The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1089: 3 consecutive

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"Candidate No. 18, code-named Crystal Heart, a sage soldier in the early stage of the third stage, advantages: handsome appearance, superior wisdom, a man who combines wisdom and beauty." Best's voice was slightly distorted, a little bit Unhappy and said: "The harem must not be involved in politics. In fact, it is better to be stupid. Now the sentimental failure is a candidate."

Candidate No. 18 is a night elf, wearing formal hunting clothes, carrying a long bow waist and hip quiver, holding a shimmering scimitar, and walking slowly without fear or overbearing the three that his body just broke through. The aura of the sacred warrior hadn't been able to fully converge, but he was fully aroused to walk slowly step by step, without saying a word, without any special performance.

If he had to say anything, it was the rhythm. The rhythm of his walking was surprisingly natural and smooth. He walked back and forth for only a minute, and he left without even looking at anyone.

"The 18th candidate has finished his performance, now I invite the judges to comment." Best seems to be very dissatisfied with the night elf: "This person is unremarkable, has no responsibility or merit, and there is no discipline to arrive late and leave early. , I don’t recommend that everyone let him pass. The player is not white, and he is not masculine. He is not qualified to be the master of the captain. Well, even the deputy election is a bit reluctant."




The six male demigods saw Best's strong opposition and voted for them one by one, while Eleanor, the sea witch, took a deep look at the Arrow Warrior, and also voted for her. The ticket may not be effective if it is true.

"Pass!" said the hero of the arrow very naturally: "confidence and grace, coupled with his age under fifty, such a person has unlimited prospects, coupled with superior wisdom, can become a good helper next to General Rose. No one is more suitable to be the main palace of General Bingxue than him."

Haha, the others smiled and they knew it would be like this. No matter how much you say, you can’t change the fact that this person was launched by your night elves. Although your team is all female night elves, it’s not wrong. It doesn't mean that there are no men in the night elves, but that they are not valued.

"It's a pity that this clown from the night elves passed the first round of assessment and became the first candidate to pass. Here I feel sad for the captain from the bottom of my heart. How could you and you be so irresponsible? Change He didn’t choose, and the one that shouldn’t be chosen instead let him pass. I’m really very disappointed with you!” Best glared at the battle captains ferociously. There were only three people who voted against it, which is really not to be given. I’m the logistic manager myself, so I’ve decided that I will wear shoes for you next time.

"Huh, a group of people with eyes and no beads, the facts will prove that I am right, and you will eventually be beaten in the face, even if you pass the first few levels, the final decision is still in the hands of the captain. Okay, now there is tenth. Nine candidates, code-named blue gentle, I go, what kind of broken code is this, it is not a good person at first glance, the third-stage early stage mage, the advantage: well, too fake, I won't read it." Best The words made Sea Witch Eleanor a black line, and she naturally knew who this blue tenderness was.

A slender figure wearing a dark blue mage robe, long blue hair dancing in the wind, walked out, holding a dark blue magic wand, a delicate face with a hint of shyness, a hint of discomfort, and stepped on an unsteady step. Came quietly.

The faint blue light on the blue magic wand lights up, and the surrounding area is blue, and the cool breath quietly diffuses, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

"Dark blue blessing, good healing technique." The blade general nodded slightly, the gentle man in blue robe, um, should be a man, but no woman in the room dared to say that she was more beautiful than him, only Sea Witch Eleanor was better than him. A bit more mature and charming, but a bit less innocent and shy, on the whole, it's almost the same.

"You deserve to be the younger brother of Witch Shuangjiao, she looks really good." The mad dog Temple's words made Sea Witch Eleanor's face change slightly, and her eyes narrowed: "After all, she wants to come out to see people, she looks right. The audience is a bit better, so that it doesn’t look like a certain mad dog that makes people feel unappetizing."

A meaningless argument did not affect the judges' scoring. In the end, Deep Blue's Tenderness passed the first round of screening with a staggering 21 votes, one of which was not passed by the mad dog Temple.

"To be honest, this result is a bit unacceptable to me. It's okay for a man to look handsome, but I really can't accept a man who looks like a girl. How can such a sissy make a strong captain grow into a strong man? Yes. I doubt it myself. But as a host, I can only show respect for the results. In fact, I regret it a little bit. If I change the order, maybe this sissy will not be able to pass the level. Here is the twentieth candidate, code name: Sleeping Beauty, a third-tier high-level mage, and a third-tier early-stage sage warrior, she has a bit of beauty, grace, elegance, and talent and knowledge."

Not many people in the room believe Best's words. Although the information may not be prepared by Best, it is more likely to be prepared by the referrer, but Best's credibility has plummeted. The credibility of words spit out from his mouth is too low.

This time, it was not one person who walked in, but two distinctive pirates, one tall and one short, one thin and one fat. Two people were sitting on a bamboo chair with a pink dress and long blonde hair sitting on it. Dispersed, his facial features are exquisite and pure, he wears a rose tie around his neck, and his eyes are closed with one hand resting on his cheeks. The breeze around him slowly blows his long golden hair, which is a bit more elegant.

The two bamboo poles and the ball carried the bamboo chair, and walked around with a hum. The person on the bamboo chair seemed to feel a slight frown, a kind of pitiful temperament spontaneously, making the eight demigods The strong couldn't help but move in his heart.

They just probed the wind around this "Sleeping Beauty" a little bit, and almost did not stir up any waves, but made this "Sleeping Beauty" react. This person's breath seemed a little weird, it couldn't be said to be strong or weak, three There must be an order, but his state is a little strange, as if he has fallen into an epiphany.

This state of epiphany can be met but not sought. They have been experienced more or less by the semi-god powerhouses. This state is the most taboo broken. They and others are all semi-god powerhouses, even without malicious exploration. He should be awakened, unless he is a master of the same level.

But this should not be possible. The majesty of the demigod powerhouse does not allow them to do such things, such as women's clothing!

Zhuganer and the ball quickly retired, but the influence left by the "Sleeping Beauty" did not disappear immediately. Best couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "There was once a strong man who said such a thing, a man is charming When I got up, there was nothing wrong with women. I had some doubts at first, but when I saw the inadvertent frown, I realized my ignorance."

"From the crystal heart on the 18th to the gentleness of the dark blue on the 19th, until the last sleeping beauty on the 20th, their faces are more delicate and feminine, and even compared to most of the women present, the last sleeping beauty is even more crowned. Excellent. His beauty has transcended the boundaries of gender. Even as a man, I can't help but fall for it. This makes me a bit hesitant to admire masculinity." Best's words in exchange for a bunch of middle fingers, you admire It's not masculinity, but weirdness.

"One hundred men, ten of them have Tier 3 strength." Sea Witch Eleanor suddenly said, "I want this man."

The Arrow Warrior couldn't help pursing his lips: "I didn't expect that the famous sea witch would be a man's heart, it's really rare."

Sea Witch Eleanor has always been arrogant and prefers to judge people by her appearance. She often causes disputes because she despises the appearance of others. If her strength is not really strong, she might be snatched away as a lady of the oppressive village, although she is a demigod. But he has no sweetheart so This time, he has openly grabbed a man in the selection of the harem of General Rose of Ice and Snow. If it goes out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"It's hard to see a man who doesn't look glaring at all. A little price is not a problem. It's good to watch a mad dog and an ugly go home and watch a beautiful man wash his eyes." Sea Witch Eleanor almost made the mad dog confess. Poole went up and tore her mouth. She was only slightly rough, but she was definitely not ugly.

"I also ask Master Sea Witch to stay calm. If he loses the election, I will consider this business." Best refused on the spot without surprise. Well, it should be regarded as a refusal. "Now, please start everyone. Review."




"Although I really want to get him now, I have to admit that if a person who makes me feel moved, if he doesn't pass him, he won't be able to pass this level in his heart. I choose to let him pass." Sea Witch Eleanor Very honest.

The Arrow Warrior smiled and asked: "Aren't you afraid that he will be selected in the end?"

Sea Witch Eleanor shook her head slightly: "It's a big deal to **** him from Rose, presumably for a man, Rose shouldn't turn her face with me, and I will give her a hundred men as compensation when she turns around."

This is also OK?

"Such an excellent man, even a hundred ordinary men may not be comparable." The arrow hero voted in accordance with his own wishes, so this "Sleeping Beauty" became the only one who passed unanimously, although These semi-god powerhouses probably can see that the long skirt on his body is an extraordinary item, which has the effect of increasing charm, but if his conditions are not strong enough, he can't control the clothes at all, but it will cause negative effects, such as: Mu The monkey is crowned.

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