The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1133: The brain hole of the earth king

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The giant rock puppet of the earth clung to the berserk dragon carp tightly, and the powerful magic power burst out instantly. The "boom" broke apart with a loud noise. The berserk dragon carp let out a scream, and finally inevitably appeared wounds on his body, with blood flowing Make it crazier.

Little Wil’s figure quietly appeared from the crystal land, pressing his hands on the ground, the crystal land suddenly shrank and turned into a crystal heart in his bag, and the land area was lifted, and the whole person stepped on a small boat and quickly moved towards the king of the earth. Fly away.

The violent dragon carp let out a roar, and water cannons were sprayed out without money. Ville dodged in embarrassment, but introduced it to the battlefield of the Lord of the Earth and the Devil of the Deep Sea. The body of the Lord of the Earth was compared to the Devil of the Deep Sea. It was too small, and most of the water cannons were exposed on the body of the Deep Sea Devil, which caused this king beast to roar with discontent.

The Lord of the Earth felt that Little Vir’s earth domain was removed, and the pressure suddenly increased. He quickly moved away from the Devil’s Medallion of the Deep Sea, and immediately reunited with Little Vir. Before he could ask, Little Vir said with a sad expression: "The magic is exhausted, it can't be beaten."

The king of the earth was taken aback for a moment, and he reacted for a moment. Unknowingly, the two of them had fought against the raging dragon carp and the deep sea devil for a day and night. A king like himself is better, but this kid is only a demigod elementary level. At the peak, even if there is a cheating by Heart of the Earth, it is already a super long play.

"Go!" The king of the earth made a decisive decision. This kid lost his combat effectiveness. He had to take care of this kid with one enemy and two. He couldn't fight at all. The only way to do this is to avoid the edge and buy time for the kid's recovery. At the same time, he also wanted to explore the details of this kid.

A genius demigod who can play with the attributes of the earth to such a degree, he is a bit ashamed as the king of the earth, if he can be drawn over, wouldn't it be a good thing.

Pieces of earthly attributed genius treasures were thrown to Little Weier without money. The earth king carried his battle armor cloak and swiftly moved forward. Behind him, the violent dragon carp and the deep sea medallion were chasing after him, but the earth king wanted to leave. , They really can't catch up in a short time, even if this is the maze space of the maze of the whale king.

"Boy, who are you? How come you are here?" The Lord of the Earth opened the distance from the two king beasts, and finally couldn't help but ask.

While regaining his magical powers, Ville replied lazily: "When you see me in this armor, you really didn't think of anything?"

The Lord of the Earth has time to look carefully at the little guy in front of him. The boy with long silver hair looks quite good. He is only slightly worse than himself, but a little too beautiful and lacks a bit of yang. It is reasonable. In other words, people who practice the laws of the earth shouldn't be like this.

There are not few people with such looks and temperament. There are also some demigods, but they are not correct. However, when it comes to crystal armor, there is a very famous one, that is, the male and female robber, the gold and silver brave. The blond brave, she seems to be a comer in a crystal armor, but this guy is obviously a man.


No, wait, this little guy is silver-haired, isn't it...

"Male and female robbers, both gold and silver?" The Lord of the Earth asked tentatively.

"Bingo, the answer is correct, I am the silver-haired brave Vail." Little Vail's words made the earth king stunned, feeling a little hypoxia in his brain, but as a person who is used to playing tricks, he quickly reacted.

"You two are generals of vindictive and magic demigods, and you are the earth attribute, and the blond brave is the ocean attribute." Although it was a questioning tone, it was quite confirmed in the tone.

"As expected to be the king of the earth, just from my performance, I can infer the specific situation of my companion. It's amazing, amazing!" Ville almost couldn't help applauding and admiring, but his body was very honestly recovering his magical powers. .

"You are the subordinate of the Shadow King? Why are you here?" The Earth King narrowed his eyes, and he couldn't help raising his vigilance. The relationship between himself and the Shadow King is not good, and the reason why he has fallen into the current situation , To a large extent is also caused by the Lord of Shadows.

"Linda and I are our own people, not someone's subordinates. It is very tiring to be other people's subordinates. Our own strength is not bad. Isn't it good to roam freely on the sea? Wouldn't it be good for us to steal whoever wants to steal? Steal whatever you want, free and unrestrained, why bother to take refuge in other people." Little Ville said of course: "Moreover, there are not many people who know our true strength. As long as we don't publicize it, we can act like a pig and eat a tiger occasionally. Just do it, and safety can be guaranteed."

What you said makes sense, but why do I not believe it? You are not under the shadow of the king. How did the news of the shadow of the king pass?

Regarding this question, Ville did not conceal the slightest meaning: "Although I am not a member of the Shadow King, I still know the people on the Shadow King's side. It is not a big deal to pass the news. Taking the advantage of the General Stove, pass it. You can’t stop doing things that are just a matter of words."

The Lord of the Earth reacted quickly and thought of the candidate for the first time: "General Ice and Snow Rose?"

Little Ville was surprised: "You actually know?"

The Lord of the Earth smiled and said dismissively: "This is not a big secret at the level of kings and dukes. The wife of the Shadow King is a princess of the ice and snow fairy clan. When he became a king, he was met by many demigods. The sneak attack and assassination caused almost the entire family to die. As a result, the Shadow King changed his temperament and ignored world affairs, but still protected the ice and snow fairy clan."

"Ice and Snow General Rose is from the ice and snow fairy clan. As long as you are a master, you can tell. Without the support of the Shadow King, it is impossible to have such a big improvement in such a short period of time. It is not a person who can infer this situation. Two."

Little Ville asked in a puzzled manner: "But it was not rumored that Sea King wanted to marry General Ice and Snow Rose forcibly a few years ago? What's the matter? Don't Sea King know the relationship between General Ice and Snow and the Shadow King?"

The Lord of the Earth took a deep look at Xiao Weier, "Oh, it turns out that General Rose and the Shadow King have a very close relationship. How close did you know that it can interfere with the marriage of General Ice and Snow?"

"Huh~~, isn't this what you just analyzed?" Little Weier was puzzled.

The Lord of the Earth smiled and said: "I only said that General Ice and Snow was from the Ice and Snow Fairy clan, and the Ice and Snow Fairy clan was under the protection of the Shadow King. I didn't say anything about the others. Sea King wants to marry Ice and Snow General Rose. , Her strength and appearance only occupies a small part of the reason, and more of it is to get in touch with the Shadow King through the Ice and Snow General Rose, and it is best to form an ally."

"But in the end, the Shadow King directly rejected this matter in a letter, and Aquaman cancelled this plan. As a king, marriage and everything are trivial matters, and powers and powers of the same level are things worthy of attention."

Little Ville hesitated and said: "Before that, what happened to the sea king wanted for General Bingxue's fiancé?"

The Lord of the Earth took a deep look at him, and suddenly understood something, he couldn't help but laughed dumbfounded: "You should be the Sleeping Beauty who killed the Sea King's running dog Temple, it's no wonder that he has such a face and is a demigod with earth attributes. , Now that I think about it, it’s really only you. After you walk on the sea and pretend to be an ocean attribute, it’s also to avoid Neptune’s wanted."

I figured it out, everything made sense, the king of the earth suddenly inferred this kid's details, um, the details of this world.

In the end, only the true relationship between this kid and the Shadow King, and why he appeared here, and how he entered the maze space.

"Linda is by the Shadow King. I came here by myself." Little Ville seemed unwilling to say a lot, but these words brought unlimited reveries to the Earth King.

This kid seems to have been taken by Ice and Snow General and the blond brave next to him seems to be a big beauty. They form a combination of male and female thieves. If it is not a sibling, there is only one possibility left. , Lovers.

Now he appears alone, but the couple stays with the Shadow King. The most likely thing is that General Ice and Snow fell in love with this kid. When the proposal was unsuccessful, General Ice and Snow asked the Shadow King to take action and forcefully retain the blond brave. , But let go of the silver-haired brave.

I have used this little trick before, but the people before them quickly succumbed and there is no power to fight back, but this kid seems to be of high value. If you join hands with him, it might not be impossible to defeat the Shadow of Shadows. king.

At that time, defeat the King of Shadow and rescue his sweetheart, the blond brave. It is not impossible to get his loyalty. As long as such a person gives him enough freedom and respect, it is not impossible to subdue. The strong need to have Privileged.

At this moment, the mind of the earth king was infinitely wrong.

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