The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1045: Crystal realm, war against demigods

Within the crystal barrier, the mighty power of Mayo erupted instantly, and he let out a violent shout: "Crystal Domain!"

  The domain is a demigod's trick, and the minimum requirement to form a domain is a chain of three laws, because less than three will be unstable and fail to form a domain.

In the beginning, the crystal dragon Mayo and the blue dragon Meili were both demigods in a chain of laws, and Hill was a demigod in two chains of laws. After beheading Hill, Mayo got a chance to advance by leaps and bounds. The brain hole opened and condensed the chain of the second law, but the chain of the third law could not be condensed for a long time. Only then did he think of the idea of ​​forming a pseudo realm with the help of the dragon language magic circle.

In fact, if his magic circle level is raised to a demigod level, it might not be able to form a stable crystal domain comparable to the real domain. Unfortunately, his Dragon Whisper magic circle is really not high, and the magic crystal value created by the magic stone invested here makes Little Ville felt frightened, but the effect was not ideal.

The pseudo-crystal domain is still expanded, but the function is only to increase the earth attributes, other attributes are excluded, and the effect of the increase is only 10%, and the ability to exclude can not let the third-order Consummation be fatally affected, but it cannot be supplemented. Don't think about using other attribute magic powers below level Consummation.

   But for opponents below Tier 3, Mayo doesn't use this method at all.

Mayo used his feet to force the whole person to come to Ville in an instant, and his huge fist whistled towards Ville's head with the sound of the wind. Although Mayo is not in its heyday, the blessing of the pseudo-domain gave him the strength of its heyday. , Speed, power, and magic have reached their heyday in all directions.

"Come here, Earth Wave Sword!" Facing Mayo's full attack, Vil did not retreat and advances. The Crystal Domain does not distinguish between the increase and rejection of the enemy and us, so that Ville's other attributes are suppressed, but the earth attributes are not small. With the increase of, the long sword in his hand gleamed with a dazzling khaki light to meet Mayo's fist.

   Amidst the loud noise, Mayo stood upright proudly, and Ville's figure abruptly then pulled back and widened the distance between the two, until he was thirty meters away and could stand firm.

  Mayo paused, and quickly chased up with his feet again, but Ville steadied his footsteps and did not wait for Mayo to reach the maximum speed. He also stamped his foot severely, and the whole person rushed straight to Mayo.

"Thousand-layer Gravity Sword!" Weier held up the sword with both hands and slashed it down. The sword and Mayo's fist collided with each other?  A huge shock wave suddenly broke out centered on them. This time, Weier flew out more than ten meters away? After landing, he staggered back five or six steps?   Mayo also took a half step back, a look of uncertainty on his face.

Mayo is pretty sure that the boy on the opposite side is only Tier 3?  Absolutely not stepping into a demigod?   But why does his moves have a touch of magic and martial art?   There is also a hint of law, and his speed , The strength is also not weak, it is infinitely close to the level of the demigod, and what makes Mayo even more unacceptable is that the opponent's skills are a little more advanced than himself.

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Is Ville's choice of shots particular?  The first move, the Earth Wave Sword, temporarily paralyzed his body with the feeling of disrupting the opponent with hundreds of different earth fluctuations?   This gave him a short pause?   Let Ville be here. Retreat calmly after the first blow?   After testing out the power of the crystal dragon, Ville chose the Melaleuca Gravity Sword?   Using his greatest strength, he blocked Mayo's fist abruptly.

Although there is a bonus from the Gravity Sword?   In the end, there is no power that can surpass Mayo?   In fact, the difference is not so far away. At this time, Ville realized that the Thor's Overlord Body and the Giant Bloodline had helped him. How old, this is simply the rhythm of the leapfrog challenge.

   This time, without waiting for Mayo to take action, Ville chose to take the initiative to attack: "Rock piercing sword!"

With a little broken face and full strength condensed on a little bit, Mayo, who was still in shock, was not able to beat Ville back. Instead, Ville scratched his fist because of carelessness. The blood oozes out, although it is very rare. It really hurt Mayo.

   "How is this possible?!" Mayo's expression changed drastically, and was immediately replaced by a bit of murderous intent. This young man couldn't stay, this time he really couldn't stay.

   Originally thought he would be a destroyer in the Crystal Realm, but now it seems that he might be the executioner who helped Landis kill himself!

  Don't talk about Mayo, even Landis was stunned. Without the help of the Dragon Whisper Magic Circle, without taking advantage of the location, that kid could actually hurt Mayo? Although it was only a trivial minor injury, he could recover in an instant, but the strength he showed was real.

"I always feel that even if I merged with the deep blue heart to advance to the demigod, I might not be able to take down this kid." A faint arc appeared at the corner of Lantis's mouth. "The interesting little man suddenly wanted to take it from that little girl. What should he do if he snatches it?"

   Little Wil's body was inexplicably cold, and a strange feeling in his heart quietly appeared, what's going on? This sense of crisis in the battle made Weier instantly alert, and his body was full of yellow light, "Rock battle gas armor!"

   "Boom!" With a loud bang, Mayo's fist fell under his feet, and Ville rose up into the sky. He made a heels in the air and shot it down with both hand-held swords, "Meteor Heavenly Sword!"

"Boom!" The one who was beaten this time became Mayo, and his body had scars again. It was clearer than the previous one, but it was also a minor skin injury. Mayo finally confirmed the behavior of this boy just now. It's not accidental.

"The sword in your hand does not seem simple!" Mayo did not choose to go all out to try to kill with one blow. Instead, he chose close combat. He is a semi-god powerhouse, and he can bring no opponent with a single blow. A small blow, and the opponent can only receive insignificant minor injuries only by actual combat tricks. Since you are like this, why should you go all out? Isn't it better to use skills?

Ville immediately fell into the disadvantage, but his skills were better than Mayo, his body shape was agile and changeable, and his long sword in his hand pointed to Mayo’s vital points, eyes, between his legs, waist and so on. I have to pay attention to defense. Although it can't kill people, it's very disgusting.

"Did you find it?" Ville's long sword crossed and held Mayo's fist. He took advantage of the momentum to retreat by two steps to relieve the pressure on his arms. Although he retreated steadily, he retreated without chaos, and the defensive water did not enter. , Vindictiveness and magic power blend more naturally and smoothly under tremendous pressure.

"My strength is indeed inferior to you. After all, Tier 3 Consummation is somewhat powerless against Tier 4 demigods, but with this demigod sword, it is different. Tier 3 attack power may not hurt you, but demigod level. The sword can do it. The dragon from hell, you have to be careful, if you accidentally die in my hands, the prophecy will really be broken, but this method of breaking I am afraid you will dislike it very much. "

   Mayo's subordinates suddenly used force, and a big hole appeared on the ground. His heart was disturbed, and the movements of his hands gradually became a little uncontrollable. Ville's words made him temporarily absent. Fate? The crystal dragon died in the sea king dragon. In fact, dying in the hands of other people is indeed a way to break fate, but this method is definitely not what I like. It turns out that even if I lie there still, other people may not be able to hurt myself. , But this young man broke the situation.

"Oh~" In a rage, Mayo abandoned the human form and turned into a dragon. The huge claws fell fiercely, and the earth broke and the dust was flying. Little Ville took advantage of the situation to retreat quickly. The crystal dragon quickly chased after him. Breath came over.

   "Earth escape!" Xiao Weier's body instantly submerged into the earth, and in a blink of an eye he appeared 100 meters behind the crystal dragon. Naturally such a strong wave of magical power of the earth could not be concealed by the crystal dragon, and the huge tail swept away but was forcibly blocked.

"Earth giants, rock puppets!" The huge earth magic power on Ville broke out in an instant, and the rocks on the ground continued to move closer to him, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a ten-foot tall behemoth. He hugged the tail of the crystal dragon with both hands and threw it out forcefully. , The Crystal Dragon was overturned and thrown somersault directly by him.

   "Boom! Bang! Bang!"

   "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

   The rock giant and the crystal dragon launched a fierce close hand-to-hand combat. The dust was flying and the rubble was flying and the ground was cracking. The rock giant incarnation of Ville was completely beaten by the crystal dragon, while the crystal dragon beaten by the rock giant was dizzy.

   "Boom!" With a loud noise, the rock giant flew out after a dragon's breath, and the whole person suddenly passed through the crystal barrier and fell into the open ocean outside.

The crystal barrier is not right on the outside. It’s easy to get out, but it’s not so easy to come back after going out. The dizzy Mayo chased the rock giant all the way to kill under the anger, and actually drove him out of the crystal barrier. This At that time, Mayo realized Looking at the rock giant who was struggling to get up in the ocean, the crystal dragon's hesitation lasted only for two seconds, and he directly plunged out of the huge footboard and stepped heavily on it. Going down, the rock giant fell to the ground again.

"Boom!" Before the crystal dragon sprayed the breath of the dragon on the rock giant's face, a huge turbulent wave slammed his head and covered his face. Landis directly turned into the sea king dragon and knocked him away from the side with sharp claws. Severely tore on the crystal dragon's wings.

The rock giant quickly got up and flanked the crystal dragon on both sides of the sea king dragon Lantis. Mayo finally reacted at this time. His wings quickly soared to the sky and went straight to the crystal barrier, finally carrying Lantis's force. A dragon's breath returned to his home court in embarrassment.

   "Mayo, come out if it's a man, what kind of a man hiding in the tortoise shell!" Sea King Longlantis let out an angry roar.

   Mayo quickly turned into a human form, took a deep breath and looked at the majestic Landis outside, and decided that he would never be fooled anymore. The purpose of that boy was to lure himself out from the beginning.

   Sober Mayo glanced at them coldly, "If you have the ability to turn Gary Island into a vast ocean, you want to lure me out, there is no door!" After speaking, he turned and flew towards Crystal Mountain.

He didn't bother to see and heart, he gradually understood that what he had to do now was not to fight for an inch of land, but to restore and perfect the crystal domain. Once the crystal mountain formation core was restored, they would want to use this small method to cannibalize the crystal barrier. The site will not be so easy.

   I was misled by them!

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