The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1079: Capture Hals alive

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Hals's strength is very strong and very decisive. He didn't just watch Little Ville set up a magic circle, but directly exploded with his greatest strength. While bearing the silver dragon Linda's attack, he decisively released a big move to break. The price to pay for Little Ville's magic circle was the shattering of two precious magic weapons.

After breaking the magic circle, Hals ran away for the first time, fighting the silver dragon Linda’s bombardment and fleeing desperately, but he was just a lich, there was no time to tear up the space in the sports battle, and the speed was not comparable to the silver dragon. Linda could only be beaten passively, not to mention that there was a black dragon accomplice next to her.

"Quack, come on, my dear little darlings, let more people in this world be your partners, undead natural disaster!" The scarred Hals is very miserable, his bone armor is torn and his arms are missing. One, half of his leg was broken, and the bone wand he used most often was snatched by Ville, but the whole person had no intention of surrendering. Instead, he summoned more skeleton zombies and wraith spirits.

These little things he summoned have the weakest strength and ranks, and the number is countless, but the strongest is only in the early stage of the third stage, which can not pose a threat to Little Will, let alone Silver Dragon Linda. They swept a large area.

Hals immediately changed his strategy. He desperately summoned more undead creatures, and then asked them to attack Iron Jiacheng, hoping to distract them.

"Do you really care about the life and death of the people in the border cities of the cloud country? With their strength, they are simply unable to resist the undead natural disasters. The scale of the undead natural disasters will only grow larger and larger, and eventually they can even sweep the entire cloud country. Linda, you are not always ..." Hals chattered endlessly, but in return Linda the Silver Dragon gave an angry breath of dragon.

Amid the loud noise of "Rumble~", a volcano erupted in the lava demon habitat of the Flame Country.

This battlefield was chosen by Linda the Silver Dragon, and it was also guided by Hals intentionally. He still has deep feelings for Linda of the Cloud Nation. As for the Flame Nation, forget it, this country guarded by the lava demon, received the custom of **** demon. The influence is too heavy, and the utilitarian is too much, which is completely inconsistent with Linda's preferences.

As long as Hals stay away from the cloud country, this is Linda’s choice, and Hals chose here because the flame lava is an environment that neither Linda the Silver Dragon nor Dariel like the White Dragon. He himself is not friendly, but his restraint is definitely not as great as Yinlong.

What's more, there are other players he arranged here!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a zombie with a lava dragon flew out and went straight to Linda, the silver dragon. The latter breathed a bite of the ice dragon and instantly frozen the nearby lava dragon zombies.

"Bone burst!"

"Bone bones exploded!"

In the violent explosion, Linda the Silver Dragon could only retreat, but another person did not retreat and advanced instead. That was Little Ville. He plunged into the magma ahead of time and stunned the Lich Hals who was trying to escape from here. .

Lich also doesn't like magma, but he has left behind here before, which can reduce a lot of consumption on himself, and it can also be quickly teleported to another secret base, but the premise is to enter the deep layer of magma.

As a result, he didn't have time to get in, but the other party got in early. After all, magma is not his home court. What if the black dragon who plays cards in an unreasonable way does something he doesn't understand?

Is it really going to die once?

No, although I have already traded the most important things back and sent them out halfway through some small means, the price to be paid for the resurrection is too great. If you die halfway, it will be a big trouble. You can survive or don’t die. it is good.

Fight it!

Hals watched the silver dragon Linda react, and was about to expand the silver dragon domain. He gritted his teeth and activated the Lich Domain ahead of time, and then plunged into the volcanic lava, fighting a dragon's breath behind his back.

"Boom!" In the loud noise, the volcano suddenly erupted, and a huge wave of lava soared to the sky and hit Hals, the latter pierced into the lava, but the screams of screams were shaking for a long time. .

"I actually went in?" Silver Dragon Linda soared up to avoid the eruption of the lava waves, her mouth and nose were full of the pungent sulphur smell, and her brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

"I hope that little guy is sure." After fighting for three days and three nights, although Little Will assisted him, and he injured Hals at the beginning, the demigod level battle still has a lot of influence on Linda. He yawned and sat cross-legged in the air, looking at the lava lake that was constantly churning under his feet, with his right hand holding his cheek in thought.

There must be a lot of secrets in that kid. Although he has never fought him head-on, whether the hurricane python or the lava demon Theo can be said to have been planted in his hands, can the half-crippled Lich Hals be spared?

The answer is no!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the surface of the lava lake erupted again, and a flaming figure rushed out with a tumbler, holding a large pile of things in his hand, not Hals who was firmly bound by the chain.

Seeing the fiery red light gradually dissipating, but still surviving the violent flame fluctuations of Ville, the silver dragon Linda had such a look on her face. This kid just offered to ambush Hals, she felt something was not right. , It seems to be the case now, it's just that this breath on his body seems to have been vaguely seen somewhere.

"Kill me, kill me!" The lack of arms and legs is not too troublesome for the lich, but it is a bit troublesome to be captured by the enemy as a whole. The lich is not afraid of being killed, as long as the phylogeny is still there, they It can be reborn infinitely, well, although the price of rebirth is still very high. However, there is another possibility of being captured, that is, being sealed, and at that time, it is really impossible to survive and die.

"Hehe" to Hals' request, Silver Dragon Linda sneered her lips in disdain: "Trash, Theo is captured by us. He has tortured so much every day without trying to seek death. You are the lich who ruined the lava demons. Are you so afraid of death? It is indeed a trash demigod hiding in a corner overseas and afraid to set foot in the mainland."

Little Will threw this halves to Linda the silver dragon, and moved his muscles and bones a bit: "Below this is the habitat of the lava demon clan, but there are only a handful of lava demons remaining inside, and they are all of the kind of young and weak. There are a lot of treasures, but it’s a little waste to throw them here. I'm going to help them gather them together."

Although I don’t know how Hals put them on the ground, most of the good things inside were not taken away by the lich demigod. This time, it was a great deal of money for Little Ville. He caught Hals before. However, he searched fiercely and deprived Hals of all the space bone rings and equipment.

Linda, the silver dragon, was very disdainful of Ville’s plan. The objects outside her body were indeed very good, but the treasures with fire attributes were not what she liked. As for the use of the Lich Hals, you can use your nose to think about it and the lava demon. The same as Austrian.

She never understood that Ville’s demi-artifact sword could indeed extract an ability or power to deprive the enemy, but the time that this kind of thing was carried in the demi-artifact sword was always limited, and the enemy was temporarily taken away. Things are just a trace of charm and power, and they will always recover slowly, just as things on a long sword are gradually dissipating.

Could he still learn the insights of Theo and Hals through the things on the sword?

It has to be said that Linda Silver Dragon is the truth, but it is not to learn directly, but to slowly release the things drawn by the semi-artifact long sword through the snow wood world, which can increase the strength and variety of the snow wood world, and the snow wood Although the chain of laws of the world re-enactment cannot be directly owned by Vil, it can be understood in detail. Moreover, by comprehending the chain of laws newly emerged in the world of Snowwood, his cultivation speed is faster than that of directly practicing outside. Hundreds or thousands of times.

The bonus of the Lord of the World is not a And unlike the lava demon Theo, the Lich Hals is not only useful for himself, but also a tonic for Xiao Weiya and the tree of death, demigod Level Lich, Xiao Weiya must like this gift, what a good snack.

"Did you really trade the phylactery to Hals?" Silver Dragon Linda threw out a steel box and shut Hals in, then tore open the space and threw it to the island of the undead and gave it to Daryl to take care of it. .

"The little box containing the phylactery was indeed traded to Hals. In this war, Hals summoned a lot of undead creatures on the way, and the little box was sent out by him on the way. Currently, um, Actually in the Pharmacist country?” Little Weier felt it carefully, and found that the thing had gone to the Pharmacist country through the things left on the small box. Hals was really cautious.

Attacking the Nation of Clouds and Mist, fleeing to the Nation of Flame, but staying in the Nation of Pharmacist, this operation Xiao Weier expressed his admiration.

"Oh, you turned out to be a small box." Silver Dragon Linda was very clever, and immediately heard the overtones. What he was trading was not a phylogenetic box, but a small box that contained the phylogenetic box. "That box you Have you opened it?"

"No, that thing not only requires a specific method, but also requires demi-god power. Even so, every time I open it, I need to spend a lot of hands and feet. With my current strength, I don’t want to open it for ten and a half months. After all, I’m only third-order perfection, well, third-order perfection that is not perfect."

"The phylogeny in there?"

"I took it out."

"Can you take out the contents without opening the small box?"

"Who said you can't take things without opening the box?"

Silver Dragon Linda: No one has said this, but...

Apostle Little Elf Xiaowei: The basic operation of the Apostle Space, no need to make a fuss.

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