The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1002: Establish a transaction, the white dragon emerges

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The Crystal Palace is guarded by a powerful Dragon Whisper Magic Array. It is the last place for the trespassers to settle down. As her own and the strongest spy, Andrea is naturally able to come and go freely, but this time the news she brought Everyone was shocked.

The two holy knights and holy wizards forcibly built an island on the sea, and the Dragon Whisper Magic Array was not even worse than the Crystal Palace that they had operated for hundreds of years, but the time was too short and slightly poor.

The bag of sweets, jerky and fruit that Andrea brought out made everyone salivate, and Andrea shared these very generously. Well, if you can share conditionally, you can use good things. It's a bit too much to change, one for one, and Andrea's method is one for two, one baby for two candies.

Yes, she is not on the basis of the weight, but directly on the exchange. You must know that the candy is very small and very light. The trades between Xiaowei and her are based on the weight, and they are all traded for one thousand and one for one. Ten thousand people, but when they arrived at the Crystal Palace, she was once again at a premium of a hundred times or more.

As the eldest sister of the Crystal Palace, Adele, who is over a hundred years old, has been here for more than 50 years. She has seen too many people. She knows Andrea very well. She is not a person who likes to suffer. It is easy to be stupid occasionally, and is definitely a master who likes to take advantage.

She was able to take out these things and share them with others. Although it seemed to be paid, many of these things were of little use, because there were too many such things in this place.

Based on what she knows about Andrea, either she can make a bigger difference from it, or there are so many things in her hand, which can't be explained by a hundred or ten.

Adele's method is very simple. After a glass of drunken dragon wine in his own collection, Andrea will get drunk and do everything, and even take out three boxes of candies to show off. As a result, they are divided up by their secret companions.

We thanked you again and again, but in the end you cheated us like this?

Things are confiscated and not left at all. Tomorrow, I will go there and try to trade to see how many good things the newcomer has in his hands.

Adele is not at ease with the two newcomers. The stronger she is, the more she needs to be on guard. Not all the barriers on the road to the dragon are comrades-in-arms, especially since she still has two flesh and blood materials of the magic dragon in her hand. But one-third of the clearance requirements, as for the strength of the two newcomers, she didn't believe it.

Want to catch up?

Just wait and see. Being cautious has always been Adele's advantage. She can calculate the Sea King Dragon and Bronze Dragon, relying on her patience and wisdom, not strength, although strength is also very important.

The next day, Andrea found that all her candies had been robbed, and immediately cried into a ball. Adele stood up and cast out the photo stones she showed off after she was drunk. Andrea cried and said that these were all hers. The hard work snatched from a certain petty man is completely personal property.

"Today I will allow you to go to that place again. This time you can bring more things to the past. The amount you can trade depends on whether your eloquence is really as good as you said." Edel's words made Ann. Delia was overjoyed, but then Adele said again: "In order to prevent you from being fooled, Gemma will go with you this time. Her speed in the sea is second only to you. You two will also be together. It’s so good."

Andrea gave Gemma a fierce look, then snorted, "It doesn't matter what other things are, you can't fight with me for candy."

Gemma couldn't help but patted his forehead, "I'm not a kid, whoever loves to eat those sweet and sour things will change it, what I want is meat, a large number of meat and spices from terrestrial beasts!"

The most indispensable thing in the sea is salt, and the most lacking is spices. Not to mention the meat of warcraft on land. Zima hasn’t tasted it for a long, long time. She spent more time in this ghost place than Adele. long.

The two Tier 2 knights wore the Moon Pearl from the Sea, and they were not slow at all through the sea. The real slowness was either staying in the Crystal Palace or being eaten by monsters. The two of them hid all the way, and finally reached Xiaoweier smoothly. For the first time on the refuge island where people were staying on the dry and refreshing ground for a long time, Zima found that he had found the feeling of being in the Wizard Islands a hundred years ago.

It’s Lilith who is in charge of receiving guests. Little Will is closed. Before the appearance of the three big dragons, he was not ready to go out. He was really hesitant, so he decided to give everything to God’s will, and he would not take the initiative to attack. If the dragon attacked, he would pass the level easily.

After all, I have already released the signal every moment. You can’t say that I’m not moving. You see, the dragon blood knights in Crystal Palace are all attracted to me. I don’t believe those dragons will never find out. After all, this The signal covers hundreds of miles.

Lilith entertained the two guests, and there was no shortage of gourmet fruits, so that both of them were able to eat. In the subsequent transaction, Lilith displayed so many kinds of things that Gima was stunned. She couldn't believe it. The girl who came to the road to the dragon would bring so many messy relationships, and even prepared hundreds of sets of sheets and bedding, and they were all of different varieties and styles.

If it’s not for the Crystal Palace, Gemma can’t wait to buy a house here. Gemma’s words caught Lilith’s attention, and then she said that she would open an inn here and welcome everyone from the Crystal Palace to stay. The fee is not high. Like a thousand-year-old moon pearl in the sea can live for ten days, a fist-sized magic pearl can live for three days, a first-order magic crystal can live for one day, and a second-order magic crystal can live for eight days.

Seeing this price, Gemma suddenly felt that what Andrea said before might really be true, and the price she was given was definitely a preferential price.

However, Gemma didn’t buy many things. Meat and spices were all trivial things, but he bought a lot of alchemy potions. In addition, there were some magical accessories of the elves. They had a lot of high-end raw materials in their hands. Alchemy founders are quite scarce, let alone masters of alchemy foundry and masters of alchemy foundry. This place does not exist at all. Even if there is, can there be any good things that can be created under the sea without a suitable flame?

With the first trip, there will be a second trip. As the two sides interact more and more, Adele found that what the girl can provide seems a bit beyond imagination, even the grandmaster-level alchemy potions and grandmaster-level weapons and equipment. Can provide, with the material source of Lilith, Adele has once again strengthened the defense of the Crystal Palace.

She even customized a batch of master-level witchcraft to consolidate the magic circle of the Crystal Palace. What she pays is nothing but special products from the sea in this world. These things may be of high value to the outside world, but it’s just like that here. You can’t eat it. You can't drink it, even if it's for auxiliary cultivation, it's not suitable for everyone.

It is very suitable for alchemy casting, but no one in their Crystal Palace is good at this stuff. It is pure waste to let it go.

The sixth level of the road to the dragon is calm, and Ville’s training is proceeding in an orderly manner. The thunder giant’s bloodline is activated more and more, and the physical fitness is slowly improving. While Lilith is making a fortune in a muffled voice, she is also Strengthening the Dragon Whisper Magic Array sheltered has added many powerful functions, but it has all the restraint and restriction abilities.

The Elf Island and Half Elf House has recently ushered in a big explosion. The high-end treasures of the seabed have newly arrived. A large-scale appreciation party was held. Léa invited Jasmine to pretend to be Weier and accompanied Xiao Weiya to attend the event. The Eye of the Eye smashed into the limelight once, but it dispelled many people's doubts.

The argument about the conspiracy of Will Star Mountain’s plan to go to the road against the dragon has gradually been raised. Many pure-blood elves and nobles find themselves trapped again. The Sunshine Land seems to have developed a lot more than it was half a year ago. , Two of the saint-level masters actually signed a demon pet contract, and with Tier 3 monsters as their combat partners, the combat effectiveness of the others has also improved somewhat.

The calm of the elven island is really calm, but there are countless undercurrents hidden under the calm of the sixth level of the reversible dragon road. Today’s rain is exceptionally the way to the refuge island, Andrea Suddenly I felt cold all over, the dense clouds in the sky seemed to become more dense, and a bad idea suddenly appeared.

Clouds are overcast and the temperature drops.

No, the white dragon has come out to hunt, and it's just above him!

"Escape!" Andrea let out a shrill cry, and suddenly pushed the two companions around him deeper into the sea, but she showed up and went straight to the refuge island.

"Wow~" A huge dragon roar sounded, and a stormy sea was set off on the sea. Andrea hurriedly issued a witchcraft and set off an undercurrent to rush towards the white dragon on the sea, and she herself took advantage of the undercurrent's rebound. The force is moving fast on the bottom of the sea.

Fast, fast, fast, and even faster!

How could this **** white dragon suddenly appear near the Crystal Palace? Countless doubts surfaced in Andrea's mind, but she had no extra energy to take care of this, she could only blame her bad luck, after counting the time, the white dragon hunting was indeed in these few days, why would she forget it? What?

Is it really because eating too much sugar reduces IQ?

No, I only lowered my vigilance rather than IQ, at least I knew that I would escape to Sanctuary Island, not Crystal Palace.

In the Crystal Palace, there is a curtain of water in front of Adele, which shows exactly the scene of Andrea's difficult escape. With a trace of guilt on her face, Adele said softly, "Forgive me, Andrea, this It’s the best way I can think of to test them. It’s not a problem to stick to the refuge island with your strength. If they are really that strong, you will be saved. If they are not as strong as we thought, you only have half the hope of escape. At that time, I will personally save you."

"Now, try to move forward under the pressure of death."

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