The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 992: A world shrouded in green terror

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"Skills? Haha, the key is not the skill, but the equality of status." Ville looked at the dense forest around him, and did not conceal the problem with Lilith.

"In a world where the strong respects the strong, the rules are specified by the strong, and equality is only relative. The reason why I am able to deal with them is that on the one hand, the road to the dragon protects us and restricts the inviter. On the other hand, On the one hand, our future is bright, and our future achievements are not under them. There is no need to fear them. After clearing the road to the dragon, we will also be a dragon, there is no ups and downs." Xiaoweier expressed himself very confidently. Declaration of victory.

With the lessons learned from the previous world, Ville and Lilith immediately asked the apostle elves to analyze the surrounding environment, and at the same time hooked up the tree of life seedlings, swallowing the magic power of **** around them, and the sky was clear during the day, and the sun in the sky was exceptional. Dazzling, the slightly damp air in the forest is full of miasma.

"Brother Stupid Apostle, the concentration of **** magic power here is twice as strong as the previous underground world. Because of the previous bone dragon forcibly condensing **** magic power, the overall analysis of the two spatial levels is similar. This world **** magic power is full of vitality and toxins. It can cause people to be poisoned unconsciously. Among them, neurotoxins are hard to prevent. It is recommended that Brother Apostle wear the leaves of the tree of life with him." Xiao Wei's voice emerged in her mind, and then she gave him a reminder that there are dangers lurking around.

With his left hand sticking out like lightning, a five-inch green snake was pinched by him for seven inches (it feels that the seven-inch of a five-inch snake is not easy to find, a bit awkward), and a green ray went straight to the door of Little Ville, which was easily taken by him. After flashing, the big tree behind it fell into the wood for three minutes and made a "Zizlara" sound, which was obviously not too poisonous.

"Wood attribute poisonous beast?" Lilith put on a green necklace, her eyes turned to the little poisonous snake.

Little Weir nodded slightly: "You can't look at you, and you can't just look at the size of the monster. This little thing is actually an advanced monster. I don't know whether we are lucky or bad."

Lilith's ears moved slightly, and she patted her forehead and said, "I think it's not a matter of luck, but that the forest green dragon that you made angry deliberately threw us here. It's like a snake's den. "

As soon as the voice fell, a white defensive barrier on Lilith's body instantly expanded to envelop herself and Little Vil. On the big tree, three to five-foot-long green snakes fell down like rain, and almost took them both. It was buried, and the whole tree was actually covered with poisonous snakes.

No wonder there is a thick poisonous mist everywhere, feelings, this is a venomous snake's nest, not just this big tree, all the surrounding trees have more or less venomous snakes inhabiting, and there are also a dozen or twenty. There are hundreds or thousands of people gathered together with different races. If you take five steps on the ground, there will be venomous snakes lurking. This place can kill people with intensive phobias.

Ville was full of flames, and the raging fire instantly expanded for ten meters. All the poisonous snakes were bounced away, and when they approached, they would endure the burning of the fire. Lilith released the deformed puppets, and the two quickly lifted into the air and took off to a height of one hundred meters. They found that their previous foothold was a basin with a diameter of 20 or 30 miles. The basin was full of greenery, and the dense forest outside was beyond sight. In the distance, an eagle of Warcraft sang loudly, and seemed to have the meaning of rushing over. Its lair is on a high mountain in the other direction.

"The second-order flying beast, looking at the existence of a dominant overlord level, that place should be a bit interesting, let's first weigh the true level of this world's high-end combat power." Little Ville and Lilith have the same mind, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is not dead, only sufficient Only by understanding the situation of this world can we pass customs better and even purify this world.

Ville and Lilith’s plans were shattered from the first contact. After the Warcraft Eagle approached, an enthusiastic voice came from his back: "Oh, friends from afar, welcome to the world shrouded in green terror. I am a rebel. The captain of the Home Sky Combat Team, Jue Luo. He is also a senior who entered here earlier than you."

Jueluo is a slightly short man with a good forest green dragon bloodline. He has short forgiving hair and stands tall. It seems that he made this look deliberately to increase his height. His high voice gives a sense of heartiness. The feeling is sunny and lively.

No malice was detected from the second-order dragon blood knight, Ville and Lilith briefly introduced themselves, a black dragon blood knight, a wizard, a silver dragon blood knight, a wizard, this kind of grudge witch Powerful people who have achieved both skills and accomplishments are worthy of respect, at least Jiao Luo respects them.

While leading the way, Jueluo did not forget to introduce them to the basic situation of the world: "This level is really not friendly at all. You actually need to collect five things in person to clear the level, and these places have Tier 3 monsters. , If one is not careful, there will be no return."

"The direction you are coming is Wan Snake Pit. There is a cunning third-order green jade snake lurking inside. This monster snake is not only good at hiding in the wind, but also has a pair of magical eyes that can shoot out spiritual speed. The sight makes people feel paralyzed unconsciously. What's even more hateful is that it is also good at disguising, its whereabouts are uncertain, and Wanshe Pit may appear anywhere."

"To the west is the Scorpion Forest. It is said to be a forest. It is actually not a real forest, but a huge Shilin. There are countless poisonous scorpions inhabited. The strongest is the Tier 3 steel armor six-tailed poisonous scorpion. There is almost nothing on the body. Weakness, as hard as steel, and with six tails, with great strength to resist beating, it is invincible."

"To the north is the centipede grassland. This grass is not an ordinary grass. Most of it is one person tall. There are countless centipede poisonous insects hidden inside. You may not believe it. Such a centipede poisonous insect that has just entered the stage is enough. Ten great warriors and great knights will eat for two days. The thousand-foot centipede king is ten feet long and has amazing toxicity. He is also good at burrowing in the ground and can escape without hitting. This is the only one that is easy to deal with, but it is difficult to kill. "

"To the east is a large swamp, with the most poisonous toads in it, but flying dragons dominate one side, a group of two-legged flying dragons, headed by a third-order four-legged flying dragon, this guy has many brothers around him, and he will besiege at every turn, and With air superiority, we can’t do anything about it. This **** is still the only villain who likes to take the initiative. Many of our brothers have suffered from it.”

"The last is the absolute overlord of this world, the **** green dragon Lythone. It lives on high cliffs and hunts once every three months. Every time it will cause us to suffer huge losses."

"What do you call the five things that need to be collected by yourself? What kind of existence does the Rebel's House exist?" Little Weier also found it a bit tricky. The third-order green jade snakes and six-tailed poisonous snakes in the southeast and northwest. Scorpion, Thousand-legged Centipede King, and Four-legged Flying Dragon are actually not too difficult to deal with, but the **** green dragon is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, this is a pure blood dragon, even if it is only Tier 3, it is not an ordinary dragon blood awakener of the same level. What can be contended is that the pure-blood dragons have a natural suppression of half-dragons and Yalong.

"A barrier-breaker casually kills a second-order monster and can get a clearance certificate. There are five grooves on it. They need to put the snake gall of the first-order jasper five-inch snake and the first-order iron armor poison. The venom sac of the scorpion, the fangs of the first-order centipede, the skin of the first-order purple-spotted poisonous frog, and the scales of the green dragon Lythone." Jueluo gritted his teeth slightly when he said this thing at the end.

It’s not too difficult to get the first four things by hand. As long as you are careful and patient, you can still get it, but the last one is terrible. The green dragon Lythone is the absolute overlord of this world. It is definitely a nemesis, looking for scales is tantamount to seeking a tiger's skin, purely looking for death.

"Whether it's out hunting, can't you sneak into its lair to look for scales?" Lilith couldn't help asking.

Jueluo glanced at Lilith and shook his head gently and said, "Lythone is not an ordinary Yalong. It has high intelligence and is proficient in the dragon language magic circle. There is a teleportation magic circle in its lair. Entering the magic circle will be activated, and it will be able to teleport back instantly."

"It feels like summoning a magic circle, but it is itself that is summoned." Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "In other words, if you want to get its scales, you can only hope that it will be knocked off during battle. Up."

Jue Luo couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "The little brother is very ambitious. It seems that there is really only such a way. There were indeed other brothers who used this method to pass the level before, but they used more organ traps to calculate. Lesonne is not a face-to-face face."

"As for the home of the rebels, this is the base area where we passers-by and descendants of pass-passers gather to resist the green terror. It is also the safest place in the world and belongs to our home."

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