The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1125: Loyal Stove General

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Amid the roar, the melting pot island shook the mountains and the earth broke apart. The streamer canopy, a barrier to protect their safety, has become their favorite escape at this moment. Vengeance and magic hit the streamer canopy severely, but they couldn't stir up any waves.

"Booming~" The volcano erupted and the earth moved and the mountains shook.

"Boom~" The earth cracked and the sea water poured in.

"Boom!" The house collapsed, and thousands of people fled.

Then, the rumbling sound became smaller and smaller, and the place where the sound came from was indeed more and more. The Stove General stood in the air, looking sadly into the distance. Although he could not see anything, he intuitively knew that he himself 'S boss is in that place.

Was he abandoned just like that?

It is true that compared with the ambition of the Lord of the Earth, he is still too small. Compared with the life of the King of Shadow, what is his own life fortune?

"Your Majesty, the king of the earth, the stove will always be your most loyal lackey. For your majesty’s great deeds, even if the liver and brain are covered with bones, the stove will be as sweet as a sweetheart. Your Majesty, please forgive the stove for not continuing to work for you. Gold coins, millions of magic stones, countless magic materials, stoves..." The General Stove was full of dismay, and his voice was gradually replaced by sobbing.

I’m so stupid, really, it’s obviously that I personally passed the news about the appointment with the Shadow King, knowing that the Shadow King is a stumbling block to the king of the earth, the king of the earth, and I didn’t take a long time to avoid it early. As a result. ..

"I don't resent you, my great majesty, I can only be blamed for being too cautious. I'm so stupid, really..." It was his limit, and his personal power was still too far behind nature, especially the power launched by His Majesty the Lord of the Earth was arranged by himself.

If it is only the lava power of the earth within a hundred miles of Furnace Island, I can barely handle one or two, at least to ensure the peace of the city lord’s mansion, but the lava below the furnace island stretches for thousands of miles, and that large array covers a very wide area. , Even the king of the earth did not dare to take personal risks with the accumulated power.

But he, the most loyal dog of the king of the earth, has lived in this dangerous place for hundreds of years, but has always believed that the king of the earth will treat himself kindly, and in the end...

"There is a lot of power accumulated in the underground, and these powers are being triggered more and more, and the furnace island is over." Suddenly a low voice rang from behind, and the General Stove felt stiff, and his shadow suddenly turned into a ball of silk threads. Wrap yourself tightly and bind it up.

"His Majesty the King of Darkness and Shadow?!" He could quietly appear behind him. Although he was agitated by his own mind, he had never seen the power of shadow restraint in other brave men or generals, except for the shadow of the shadow. Wang can't have others, right?

"I seemed to have heard you say that every year ten million gold coins, one million magic stones and countless magical materials. Is it true?" The voice of the person behind was slightly erratic. The General Stove was agitated and nodded hurriedly. This is The only place where he can move around.

"The villain dare not lie in front of your majesty." This is the truth. The Stove General is getting older and older, but the older people are, the more afraid of death, the Stove General is no exception.

"Make a deal, give me all your wealth and the place where the Lord of the Earth stores your treasures, and I will save your life." The light in front of the General Stove dimmed, and a man with a very colored cloak appeared in front of him. There is a contradiction that is unobtrusive, but it is impossible to ignore.


No, there is only one feeling for him, and that is mystery!

"Your Majesty can value a little bit of the villain's wealth, and you can take it in. It's just the treasure land of His Majesty the King of the Earth. The villain really doesn't know it." The General Stove continued to cry in his heart, and suddenly understood a little bit of the Earth. Wang's thoughts are gone.

He is the confidant of the King of the Earth, and he holds a lot of confidential information of the King of the Earth, including at least 80% of the layout of the King of the Earth on the sea, most of the source of wealth, and at least 50% of the treasures on the land.

Can such a self really live a long life? The Lord of the Earth only took advantage of the opportunity to deal with the King of Shadow to kill himself together until now. He was already quite patient. If it were ordinary people, he would have replaced him.

The man in the black cloak shook his head slightly, the shadow thread on General Stove’s body disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye, “If that’s the case, then forget it, it’s not worth it to cost me a lot of strength for the little wealth on your hand, after all, I will face it later. To chase and intercept the two kings, if you can save a little effort, save a little effort."

"Pump~" The Stove General knelt to the ground all of a sudden: "Your Majesty, in fact, the wealth in the hands of the villain is quite considerable."

"Does the king of the earth have much wealth?" The man in the black cloak choked the General Stove after a sentence. This question is hard to answer.

Yes, who did you become? The running dog of the king of the earth, who is a mere general, is actually richer than the owner. Do you believe it?

No, I don't want to offend the Lord of the Earth and reveal his hidden treasure. It's normal for people to look down on me.

"The villain is just a chess piece of His Majesty the King of the Earth. Many secrets are really not qualified to understand." The General Stove's face was miserable, and he looked at the man in the black cloak pitifully, hoping to receive a trace of mercy from him.

The man in the black cloak took a deep look at him, then shook his head slightly and said: "The Lord of the Earth is lucky to have a loyal running dog like you. Return to **** with your loyalty to him. You have been sitting on the furnace island for a hundred years. Let the entire Furnace Island be buried for you, and you will die well. Goodbye, um, never see you again!"

The man in the black cloak turned around and left after speaking. There was no trace of muddyness. He took a step to ten meters away. The speed was not fast. It seemed like walking in a leisurely courtyard. But it gave people a feeling of running clouds and flowing water. Everywhere they went, the ground would be slightly weak. Calm down, handsome and messed up.

"Wait! Your Majesty, wait, everything is easy to discuss!" The Stove General got up from the ground, and rushed out instantly, rushing towards the black cloaked man, yelling loudly as he rushed: "Your Majesty the King of the Earth I know very little about the wealth on the land, but I know a little about his treasures and arrangements on the sea, and please save me, your Majesty."

Your Majesty the Lord of the Earth, it’s not that your subordinates are not loyal, they just used some insignificant care in exchange for the consumption of him. Presumably this is what you would like to see, as long as you can finally successfully leave your Majesty the Shadow King, what news It won't be spread out.

The Stove General found that no matter how fast he was speeding up, the man in the black cloak had been in front of him more than ten meters away and was unable to get close. In a blink of an eye, he understood what the other party meant, and immediately told about the places in the sea and some general conditions of this place. come out.

The speed of the man in the black cloak gradually slowed down until the General Stove revealed hundreds of secret bases, and finally stopped. The General Stove stood ten feet away from behind the man in the black cloak, taking a deep breath and wiping his head. The cold sweat on the mountain, he seemed to be anxious, and said that he was bald, and he actually said all the layouts on the sea, the king of the earth, that he knew.

This seems a bit wrong.

The man in the black cloak looked up at the sky, but he was filled with emotion. After his strength increased, the simplest guidance technique actually became stronger, and he quietly broke through the Stove General’s psychological defense line and set out so many things, but this should be Not all, but it's already very good.

"Presenting all your wealth, I will save you from here. Three quarters later, the underground lava lake of the city lord's mansion is the key to leaving." The black cloaked man's voice just fell and the whole person suddenly turned into black dots in a gust of wind. Disappearing without a trace, this method made General Stove wind-based means? Means of the shadow attribute? "The method just now gave him a very weird feeling. I really think it's not very high-end, but it feels even more mysterious and unpredictable, weird! Weird!

and many more!

How did His Majesty the Shadow King know the existence of the underground lava lake in the City Lord’s Mansion? And what other players are left there?

Could it be that all the arrangements of the Lord of the Earth are under the eye of the opponent?

The General Stove suddenly remembered a word that had been circulated in the dark before, where there is a shadow is the territory of the Shadow King. The Shadow King is everywhere. Is he really so powerful?

"Perhaps, it's not bad to change directly to the door of His Majesty the Shadow King. Well, the treasures of His Majesty the King of the Earth should be very good as a nomination." General Stove murmured, his expression constantly changing.

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