The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1026: Gnome base

What is the biggest feature of the goblin lair?

   rugged, complicated, with a strong goblin taste, even if it is one of the overlords of this space, the savagely developed goblin still has not been able to learn elegance and nobility.

The goblin occupies a very small space in the **** knowledge that Ransti told him. This is a very intelligent but low-qualified race. They are very adaptable, as if the immortal Xiaoqiang can be in any environment. adapt.

In hell, more than half of the goblins are coolies. They can survive in the worst and dangerous underground mines. They can live a life without food and clothing, but they can still multiply a huge ethnic group. They are among the goblins. Lowest level.

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Among the remaining half, another half are wandering goblins. They act as robbers in the wild, relying on robbery and stealing to survive. This part of the goblins does not possess strong combat power, but is fierce and fearless of death. They tend to rely on powerful ones. The creature acts as a scorpion.

There are also some goblins who have come into contact with all kinds of extraordinary knowledge and become alchemists. Alchemy potions, alchemy manufacturing, and magic circles have embarked on a completely different path. Their pursuit of knowledge and experimentation can even be described as madness. They are many The best assistant of the great alchemist is also the worst assistant, because most of their research is full of destructive power.

   The last part of the goblins is even smaller, and that is the merchants. They are the only small group of goblins who pursue cleanliness and tidiness. They are frantically pursuing profits and even ignoring all rules for profit.

From Leo’s request, we can know that the goblins in this space are divided into three parts, one is researchers, they are frantically studying magic weapons with great lethality, and the other is robbers, they will destroy and rob resources everywhere. The last part is a very rare waiter, they are also one of the few people who like cleanliness.

  Or it’s not that they like to be clean, but to serve the crystal dragon, it is necessary to keep the body clean, otherwise it will be destroyed by the crystal dragon's anger and even affect the entire goblin clan.

The current goblin clan is the overlord other than the crystal dragon. They only need to maintain their due respect in front of the crystal dragon. The other races are their experimental subjects. This base is fifty meters below the sea?   is a typical goblin style Base under the sea.

  What is the typical goblin style?

   dirty, messy, bad?   is full of a faint smell of stench, and irregular shapes?   messy and unreasonable chaotic passages, composing all kinds of weird buildings as you like?  This is the so-called goblin style.

  They are a group of people who follow their feelings. As long as they do not cause fatal danger, they advocate free play. This is the style of goblins.

   Goblin’s magical products mostly follow this style. They have strange appearances and messy lines, but they have good practical effects, like chocolate with a shining taste?   It’s hard to say.

Most of the goblin civilization relics excavated in the Wizard Islands are not directly used by anyone. They often need to be modified many times before they are taken out. Otherwise, just the appearance will make you disgusting. This is the case with the flying battleship, and the same is the case with the goblin airship. .

The real goblin magic products are completely inconsistent with their size. Three-foot-tall goblins tend to live in three-foot-tall houses. It is not easy for them to walk through the passages?  Some places are only one head taller than them, and some places But it can accommodate giants to pass.

Well, there is no shadow of giants in this world, so occasionally there are places that can accommodate giant dragons. The goblins are not very knowledgeable in space, plus their low magic affinity, space equipment is rarely used, magic Guiding machinery is their specialty.

Goblin’s magical technology is indeed very powerful, but this power is more inclined to attack. Their defensive capabilities are really general and they are more inclined to physical defenses, such as the gate made of steel. The outermost part does not even need special vertical authentication. Any goblin can come and go freely.

There are three gates that isolate the sea. The first one is two feet high, the second one is five feet high, and the third one suddenly becomes more than three feet tall. Behind this third gate is the first line of defense, with ten heads. Tier 2 tiger shark.

   Oh, I forgot to mention it. After three roads, almost immediately behind the gateway is a pond with a diameter of three to five hundred meters. A three-meter wide steel bridge connects the real base.

Unlike the portal made of steel outside, the real goblin base is a huge stone cave, or stone maze. The intricate route is only known by the real person. There are no signs, no signs, except for the special smell. With a special odor of faint foul smell.

   Under the cloak of invisibility, Lantis brows slightly, "Is it really necessary to do this? A small goblin base can be destroyed directly."

"How to burst?" Xiaoweier resisted the urge to vomit, distinguished one path after another. A good sense of smell is sometimes a kind of destruction. When the powerful mental power is released, one by one can know the inside of the cave without going into it. What is this for.

A team of goblins passed by them but nothing happened. Landis resisted the desire to do something, his face was full of impatient: "Break the gate and start the undercurrent to directly submerge this damned base under the sea. It’s even simpler if it’s you. It’s easy for the third-level earth witchcraft to collapse the entire base, isn’t it?"

   "And then?" Little Ville said with a faint smile: "Attracting the attention of the goblin clan, all clothes are equipped to search for possible murderers, and other bases are heavily guarded."

"So what? If we don't want to be caught, can they find us? As for guard, hum, in the face of absolute strength, what if they are on guard again?" Landis really doesn't see such a base. Above, it may be difficult for the Neptune Dragon in the early stage of the third stage to break through here, but the high stage of the third stage can definitely turn this place into a ruin in a quarter of an hour.

"Probably not so. After the successive bases are destroyed, the goblin clan will retreat to the islands to strengthen their defenses, and finally they will even invite the crystal dragons to deal with us, and you really think that they are the overlords of this world with a little detection method. Isn't it?" Ville suddenly told her an unfortunate news.

"Through the destiny dzi you previously traded to me, I sensed that there is still a usable destiny dzi in this world. If I expected it, it should be in the hands of the goblin clan." Ville's words let Randy Slightly stunned, she didn't know how powerful the Destiny Dzi Bead was, especially the Destiny Dzi that could be used. It was terrible to use, and there were few secrets that could be kept.

   "That crystal dragon dared to hand that thing to the goblin's control?"

   "Why can't it be in the hands of the goblin in the first place?"

   "No matter who is in the hands at first, the crystal dragon should take it back after knowing this treasure."

   "What if this thing Crystal Dragon can't be used?"

   "Huh~~, this, it seems unlikely." Lantis was slightly confused. Although the use of Destiny Dzi Beads has many restrictions, will there be situations where it cannot be used?

It seems maybe, maybe there will be it. After all, not everyone is qualified to be talented in astrology and arithmetic. If the crystal dragon does not have this talent, then it should also be the Destiny Dzi Bead. It's right to be in his own hands, unless he has the confidence to suppress the goblin clan.

   Wait, "How do you know that the Destiny Dzi Bead must be in the hands of the goblin?"

   "Ah, the question you asked is very low-level, of course it was calculated. The connection between the Destiny Dzi has allowed me to see its surroundings and its current owner."

"Huh, isn't this the reason you sneaked in?" Landis put aside this, a mocking arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "From what I know about you, you are attracted by the skills of the goblin family and their demons. Guide equipment."

   "That's right, but there is no reward." Little Ville flickered into a wide cave. A corpse of monsters hung in the air, and a huge blood pool with a diameter of one kilometer below was filled with a strong smell of blood.

   "This is it?" Lantis frowned, the **** demon is still very sensitive to blood.

"Summoning the blood pool, the goblin clan has been doing biological experiments, but ordinary creatures may not be able to pose a threat to the crystal dragon, so summoning other **** creatures has become their choice. You did not find the magic circle here, and obviously not Are the corpses of **** creatures belonging to this world?"

   A faint smile appeared on Little Ville's face: "The goblin clan may not always be their master, and the crystal dragon may not believe in the goblin clan wholeheartedly. Our task may not be as difficult as imagined."

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