The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1139: Turned out to be a strict wife

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Looking at the matryoshka in front of him, the expressions of the shadow king and the silver dragon Linda were extremely rich. The two of them worked hard to kill the sea king. They were originally interested in showing off to that **** kid.

Although the plan was proposed by him, and in name it was the result of everyone's negotiation. In fact, this kid made it by himself, but in the end it was the two of them who did it. They are qualified to be proud.

After slaying the Sea King, Linda found that she couldn't find Little Vail. The scales she placed on him seemed to be blocked by something, making herself unable to locate and perceive for a while. If it were not for the Shadow King to keep saying that he was okay, Linda's wounded dragon pattern was still shining, and she had been looking for him a long time ago.

While waiting anxiously, they waited for more than a month, during which Linda should eat and drink, and the ice and snow general Rose served her well. The strong woman has always been Rose’s target, and the silver dragon in front of her The strength is not inferior to her grandfather, and her looks are even more impressive. Isn't she her idol?

Rose’s purpose to please Linda is very simple. She wants to learn from her teacher. Linda is a silver dragon. She is no stranger to the ice attribute. Her dragon’s breath is the ice attribute, and through chatting, Rose also learned a little Secretly, this silver dragon is actually a lesbian, and her girlfriend is a white dragon, a white dragon on ice.

If you worship her as your teacher, will you have two powerful dragons to teach you, and both are dragons proficient in ice attributes?

During this period of time, my grandfather also told himself a lot of common sense and information about the outside world. Among them was the power of dragons. The half-dragons of the demi-god level in Dragon Island were considered top masters, but for the pure dragons, the demi-gods were just the backbone. Power, the god-level master is the real top master, and the most powerful Dragon God is the sixth-order master god.

To gain a foothold on Dragon Island, one or two demi-god dragons are indispensable as backers. Although according to Sean, being a companion of Little Will is the best choice for his granddaughter. This kid has unlimited potential and strength. Not to mention being strong, there are three demi-god-level giant dragon friends to join him, even if it is only fifty years, it is enough to make him a small overlord of Dragon Island.

Xiao En was born in the shadow dragon, and the shadow dragon is only a small group in Longdao, and even the patriarch is just a demigod, and he has no influence at all.

Moreover, what Sean values ​​more is actually another layer of Weier’s identity. The identity of the first layer that cannot be easily disclosed to the public but is widely circulated in the upper layer. This identity also has it, but it is not as high as the kid, and through this identity he It is also confirmed that his potential is really not as good as this kid.

The only worry is that this kid has a fiancée, and he seems to be as genius as him, but he doesn't know if his identity is the same.

Let’s get back to the subject, let’s say that when Linda was enjoying each meal, she suddenly sensed the existence of Little Weir again. Well, it should have sensed the presence of her own scales, but this time is not long, and she won’t wait for her to enjoy the perfect meal. The induction is interrupted.

Linda hesitated again and again, and was considering whether to tell Shaun the Shadow King, the induction of the scales on Ville's body appeared again, but it was far away. This time Linda did not miss it, and found the Shadow King the first time. .

Then the two followed the induction, and after two teleportations and three times tore through the space, they finally found their target on the edge of the blood sea, but their target was very strong.

The huge deep-sea devil's corpse hides the shrunken tyrannosaurus carp corpse. The tyrannosaurus carp corpse is full of trees, and a young man sits in the middle, only to see that his aura is steady and his complexion is ruddy, and his aura increases at an extremely slow speed Now, it can be seen that he is not only okay, but in good condition.

The Shadow King has more experience than the Silver Dragon Linda, and used the help of the Eye of Appraisal and his own apostle elf, and quickly came to a conclusion: "He is fine, he is in a little bit..."

The Shadow King doesn’t know what words to use to describe his state. Ville is in a state of cultivation, and this state is not the state he planned, but by chance, he has been subjected to the violent dragon carp personality. The impulse entered the unconscious training state, and there was a technique in his body that he didn't know was running simultaneously, which actually attracted the power of the blood of the violent dragon carp.

Rage Dragon Carp should have been killed by him. The method of killing was very unique. He ran into the opponent’s stomach and planted trees. In the end, Ville was recognized by the ignorant world consciousness and transferred the personality of Rage Dragon Carp to him. A series of laws of the attributes of the sea were instilled in him, and he was directly drunk.

What was instilled by the chain of law, the tree of life seedlings also purified the blood of the violent dragon carp and instilled it in Xiao Weier. Along with the essence and power of the violent dragon carp, it constantly impacted on Xiao Weier’s dragons. Bloodline.

Afterwards, the King of the Earth blew himself and fled to Ville, carrying the memory of the chain of law sentiment to him, and at the same time attracted the person who returned to the world to follow. There are two kinds of personal inheritance, one is plunder. One king rises and one king falls. Killing the old king to become the new king is like Linda killing the Xueyan Eagle to become the new king.

In addition to this, there is another situation that is willing to pass on, and succeed in succeeding by sacrificing oneself, and the last unconscious move of the Lord of the Earth made the ignorant world consciousness carry on this kind of inheritance.

The two great kingships simultaneously instilled Little Weier, and the result was: a deeper cultivation state.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Before the Silver Dragon Linda teamed up with the Shadow King to kill the Sea King, the two teamed up to divide the legal impact brought by the personality. Because the Shadow King had different attributes, most of the benefits were accepted by the Silver Dragon Linda. Now, she naturally knows how strong this impact is, and this kid seems to have only the chain of the nine-day rule for each attribute. He belongs to the pinnacle of the demigod elementary level, and it is hard to accept the impact of a demigod high-level personality. Actually accept the impact of two kings at the same time.

He is not afraid that he can't hold on.

Linda would never admit that she was envy, jealousy and envy, but she was in the care of friends.

"It should be a good thing." The Shadow King is not very sure, but there must be the help of the **** behind him. He will definitely not be life-threatening: "This little guy has cultivated a variety of attributes originally, and there must be some coordination differences. The method of the chain of attribute laws."

Hearing this, Linda relaxed slightly, and suddenly felt something was wrong, "The corpses here are the tyrannosaurus carp and the deep-sea magic wand. They seem to be king beasts with ocean attributes. This earth attribute king is from Where did it come from?"

The Shadow King was taken aback for a moment, and then took the IQ back from the fear of Little Will, with a look of shock on his face: "He, he will also kill the King of the Earth, right?"

"This can only be known after he wakes up." Linda stretched her waist and showed her perfect figure in front of the Shadow King without caring: "Well, now Xueyan is the one who confirms death. Even if the Eagle King, Sea King, Raging Dragon Carp, and Deep Sea Devil, the rest of the Whale King and the Earth King are still there, they are not the opponents of the three of us. The task has suddenly become super simple."

"Still can't be taken lightly. You can't relax before he wakes up. I will strengthen the guardian magic circle outside. The two of us must ensure that at least one of us is guarded by his side at all times. He is at a critical moment and does not have much self-protection. "The Shadow King said that his figure was blurred for a while, and his whole body disappeared.

Silver Dragon Linda raised a **** at the place where the Shadow King disappeared, "The old man who is not cute at all, or your family Rose is cute. It's decided. This little apprentice can still accept it. It's okay to flirt. Very seductive."

The Shadow King that Shadowdance had left is indeed strengthening the strength of the Dragon Whisper’s guardian magic circle, but only added some magic stones and magic In addition, I contacted the apostle elf of Little Vil, wanting Get more effective news.

"Lilith said, it’s better to wait until the owner wakes up. After all, this is the privacy of the owner, Xiao Wei will not easily tell others." Xiao Wei through the shadow king Shaun’s apostle elves sent Shaun a black line. , The matter of co-authoring your master still needs to be decided by others.

"Who is Lilith?"

"Master's fiancee."

"I'm going, it turned out to be a strict wife. It's too embarrassing to our apostle. You can withdraw from the group."

"That, Lilith is also an apostle, and she is also a four-star apostle."

"When I didn't say anything." The Shadow King Miancao, he knew exactly what kind of existence the apostle was, but anyone who got a four-star didn't have a simple thing, they couldn't provoke them, they couldn't provoke them.

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