blood thought so, so they each took their people into the court. The number of people they took was almost the same as the guards in the court. Rong Hua didn't mind. This made everyone greatly Peace of mind.

When Rong Hua entered the hall, the leaders were drinking. After he walked in, everyone glanced at him. Some of the leaders stood up and put their hands on their chests to salute, but the leaders of several big clans did not move. Self-spelling wine. Rong Hua greeted the leaders who stood up with a smile, and after a few words with them, he walked to the leaders of the big clan and said gently: "Everyone is here early."

Those people did not speak. Everyone nearby secretly watched the situation here. Rong Hua smiled, as if a little frustrated, he left helplessly and took the first seat.

With this kind of beginning, some of the leaders who were still on the sidelines couldn't help but be bold and began to be rude. Rong Hua's face was full of helplessness. He wanted to say something but didn't dare to say something, raising a southern woman. The image of the weak regent has portrayed everyone thoroughly.

After the banquet began, everyone became more excited under his indulgence. The dancers were pulled from the stage on the spot, and the scene was chaotic. Rong Hua looked at the top with a wine glass, smiling silently.

Cui Jie came back from the outside. Before everyone noticed, he knelt behind Rong Hua and whispered, "Your Highness, you are ready."

Rong Hua nodded, and Cui Jie stepped back.

The main hall door closed silently, and the leaders who had been paying attention to the surrounding immediately said: "His Royal Highness, what do you mean?!"

Rong Hua collapsed on the golden seat, found himself a comfortable posture, propped his chin and said: "In order to make everyone happy, is this king doing something wrong?"

"Under any circumstance, I can have fun," Batu, the leader of the Yi ethnic group who is closest to Rong Hua and the highest status, said: "His Royal Highness, let's open the door."

"It's okay to open the door, but before that, the king feels that it is better for us to make an important thing first."

Rong Hua smiled mildly on his face, as if he was still flattering and said: "Batu, do you think, when is the appropriate time to send troops?"

"I think," Batu narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "It's more appropriate not to send troops."


Rong Hua tilted his head to look at him: "Why?"

"Now we eat and drink well, what kind of war should we fight?" Batu glanced at the people below. Many of the leaders agreed and Rong Hua smiled: "Since there is no war, you killed the next door two months ago. He and the Khan, robbed their territory for what?"

"He deceived our people, but it was normal revenge between the tribes." Batu didn't feel guilty, and the others immediately responded, accusing Rong Hua of being raised by a southern woman and not understanding the rules between their tribes.

Rong Hua's eyes were cold, and the people on his face smiled and said Yan Yan, who swept around and said: "So, everyone thinks, you shouldn't send troops, right?"

No one spoke, Batu said: "Yes."

Immediately, more than a dozen people followed and no one else spoke, as if they were waiting for something.

Rong Hua stood up, looked at Batu with a smile, and said gently: "What if this king insists on sending troops?"

"If your Royal Highness insists on sending troops," Batu sneered: "Let's do it, but the Xi people will not be able to..."

Before he finished speaking, a burst of sword light suddenly flashed, and everyone did not react. They saw Batu's head falling to the ground, Rong Hua holding a short sword in his hand, with blood dripping on it. The audience was shocked, but Rong Hua still had a smile on his face, turned his head to look at everyone present, gentle but clear, and said every word: "If this king, do you insist on sending troops?!"

No one spoke, and the man in front of him who looked sickly, carrying a blood-stained sword, seemed to be from Hell Shura, with an aura that others would not dare to refute.

The head of the most powerful tribal leader was under his feet. He stepped on the blood and repeated: "I'm going to send troops to attack the south, what are you going to do?!"

"Rong Hua!" The tribe leader who had been fighting against Rong Hua reacted suddenly and shouted: "Are you trying to kill us?!"

"Yes," Rong Hua sneered: "Do you think this king dare not?"

"Dare you! Do you know how many soldiers we have brought?! Rong Hua, if you dare to touch one of our hairs today, you try?!"

Hearing this, Rong Hua laughed loudly. The guards beside him drew their swords, and the guards led by the leaders also drew their swords. During the confrontation between the two parties, Rong Hua kicked his head out and said coldly: "I dare not kill you? What are you!"

"E'ertu, let me tell you," Rong Hua pointed his sword at him and said coldly: "I, Rong Hua, want to unify the north and the south and complete the dominance of the world. You are such a bug, this king never takes it in his heart. I, Rong Hua, has the most noble blood of the Rong family, so you want to stop me?!"

"I gave you a chance..." He said coldly, "But, since you don't want it, then I will let you see how brave and good at fighting my Di Jie's man, and how much my Di Jie's people desire blood and south!"

While Rong Hua was talking, there was a roar of "kill" from outside.

The faces of all the leaders changed drastically. After a while, the leaders knelt down again and respectfully said: "Master, we are willing to send troops!"

Rong Hua didn't change his face. He looked at the leaders with uncertain expressions, hooked his mouth slightly, and sneered: "It's late."

This year, he has traveled to various tribes. He did not go for nothing. Xie Zichen is good at instigating people's shortcomings. How could he not notice? Xie Zichen approves the thoughts of these great nobles not wanting to use force, and Rong Hua also approves the thoughts of some people who want to bring down these great noble leaders. So I contacted the people under their races who wanted to bring down the leader, looked for the heir to the leader's position, and gave them private support.

This time he recruited these leaders. Most of the soldiers that these leaders brought were sent by his men. How could he protect these leaders with care?

And he also knows too well that for those who wait and see, showing strength is the most important thing. It can make them fear, make them worship, make them obey, and make them confident that they can win. This is the key to their sending troops.

So he must behead Batu himself, kill all those who disrespect him, and let his trained soldiers use the blood of these great nobles to sharpen the blade, so that people on the sidelines can see how sharp he holds in his hand. The knife.

Rong Hua stood on the high platform and watched the chaos below. The soldiers on both sides were fighting together. His body was a bit unsupported, but his face was calm, with the short sword hidden in his sleeves in his hand, as if It is a stubborn rock standing there, for admiration and peace of mind.

The sound of slashing outside and the sound of slashing in the hall were mixed together. The leaders who had just spoken, Rong Hua did not let go, but did not speak, were separated on the other side, and they were still arrogant just now. Ang's people are trapped in the middle like a trapped beast, and are driven to despair step by step.

The blood on the ground and the roar of the defeated in the hall contrasted sharply with Rong Hua's cold face, which deeply penetrated the hearts of everyone who survived. After half an hour, the hall finally calmed down. Soon after, the door of the hall finally opened. A cold-faced soldier came in with a knife. Behind him were corpses and blood on the ground. The corpse was being dragged away directly. Blood splattered past, leaving **** marks wherever it went.

Rong Hua watched the handsome young man walk in front of him, knelt down on one knee, crossed the sword with his backhand in front of his forehead, and said coldly: "The minister has fulfilled his mission. I have already captured all the eight thousand rebels. What should I do? ?"

"Kill." Rong Hua smiled slowly, with a gentle and elegant smile, but his words were like a north wind in the twelfth lunar month of winter, blowing people's hearts cold: "The king has never had any patience for disobedient officials."

"Kill, kill, and bury alive, leaving none."

"Yes." The general bowed his head and saluted: "Si Nan understands."

After speaking, the general got up, stood in front of Rong Hua, and looked around.

"His Royal Highness wants to go south to take the land of Chu, and you are willing to serve the country?!"

Sinan's voice was clear and loud, and no one dared to object this time. Everyone rushed from the hiding place to the center of the main hall, fearing that it would be late, making the person above annoyed.

In an instant, all the surviving leaders knelt in the center of the main hall, and respectfully said: "I am waiting to go south with Your Royal Highness, not to die or return!"

"I am willing to go south with Your Highness, not to die or return!"

"I wish to go south with Your Highness, not to die, not to return!"

Sound waves came one after another, and Rong Hua smiled and looked into the distance.

His life is so short, so he must try to use every inch of his time, more gorgeous than Xia Hua.

Others laughed at him as the son of a slave, laughed at his cowardly blood, laughed at him short-lived ghost and sick child.

But it doesn't matter.

He will accomplish great achievements that his father, grandfather, and even the Rong family have not been able to accomplish for generations, and create a future forever.

He will unify the north and the south and open the canal business road so that the children in the north can enjoy the fertile land and the warm spring.

He keeps celebrities through the ages and makes people miss forever.

Although he has only been in a few decades, he will be immortal in the eulogy of generations and generations.

In this way, even if he was born and short, he would die without regret.

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