The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1000: Place of exile, edge of destruction

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Can you still do this?

What do these three dragons want to do?

Giant dragons have high intelligence, especially top-level existences with blood inheritance. They can't do this kind of thankless thing leisurely.

Ville and Lilith looked at each other, instinctively thinking of a possibility. They wanted to control the world and then escape from here, but is this all right?

"It always feels like they are robbing the power of this world." Lilith's subconscious words made Will stunned.

The two looked at each other and thought of a possibility, the key to space!

The key of space is very difficult to find. If there is no chance, it will not be found even in one thousand and ten thousand years. However, the space is so big after all. Apart from unreliable and stupid methods, it is not without other opportunistic methods, such as Grabbing space authority forces or attracts the emergence of space keys.

Bai Longyu controls the power of wind and rain in this world, while searching for the key to space through the rain controlled by him.

Bronze dragon destroys Bailong's plan through thunder and lightning, while also trying to **** the law of thunder and lightning, forcing the key of space to appear.

The last is the Neptune Dragon. What it really wants to control is not the ocean monsters, but the ocean authority. The so-called hearing is very high. It is estimated that it is arbitrarily using special methods to explore and control the ocean, and the ocean monsters are its eyes and ears.

It is best if they can find the space key. If not, they will eventually control part of the world's authority, and the three can cooperate to forcibly create a pseudo space key to control the world, and then try to destroy the world and get out of the trap. .

If it is a real world, they may not succeed, but unfortunately this is just a huge space. With their third-order strength and the control of this space, it is still possible to make the world self-destruct. At that time, they only need To survive the impact of the destruction of the world can truly regain freedom.

It's really hard to say where they will appear after regaining their freedom. Wizard Islands or Dragon Island?

Little Ville's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a place: "The abyss."

"What?" This time it was Lilith's turn to be stunned. She didn't understand how her fiancé's brain jumped so much, and she jumped directly to the topic of the abyss. You should know that this topic is taboo, and many people can't discuss it in front of them. Otherwise, you will be warned, that is, the two of them did not know the name through formal channels, and have never entered there through formal channels, let alone signed a confidentiality agreement.

"If this space is shattered, they may appear in the abyss." Littleville said solemnly: "Don't ask me why I know, because I don't know it myself. It's just such a feeling, a very strong feeling."

The conversation between the two was directly blocked by Lilith, and only they could hear it. Others saw their mouths closed, but could not hear any sound. They suddenly knew that they had used some small tricks, Andrea Suddenly she became dissatisfied, but she was very interested in the secret conversation between the two, but they not only blocked the voice, but even the mouth became very rigid and monotonous, which could only be regarded as one syllable.

But no matter how hard Andrea worked hard, she still couldn't break the sound barrier between them. Only when she jumped up and slammed on Lilith, it broke the sound barrier. As a result, their dialogue was over. Ya is crazy.

"What level of barrier are you? I'm a second-tier sky knight, a second-level official wizard, how can I not even the little tricks you set up?" Andrea yelled in a frantic manner. As a result, laughter from the other sky knights around.

"Master Weir and Master Lilith are both Tier 3 Paladins, Tier 3 official wizards." Jueluo took the initiative to explain to Andrea, who was stunned.

"It's impossible. In the entire Crystal Palace, only the eldest sister is a Tier 3 paladin. She is only a high-level knight. The wizard is still an apprentice of the third-level wizard, not at all. How can you both enter the third-tier at the same time? You look smaller than me." Andrea was stunned, unable to believe her ears, but in fact she also vaguely felt that the two people in front of her were stronger than herself in all aspects, especially Little Ville. The music on the body can feel a strong pressure.

This is also the reason that Weier has newly practiced the "Thor Code". It is difficult for beginners to completely hide their aura, causing Weier to unconsciously reveal a trace of thunder and lightning, and incidentally also exposes part of his strength.

"No, we must look bigger than you. You see, you are only as tall as my chest." Little Ville stood in front of Andrea, who slapped her chest with an elbow. But he hit his arm very painfully, and his face twisted for a while.

"Are you beaten with iron? How can you be so hard? Or, what kind of protective gear is installed on your chest?" Andrea reached out to pull Xiaoweier's clothes, and the latter came to Lilith in a flash.

"Girls need to be more reserved. It's best not to do things like taking off men's clothes in the public. My fiancee is still watching."

"Oh, let's talk about it next time she is no more." Andrea's words made Vail a black line, and Lilith's poisonous dragon drill turned the soft flesh of his waist ignoring the defense, 720 degrees. There is absolutely no discount.

This girl is also a black belly, and Little Will immediately affirmed this. The cute girl must have cut the inside and it must be black.

Andrea from the Crystal Palace also gave a brief introduction. The number of people is less than one hundred. Among them, there are only more than 30 people who crossed the barrier. The others are descendants of the previous ones. The real natives do not exist at all, because the natives here are also. The **** demon shark human race was either expelled or beheaded.

"The eldest sister is the white dragon-blooded sky knight who came here fifty years ago. She is a paladin who has fought all the way through the terrible world. She is also the only one who can escape from the three great dragons. It is our Crystal Palace. The absolute boss, and she has collected the flesh and blood of the Bronze Dragon and the Neptune Dragon. Only the flesh and blood of the White Dragon will be able to clear the level, but this is the most difficult for the big sister, after all..."

After all, the boss of the Crystal Palace is the owner of the white dragon bloodline. Facing the real white dragon is a naturally suppressed existence, she can maintain considerable combat power against the bronze dragon and the sea king dragon, but in front of the white dragon, it is not even as good as Ande. Leah, and it's still far from as good.

"Hey, since you are all Tier 3 masters, and they don’t look like the blood of the white dragon, why don’t you go get the blood of the white dragon, and then exchange the blood of the sea king dragon and the bronze dragon with the big sister, then you will be able to be together. It's cleared." Andrea had a bad idea, and all the second-order dragon blood knights glared at her.

You are Chi Guoguo's instigation of our two backers to play tricks, they are going to kill the powerful existence of the three-headed dragon.

"Why didn't the three of us join forces to smash the three dragons, and finally we all clear the customs together?" Lilith asked her doubts.

Andrea shook her head and said: "Impossible, the three big dragons will not be defeated, even the eldest sister tried her best for more than 20 years to successfully attack three I arrived at the flesh and blood of a bronze dragon and two flesh and blood of the sea king dragon. One of them was almost impossible to return. The three big dragons are too strong, even stronger than the third-order powerhouse I have known before, and they are simply invincible. I suspect that they have reached the level of a half-step and a half-god, but for some reason they could not be promoted."

"By the way, did you offend anyone? Why are you thrown into this world? As far as I know, there are six worlds in the sixth level, and the other five difficulty levels are relatively much simpler. This world is also called rushing through the levels. The prison of the wicked, the tomb of the wicked, is an extra-standard test space for half-dragon traversers who have good strength and bad conduct and are not liked by Dragon Island." Andrea's words made everyone stunned, and their eyes were cast together. Little ville.

Little Ville shrugged and said, "I did a business with the guarding Silver Dragon, and then he threw all of us here with a shake of his hand. What about you? Did you do a lot of evil outside and be disobedient since childhood? , Qiang kid’s lollipop, peeked at the old neighbor’s bath, and was locked here?"

The corners of Andrea’s mouth twitched wildly, a fist slammed into Ville’s stomach, and then she leaped straight with her fist in her arms. Ville’s Thunder God has a small body, and Andrea’s second-order knight can’t do without vindictiveness. Break the defense, and even ask for trouble.

"Land of Exile?" Lilith thoughtfully, cast her gaze to the sky, and the Eye of Advanced Appraisal was fully activated, she seemed to see more.

"Interesting, has it reached this level? If it is not controlled, can it be the limit if it can last more than ten or twenty years." Lilith muttered to herself, this space has reached the edge of destruction, and the outside half It is impossible for the god-level dragon to enter here, so the purpose of the bronze dragon throwing them in is too obvious.

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