The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1178: Continuous assessment

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The second test, the enlightenment of the earth.

This is much simpler for Xiaowei. What is the perception of the high-level demigod of the earth attribute?

Easily got more than 10,000 points, but the rewards were not that huge, the elementary earth body, the elementary earth heart, and the expansion area of ​​the holy tower of one square kilometer, other than that, nothing.

The third test, the enlightenment of the ocean.

If Ville’s understanding of the earth comes from enemies, such as the crystal dragon, the lava demon, and the king of the earth, then Ville’s understanding of the ocean is mostly his own efforts, although it is like the **** of pirates and the violent dragon carp. Zhi and his ilk also gave him a lot of help, but Ville's ocean comprehension is more dependent on himself to improve.

After all, he has spent many years on the sea, and besides the sea, there are storms and thunderstorms in the sea. This level test easily exceeds 10,000 points, almost surpassing the enlightenment of the earth, and the rewards and The last level is almost the same.

The elementary ocean body, the elementary ocean heart, and the expansion area of ​​the sacred tower of one square kilometer, but I don’t know if it is because the sacred tower on this floor does not have an owner. The temporary permission owner, Xiaoweier, has got a chance to understand the ocean. , Abruptly once again condense a chain of laws.

The fourth test, the enlightenment of the night.

The dark night is not equal to the shadow, and the dark night is not only the dark night, but also the stars and the bright moon.

When Ville came to the Wizard Islands, he often disguised himself as a shadow attribute wizard, but it is not a disguise. He is indeed a shadow attribute wizard, but it’s not pure, but when he uses it a lot, he naturally has it. A lot of my own insights.

It’s just that the pure perception of shadow attributes is not enough to compare with the earth and the ocean, but the insight of the stars is enough to make up for the lack of this part. Although it is a little bit worse, it is also tens of thousands of points, which is worthy of his mid-level demigod. Shadow attributes.

At the level of the Sacred Pagoda of the Dark Night, Ville’s performance is not particularly good, but he has received the most rewards. The elementary body of the night, the elementary Heart of the night, and the expansion area of ​​the one square kilometer sacred tower are not to mention, there is actually An opportunity to comprehend the dark night, stars and bright moon, and was given a fist-sized Destiny Dzi.

"Astrology" was directly elevated to the level of a demigod. This was something that Ville hadn't thought of before, and when this Destiny Dzi Bead was acquired, a burst of laughter filled his mind, but disappeared in a flash. .

This voice seems familiar to him, the goddess of fate, Fansti!

"Astrology" has been promoted to the level of a demigod. It is just an ability to a demigod, but it does not mean that Ville’s starlight wizard has reached a demigod level. Due to the rules, he is still only a third-order perfect starlight wizard, but astrology possesses Calculate the strength of the demigod.

Demi-God’s Intermediate Shadow Witchcraft combined with the third-level Consummation Starlight Wizard, promoting demi-god level astrology, can actually be deduced to the Demi-God Intermediate level, although it is only a newcomer to the Demi-God Intermediate level, it is also rare A powerful astrologer, you must know that astrological calculation is not so easy to learn and master.

The Star Mountain Wizard (Rhein. Star Mountain) has devoted his life to starlight wizardry and astrology. At this time, he is only the middle-stage starlight wizard of the third stage. It is nothing more than the astrology of the early stage of the third stage. This is still the fate of the little general. The promotion brought to him by the gift of beads.

The Destiny Dzi Bead is a very wonderful treasure. Ville can clearly feel that after being integrated into the Snowwood World, a trace of the Destiny Dzi Bead disappeared, and the Destiny Dzi Bead reunited seems to be less. There is a trace of spirituality, although it can still be used, and there is no lack of ability, but there is no trace of spirituality.

The Destiny Dzi I got was not just one or two, but those Destiny Dzi Beads combined did not have this Destiny Dzi Bead so spiritual, not even one-tenth.

Ville hesitated for a moment, and finally sent this Destiny Dzi Bead into the Snowwood World. A crisp voice came to mind: "Brother, hurry up and complete Vansti, Vansti misses you so much."

Hey, is it not to find, but to complete it? Little Ville's heart moved slightly, saying no, the future collection of Destiny Dzi Beads can actually be borrowed, right? What I want is not the body of the Destiny Dzi Bead, but the spirituality contained in it.

Or can it act in the name of restoring the ability of the Destiny Dzi?

Collecting the destiny dzi beads that have been greatly reduced in energy or have been exhausted, and gain spirituality by themselves, but help the destiny dzi to restore the power of divination, this is also a win-win, but it is best to restore this kind of thing only once, otherwise It will also be very troublesome. After all, once you lose something like spirituality, you won't have it again. I don't want to add a lot of trouble in the future and become a charging machine for some people.

The fifth level is not the enlightenment of the beast **** or the fighting spirit or the **** of war, but the enlightenment of blood.

Bloodline, this little Ville is not unfamiliar at all. His rise was originally based on bloodline. Nearly half of his current strength is also based on bloodline. God-level elf bloodline, black dragon bloodline, and thunder giant bloodline, any of them can make oneself achieve. Tier 5, it's just that this path is not what I want.

Bloodline is both power and resistance. With the help of bloodline power, one can advance by leaps and bounds, but once the bloodline potential is exhausted, it will become a chain. It is not easy to break the bloodline chain. The higher the level of bloodline, the more difficult it is to break. .

In fact, this is only relative, or a kind of pretext.

For the simplest example, a person with an intermediate bloodline can fully tap out the power of the bloodline and increase the strength to the second level. It will be very difficult to upgrade later. This difficulty can be recorded as ten, and it is a high-level monster. The bloodline person fully excavates the bloodline power, can raise the strength to the third level, and then wants to break the bloodline bond to increase the strength, the difficulty should be 100.

However, if an intermediate-level Beastblood can break the **** of the bloodline and increase the bloodline strength to the third level, then the difficulty of breaking the **** for the second time and continuing to increase may not be less than 100, just like the current Nicole. Her bloodline has been strengthened once and broken. The original blood imprisonment was promoted to the third level, and later he received the gift of the beast god, giving a drop of the blood of the demigod.

Nicole, who had obtained the Saint-Rank blood, successfully broke through to the Saint-Rank, but it was very, very difficult for Nicole, who received a trace of the demigod blood, to advance to the Demigod.

"The enlightenment of blood." Little Weier sat cross-legged, the first thing in his mind was a black dog, "I don't know how Rand is doing now? But it should be pretty good, the whole of the gods continent. His strength is very low, his strength is enough to protect himself."

That peripheral member of the Beast School, the "successful" who remained in the Continent of the Gods, are now also respected nobles and "strong men" with great power.

There is "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret" and Xiaowei of the Blood God Kingdom. He is no stranger to bloodline. He has also taken out his bloodline theory, whether it is a deal with other wizard apprentices on the way to the Wizard Islands, or later Much of the information about Dean Klein of the Monster Academy is his own hard work.

However, those are just elementary materials, and his bloodline knowledge is not limited to these. The tree of life bloodline gems have also given him many benefits and insights. The light on Xiaoweier's body is shining, and his hands have changed a ~ Little scales appeared quietly, turning into a half-dragon in a blink of an eye.

Half Dragon, Black Dragon, Golden Dragon, Silver Dragon, Thunder Giant, Elf, Lost Whale, Rage Dragon Carp, Hurricane Python, Mystic Turtle, Flame Bird, Shadow Leopard...

Little Weier’s body changed time and time again, and each time he changed, he had different perceptions. He was completely transformed and incompletely transformed. Various attributes and powers were also displayed along with the transformation. Finally, Xiaoweier’s body shape changed back to his original shape. Then he sat there and began to preach his blood doctrine, the blood doctrine that really belonged to him.

The number on the animal skin scroll continued to increase with Little Weier's voice, but the speed did not stop increasing, and Little Weier's talk was one day and one night, and the final score stayed at nine thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight.

Little Ville couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Sure enough, compared with you, my academic accumulation is still far from enough."

After all, Ville’s blood is more fusion, and other element attributes rely on his own talents, which is relatively easier to understand, and he is not a crazy wizard who likes to experiment with creatures in blood, otherwise it is possible. There will be greater gains.

The reward for this level is actually the strengthening of the body's bloodline and the expansion of the sacred tower area of ​​one square kilometer, especially the strengthening of the body's bloodline, which allows Xiaowei to quickly transform and switch bloodlines, which is definitely a good thing.

The sixth test, the realization of life.

This level is difficult to say for Xiaowei, and easy to say. He did not practice "The Tree of Life" and "The Song of Life", but as the owner of Snowwood World, he is very The growth of the world is very familiar, and he also has a general understanding of the situation of the tree of life seedlings, so he has his own understanding of life.

"Life and death are opposed and unified..."

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