The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1037: Is an acquaintance and an enemy

The crystal dragon looked at the island below, with a look of nostalgia on his face, with a trace of anger in the nostalgia, quietly looking at the island, after a long time, he made a hoarse voice: "Come out, the sea is your master. On the battlefield, you still have some power to fight back in the sky. It really made me fall on the ground. You have no power to fight back at all."

   Although the voice is slightly hoarse, it can be heard everywhere in the entire island, but there are not many living people or living creatures in the entire island now.

The four armies of the goblin clan were annihilated, and it was not just Landis and the Neptune Dragon that caused them to be wiped out. The crystal dragon also contributed to it. The goblin airship was shot down by it, and the goblin fleet was joined by Lantis. The other five Tier 3 Neptune Dragons launched a tsunami and overturned.

The chase of the crystal dragon was not fast, and he did not even launch an attack on them, but came here looking for their figure. This strange behavior made Lantis a little uneasy. She always felt that the crystal dragon was in a little state. Not quite right.

   Is the enemy necessarily a mechanical puppet without emotion?

As a dragon that has lived for thousands of years, and also a **** dragon, Lantis is not a kind of virgin **** type of waste. The so-called compassion is actually very cheap. For her own freedom, she can Abandon the white dragon Abu Soren, the bronze dragon Kromi, abandon the world she has been in for thousands of years, and even play with all the barriers.

For the crystal dragon, a former comrade-in-arms and half of her clan, she had no sympathy at all. The human form instantly reached mid-air, standing at the same level as the crystal dragon: "Oh, long time no see, Mayo, your belly It seems to be bigger."

   "Landis? How could you..." The crystal dragon's eyes shot incredible expressions, and suddenly thought of a possibility: "Those **** goblins summoned you?"

Landis suddenly thought of the first goblin base where she and Vail had shattered, the huge blood pool and the summoning magic circle. This foolish crystal dragon obviously misunderstood something, but this did not affect Landis’s acting, "You Do you think there are other possibilities? If I have the ability to break space, I won't come to your broken place."

The crystal dragon Mayo shook his body and turned into a nine-foot-tall bald man. Behind his shiny crystal armor, there was a halberd that was one foot long. This thing made Lantis' eyes narrowed slightly, I don’t know if it’s right. Under the influence of the Destiny Dzi in the previous world, she is very repulsive to weapons and the like.

   "Landis, your magic circle has always been the best among your peers, and I need your help." The crystal dragon actually regarded Landis as his own.

Landis couldn't help but pat his forehead, "Mayo, you are still so self-righteous, nothing else, you are not a stupid, but you are definitely a disobedient bastard, let's be honest, I am now standing in the sea king On the side of the dragon."

   The crystal dragon's eyes were round and puzzling and asked: "Why?"

"I found a way to get out of here. There are two ways. Would you like to listen?" Landis is absolutely half showdown. After all, although this **** seems to think of himself as his own, he will never let his guard down. He is Such an existence: stubborn, vigilant, slightly clumsy but decisive.

   "A way to get out of here? Have you been trapped before?" The crystal dragon's face was sad.

Lantis raised his right hand and pointed the back of his hand at the crystal dragon: "Is it possible to see this thing? This is an inverse dragon pattern that I exchanged with the key of space. This thing can give me a way of life, but this way of life. It’s not easy to leave. There are two conditions for leaving this **** prison with this thing. First, advanced demigod, and second, subvert the world. As long as I can complete any one of them, I can leave?   Then?   You are sure to let it Am I a demigod?"

   A look of responsibility flashed across the face of Crystal Dragon Mayo, "How much time do you have to complete this task?"

   "The sooner the better, although it seems that there is no time requirement, but..." Lantis did not say anything behind?   The crystal dragon Mayo showed such an expression as expected, and couldn't help but shook his head.

"You can not be affected by Luanlong Yi. Obviously, you have reached the third level of Consummation, but the third level of Consummation and the fourth level seem to be only one step, but it is like the difference between Tianyuan. It is very, very difficult to take this step, and there is no time. Under control, maybe ten years, maybe fifty years, maybe one hundred years, five hundred years." The crystal dragon shook his head and said, "Although the world can hold more than one demigod, the achievement of demigod Very difficult, this is not the beginning of the space formation after all."

   "So, there is only one way left for me?" Landis looked at the crystal dragon with a smile.

   "You want to kill me?" Crystal Dragon Mayo looked at Landis, and what he said casually was definitely not a good thing.

"Although you are a demi-god dragon, you are only a newcomer to a demigod. This world cannot accommodate a higher-level demigod. It is not impossible to kill such a demigod. A demigod without a domain is better than a third-tier demigod. Consummation is not much stronger. As long as you plan well, it may not be impossible to succeed." Lantis is quite confident in his arrangement, after all, he still has a partner, a powerful partner.

  Crystal Dragon Mayo sighed deeply: "In the end, we still have to fight you to death? Hahahaha, but this is normal. The two of us have different positions, not to mention that there is still hatred between us."

  Landis narrowed his eyes. What does this **** mean?

   Wait, the little guy Leo once said that there were originally three demi-god dragons in this world, a crystal dragon, a blue dragon, and a sea king dragon. Could it be...

"It looks like you have thought of it, yes, the Neptune Dragon who wanted to kill me and the blue dragon Meili before is your brother, the tyrant of the sea, Hill!" Crystal Long Mayo finally couldn't help but confuse the intricate relationship between them. Exposed.

The facts are different from what Leo described. The dragons involved in this world have three demi-god-level **** dragons, but they know each other, except that there are other low-level dragons besides them. Among the giant dragons, the number of Neptune dragons is the largest, but it is their three demi-god dragons that can really dominate the situation.

  The strongest sea king Longhill, followed by the crystal dragon Mayo, the weakest is the blue dragon Meili, and the only female dragon among the three demi-god dragons.

   They have three points of the world, but the Neptune Dragon occupies more than 90% of the ocean, and their strength is increasing day by day. The Crystal Dragon and the Blue Dragon have an agreement with each other, so that they can maintain a relative balance.

They all wanted to leave this world, but they couldn’t find a way, and finally turned to the management of this world after disappointment. The Crystal Dragon and Blue Dragon were relatively passive, while Aquaman Longhill hoped to break this balance. The idea is to marry Meili and eradicate Mayo.

But he never thought that Mayo and Meili would actually be a couple. They calculated Hill instead, but Hill was stronger than the two of them. In the end, Meili died in the battle. Ao avenged his grievous injury, but after losing his lover, Mayo was also somewhat distracted.

But he did not despair because of this, because he also saw the hope of leaving this world, "It only takes a hundred years, UU reading does not even need a hundred years, there will be great changes, this space Will return to hell, as long as you resist the impact of a wave of space shattering, you can get out of trouble.

"Landis, come and help me. The entire island of Gary has been shrouded in magic crystals. I want to build a solid fortress that can withstand the impact of space shattering. Your magical array is a hundred times better than mine. God's strength, coupled with your magic circle, is absolutely foolproof." Crystal Dragon Mayo still refuses to give up. For Hell Dragon, does hatred have its own life important?

  \Mic\Mic\Read\Read\app  \\

   Didn't see that he had lost his lover, was he still willing to bow his head to the sister of the enemy in the end?

"Hundred years? A fortress that withstands broken space? Mayo, you can't wait for that day, because you don't know how powerful it is to give me this inverse dragon pattern. If that time comes, all the space will be destroyed. He is broken, and no one can escape at a **** level." Lantis sighed deeply: "I can't evaluate what Hill did. I can only express regret for Meili's death, but I must subvert this world, so ..."

   "Come on, Mayo, defeat me or be killed by me!"

   "Why didn't you kill you?"

   "Because I want to live, keep living, and leave this cage alive."

   "I want to leave alive too!"

   "Sorry, I'm a girl, and girls have privileges, and you, a big guy who pulls the feet, won't be sad if you die, beautiful women like me are different."

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