The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1112: The man behind

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In the meeting hall of General Furnace Mansion on Furnace Island, under the faint fiery red light, the strong guild attribute magic power showed his existence unscrupulously. A pile of ground fire stones lay quietly there, the General Fire Furnace was stunned, and the shadow brave was silent. .

How many fire stones are there in this pile?

The Stove General hasn’t counted them, but at first glance, it’s a pile, except that there are only six or seven fists in this pile of earth fire stones, and the others are of different sizes. The smallest is only the size of a nail, and the larger one is shaped like a pigeon egg. , Eggs and so on, but there are three to five hundred in this pile.

The expression on the General Stove’s face is slightly complicated. The treasure of the Earthfire Stone is born in the Earthfire lava and is monopolized by the monsters inside. In his opinion, this good thing should belong to the strongest lava dragon there, and it There are indeed some earth fire stones, and they are of excellent quality.

He had never thought that there were so many high-grade fire stones in the lava lake. Judging from the news brought back by his men, he also vaguely guessed the origin of these inferior fire stones: they originated from other monsters.

"The strongest thing about the lava fire dragon is not power, not attack, but defense and continuous recovery, body recovery, and power recovery." Ville said very calmly: "Snatching the stolen fire stone from the lava fire dragon is not No, as long as there is enough time and patience, when the lava fire dragon slackens, even if it can't steal all of its hand-ground fire stones, a dozen or twenty pieces are still not a big problem, but it takes more time."

"Furthermore, I don’t know that only the lava fire dragon has the earth fire stone. There are so many monsters in the underground lava lake. It is only the king among them, not all of them. There is only one lava fire dragon, but we have two people, one of them traps it. Another person swept the entire lava lake, and then..."

"Then, this is all the gain." Little Ville shrugged and said: "Time is limited after all, and there seems to be some strange places under the Underground Lava Hu. I haven't been able to search them all, but even so, on the bright side. It’s easy to find, I have also collected the Earthfire Stones from other monsters."

"There are five hundred and twelve large and small." Little Will finished speaking quietly looking at General Stove, waiting for his reply.

The corners of Stove General's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the blond brave man in front of him with a complicated complexion: "It is not a good habit to exhaust the water and fish. These earth fire stones actually have room for improvement."

Little Ville shrugged and said, "Time is limited, so I have to do this. What price does Master General plan to offer?"

Stove General Weiwei was a little embarrassed. The price that was said at the beginning was based on the quantity, but the gap between quality and quality was somewhat large. If it was purely based on the quantity, it would be impossible for the Shadow Warriors to accept it.

"Come according to the quality, these six are the standard, or 30% off, or 50% off." General Fireforge hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to use some of the merchant's methods. As the master of the furnace island, his business talents are still very good. .

Little Ville waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter what discount is calculated. The thing is here. It doesn't bother you. You can just give it a price."

The Stove General clapped his hands and said, "Okay, refreshing! If that's the case, then I don't care about it. The heart of the earth or the heart of the sea can choose one."

Little Ville looked at General Stove, nodded and said, "I see."

Stove General was taken aback for a moment, what does this mean?

Little Ville put away the fire stone on the ground, and shook his hand at the General Stove: "Trading is what you like and I want. It is common for prices to be different. Business is not dealt with. I hope that there will be cooperation next time. Chance. Goodbye!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Vil and Linda turned around and left without any hint of muddle-headedness. When the Stove General reacted, they had already left the hall and swiftly marched towards the gate of the General's Mansion.

"Two friends, wait a moment!" General Huolu was very anxious. This is not right. Whether you are satisfied or not, we can talk about it. What do you mean by turning around and leaving?

They can’t be allowed to leave their sight. These two famous male and female thieves, as long as they leave their sight, they won’t know when the next time I see them. Their hiding ability is absolutely extraordinary, those earth-fire stones. It is definitely the long-term heritage of the underground lava lake, enough to be used for a hundred years or even longer.

The General Fire Furnace asked himself if the price he gave was not excessive. Treasures such as the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sea are very precious. Some talents will be in demand, but Furnace Island needs them even more.

To apologize to the Shadow Warrior, the General Stove chased him out in a flash. Forge Island is his site. No one is more familiar with the environment here, but the first two people can turn around here and make people follow him. Can't help.

The Stove Warriors are even more shocked by their speed, and their sense of existence is actually weakening a little bit. You must know that they should be very eye-catching when they are dressed in each of them, but gradually, the people around them have become I don't care about them very much, and I can't even find them slowly.

Worthy of being a well-known robber from all over the world, this method is really powerful. If you don’t have been stuck behind them, you have been using mental power to lock them, as long as you have been lost, and even twice, their backs have changed. There was confusion between the short-term and the people who passed by.

This ability gave General Stove some confirmation: This is the person to look for.

The Stove General suddenly felt the fluctuations in the space, but it was the two people in front who directly tore the space in a small alley and left the furnace island.

The technique is skilled, the space cracks are stable, and the movements are as natural and smooth as running clouds and flowing water. The time of General Stove accelerates, his hands quickly tore the gradually healed space cracks a second time, and he pierced the past.

A gust of wind and showers blew their heads and covered their faces. A dozen meters away, two figures hung in mid-air quietly looking at themselves, not in the least embarrassed look of wind and rain.

The flames flashed on the General Stove, and the powerful force revealed a little, abruptly shut the door out of the wind and rain, and the space cracks closed, but they were already hundreds of miles away from the furnace island.

"The sky is asking the price to pay back the money, and the two of them turned around when they didn't agree. This is not the way of business." General Huolu was also helpless. After all, it is indeed freedom to ask for others, and he found himself and passive, no matter what. It is a word: loss.

Furnace Island is my own territory. Everything in the underground lava lake should belong to me. I just hired them to pick the Fire Stones. They hired their manpower, but these two guys turned around and traded with them. , It is not manpower but the value of the stone of earth and fire that is measured.

And just took the things away without agreeing to a word?

You have to know that those earth fire stones, in theory, originally belonged to you.

But now it doesn't make sense to say that these two are male and female thieves. Will the things in their hands be easily taken out?

This is obviously unrealistic.

"We are not merchants." Ville shook his head lightly and said, "The merchant's suit is not suitable for us. If there is sincerity, the two parties are satisfied with the transaction, and the dissatisfaction is scattered. That's it. The general has insufficient sincerity."

I trade your manpower instead of those earth-fire stones. Those earth-fire stones were originally mine, and my sincerity is already sufficient, okay?

If it’s just a small part of the Fire Stones, but these two **** should have swept away most of the easily obtained Fire Stones in the underground lava lake. For a long time in the future, I want to The only way to obtain the Earth Fire Stone is to grab the lava fire dragon. This is a little bit more difficult, and if one is not good, it will cause trouble.

The Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sea were all given out in exchange for the pile of earth-fire stones, and they paid nothing less, and made the relationship between them a little stiff.

In the end, I gave in. It made me feel like I was at a loss, but actually you?

The appearance fees of the two brave men are a bit too high. This is the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sea. You must know that you can actually do things like collecting earth fire stones. The reason why we invited the three of them~www. and asked them to show their strength, it's totally because of another thing.

Stove General took a deep look at them and said something inexplicable: "The person behind me has given me an order. I hope that through you, you can send a message to the person behind you."

"Three months later, on the ninth day, hunting the Whale King in the Misty Territory." The words of General Stove made Weier and Yinlong Linda look at each other.

Is there anyone behind us?

This should be there, but it is impossible for the person behind us to appear here to play children's play games with you, that is the Dragon God.

Excluding this true person behind, who does the person behind General Fire Furnace want to pass the message to?

"How do you know that we can pass on the news?" Little Ville looked at General Stove in a calm manner, but his aura was slowly rising, showing a guilty conscience that he was on guard or even ready to do it.

The general Stove Furnace showed such an expression on his face, "You are not the shadow-attribute brave, but you have supernatural abilities. No one except that adult can cultivate such a strong person. At first I only suspected that you and the shadow brave are both suspicious. The target, even General Bingxue is among the suspicions, but Binghuo Island has disappeared, and both are generals. I can't invite her in my spare time."

There was a faint sneer on Ville's face: "The guy in the Shadow suffered a big loss on Ice and Fire Island. Why do you think Rose is ours?"

Stove General gave a thumbs up and said: "So I invited the Shadow Warriors, and ruled out the suspicion of General Ice and Snow. Please send this news in time, hunting the Beast King is not a trivial matter."

Little Will put away the cynical smile on his face and nodded solemnly: "I will report the news in time, but it will not be me who makes the decision."

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