The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1006: Trading, Lilith’s 3 Conditions

Warm and comfortable, how long have you not experienced this feeling?

When Adele woke up, she found herself lying in a spacious and comfortable bedroom. The soft and natural brightness outside was obviously not what the Strait Crystal Palace had. His body was wrapped in layers of bandages like a mummy, and the slight soreness could still be felt. Arrived, but there is no serious problem.

This is where?

   I seem to have been rescued, and the girl who rescued myself has never been seen before.

   "Have you been rescued by an outsider?" Adele muttered to himself, suddenly thinking of something, the whole person jumped up, but his body shook and almost fell, and he didn't seem to have recovered completely.

   "Hey, the eldest sister woke up, hehe, the eldest sister must have woken up after smelling the scent of breakfast, I know it." A familiar voice called a familiar name, Adele knew who it was without looking up.

   "Andrea, this is..."

"Sanctuary Island Inn, eldest sister, I overturned your accommodation fee, and remember to pay me back." Andrea held a piece of pastry in her mouth and a tray in her hand. There were a few simple foods on the tray, obviously. Prepared for her.

"Have you beaten the white dragon?" Adele sat up and looked at the simple room with beds, tables, chairs and benches, and her stomach was indeed hungry. If it were the usual thing, she would not dare to eat anything outside. But since the things were brought by Andrea, it's not good not to eat them.

   The most important thing is that this strong fragrance is not something she can resist now, and she hums comfortably in one bite.

   "Fight off Bailong? Hey, big sister, you too underestimated us, Bailong, you are no longer there." Andrea said the last few words very slowly, with a smug smile on her face.

   Adele's hand froze suddenly, his face was full of incredible expressions, "You, you mean, you killed the white dragon Abu Soren? How is this possible?!"

Andrea scratched her head and said, "At first, I thought it was impossible, but Saint Ville and Saint Lilith may be more powerful than we thought. Big sister, tell you a little secret, Sanctuary Island The most powerful thing is not the Dragon Whisper Magic Array defensive cover, but the four stone pillars outside. We relied on these four pillars to block the white dragon for three days and three nights. Will be beheaded by the Wizard of Saint Ville."

Seeing Adele's stunned look, Andrea added another sentence: "And now, I can also manipulate the four stone pillars. I was manipulating the stone pillars and the white dragon for most of the last two days, Lily Teacher Si is only instructing from the side. By the way, Teacher Lilith is the one who saved you the day before yesterday. She is a paladin of the silver dragon bloodline, a holy wizard, and the bronze dragon Kromi was beaten so miserably by her, if it weren’t for running Maybe she will be slaughtered by Teacher Lilith."

   Am I still awake? Adele grabbed Andrea, and slammed her small face with both hands. The familiar touch and the familiar fragrance were all right for Andrea. You can still hear the familiar voice by pinching her body, huh. , Not dreaming.

"The eldest sister's head is too much, people kindly give you food, you..." The flushed Andrea stomped fiercely, turned and ran out, leaving Adele looking out the window stupidly. This kind of peaceful, laid-back and quiet feeling, I really haven't felt it for a long, long time.

Several more acquaintances came to visit her one after another. Adele’s closest maid, Gemma, told her that she had seen the body of the white dragon Absolun. It had become the trophy of the Wizard of Vail, and it had even been disassembled. It's over.

She didn’t know the situation of the bronze dragon Cromi. When she received Andrea’s notification, the battle was over. The white dragon Abu Soren died in the battle. The bronze dragon Cromi disappeared. Adele was unconscious. , They came over more than a dozen people at once, and they lived in a room across the river next to her, and they had been quietly guarding her.

"The really powerful ones are the Wizards of Saint Ville and Saint Lilith. Others are similar to us, and we may not even be as powerful as us. From the mouth of a fool, we know their general situation. They were superseded by the wizard of Saint Ville. Brought over in the first level, in the last level, the wizard of Saint Ville single-handedly killed five Tier 3 monsters, including a forest green dragon, in half a month."

Adele locked herself in the room for one morning, and came out on time at noon. The bandages and other things were long gone. The half-dragon man's recovery ability is still very good, especially the holy master, what Adele said. A Tier 3 paladin, put on a white as snow knight uniform, suddenly became more energetic.

   Adele is tall and tall, a head taller than Little Ville and Lilith, and his aura is quite good. Even if he is injured, he still doesn't change the color of a strong woman, his demeanor and strength remain the same.

   "I want a copy of the flesh and blood of the white dragon Absolan, what price do I have to pay?" Adele didn't see Ville. It was Lilith who greeted her, and Ville retired.

   Adele directly, Lilith was not polite, and raised three fingers: "Three conditions."


"First, you are a smart person. You have attacked the hands of Bronze Dragon and Neptune Dragon three times in the fifty years since you came to this space. This time, you even sneaked into Bailong’s old nest and set up traps, which shows that you are collecting and analyzing intelligence. Very talented, we need all your intelligence information in this space."

Adele took a deep look at Lilith, and agreed very directly: "I have the flesh and blood of the bronze dragon and the sea king dragon in my hand. I only need a copy of the flesh and blood of the white dragon to clear the customs and leave. For me, these materials are no longer available. It works. It was originally intended to be handed over to Andrea, but it seems that it will be more meaningful and helpful to you."

   Adele directly threw a thick pile of materials, and even the table in front of him was full. These are the things she has compiled over the past 50 years and thinks it is useful, and it is also her sincerity.

"Second, I know that you have two copies of Neptune Dragon's flesh and blood in your hand. I need one of them." Lilith didn't mean to be polite: "You only need one, and it doesn't make much sense to keep the rest. Up."

   Recommend an app that looks like the old version of the book-chasing artifact has been resurrected, and you can change the source book all the source artifacts  !

Adele took a deep look at Lilith and handed over the things. Although it seemed unfair, not only did he need to use one part of Neptune Dragon's flesh for one part of White Dragon's flesh, but he also promised two more. Conditions, but for her, it is very cost-effective.

"With your strength, it should be easy to get the flesh and blood of the Neptune Dragon. I believe Andrea will not tell you where the Neptune Dragon's lair is." Adele is not suspicious of Andrea. , But this is basically the common sense that all members of the Crystal Palace need to know, otherwise, wouldn't it be terrible if one accidentally broke into it by mistake.

"The Neptune Dragon escaped. After slaying the white dragon and seriously wounding the bronze dragon, we ran to the Neptune Dragon's lair. It is no longer there. According to the traces, it should have just left." Lilith casually took the share of the Neptune Dragon. The materials and the information on the table were collected, and another sentence was added: "We took the Bailong Lair Storm Hanging Island, and your traps are well arranged."

   Adele's face was shocked. Although the floating island was not too much, it was about ten miles in diameter. It was actually taken away? How did you take it away? Where did you get it?

   "Space artifact?" Adele asked tentatively, Lilith smiled without saying a word, and then made a third request: "I need you to assist a person for fifty years in Longdao."

   Adele did not immediately agree this time, thinking for a moment before asking, "What kind of person?"

  The focus is on the word person.

"A half-dragon who was born less than 40 years ago. Her father is a black dragon blood half-dragon, and her mother is a silver dragon princess. She possesses a second-order sky knight-level fighting spirit, a second-level wizard-level magic power, and both are the pinnacle type. Lilith said very casually: "There are still three days before the half-dragon general election. I learned later that there are as many as 18 half-dragon islands on Dragon Island, and there are nearly 100 tribes. Every tribe has a patriarch, and these nearly a hundred tribes will compete for the seat of a half-dragon leader."

   "Do you want to push that half-dragon girl to the top?" Adele couldn't help but feel refreshed. This is interesting, assisting a half-dragon king?

Adele thinks she is not a good leader, but she can be a superb minister. She is a lonely half-dragon in the Wizard Islands. She has the ability to rely on blood and vindictiveness as the mind. She has not been able to be promoted to the official level. The wizard can tell that her family background is really average.

   "No, I'm going to take the lead, and then let that girl be my agent." Lilith's words made Adele stunned, with an expression of you playing with me? Since you want to be in position, why is it not me assisting you, but an agent who assists you. Anyway, they are all assists. Why do you make such a fuss?

"That girl's grandfather is Black Dragon Sage Professor Wezel, who is also the teacher of me and Weir, the pinnacle of the demigod, a super master who can break through at any time, her grandmother is the silver dragon patriarch, a god-level master. Her Standing behind the black dragon tribe and the silver dragon tribe."

   "Then how can you argue with her?!" Adele looked at the blond girl in front of him speechlessly.

   "In the end, the position of the leader will be handed over to her, but she can't get it directly through her own efforts, only I can hand it over to her." Lilith is very serious.

   "Does this make sense?"

"I also learned from the black dragon guarding the The half-dragon leader can actually make a request, as long as the dragon is not too much, he will meet as much as possible." Lilith clicked, Adele It suddenly dawned: "You want this power. After all, every leader has only one chance. You plan to give up the position of leader to that girl after using it."

   "I'm very curious, what kind of conditions you intend to offer, and even offend the Black Dragon and Silver Dragons for this."

   "My condition is very simple, this time the power is void!"

   "Huh~~" Adele was really stunned this time. You just grabbed it and destroyed it to prevent others from using it.

   "Why?" Adele had never thought of this kind of detrimental thing before. Her starting point was always self-interested.

   "I always feel that if that girl exercises this power, I will suffer a lot." Lilith threw out a skin roll after she said, "Sign the contract, and then the things can be handed over to you."

   Adele is completely speechless. I have completed two of your three requirements. Only then did you come up with this thing. Are you kidding me? But fortunately, with this thing, I feel more at ease.

   You said the seventh level? Adele almost died in this level several times. In the seventh level, I would never dare to break through. Whoever loves to go to that place.

"There are only two copies of the Sea Dragon King's flesh and blood. I will use one for myself. Who are you going to use for the rest?" Adele asked casually. This is related to who he will go to Dragon Island with. It's this girl...

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