The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1030: The wheel of fate has begun to turn

In the end, Wicks didn't dare to make any request, but reported the unidentified force sneak attack currently encountered by the goblin clan to the crystal dragon, and got the expected answer, and the goblin clan solved it by themselves.

The base camp of the    goblin clan is located in a valley fifty miles below the crystal mountain. No one is forbidden to come and go here, but there are only a handful of aliens who dare to come here. Probably only the kobolds who are not liked by the goblins dare to pass here.

  Whether it is a gray dwarf or a night elves, if a single person or even a small number of people pass by here, there is a high probability that they will appear in the laboratory or incubation room below.

Passing a section of uneven roads and driving into the underground parking lot, Wicks got out of the exclusive magic car, and a palm-sized identification card appeared in his hand. The red, yellow and green lights flashed on it, and the floor under his feet flashed slightly. At an angle.

   "Kakchacha~" "Squeak~" "Kakchak~Kakku~"

Amidst a burst of noise, the corner slowly descended to a depth of several tens of meters underground. A huge steel gate came into view. Wickers handed an identity card to a groove, and two rays of light appeared from above. Passed him through from start to finish.

With a soft "Beep~", the steel door opened with a "click" sound, and thirty or fifty steel puppets on the opposite side all aimed their weapons at this side. They were miniature magic crystal cannons, even under intense firepower. Tier 3 monsters also have to avoid Sanshe's big killer.

   An indoor magic car ran over on its own. It occupies an area of ​​a square and is no more than a foot tall. It looks rugged but very easy to use. Indoor transportation is the best, especially the room is a bit big.

   Three turns and five turns, walked out a full seven or eight kilometers, and came to an unremarkable room in the intricate underground maze.

Well, I was wrong. The door is very inconspicuous, but the inside of the room is very eye-catching. A dozen Tier 2 dogs with obvious stitching scars on their bodies, their saliva fell on the ground, their eyes fixed on the door. In addition, seeing Wicks slightly arched his body and let out a slight "Ao Ao" cry, but took the initiative to give up a passage.

In addition to more than a dozen Tier 2 demon dogs, there are also a number of magic crystal cannons in the area of ​​three to five hundred square meters. It is not a member of the goblin clan that is responsible for the control, but a steel puppet. On the opposite side, there are three gates almost identical, even the ground. The traces on it are all the same.

Wicks directly chose the gate directly opposite, and walked inside in a daze. It was only a foot away from the gate that the gate slid to the side with a "click" sound, but the opposite side still did not lose sight of its destination. , A small pond full of blood came into view, the depth is unknown?   But the diameter is less than five meters.

   There was a "gurgling" sound in the blood pool, and bubbles occasionally appeared, but the size of the bubbles was a bit problematic. There was actually the size of the bowl?  There are passages on both sides of the blood pool?  There is a cable bridge in the middle.

Vickers walked directly on the cable bridge, but the same three gates chose the farthest one?  I pressed the identity token to the top?   swallowed it directly?  The gate opened but behind it was a huge space, dim and dark. Huge space.

"My dear child Vickers, I can hear the heaviness from your footsteps. Can you tell me?  What makes the diamond of our goblin family feel so bad?" A hoarse voice sounded, accompanied by a faint light. It lights up, but there is no one in that place?  Some are just a five-foot-tall crystal bottle filled with bright red blood?   And?   An embryo-like thing.

  Vicks stepped up respectfully?  It seemed to be a little lighter on foot?  "Respected father, the master of the goblin clan, we are in trouble, big trouble."

A faint green light emerged from the villain in the bottle, and a hoarse voice sounded regularly: "Vickers, my child, there is no trouble that cannot be solved. In this world, except for the master, we are fearless. You have With the wisdom of the goblin and the physique of the night elves, you will definitely become the king of the goblin clan. Your life span is much longer than ours. The goblin clan will reach the peak under your leadership."

   "Calm down, you have to be calm, the mind is your greatest weapon, the body is only the basis for your life extension, don't be affected by the illusory power of your smart brain, there is nothing that cannot be solved, you have to trust the magic guide."

   "The magic is up!" Vickers respectfully made a weird move, and then he narrated the plight of the goblin clan.

"My father, I have tried my best to guard, but the enemies come and go without a trace, I can't catch the shadows. The base is captured one by one, the magic stone mine is enveloped by the magic circle, and we can't unblock it after exhausting the means. Everything in the base was looted except for the people, only the magical equipment that was recently deployed outside the base left a little trace. The enemy is the Sea King Dragon."

"Dear father, I am very puzzled. How could the sea king dragons that are on the verge of extinction have such strength? If they had such skills earlier, we would not be able to push them to desperation. We searched for the remaining sea king dragons with all our strength, Except for the two specially marked young dragons, the other Neptune Dragons hid and couldn't determine their position at all."

"The enemy’s offensive seems to progress from the periphery to the interior, but as long as we deploy a large army to wait for them to come, the enemy will definitely jump over and attack the base we did not prepare. We dispersed our forces, and the two battleships were wiped out. There has been the first attrition since the enemy’s invasion. The enemy’s methods and true colors have not been exposed, and we still don’t know anything about the enemy, except for the breath of the Neptune Dragon."

"But although the breath belongs to the Neptune Dragon, it is very strange. We can't track the enemy. The ten hound teams sent out have returned three, and the rest have lost contact. There is no fight in the place where they disappeared. The traces, the strength and mystery of the enemy make us helpless."

   "I need your guidance, respected father!" In one breath, he explained the current external dilemma facing the goblin clan, and Vickers seemed a lot easier.

   The blood in the crystal bottle suddenly "gurgled" fiercely, countless bubbles tossed up and down, the crystal bottle gleamed with ominous blood red light, "Come here, here comes, the prophesied Neptune Dragon finally appeared."

"The Neptune Dragon in the prophecy? Could it be the prophecy in the teaching?" Vickers face changed drastically, and a prophecy circulated among the top of the goblin clan. The great crystal dragon died by the hand of the Neptune dragon. This is the earliest prophecy. It was passed to the crystal dragon by a sage of the goblin clan, and this was one of the reasons why the crystal dragon wanted to exterminate the sea king dragon.

"Child, destiny is an elusive existence. Prophecy is only the most likely future in the path of destiny. Our goblin clan has a treasure called the Destiny Dzi. Through the Destiny Dzi, we can get a trace of fate. We rely on destiny. Only the dzi bead can have today's brilliance." Suddenly a small golden bead appeared on the top of the villain in the bottle, but it was actually filled with **** rays of light.

"Great Goddess of Destiny, your devout believers are willing to use your life span of fifty years to get your enlightenment..." A long prayer was sent out from the small population in the bottle, and the **** rays of light quickly wrapped around the Destiny Dzi. A faint golden light diffused open, and the little face of the villain in the bottle twitched violently, as if he was suffering from great pain. After a while, the voice gradually stopped.

"My dear child, the wheel of destiny has begun to turn. This world will usher in a huge change. The appearance of the legendary Neptune Dragon will definitely bring fatal damage to the crystal The owner is very likely to fall in this change, the goddess of fate gave instructions, the time has come!" The voice of the villain in the bottle was full of fatigue.

   "Respected father, where will our goblin clan go?" Vickers raised his own question. They are indeed concerned about the life and death of the crystal dragon, but they are more concerned about their own destiny.

   "The goblin clan was destroyed by the crystal. This is a comment that appeared along with the prophecy that year. This time, our destiny remains unchanged, at least the goddess of destiny instructed it." The voice of the villain in the bottle was slightly low.

"My dear child, destiny is unpredictable, but it is not unchangeable. The best way to conform to destiny and let destiny unfold in the way we want is the best way. Changing our destiny needs to be achieved with a stronger force. "The voice of the villain in the bottle is a bit erratic: "We cannot decide the fate of the crystal dragon, but our own destiny can be changed. The goblin clan is destroyed by the crystal, but it is not the goblin clan that died in the crystal dragon. Our destiny is too great. Many possibilities."

"The Destiny Dzi Bead has its own lifespan. Every time it is used, it must have a certain recovery time. This is the treasure of our goblin clan. It is the key to life and death. It cannot be used until the last moment. Child, go, follow the instructions of destiny, Within a year, we will not face the disaster of extinction. Now is the time to prepare for the future. I believe in you, and you must believe in yourself. The destiny of the goblin clan is in your hands, and this is also the guidance of the goddess of destiny."

   "Fate?" Vickers asked suddenly, "Father, have you ever used the Destiny Dzi Bead to calculate your own destiny?"

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