The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1058: Black Belly Summoner

Noble young master, wandering chef, unreliable tough guy leader, invisible cloak magician, plus his undocumented caster, Ville always feels that the team he joined is very weird, um, by the way, the task is The initiator actually set off right away, it turned out to be a Loli Summoner.

   Although it is said to be a loli summoner, it is actually only a black-bellied adult legal loli with a loli figure and a loli face, and a four-star summoner from the cloud king: Katie.

Summoner is a very common profession. It is easy to achieve one-star and two-stars, but it is very difficult to achieve three-star and above. It is almost impossible to succeed without strong mental power and magical power. After all, signing a contract with Warcraft and achieving communion. It's not that easy.

The monsters in the Sifang Continent are very powerful and extremely arrogant. Theoretically speaking, the Hurricane Python, the patron saint of the Western Pharmacist Kingdom, is also a monster. In a broad sense, the dragon is also among the monsters. It is only at the pinnacle of the monster and can transform people. The ranks of Warcraft were picked out and listed as dragons.

   The number of dragons in the Sifang Continent is extremely rare. There is only one silver dragon and one white dragon. Other real dragons have never heard of it, but there are some Yalong. These Yalong beasts are undoubtedly the most popular.

   Katie’s goal is a dragon in the depths of the Warcraft Forest. This is also the final test for her to truly become a four-star summoner.

That’s right, Katie is an academy who has a four-star summoner name, but does not have the strength of a four-star summoner. She is also a mentor of the Cloud Kingdom Magic Academy. Her mother is a great noble of the Cloud Kingdom, and her father is the vice courtyard of the Cloud Kingdom Magic Academy. Long, good background, a mess, but his personality is a bit unpleasant.

   Well, it's mainly because of being too arrogant.

"Tsk tusk, it's actually a taboo inheritance, brother, you are against the laws of the kingdom, you are caught in a cage to show the public." Katie sat in the comfortable taxi, not feeling the slightest bumps, casually. A table was unfolded at the touch of a button, and the breeze in the whole carriage was extra comfortable when I touched it again. I pulled a rope from the top of my head, and the chair behind it suddenly turned horizontally, letting her lie down comfortably.

"If you are afraid, go down and run by yourself." I have been an ascetic monk for a year and walked tens of thousands of miles on a pair of feet. I found a lot of people who should be stealing and learning, but now it is time to enjoy and think about what to do. The task is completed, as for the inheritance of taboos?

  In the Sifang Continent, the goblin’s magical civilization is a taboo inheritance. As early as hundreds of years ago, the goblin clan tried to subvert the rule of the patron saint?   But after being annihilated by the patron saint?   this rule was established.

   Speaking of the world’s original goblin civilization, Ville was drunk?  A few small things that weren’t even Tier 2 wanted to subvert the rule of Tier 4 demigods?   The courage is not so big. Goblin civilization and wizard civilization are similar to a certain extent, that is, madness and fearlessness, even the gods dare to offend, this is very dangerous?  Even a few demi-god rulers have also imposed a ban?   It's just that the people below can execute it. It's hard to say how much.

After all?  Many things in goblin civilization are quite convenient?  For example, puppetry?  Unfortunately, the inheritance of puppetry is almost cut off?  Some small puppets are harmless, if they are not deliberately exaggerated?  Basically no one will pursue them, the goblins are already there. Is it annihilated?   Samsung has completely cut off its inheritance, and some furs are not a threat at all.

   You can tell by just seeing Katie's eyes secretly shining?  This pseudo-loli moved other careful thoughts.

   But Will Xiao Weier not be used to her?   I dote on the real loli, you are a black-bellied fake loli, let's forget it.

what? Xiao Luo is also a fake loli?   He hum, is Li Luo hot and cute in our family?   The cute look of waving two sledgehammers, dare you say that she is not a real loli? Be careful with the sledgehammer, and whether it's true loli is not based on absolute age, but relative age.

   Just like Ville himself, a teenager in his thirties, this is only calculated according to the age of the elves, if it is calculated according to the age of the thunder giant and the dragon, he is still in his childhood.

"By the way, do you dare to take out the steel puppet that pulled the cart before?" Katie is very interested in forbidden magic. This year, which magician above three stars does not study a little forbidden magic, and does not study advanced magic of forbidden magic. The teacher is not a good summoner, Katie has always thought so, or this is what her parents taught.

   "Do you think the magic stone does not need to be bought with money?" Ville rolled his eyes, and here Caddy threw a low-grade magic stone: "This is the master's reward for you."

"Are you sending a beggar?" Ville took the magic stone away and threw it directly into the power compartment of the carriage, making Katie straight in a daze with her skillful movements. She pointed her finger at Ville and was trembling all over: "You, you still Is there a bit of dignity as a strong man, do you also want this kind of charity?"

   Announcement, the book reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, fast update!

"Why don't you have the benefits of picking up for nothing? You didn't pay for each of the delicacies made by Karama, nor did you buy a ticket in my car. A group of guys who eat for nothing will treat you with dignity and that is the greatest money. Disrespectful." Little Weier said righteously, he was already very polite.

   "You, you..." Katie leaped forward and grabbed Ville's neck with both hands and shook it vigorously, "Hurry up and hand over my magic stone, that's one of my few pocket money."

   "Boom~" Littleville casually bounced over with a brain collapse, Katie fell softly all over, and then the tearful Baotou rolled: "It hurts~ hurts~ hurts~"

This kind of farce has happened more than once in two days. Katie, a summoning magician who has the title of four-star summoner but does not have the strength of four-star summoner, is absolutely ranked in the top three among all people, and only needs to add one. Tier 2 Yalong Warcraft can become a true four-star summoner.

She was already a three-star summoner before, and she passed the very harsh and difficult four-star test, only the last step. This time she sneaked out to complete the last step. After all, the entire king has been busy with the Dragon God Festival recently. No one took the time to help her.

It’s not just once or twice that Katie, who has never been a good baby, ran away from home. This time, she was helped by her childhood sweetheart and stupid knight. His childhood sweetheart was also dumped.

For the sake of safety, she didn't even openly issue a mission in the Hunter's Guild, but went directly to the First Hunter Group of Ironjacket, and secretly released the mission, but in this way she threw the remaining magic stones and gold coins on her body. As many as 90% go out, and the reward after the mission is completed is to be paid with magic items.

  Because of the strong opponent of Yalong Beast, and the second-tier high-level strength, Marbury decided to play his biggest trump card for the sake of confidentiality and safety: Master Star Mountain.

Beldi’s joining was a complete accident. The **** actually recognized Master Katie, and he could only be pulled up in order to keep a secret. As for his bodyguard, he became a temporary salesperson in the blacksmith ~Beldi once studied at the Kingdom School of Magic, but this **** actually studied etiquette, dance, and food. What he learned was not food making, or culinary art for short, but beauty food critics, the so-called food critics, this The **** is a three-star gourmet.

According to him, as long as you have money, you can eat a lot of good things. If you eat too much, and with his restless tongue, you can always say something that makes the chef want to cut people with a knife. Coupled with a little bit of operation from the family, a fresh three-star gourmet is out.

"The three-star chef (Klama), the three-star hunter (Marbury), the three-star magician (the beautiful magician in cloak), the three-star gourmet (the young aristocratic man with a mouthful), and my four-star summoner, don’t you think you’re so innocent? Is the card caster very dazzling?" Feeling that there is no chance of winning by doing it by herself, Katie can only find her superiority from the professional level.

Little Weir nodded and said: "That's why I want to bully you to find superiority. Think about it, four-star summoners are not my opponents. Then I am more powerful. It's not that I don't have a level, but a casting. The teachers’ union is not qualified to rate me, um, that’s it."

   This sour tone made Katie very happy, and gave him a big white eye. The carriage stopped slightly, and the road ahead came to an end, and the Warcraft Forest was close at hand.

   "I'm in the place, not far ahead is the trail that our hunter group has mastered, it is impossible for ordinary people to know." The voice of the temporary coachman Marbury came from outside, and the real adventure was about to begin.

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