The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 995: The Fall of the 5 Kings

"The troubles of the young wizard (

The old leader personally apologized to Ville and Lilith, but none of the other second-tier masters who knew the strength of Ville and Lilith felt inappropriate. The strong should be respected, not to mention that they still control the magic crystal cannon. Such a big killer.

Ville waved his hand indifferently and said, "I'm not angry, but just some green dragon scales. I want to be able to get it personally anytime. I'm thinking about another thing."

"If I kill the green dragon and take away all the scales, will it be impossible for anyone to pass the level in the future?" Ville's words surprised everyone. A sky knight shook his head repeatedly: "Impossible, impossible. Yes, the strength of Green Dragon Lythone is not comparable to that of ordinary Tier 3 masters, it is..."

The sky knight's words were interrupted by the old leader, "Lord Dragon God will not arrange an unsolvable test. Even if the green dragon Lythone is killed, Lord Dragon God will arrange other powerful beasts as substitutes. The gods have been watching. We, I can feel it."

"Give me a map, mark the green dragon's lair, and I will catch it and come back immediately." Little Ville's Shadow Witchcraft had just been completed, and the green dragon Lythone had contributed a lot. He was very much at the cunning green dragon. I'm curious, I want to fight hard, and see if I can get more benefits from it. Different types of dragons have different inheritance. Although Xiaowei is a black dragon, he is walking the path of wizards. Other dragons His inheritance is also very helpful to him.

Now that Vil's shadow, earth, and ocean are all three-tiered, all three spaces in the snowwood world have been turned into secret realms, so that he does not need to continue to bear, the pressure is greatly reduced, and the whole body is transparent. It is time to understand the law.

Only the third-order Consummation is also different. Ville's Consummation is just filled with water and can continue to lay the foundation. This process takes a long time if it is carefully crafted, and fighting is undoubtedly the fastest way.

The old leader took out the map without saying a word, not only the green dragon Lythone’s lair, but also the details of the four dangerous places in the east, west, north, south, and even the other four Tier 3 monsters. Give it to Will.

"I have a magic crystal cannon, you don’t have to worry about my loss. The green dragon with injured wings can’t escape the continuous bombardment of the magic crystal cannon.” Ville took away the two magic crystal cannons, driving the steel puppets and leaving, and Lily Silk stayed, and she wanted to do business in place of Little Weil. This world is richer than the underground world. At least the magic stone resources are not scarce. What is scarce is the inheritance of the wizard.

The green dragon Lethon came quickly and went quickly. It did not bring much loss to the small town of the rebel's home. The poisonous fog was collected by Xiaowei, and the attack was blocked by the defensive enchantment, except for leaving a pool of blood and some Flesh and flesh scales, the green dragon Lethon left without leaving anything else. It can be said that it was really too polite, which made the people of the Rebel's House feel a little weird.

Lilith showed her Tier 3 aura in public and shocked everyone. Her aura was even better than that of Green Dragon Lythone, and then she showed her alchemy potion ability and alchemy casting ability on the spot. Alchemy potion directly engages. After the grandmaster-level potion came out, Alchemy Casting only created master-level works for safety, which still made everyone stunned and unbelievable.

How old is this girl?

Master of Alchemy Pharmacy, Master of Alchemy Foundry?

In full view, she had no room for fraud at all, and a bottle of Grandmaster-level potion directly made the old leader ten years younger.

Lilith knew that her potion was not so powerful. The reason why she looked exaggerated was that it was caused by the elimination of the toxins in the old leader's body. His strength was not weak, because the toxins corroded so old that the toxins were removed. Xiaoban, coupled with the nourishing recovery of Grandmaster's Potion, has such an exaggerated and obvious effect.

Everyone present shows signs of being corroded by toxins. This speed is about to penetrate into the bone marrow, and even has penetrated into the bone marrow. Many people born here seem to be born with this toxin. After all, they are affected by green terror. The shrouded time is filled with faint toxins everywhere.

When Lilith recounted her discovery, all the masters above the ranks, including the old leader, said that they knew this very well, but there was no solution but to endure it silently.

Lilith stood up bravely, "I can't eliminate the toxins of the entire world, but if only to keep this small city from being disturbed by speed, I think I still have this ability."

The old leader was overjoyed, and other people gathered around. This girl brought them too many surprises, and she did have this ability. "My dragon family inheritance has been opened more, and some of the dragon language magic arrays have gathered and condensed. , Isolation knowledge, as long as the entire town is isolated with a magic array, and then the toxins in the town are gathered and condensed, the air in the town can be purified. As for the toxins in the water, only medicine can be used to purify it."

Lilith is helpless because not only the air is poisonous, but the water is also poisonous. Although it is very slight, it is not without it. Even the running water is not safe.

"I am very grateful for being able to breathe freely. Regarding the pharmacy, I would also like to ask Master Grandmaster for his advice." The old leader is a very responsible person. Lilith is willing to contribute the formula of the pharmacy, and even reduce the difficulty of teaching it. They, the old leader, besides opening the library, also gave Lilith a large amount of precious medicinal materials, which are unique to the world.

Lilith always felt that if there is poison, there is a detoxifier. If you want to solve the toxins in this world, you can only find a way in the world itself. The method of purifying toxins in the water with medicine is too expensive and too cumbersome, but in a short time. She, an outsider, can only do so for the first time.

Moreover, the food they planted is also a big problem, and it also carries a touch of toxins. In comparison, the meat of monsters is much better. Their blood is poisonous, but the meat is quite pure, which made Lilith a research heart.

Through the seven-story sacred tower, Lily Ribbon brought many things, such as food, wine, food, clothes, and various other exquisite daily necessities. They made a fortune by trading. The magic stone is not in this world. Scarce, various ores are relatively few, but medicinal materials are absolutely abundant, but because of the living environment, most of them mutate and carry toxins.

Special treasures can be sold to special customers. After receiving these special medicinal materials, Léa directly found the group of green dragons guarding the temple of the fairy goddess, and sold these things to them at high prices, in exchange for a lot of special green dragons. Properties, including the scales they shed, etc.

You know that treasures tainted with dragon breath are very valuable, not to mention the materials on the dragon. Leya directly opened up a shop with the theme of giant spirits, specializing in the sale of dragon-related treasures. She has also successfully matched the green of the wizard island. The dragon group has established commercial contacts. The green dragons like many poisonous treasures provided by Lilith. After all, the world has been transformed by the green dragon Lython for thousands of years. It has become extremely suitable for green dragons to live in, and many green dragons have also been derived. What dragon likes.

It's been seven or eight days since Ville has been there. The old leader became less confident from the beginning, and finally became even more frightened. From time to time, he walked around in front of Lilith and asked carefully and secretly.

Lilith provided a lot of living materials so that they did not need to go out hunting, but to build this large magic circle covering the entire town of the rebels. Without the help of Ville's constructive witchcraft, pure artificial labor requires a lot of labor, and all people enter the class. All the masters of the time were recruited by her.

When there is work, everyone is crazy about it, and the whole Rebel House is more vigorous and vigorous.

"Don't worry, the content of the map you gave him is too detailed. He may take a little longer to go out this time. After all, some prey are very good at hiding, and it is difficult to catch without a little patience.

What kind of prey is worthy of Willie's patience to catch?

The answer is the five holy beasts in this world!

Ten days later, Ville, who was slightly messy on his body, returned with the deformed puppet king and the first thing he did when he landed on the small town square was to display the spoils.


This is the green jade and green pupil snake.


This is a six-tailed poisonous scorpion.


This is the centipede king.


This is a four-legged flying dragon.

Then everyone looked at Xiao Weier quietly, waiting for him to continue to dig out. The latter scratched his head and waved his hand "clap". A small pile of green dragon scales piled up, among them the new and the old ones. Everything.

Everyone was born with cheers, and those who crossed the barrier were the most excited. I'm afraid there are thousands of these scales.

The most important thing is not the number of scales, but the freshness of these scales. Many of them are bloodshot, and it doesn't look like the green dragon Lythone took the initiative to hand it over.

"Pop!" The green dragon Lethone's head was finally thrown out by Ville. "This guy is good at using shadow witchcraft. It's a bit difficult to get married and catch him alive, so it's a whim at the last moment..."

Lilith suddenly realized that Ville had already completed the third stage. Facing the forest green dragon of the third stage, he was absolutely suppressed in all directions, but because of being too excited, he accidentally killed the green dragon Lythone. , And the death was miserable, so it had to be divided in advance.

In ten days, all the five great kings in the world were killed. Ville also got a large fortune from their lair, and initially purified the **** magic and toxins of their lair. At this time, Lilith’s magic circle had also come to an end. .

Ville and Lilith looked at each other and smiled, everything is silent. Through the Snowwood World, the Seven-Story Sacred Tower and even the Apostle Space, they knew everything about each other well, and they had to communicate several times a day.

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