The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1103: Linda's Intelligence

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"Hey, this world is really weird. There are clear and clear personality restrictions. Although the outside world also has such restrictions, they are definitely not so clear and clear." Linda couldn't help shaking her head and said: "Three kings, four men, seven generals, thirty Six brave men, this is a widely circulated saying, in fact, this is not all."

"Personality is shared by all creatures in this world, including not only humans, orcs, demons, night elves, etc., but also beasts, which also occupy a considerable part of the personality, and even among the so-called three kings, four males, and seven generals. Above, these persons on the surface are not the number of agreements reached after the former compromised with the Beastmaster."

Silver Dragon Linda's words made Little Vil suddenly realize, and the doubts about seeing the demigod island whale were solved, but more doubts arose.

"The strong is respected, and the rules are set by the strong, and this world is no exception." Yinda continued to tell the basic situation he had learned, "The high-level demigods are the peak strength of this world. There are three demons. They are the so-called three kings, but there are a full four of Warcraft, and the so-called Four Seas are their respective territories."

"The Misty Whale King in the Misty Sea, the Furious Dragon Carp in the Storm Ocean, the Snowy Eagle King in the Frozen Sea, and the Deep Sea Devil in the Blood Sea. They are hostile to each other, but they are facing the Demon Race. Cooperating with each other, relying on this relationship to maintain a certain degree of balance with the three kings, four men, and seven generals. They have super wisdom, reached an agreement with the demons, gave up some personalities, and also restricted the development of the demons. "

"The Wisdom of Warcraft can reach this point is very good, but compared with Warcraft, the demons are more cunning, the agreement is not unbreakable, there are countless undercurrents hidden in the peaceful underground. There are too many ways to destroy this. A convention, such as..."

"With the capture and contract with the demigod beasts, although the personality is still on the beasts, the beasts have become the fighting power of the demons, just like this poor child under our feet." Linda's words made Little Will a black line. A dignified demigod-level monster, a behemoth with a length of ten miles, was you said to be a child?

Linda: In a world where the strong is respected, my mid-level demigod master said that a little guy who is a newcomer to a demigod and only condenses a chain of laws is a child. Is it wrong?

"This is just the personal invasion of the demons against the monsters, and the battle between the demons and the demons, which is even more eye-opening. The three kings, four males and seven generals are not so harmonious, even if there is a unified demon. Opponents, you can never imagine the intrigue between them." Linda blinked, only to find that the face of the opposite Xiao Weier was as usual, not moved at all, and she couldn't help but curl her lips uncomfortably.

"Among the three kings, the worst is the sea king. After all, three of the four big beast kings live in the sea. Another place where the snow rock eagle king lives is called the frozen sea. In fact, it should be called the ice sheet. It is just that the ice sheet is broken and the cold current is crisscross , More like half ice and half ocean, hence the name."

"On the one hand, the sea king is facing the threat of the three big beast kings, on the other hand, the king of the earth also looks at him. After the sea, he secretly saw the hunting group, training third-tier masters to go to the sea to hunt the demigod masters in the sea, steal the person belonging to the sea to expand his power."

"And this floating island is one of his dark hands, a dark flame warrior with a chain of two laws, a giant stone warrior with a chain of two laws, together with this child, it only took more than 20 years. Just beheaded three demigod-level marine monsters, and cultivated a new brave with a chain of laws. Well, a new brave who is unknown and unknown."

Silver Dragon Linda’s words made Ville react instantly, and at the same time he knew what was the situation of this so-called unnamed brave. What he robbed was the chain of laws of the ocean beasts, invaded the status of the beasts, and became the subordinate of the king of the earth. , But want to let the sea king bear the blame, after all, these demigod beasts were beheaded by the demons in the sea.

A big smile appeared on Linda's face and pointed to the people outside: "Their method has given me some inspiration. Killing a demigod master has a certain chance to obtain the opponent's chain of laws, even if it is not complete, there is a chance. Comprehending the chain of laws of the other party, originally planned to give these three guys as gifts to you, to see if they can promote you to advance to the demigod, now it seems..."

Linda shrugged and said that she hadn't forgotten to give him the benefit, let him remember her own good.

"Is this method ineffective for you?" Little Wil's heart moved and suddenly asked.

Linda shook her head helplessly and said: "I tried it, and the effect was minimal. Maybe my strength is too strong. I encountered a beast with a chain of two laws on the road. After killing, I only felt a flash in the sky. The aura of passing, and then there is nothing."

Linda’s words gave Little Will an illusion, am I really the son of God? Why do I gain so much benefit from killing a demigod than you? The demigod in the chain of two laws was stolen by himself with a sword, and when he released his personality after being beheaded, almost all of them could condense a chain of laws.

Is it because Linda is an outsider and the world does not recognize her enough, so what about her situation?

Suddenly, Weir cast his eyes on the inverse dragon pattern on the back of his hand. Although he was also an outsider, he belonged to a foreign predator. The dragon **** gave him the inverse dragon pattern is definitely not a display. After he killed the demigod, those personalities and laws He was supposed to return to this world, but he was abruptly intercepted by the inverse dragon pattern to make himself cheaper?

It's really possible.

"Do you understand the last of the three kings?" Little Ville suddenly asked, asking about something that made Linda a headache.

"Among the three kings, the sea king is in charge of the sea, and the land king is in charge of the land. In the end, who did you think the king is?" Ville has never had the opportunity to communicate with others too Before Temple took the initiative to confide the news. However, it was more about telling some secrets, and nothing of common sense was mentioned at all, so that Little Weier could not figure out who the third king was.

"There is a sea king on the sea, and a king of the earth on the land. Guess what the third king should be called?" Linda blinked playfully, and instead tried to teach Little Will.

Little Ville groaned slightly and muttered to himself: "First exclude the king of the sky. The sky in this world is very clean and there is no place to accommodate a king. The Snow Rock Eagle King also does not allow anyone to become the king of the sky. Except for the sky, The sea and the land are occupied, what is left? The abyss? The underground? If I have to say it, I guess it is the Hidden King or the Shadow King."

Silver Dragon Linda couldn't help but admired: "Awesome, I thought you wouldn't even want to talk about the King of the Sky directly. The third king is the King of Shadows, the full name is the King of Shadows, and he claims that as long as there is a shadow, it is his territory. , Is his sphere of influence. How, is it powerful?"

"and then?"

"Nothing." Linda replied very confidently, making Willie roll his eyes. There was only one name. What kind of spooky information was this.

"I also want to get more information, but the shadow king is mysterious. I have been here for a short time and I can't get more information at all. Okay." Linda said that she was also helpless. The enemy is hiding too deep, and even whether this Shadow King really exists is not very sure.

"Forget it, let's eliminate the instability factors and talk about other things. You are still too reckless to do things." Ville doesn't think that a king, especially a king who calculates everywhere, will not be left behind in such an important dark hand. Hand, this floating island is definitely not a safe place, Linda may have been exposed.

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