The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1070: Undead Island breaks

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The corpse of the hurricane python was taken into the bag by Ville, and the silver dragon beauty Linda who looked at her eyes twitched. There seems to be a lot of secrets in her own tribe. If such a big lump is gone, it will be gone?

"It's not the time to talk about this. Leaving this ghost place is the first priority!" Little Ville didn't think about answering this question right away, and it was really difficult to spit out the good things in his hands, except for the hurricane just now. The blood and power of the python, at the last moment, he also used the demigod long sword to deprive the hurricane python of a chain of laws.

The corpse of the hurricane python has been delivered to Lilith through the world of snow wood at this time. Although the whole blood is gone, the most essence blood is swallowed by Xiaowei, and the other blood has become the nourishment of the tree of life, but the whole body is skin, meat, Bones and magic crystals are still very valuable, even said to have a high value.

It’s no problem for Tier 3 and below materials to be placed in the half-elf’s house and controlled by Lya, but this kind of demi-god-level materials can only be controlled by demigods like Lilith and Weiya. Lya’s The business acumen is very good, but the strength is a little worse after all. The hurricane python of Tier 4 demigod level will be moved even by ordinary demigods, and Léa can't keep it.

Looking at the blood of the hurricane python scattered on the ground, Ville threw a few seeds over. With his magic input, the seeds took root, sprouted, and blossomed. He quickly touched fist-sized blood-red fruits, and there were still blood-red fruits on the fruits. There are faintly visible python patterns.

The corner of the silver dragon beauty Linda's eyes twitched slightly, watching him pick the fruits and canes separately, and eat one in front of her. Her breath seemed to stabilize a lot, making her heart move as she picked it. Throw one in your mouth.

The wisps of sweetness exploded in the mouth, and then a strong soft power filled the whole body. The consumption just now did not come back a little, which made her very surprised. If you know that she is a semi-god powerhouse, this fruit is actually unexpected. It is unimaginable to be able to supplement one percent of the power.

The silver dragon beauty immediately picked up the remaining fruits in a blink of an eye, and stretched out her hand to Little Will: "Anything else?"

The corners of Littleville's mouth twitched slightly, throwing all the fruits to her. He only harvested some vines. However, using the vines cultivated by the blood of Tier 4 hurricane pythons, it is good to use the castle of happiness as a barrier. It is also very difficult for advanced players to break through.

"This should be the lair of the Lich Hals. He may come back anytime. It's better to leave early." In this kind of place, the silver dragon beauty does not have much sense of security, and she will be surrounded by the dragon's breath. It was frozen for more than a dozen miles, and then quickly broke through.

Little Ville didn't incarnate as a dragon, and the roots of the tree of death swallowed all the immobile skeletons, and then he chased after him without any slowness.

This is a huge island with no sunshine all year round. The thick clouds in the sky are full of the breath of death. The bones are piled up like a mountain. The dark blood blends into the earth to give off a faint stench. Skeletons can be seen everywhere, humans, beasts, and marine monsters. Everything else, except for these, you can occasionally see zombies and skeleton knights.

"Roar~" The beauty of the silver dragon spouted out the dragon's breath fiercely. A small piece of the cloud in the sky was frozen, but it was quickly dissolved. The death cloud over this island was powerful beyond her imagination.

Silver Dragon Linda is not like passing through these death clouds. This cloud layer obviously has the ability to isolate the space. It is unknown whether there is any messy ability inside. Linda can't tear the space on this island of death. .

The cloud of death surrounded the entire island. There was no gap to leave in a short time. If you want to leave, you can only venture through the coverage of the cloud of death, and this range is also not small. She doesn't know what Hals and Theo are. When I come back, fighting a Lich in this place is definitely not a good choice.

Do you want to risk rushing out? Silver Dragon Linda hesitated slightly, but she also knew that hesitating would lead to defeat. The more hesitated, the more disadvantaged she was.

"The clouds of death, there is such a good thing, haha, got rich!" Xiaoweier's figure appeared next to Yinlong, but the words that made her almost fell, and she didn't wait for her to teach this person who doesn't know the sky and the earth. Of the same clan, Little Will has already plunged in.

"Damn it, why is this little guy so reckless!" Yinlong Linda's face changed drastically, and when she was about to rush in and grab this unaware family member, the clouds of death surged, and countless breaths of death swept over here quickly. , Formed a huge death cloud vortex, and the center of the vortex was his fellow black dragon.

Linda's eyes shrank suddenly, what did she see?

A projection of a big tree appeared behind him, and the dense roots around his body were dancing like the tentacles of an evil eye. The cloud of death was swallowed when encountering the tentacles, forming a power vacuum. The cloud of death in other places is naturally To make up for it, a death cloud vortex soon formed, but no matter how many death clouds could not fill this bottomless pit.

That tree made me feel a little dangerous, and the level was surprisingly at the same level as my own. There seemed to be a lot of secrets in my own tribe.

Hals is a lich who is very afraid of death. Although he has died once and became a lich without touch, smell, or taste, he is still very afraid of death. In order to make himself safer, he has worked hard to create a sturdy lich. Lair: Island of the Dead.

There are death clouds that have accumulated for thousands of years in the periphery, and he has imposed a space confinement magic circle and a space disorder magic circle. Except for the teleportation magic circle hole left by him, other places cannot be entered through the dimensional space at all, and even the outer radius. It is impossible to locate accurately for hundreds of miles.

Although he worked with Lava Demon and Hurricane Python to calculate the Silver Dragon Linda, he really did not believe in the two partners at all. He personally took the Hurricane Python and arranged it on the opposite side, and personally arranged the teleportation array in Yunwu National Railway Jiacheng. , But he hadn't counted that the blood that should have been surplus was not enough. Not to mention the collapse of the teleportation array, the teleportation array in the opposite lair also collapsed, and there is no need to think about who did it.

But Hals is not afraid. There are no secrets in his lair, and the core secret area cannot be breached even by a demigod in a short time. His army of skeletons, zombies and undead is not a joke, as long as it does not explode. When exposed to the sun, their strength is very strong.

Summoned a skull dragon. Hals used a cloud cloak to cover himself and the bone dragon, and did not expose it to the sun as much as possible. Then he flew to the island of the dead, but the iron clamp city was deep in the inland of the cloud, and the island of the dead He was far overseas, and it was really difficult for him to run back after a while.

Unless Hals is willing to tear the space for sub-space travel, but even so, there is no way to accurately locate the coordinates of the island of the dead, he can not shuttle back directly, at most shorten the return time.

Are you anxious to go back?

Hals is not in a hurry. Wouldn't it be better to let Hurricane Python consume more power of Linda the Silver Dragon? The three of them are patron saints, and their strength is half a catty. It is difficult to tell the victory or defeat without ten days and a half, let alone the lava demon Theo? The two of them working together shouldn't let Linda escape.

But I don’t know why always feels a little uneasy. Could it be that this time the three semi-god powerhouses will also fail to calculate the silver dragon?

Wait, this anxiety may not come from Linda the Silver Dragon, but it may also come from the Hurricane Python and Theo, the lava demon. After they beheaded the Silver Dragon, will they attack themselves? You must know that the contract they signed only reaches the end of the silver dragon, and then the contract expires. What if they join forces to deal with themselves?

As a lich, as long as the phylogenetic is still there, he can be reborn infinitely, but after rebirth, he will be weaker for a long time. Keep his phylogeny in an absolutely safe place deep in the island of the dead, even if they are two demigods. The strong teamed up, and it may not be possible to find them in ten and a half months.

Well, just in case, I should speed it up a little bit.

The confident Hals did not expect that the cloud of death, which he believed to be the safest and most powerful, became the nourishment for the tree of death at this moment, nourishing it to grow. In the world of snow woods, Weiya sits under the tree of death and controls death. The tree fully absorbed the power of the cloud of death, and at the same time passed a part of the essence of this powerful force to Xiao Weiya.

Xiao Weiya's strength slowly increased, slowly increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the first half of the demigod to the peak of the demigod in just one day and one night, her eyes suddenly opened, and her white hands fell on On the tree of death, the powerful attraction suddenly increased, and the aura on the tree of death was also rising.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", the entire undead island trembled violently, and the death cloud that had been filled for thousands of years was finally swallowed up, the death prohibition was torn apart, the sun fell, and in the silent wailing, the dead souls flew away and the weak skeletons The fire of the zombie soul was extinguished and fell to the ground, and the cold breath was gradually thawed by the sun.

Undead Island, broken!

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