The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1128: Death of the Sea King Palace

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"Mouse dare to do this!" Looking at the ruined walls, blood flowing rivers, and corpses everywhere in front of the Neptune Palace, Neptune's eyes were cracked, and the powerful aura burst out instantly. collapse.

The entire Sea King Hall suffered heavy casualties. Almost all the guards, maids, and Zhenhai monsters were either killed or wounded. The huge Sea King Hall wailed everywhere. This last thing of the Sea King became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. While the Sea King Hall crashed down, guarded The huge barrier of the Sea King Palace also shattered, and endless sea water suddenly poured out over his head.

At this time, Sea King realized what he had done. He is the **** of the Sea King Palace, and his every move can affect the state of the Sea King Hall. That **** invader destroyed the foundation of the Sea King Hall and destroyed the guardianship of the Sea King Hall. The big formation killed all the vital powers above the demigods in the Sea King Hall, leaving the shaky Sea King Hall behind.

What the **** intruder was most excessive was that he left the final blow to destroy the Sea King Palace to Sea King, letting him personally push down the nest he had worked so hard for for nearly a thousand years.

Killing and condemning the heart is nothing more than that.

The sea king rushed into the crown, and the trident in his hand was suddenly cut out. You went to the deep blue to rise up to the sky and severely cut the falling torrent, and the magic burst on your body: "Sea King domain, open!"

Suddenly the corpse of a Tier 3 sea beast quietly rolled and fell into the wreckage of the palace. Before the sea king domain had time to fully expand, a shadow shot out from the wreckage of the palace. It instantly reached Baizhang away. The speed of the shadow was not reduced but became faster. Vanished in a blink of an eye.

Sea King was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted. He left a lot of marks on the Sea King Hall. The time between the Sea King Hall being invaded and his return was not long. The intruder only knew that he was out, but did not know when he would return. .

The king's strength is very powerful. He continuously tore the space at all costs to move at a super long distance, and directly hit the opponent by surprise. When he arrived, he did not have time to say that his men were killed, and he was about to be hit by himself. Broken, so he hid himself in a sea beast corpse to avoid being traced.

The invaders did not expect that the crumbling Sea King Palace would be destroyed by the Sea King himself, and did not expect that the guardian enchantment outside was based on the Sea King Palace. The Sea King Palace was destroyed, the guardian enchantment did not exist, and the turbulent sea was facing. Here, Aquaman brazenly resisted the power of the sea in order to hold the last little bit of foundation.

The intruder didn't dare to bet that he would not be discovered in the Sea King's domain, so he had to take the risk and flee immediately.

"The thief should leave!" The Sea King reacted very stubbornly. This person's method was obviously Shadow Escape. The speed is so fast and the strength is definitely not weak. However, this person does not dare to collide with him head-on. He should only be a demigod intermediate.

"If you have the ability, don't chase it!" A hoarse and low voice sounded, clearly unable to see people, but the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears, and the spirit of the sea king spread out and locked the enemy in front of him.

"Asshole, I want to break your corpse into pieces and return it to my Sea King Palace!" Sea King gritted his teeth, and the loud noise behind his back and the miserable wailing heralded the destruction of the Sea King Palace. He has worked hard for thousands of years and destroyed it once, and the power of hatred has let Sea King Extraordinary performance, more like a fish in the sea, instantly rushed far away and narrowed the distance between each other.

"I'll go, your mud-sucking loach swims very fast, but let me make it clear first, I just came here to hunt for treasures, your subordinates actively attack me, I will passively counterattack. As for the Sea King Palace, I think I just watched you. Destroy it with your own hands, and just now you obviously had a chance to save it, but you gave up by yourself. This can't be blamed on me." The figure in front jumped directly out of the sea and out of the sea, and the voice was clear and clear to the sea king's ears.

do not blame you?

Treasure hunt?

You can still find this king’s nest when you hunt for treasures. Are you a fool when you are this king?

If you **** is not the confidant of the Shadow King, or the dark hand of the Earth King, neither of these two **** is a good thing. They are not the same as your own honest person, full of bad water.

"I'm going to kill you and pay homage to this king's Sea King Palace!" Sea King was in grief and anger, and the whole person rushed out of the sea. The figure in front of him was faint, leaving only a crack in the space that healed quickly.

The trident in the sea king's hand pierced fiercely, and abruptly tore the space crack again. The whole person didn't want to quickly sink into it. The power of hatred gave him a hundred and twenty points.

In this world, the situation of the demons is a little worse than that of Warcraft. The king of the earth can only guard the continent, but the land area of ​​this world is pitiful, so the king of the earth will deliberately extend the devil's claws to the sea. Stove General and other methods are numerous, and this has not fallen behind the ranks of the king.

Aquaman is nominally the king of the sea, but no matter whether it is the Misty Whale King of the Misty Sea, the Stormy Dragon Carp of the Storm Ocean or the Deep Sea Medallion of the Blood Sea, they are all weaker than themselves. They have countless beasts, and their overall strength is more than I have a lot of strength, and if I accidentally grab a place with them on the sea, I will lose everything.

Aquaman carefully developed from a corner of a trivial zone, and expanded his strength little by little without overly stimulating the three king beasts. Finally, he had his current foundation, but he was completely destroyed by the **** in front of him overnight. How not to be mad.

But there is another person who is harder than himself, that is, the King of Shadows. To put it nicely, it is called the territory of the King of Shadows wherever there is a shadow. To put it a bit ugly, he does everything except hiding in the shadows. No, as long as there is light, he will retreat.

Although the territory of himself and the Lord of the Earth is a little smaller, at least there is a clear territory. The fellow of the Shadow King does not even have a clear territory. He is lying in the gutter all day, not knowing what he is doing.

People who have a family look down on homeless people, just like Sea King look down on the King of Shadow, but now, their home has been destroyed, and they have become homeless and lonely.

This hatred of destroying the family is not shared. If you don't report it, how can you stand in the future!

"It's the teleportation formation again?" Sea King looked at the teleportation formation on a reef island in front of him, and his face became more angry. This is a premeditated plan, who would it be?

From the perspective of this teleportation formation, it is very similar to the teleportation formation that the Shadow King escaped from the previous tracking by the Lord of the Earth. It can even be said to be in the same line. Is the person who stole his home really the confidant of the Shadow King?

The strong demigod who is proficient in shadow escape, it seems that the strength should be at the mid-level of the demigod. Such a strong duke has no shadow attributes on the bright side. If this **** is not under the shadow of the king, it is the earth. Wang's men.

Why can't it be a powerless scattered person?

Individuals who have this kind of strength are still concealed. With the strength of brave men, they can become famous and live very comfortably. The general level can dominate in a small corner. The duke is the overlord of one party. If there are really people When the Duke was able to stay silent, Hai Wang really could only say one word of service.

All the evidence points to the Shadow King, and the Shadow King also has enough reasons to deal with him, but I don't know why, the sea king always feels that this kind of pointing is too obvious, but there is a feeling of wanting to cover it.

The evidence is too straightforward and easy, but it makes Aquaman have a trace of doubt. Isn't this evidence that the other party wants to see? If so, what is the ultimate goal of the other party?

He hesitated slightly in his heart, and the speed of Neptune's pursuit could not help but slowed slightly. The figure fleeing in front suddenly accelerated, and quickly tore through the space, plunged into it, and disappeared again.

The sea king's figure followed, looking at the crack in the space, his face was murderous: "No matter whose subordinate you are, if you offend this king, there is only one dead end!"

"Boom!" Just after Sea King came out of the space crack, a huge fist slammed down his head. When Sea King only had time for the trident crosspiece, he felt a powerful force coming, his arm trembling violently, the trident He was caught by the opponent abruptly and snatched the past.

"Cloud domain, open!" "Anti-gravity!" Sea King was lightened, and the whole person was a little weak. A man in dark yellow armor waving his fist in front of him was hitting himself.

"Earth armor? Lord of the you despicable villain!" The sea king roared again and again, but the fist of the master of the same level on the opposite side was as heavy as a mountain, making him tired to deal with.

"Shadow realm, open!" Suddenly, the sky and the earth dimmed slightly in the clouds and mist, and a shadow quietly appeared behind the sea king, stepping on the sea king's shadow, making him stiff and the whole person unexpectedly appeared to be instantly restrained.

"The King of Shadows?! You, do you work together to calculate me?!" The Sea King did not expect that the King of Earth would eventually choose to work with the King of Shadows to calculate himself.

Everything before was a guise, it was a scene, that's it! No wonder that at that time, the strength of the fleeing figure would appear so weak. It was not the King of Shadow at all. The King of Shadow had already sneaked into his lair Sea King Palace, but he was dragged by the liar, the Lord of the Earth.

"Asshole, I want you to die!" The magic power on the sea king suddenly broke out, "Sea King Domain, open!"

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