Wei Lan asked Tianjiu to go to him, and then slept for one night, so he had enough energy and waited for the next day.

On the second day when the court came, no one spoke. In this case, the family heads pretended to be silly. How long did they talk to the pure ministers and some small families that stood in line, as well as families like Wei Lan. Young generation.

Every family is letting the young people of their own family do things. For example, in the Wang family, Wang Xi is a member of the prince, Wang Yuan is a member of the prince, and Xie Zichen is a member of the prince, and Xie Yulan is a member of the Sucheng . In this way, the two sides are pleased to ensure the permanent stability of the family. The one who stays is the winner, and the winner inherits his family from generation to generation. This is the best way for a family to continue.

Everyone stood in their place. As early as last night, everyone knew the whole story. When Su Cheng came to the hall wearing a dragon robe and announced the news of the emperor’s death and his succession, the audience was silent. Su Cheng raised his eyes to the crowd and said with red eyes: "Do you ministers have any objections to this?"

"The ministers have no objection," Lin Che, who has always been silent, suddenly spoke, and Wei Lan immediately went out and echoed: "Your Majesty has come to the throne, and everyone's hope is returned." After saying that, Wei Lan knelt down and said respectfully: "Long live my emperor. Long live."

Wei Lan and Lin Che opened their heads, and the courtiers knelt down one after another. In the hall, most of them knelt down instantly.

The remaining group of people who did not kneel, except for the Yushitai, the Ministry of Rituals, are the old department of the prince and the first department of the town government.

Su Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at the leader of this group, Tai Fu Xie Qing.

"Master Xie," Su Cheng said coldly, "Why don't you kneel?"

Xie Qing smiled, and his face was calm, but he said: "The court has the court's laws. If your Royal Highness conforms to the legal system, the minister will naturally kneel down willingly. But the minister would like to ask. His Majesty said that his majesty's last edict, then, the last edict Where is it?"

Su Cheng didn't say a word, and turned his gaze to Wei Lan. Wei Lan understood that in this war of words, he must go into battle. So she raised her voice: "Since it's a verbal order, where is the edict?"

Xie Qing looked at Wei Lan with a smile. For a moment, Wei Lan seemed to feel that Xie Zichen was standing in front of her, looking at her like this.

Xie Zichen's attitude was never just because of him, but also because he was born in this century-old family of officials. Wei Lan couldn't help but feel embarrassed, she could bear it, but she was reluctant to let Xie Zichen see her servile appearance.

Fortunately, this is not Xie Zichen, but Xie Qing.

Xie Qing sighed quietly, but said: "I always thought that Wei Shizi was a piece of jade."

He didn't say the rest, but everyone at the scene understood what he meant.

Wei Lan smiled, but said: "It has failed the teacher's expectations. It is not a beautiful jade, it is just a sharp edge."

Xie Qing stared at Wei Lan for a while. After a while, he suddenly raised his hand and removed the jade crown. He knelt down on the ground respectfully, put the jade crown aside, and then said: "Xie is a staid person, I can't learn Wei There is no edict for this kind of work, Xie did not dare to shout to your Majesty. However, now that the Third Highness is an emperor, there is no reason to change the emperor or not to change the ministers in this world. Therefore, Xie is asked to leave, and I hope your highness will forgive me. ."

After speaking, Xie Qing bowed respectfully, then left the jade crown and calmly got up and left.

Following his movements, the people present knelt down one by one, and then left the jade crown and got up.

Su Cheng's complexion became colder and colder. Seeing that a large area of ​​the imperial court was vacant, he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Are you cheating me?"

No one paid any attention, the courtiers all walked away one by one with a mortal heart.

In a short while, the jade crown on the main hall neatly drained an open space, as if it was a personal silent protest. In the middle of the open space, only a dozen people were left standing there, led by Shangshu Gu Chen from the Ministry of Rites, and said nothing.

If those people just wanted to express their dissatisfaction with their resignation, then the remaining a dozen people are those who have to resist.

Wei Lan had seen such an occasion, she glanced over it and saw Ji Shao also inside, she couldn't help but hum. She can just look at other people, but Ji Shao has been with her classmates for many years, and she can't just watch him do such things. So before these people spoke, Wei Lan said coldly: "Why don't you follow Master Xie and leave? Master Xie is not clear enough, you are ministers, and your majesty is the monarch. If you don’t serve the monarch far away, The hair crown on the head was put down, and the wat board was broken. Since then, it is not as good as the court. I am still standing here. Do you think your Majesty is weak and can be deceived?!"

She reminded her clearly enough, but the dozen or so people stood up straight, not shrinking at all.

Yes, people like Ji Shao are not unwise, he knows the result, he still has to stick to it. Because he has his own bottom line in his heart, even if he uses his life to exchange it, he must hold this bottom line.

When they did not move, Su Cheng laughed. If Xie Qing's resignation is still within his tolerance, these dozen people are rushing to die.

He sat in a high position, looked at Gu Chen coldly, knocked on the desk and said, "Gu Shangshu looked at me like this, do you have something to say?"

"His Royal Highness still needs to discuss the matter of succession to the throne. Now it is not appropriate to call himself me."

Gu Chen frowned, as if he really felt that Su Cheng's behavior was extremely inappropriate.

"Need to discuss?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, grabbed the paperweight in his hand and smashed it over, angrily said: "I am the person who ordered the first emperor to inherit the throne. Are you trying to resist the decree?!"

The paperweight hit Gu Chen's forehead and threw him over on the spot.

Gu Chen is the veteran of the three dynasties. He has spent half his life in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. He is famous for abide by the etiquette. Now he was thrown to the ground by Su Cheng with his gray hair, blood flowing from his head, and everyone present could not help. With a cold expression, it was Lin Che, unable to speak for a while.

The young people next to him all went to help Gu Chen, but Gu Chen pushed them away, dusted his clothes, stood up, still blurred his eyes with blood, and continued: "The minister knows, your highness means that there is a saint. His verbal order, His Royal Highness can succeed to the throne. But for a hundred years since the founding of the Great Chu, I have changed four kings, but I have never had anything to do with a non-prince but not a prince. Why? Isn’t this a mess of Tsunami?"

Hearing Gu Chen's words made Su Cheng clenched his fists. Wei Lan immediately said: "Gu Shangshu's statement is not correct. Everything has its own situation. In the past, the four emperors of my great Chu had enough time to leave their edicts. But at night, people who took orders in danger, relying on verbal instructions, were everywhere. Yes, now that your Majesty has been assassinated, how can you have the energy to leave a will?"

"Yellow-mouthed child!" Gu Chen shouted angrily, half of his face was bleeding, he glared at Wei Lan, and shouted: "Those chaotic courtiers and thieves who rely on this'verbal order' to go to the top, can you also say it?! The prince who does not have a high-ranking edict is a bad name."

"Master Gu!" Wei Lan also raised her voice, stepping forward and saying, "You are old and weak now, I am afraid that you are unconscious, come here!"

"Wait!" Su Cheng spoke, and Wei Lan squeezed the wat board.

She wanted to let people take Gu Chen out a step ahead of time, just to save his life, but Su Cheng spoke, Gu Chen was afraid that he could not keep it.

She stared at Gu Chen, and before Su Cheng spoke, she lowered her voice: "Master Shangshu, I know that you have no choice but to accept and admit a mistake. Your Majesty will not make a difference."

Gu Chen's face was still, and he glanced at Wei Lan with contempt. Su Cheng understood what the old man meant, and smiled and said: "Gu Shangshu just said that I am a chaotic courtier?"

"If your majesty has a will, of course it is not." Gu Chen held the wat board in his hand, completely out of touch with life and death. Su Cheng curled up his lips and said gently, "But I just don't have one, Master Shang Shu meant that I am a chaotic courtier?"

Gu Chen didn't speak, he frowned.

Su Cheng suddenly raised his voice: "Come here! Pull out this insulting saint's rebellious courtier and thief, and slash them all!"

"His Majesty!"

Everyone shouted, Lin Che knelt down on the spot and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Master Gu is an old minister of the Three Dynasties, no!"

"Your Majesty!"

All the people present knelt down, and Su Cheng set his sights on Wei Lan.

Wei Lan squeezed the wat board tightly and did not speak. She knew what Su Cheng meant, Gu Chen was going to die, but someone had to stand up and open this mouth. He wanted her to speak.

His eyes were gentle and dangerous.

He looked at the cold-faced person, wondering what she was thinking.

He had never felt so urgent before. He wanted to look at her and know what step she could do for himself.

She has never betrayed him. He has tried many times. She poisoned Xie Zichen and surrounded the Prince's Mansion. She did everything to make him so satisfied. Even if he knew that she liked Xie Zichen and knew that she had a close friendship with Huan Heng, he still couldn't help but want to get close to her.

He gave her a chance...

As long as she is willing to throw away everything for him, throw away this reputation, throw away this glory, as long as she opens this mouth, then she will become the target of public criticism, and she will really depend on him completely.

——Then, he would believe her.

Believe her completely.

A courtier who is willing to abandon his reputation, become a target of the court, and let go of principles because he is willing to, what reason does he not believe in her?

He stared at Wei Lan quietly, and Wei Lan raised her eyes and looked at him slowly.

She saw the excitement and consideration in his eyes, and instantly understood that this was the last link.

As long as it survives, survive this time, Su Cheng will completely trust her. Only by gaining the trust of Su Cheng, can she rescue Xie Zichen more smoothly and better help the prince comeback.

She adjusted her breathing and raised her voice to the voice of everyone's prayers: "Your Majesty, Gu Shangshu is old and weak, I hope that your Majesty will read it for the sake of the veterans of the three dynasties and give Gu Shangshu... the whole body!"

"Wei Lan!"

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone in Chaozhong shouted angrily, Su Cheng's hanging heart suddenly fell. He raised the corner of his mouth when he looked at Wei Lan, who was besieged by Chaozhong, almost almost laughing.

"it is good."

He raised his voice: "I have agreed. Drag it down and give a white silk one."

As he said, the soldiers rushed in and dragged Gu Chen out. Gu Chen struggled and roared.

"Your Majesty can't do this!" A courtier stepped out and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Master Gu..."

"Shut up!" Su Cheng shouted angrily, pointing at the courtier and said: "You and Gu Shangshu are complicit, right? Drag it down together! Whoever speaks again will be hanged together!"

Chaozhong was quiet for an instant, and Su Cheng was satisfied. He looked at the dozen or so people standing in the pile of hair crowns and set his eyes on Ji Shao.

"Master Ji," his eyes were cold: "Standing there, is there anything else to say to me?"


"Your Highness!"

An anxious voice rushed out, and Wei Lan followed the sound, but Ruan Kangcheng rushed out. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately, "Your Majesty, Ji Shao has taken too much Wu Shi San today. He doesn’t mind. Sober, you can't really take it seriously!"

Ruan Kangcheng is the companion of the three princes, but he is not considered a close friend. He and Ji Shao have always had a good relationship, which was the case when he was in school.

His appearance reminded everyone present when they were enrolling in the palace together, and Su Cheng couldn't help being silent for a while. At that time, even if it was divided into two groups, the prince and the third prince, they were always in the same classroom, and occasionally they would get together to drink.

At that time, he was young, even if he didn't look at them very much, but occasionally got along with him, and he was always happy.

There was a slight blockage in his heart, and he looked at the expressionless Ji Shao, and said softly: "Master Ji, go back, since your mind is not clear, I forgive you for your innocence."

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ruan Kangcheng kowtowed desperately.

Today's affairs have long been beyond his tolerance. If it weren't for Ji Shao, if it wasn't for Ji Shao, if he didn't think that Ji Shao might be hanged by Bai Ling like that Gu Chen, how could he dare to come out?

He has never been brave, and now he has used all his courage, and his whole person is shaking.

Ji Shao looked at Ruan Kangcheng desperately knocking his head, but he smiled. He held Ruan Kangcheng and said calmly: "Kangcheng, you don't need to knock anymore. I'm standing here and I didn't think about being alive."

Hearing this, Su Cheng's expression became cold, and Wei Lan couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily: "Ji Shao, you step back!"

"You don't have to persuade me!" Ji Shao turned his face and said coldly: "In the school back then, I knew there would be today. You and Kang Cheng are accompanied by the three princes, but I, Ji Shao, But it is the prince's companion. The prince is Ji Shao's monarch, he is a king for a day, and a king for life. Where is the monarch under house arrest, but the courtier still bows down and bows to others?"

"Who is His Royal Highness? He is generous and kind, courteous and corporal, respectful and filial to the superior, caring and friendly to the next. Today, he was suddenly deposed by a verbal order. Don't you feel strange?"

"Ji Shao!" Wei Lan gritted her teeth: "You..."

"Don't interrupt him," Su Cheng sat in a high position, propped his chin with his hands, as if watching a play, and smiled: "Let him go on."

Ji Shao turned around, looked at Su Cheng, and continued: "His Royal Highness, you said that Xie Zichen murdered His Majesty, but you didn't transfer Xie Zichen to Dali Temple. Instead, you detained him in the palace and put the prince under house arrest. Isn't this a deliberate frame? ?!"

"You said that the time is urgent. Your Majesty can't leave the edict, but as far as the minister knows, your Majesty died of poisoning. From poisoning to death, there are two hours, two hours, is it not enough to have a will? I dare to ask the three majesty, Where is the edict?!"

"There is no edict, what about the jade seal? Where is the rumored jade seal?!"

"Done?" Su Cheng smiled. Ji Shao stared at Su Cheng coldly. Su Cheng stood up and said slowly: "Ji Shao, I admire you very much. In the school, I think you are probably a Excellent literati."

"Able to speak well, speak eloquently, and make up a set of stories. Unfortunately, this is the court."

As he said, Su Cheng looked cold and shouted: "Come here, drag him down for me, and kill him at noon tomorrow!"

"Your Majesty!" Ruan Kangcheng spoke again, Su Cheng turned his gaze to Ruan Kangcheng, his gaze was cold, full of warnings, Ruan Kangcheng instantly lost all courage, and involuntarily stopped under that gaze. Su Cheng was very satisfied with Ruan Kangcheng's obedience, and said with a smile: "Master Ruan and Master Ji have the same siblings. Let Master Ruan send it off for the last pass. Master Ruan will be the supervisor of the officer."

Ruan Kangcheng's complexion was pale, but he didn't dare to disobey, trembling and trying to answer the order, Wei Lan looked at his appearance, couldn't help but sighed, closed his eyes and said, "Your Majesty, the executioner, let's come. ."

Su Cheng looked at Wei Lan, and saw that she was full of regrets, and she understood what she meant. Su Cheng snorted coldly: "Since Wei Shizi is vying to come and kill, then you will be the supervisor."

"Others," Su Cheng turned his gaze to the remaining dozen people: "Do you want to die with Master Ji, or kneel down?"

No one spoke, everyone held their breath, Wei Lan quietly looked at the dozen people. Those people persisted for a while, and finally knelt down one after another.

Su Cheng hooked his mouth, looked at Ji Shao, and said with some regret: "Master Ji, it seems that other adults today didn't take Wu Shi San."

Ji Shao smiled: "People who are afraid of the dead are worthy of their own character, have a clear conscience, and are not afraid of life and death."

The soldiers rushed up, grabbed Ji Shao's arm, and Ji Shao shook them away, brushed his sleeves, straightened his hair tie, and said, "I'll go by myself!"

Having said that, he turned around calmly, as if heading to a feast of singing and dancing, his posture was full of spirit.

Wei Lan watched the figure quietly, countless fatigue rushing to her heart.

Probably after regaining a lifetime, my heart became younger.

It was a scene that she should have been accustomed to long ago, and she felt a bit sour and embarrassed.

After Ji Shao went out, all those left in the courtroom would no longer speak. After discussing the enthronement ceremony, Su Cheng left Wei Lan, and then left the court.

Wei Lan followed Su Cheng into the Imperial Study Room, and as soon as he entered the room, Su Cheng hugged her tightly.

"Your Majesty," Wei Lan pushed him away and said coldly, "What are you doing!"

Su Cheng was pushed to the ground by her, he got up, didn't care, smiled and said: "Alan, I am the emperor."

"Your Majesty," Wei Lan looked at him coldly, "You have been the emperor since yesterday."

"No...no, Alan," Su Cheng got up and said with joy: "It's different, Alan," he held her hand: "You will always stand by my side, right?"

Upon hearing this, Wei Lan understood that Su Cheng finally regarded her as a confidant. She greeted the joyful gaze of the young man, and didn't quite understand what time was in the end that could make the proud and gorgeous young man look like he is now.

"Your Majesty," she did not affirm or deny: "I am your majesty's courtier."

Always a courtier of the emperor.

"I know," Su Cheng smiled and curled his eyebrows, holding her hand: "Alan will not betray me."

Wei Lan did not speak, Su Cheng thought for a while, but realized her concerns, frowned and said, "You still think about Xie Zichen?"

"Your Majesty," Wei Lan said coldly: "Your Majesty can look at Wei Lan's face and don't leave lifelong harm on Xie Zichen."

She wants a good Xie Zichen. She can't keep more.

Su Cheng was a little annoyed, but he smiled and said, "I protect Xie Zichen. Will Wei Shizi compensate me for something extra?"

In front of Wei Lan, he was reluctant to use my name. Wei Lan raised her eyes to look at him, but said, "What does your Majesty want?"

Su Cheng smiled and took a step forward. Wei Lan's expression was still. Su Cheng pinched her chin and said softly: "The elder brother knows that I have not been able to find anyone for so many years. There is someone better than the elder son. Kissing skills."

Wei Lan frowned. Su Cheng is a slutty and lustful person. You can see the number of his concubines. But she had never thought that Su Cheng would hit her on her head.

But think about it, Wei Lan has some understanding. Didn't she have such thoughts about Su Cheng back then? It's really feng shui turns, come to my house this year.

If it were back then, Wei Lan would naturally not shirk, and she might still be a little bit happy. But I don't know when it started. She didn't have such interest. She thought about that person and thought that the other party would be angry and angry, and then lost this kind of yaxing.

So she said calmly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister will find a better one for your Majesty, and share your worries for your Majesty.

"Alan," Su Cheng smiled, "You really like Xie Zichen."

Wei Lan's face was still, Su Cheng's eyes darkened, and she continued: "Do you know, only if you like someone, will you think about defending yourself like a jade for him. You are the same as me."

"Alan." He held her hand and approached her: "Kiss me, I won't let anyone go to try Xie Zichen tonight."

"If you don't judge him, what will your Majesty's Yuxi do?" Wei Lan held her hand and dropped her eyes. It is impossible for Xie Zichen to be the only person to be tried by Tian Jiu. The longer Xie Zichen stays in the palace, the more dangerous it is. Although Su Cheng couldn't kill him, it was absolutely impossible to make him feel better. Thinking of what Xie Zichen would face, Wei Lan couldn't wait to lift the imperial city now.

But no, time is not up.

Wang Ning's army did not come, Huanheng's army did not come, and her manpower in the court did not go down.

If it was said that the prince was sent away because of a helpless move under the unclear situation, then it is now a gamble between her and Xie Zichen.

Xie Zichen stole the jade seal, for which he was tortured, so that the throne of Sioux City would never be righteous, and gave the prince a reason and opportunity to revive his army. Tomorrow the crown prince will be enthroned, this is the kindness and first achievement of a lifetime.

And now she has become Su Cheng’s confidant, and she is the official secretary. Now the court has rectified the vacancies, and she will do it alone. Then she will fill up her and Xie Zichen’s people and wait for the prince to return to Beijing. At that time, open the city gate again to welcome the prince back to the city. In this way, she will also become the prince’s important minister. At this time, the court has changed blood. Most of the people above and below are her and Xie Zichen’s people. She and Xie Zichen are finally He stood firm in the center.

So she can't be too impulsive, Xie Zichen took the initiative to suffer this crime, what she wants is such a beautiful future.

She didn't change her face, thinking quickly in her heart, Su Cheng looked at her frowning, indulged in this amazing beauty, feeling that there is nowhere to vent her desires, he stared at her, hoarsely said: "For Alan, It’s okay to delay the Yuxi issue."

"Alan," he said affectionately: "Do you want this gift?"

Wei Lan didn't speak, she raised her eyes to Su Cheng, and the other party was waiting for her answer. After a while, she smiled slightly, Su Cheng's eyes showed a stunning expression, Wei Lan pushed Su Cheng to the ground and lifted her hand to release. He lost his cloak, threw it on the ground at will, and then hung it on Su Cheng's body, raised his hand to pull Su Cheng's hand over his head, grasped it, and pressed it under his hand.

"Your Majesty is rushing to give the gift," Wei Lan smiled, her eyes were cold: "Where is Wei Lan's gift? It's just that I will ask the son in person tomorrow, can your Majesty agree?"

"Alan asked," Su Cheng saw Wei Lan Qingsi fall, caressing his face, he couldn't help but said in a hoarse voice, "Naturally I am willing."

"Okay," Wei Lan squeezed Su Cheng's chin and said coldly: "The minister will take a look, how does your Majesty feel."

After speaking, Wei Lan lowered her head and kissed it. Su Cheng opened her eyes wide, feeling the electric current all the way up from her spine.

Wei Lan's kissing skills are very good. He knew, but never thought about it. Four years later, he didn't know if it was because of too long lovesickness or something else. With just one kiss, he could be confused and infatuated.

Su Cheng didn't feel like himself, but the people in front of him were always so cold and self-sufficient.

She watched him quietly, and Su Cheng's gaze that was always withdrawing made Su Cheng particularly excited. He wanted to catch her, wanted to hold her, but he didn't have the guts. He gasped softly, she straightened up, pulled out a silver thread on her lips, and said coldly, "Your Majesty, is that enough?"

He wanted to say not enough and wanted more, but touching the other's gaze, he suppressed himself and said hoarsely: "Enough."

Wei Lan stood up decisively, picked up the cloak next to him, and said: "The minister retire."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without saluting at all.

Su Cheng looked at her back and held herself.

"Alan..." He closed his eyes and said hoarsely: "Alan."

Wei Lan squeezed out of the palace with her fist, jumped directly into the carriage, Yanmo followed, and said anxiously, "Master, what's wrong?"

"Where is Tianjiu?"

Wei Lan said in a cold voice, dyeing ink noticed that the atmosphere was not right, so she didn't dare to talk nonsense, and said, "I'm in the house."

Wei Lan nodded, dyeing ink asked the coachman to drive to the house of a civic woman. After Wei Lan entered, she changed clothes and jumped out from the back door. After carefully checking whether anyone was following, they came to a house and pushed Entering the door, Chang Pei and a woman were already waiting there.

"Second son," Chang Pei respectfully saluted, Wei Lan raised her hand, looked at the woman who was saluting, and said calmly, "Tianjiu Peirong?"

"Yes." The woman spoke respectfully, and Wei Lan nodded, walked into the main hall, and said directly: "Speaking of business, what happened that day?"

"The day before the son’s accident, the queen discussed with your majesty and hoped that the son would be the princess, so that day, your majesty called the son privately to discuss. After hearing that your majesty had left the son, the empress said to everyone that she would go to discuss with her. There were only two of the son and your majesty. At that time, your majesty had begun to vomit blood. The son immediately called the imperial doctor to come. In everyone's panic, the son stole the jade seal on the table and hid it in the sleeve. After the slave and the empress arrived at the royal study room, The queen immediately ordered the gate of the palace to be sealed, and at the same time controlled everyone present. The son struggled to scold the queen, and the slave servant took the initiative to slap him. When the son fell down, the slave slave pulled him, and the son passed the jade seal through this action. In the hands of the servant."

"So Yuxi is with you?"

Wei Lan frowned, Tian Jiu took out a palm-sized jade seal from his sleeve and offered it respectfully. Wei Lan took the jade seal, looked at the complicated patterns on it, and listened to Tian Jiu said: "The son said, the son will take this jade seal and give it to the prince in the future. Everyone will naturally believe that the son is the prince’s internal response, and there is no need to venture to open the city Door, this will anger Sioux City, it is too dangerous."

Wei Lan didn't speak, but looked at this Yuxi.

Even in such a situation, that person is still thinking about how to protect her and how to make her safer.

This feeling of being guarded by someone's wings is very strange to Wei Lan. Her heart is sour and sour, and she suddenly regrets so much. Why not be honest? Why not say a few more words to him.

What if this person can't come back this time?

He didn't even know that she was actually a girl.

He didn't even know that she could actually have children for him.

She rubbed the jade seal and said hoarsely, "Is there anything he has ordered?"

"No, the son only asked me to bring you one other irrelevant sentence."


"The son said," Tian Jiu pursed his lips, seemingly embarrassed: "He is not jealous, you and Su Cheng, just be happy."

Wei Lan: "..."

She felt that if she believed it, the day would fall when Xie Zichen came out.

Wei Lan felt a little embarrassed, coughed, and nodded: "I see, you tell him, if you can't help it, don't be hard, it's okay to confess Yuxi. His life is more important than this."

"Don't worry, Shi Zi," Tian Jiu said, "I am also one of the executioners. I watched the injury of Shi Zi. Although it looks terrible, it didn't hurt the bones."

Wei Lan gave a hard cry, and Tian Jiu ordered a few more words before going down.

On the other side, Wang Xi finally walked out of the mountains and came to a small town. He hurriedly bought a set of clothes and a horse, and then contacted the people in Shengjingli.

At this moment, Shengjing had extra difficulties in getting in and out, and the dark guard who finally came out hurriedly said with Wang Xi: "Seventh son must not go back, Master Ji will ask about it tomorrow."

Wang Xi was stunned, and then said: "Who do you think is going to be cut by the question?"

"Ji Shao, Master Ji."

"What about Lin Che?" Hearing such tragic news from a friend, Wang Xi was the first friend to think of it. Even if he knew that Lin Che might have inextricable connections in it, it still remained. With such a fluke, what if he was wrong?

However, the dark guard's words completely chilled his heart: "Master Lin Xun was named Shang Shu Ling, Master Lin Che was named Shang Shu in the Criminal Department."

Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry.

With Lin Che's qualifications, if he hadn't had the merit of being a dragon, he would definitely not have such a position. Wang Xi was silent, but after a while, he smiled.

"He became the Shangshu of the Criminal Ministry, but just watched his brother die like this?"

"Climbing up with the lives of my brothers..." Wang Xi raised her hand to help her forehead, feeling a bit sour in her eyes: "It's good, it's really good."

"Seventh son..." The dark guard was a little worried. Wang Xi closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes again and continued: "What about the others? You tell me one by one!"

After Wei Lan sent off Tianjiu, she turned back on the same road and got into the carriage.

She stayed up all night and waited for someone to come.

She is the Superintendent, but she does not want Ji Shao to die. If there is any chance, she still hopes that Ji Shao can survive. Su Cheng's meaning is very clear. He intends to use Ji Shao's life to plug everyone's mouths and kill chickens and monkeys.

She can't make a move, Su Cheng is staring at her all the time now, but Ruan Kangcheng can. Based on the relationship between Ruan Kangcheng and Ji Shao, she thought, he must come to ask for help.

As long as Ruan Kangcheng takes action, she is willing to take a risk, pretending to be negligent and let go of Ji Shao.

This is not a sensible thing, even a slight difference, so that Su Cheng thinks that she is deliberate, even she will capsize. Now that Su Cheng mentioned her as the official department, he was in charge of the arrangement of the official positions in Sheng Jingzhong. He had begun to trust her. It was because of his trust that he could not tolerate betrayal.

However, she couldn't do nothing. When she closed her eyes, she would remember that during those years of school, Wang Xi took these young people and sang drunkly with her.

One would think of her returning from the north, the man sitting in the carriage, playing the joyful welcoming pine.

I would think of her in those days when she went to find Yanlan, this person had a happy conversation with her, played the piano and the flute.

Such a lively person, such an upright and gentle person, like a light in this rotten world.

She, Xie Zichen, and Su Cheng are all people who are already rotten, while Wang Xi is a half-rotten and not rotten person with one eye closed. Ruan Kangcheng is a weak person. He is the only one who has a strong character. He refused to bend.

She was reluctant to leave this person in this way at this age, but she couldn't do it herself. She can only wait for others to come.

However, she waited all night and there was no news from Ruan Kang in Chengdu. The spy placed in Ruan Kangcheng's home came to report to Wei Lan that Ruan Kangcheng had been confined by his father, drunk at home, and cried all night.

Wei Lan; "..."

He shouldn't be called Ruan Kangcheng, he should be called Soft Persimmon.

On the second day, she calculated the time and went to pick up Ji Shao in prison in person.

Ji Shao wore yesterday's official robes and sat down on his knees in the cell, as if he was on top of the high hall, without falling into a half-strength.

Wei Lan came to him, smiled and said, "I sent Brother Ji on the road, can Brother Ji resent?"

Ji Shao smiled, her face calm.

"It's a great honor for Ji Shao to be sent off by Brother Wei personally. Wen Jun on Huangquan Road will live up to this life."

"Ji Shao, thank you."

The author has something to say:

[Little Theater·Xie Zichen is jealous]

Xie Tong: "Master, it's not good, Wei Shizi ran away with Huanheng."

Xie Zichen: "Well, it's okay. Bring my eagle. I will write a letter to Alan. I wish her happiness. I will protect her forever. I will not be jealous. She can rest assured."

Xie Tong: "Master, here you are. Wait, Master, what are you doing?!"

Xie Zichen: "I'll pick up Alan and cut Huanheng by the way."

Xie Tong: "Aren't you jealous?"

Xie Tong: "Master, it's not good, Wei Shizi ran away with Su Cheng."

Xie Zichen: "Call Tian Jiu over and bring a message to Alan. I won't be jealous. She and Su Cheng are happy."

Xie Tong: "Master, why do you want to carry a sword?"

Xie Zichen: "Nothing, I plan to castrate him."

Xie Tong: "Aren't you jealous?"

Xie Tong: "Master, it's not good, the son ran away with Wang Xi."

Xie Zichen: "Tell her, I'm not jealous..."

Xie Tong: "Master, it's not good, Wang Xi ran away by himself."

Xie Zichen: "..."

Wang Xi: "Zichen, I came to you to explain it specifically. It was a misunderstanding just now. The world is going to ask me for a drink. Look, I refused."

Xie Zichen: "Brother Wang, don't worry, I'm not such a jealous person, but you can explain to me why she asks you for a drink instead of me?"

Wang Xi: "Zichen, put the sword down first..."

Xie Tong: "Aren't you jealous?"

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