The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1198: The mysterious hermit

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Some things can’t be repeated, and again, the Justice Judge did not immediately intercept the flying battleship a second time, but chose to leave temporarily. He needs to ask another friend for advice. He found that he couldn’t understand this young man a little bit. , Things are getting more and more beyond their control.

Inside the flying battleship, Ville, Lilith and others gathered in a group to discuss what to do next and how to deal with the next possible actions of the justice judge.

"Let’s adapt to the changes. As long as we are strong enough, there is nothing we can’t cope with. Although that guy is called the Judge of Justice, he is not at all fair and honest. He can do things like kidnapping and kidnapping. , I really missed this title." Silver Dragon Linda was very dissatisfied with the justice judge.

Lilith rolled her lovely eyes and said: "We are not strong enough to deal with all crises. Although demigods are already rare powerhouses, there are fifth-tier gods and sixth-tier main gods on top of them. It can be said that we are not invincible at the demigod level."

"Our age limits our accumulation, what we lack now is time!"

Lilith recognized her shortcomings and gaps very accurately. Demigods, especially the demigods in the Demigod Alliance, had the least accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years, but what about herself?

"Hehe, your accumulation is insufficient?" Silver Dragon Linda smiled and looked at the three little guys in front of him, a high-level demigod, and also a demigod with the attributes of earth, shadow, ocean, storm, thunder, and sky. A mid-level demigod of the Holy Light attribute, and a mid-level demigod of the death attribute.

When my dragon, who has lived for more than two thousand years, is discussing with you, sometimes you will be speechless by your questions. Are you embarrassed to say that you have insufficient accumulation?

Are you lack of knowledge accumulation? Or is there insufficient power accumulation? Or is there insufficient accumulation of personal connections?

Well, I admit that a lot of knowledge of our dragon family comes from the inheritance deep in the soul. I admit that our dragon family is lazy in the sky and likes to sleep. We sleep for most of our lives. At other times, we are hunting and learning. Does not exist at all.

But our accumulation of thousands of years is actually not as good as your two little guys in their early forties. Are you embarrassed to say that you have insufficient accumulation?

Ville, Lilith: You, a guy who sleeps and eats every day, also want to show off that you are lazy and not doing business properly?

As for the lack of strength accumulation, Bai Long Dali has something to say. My dignified white dragon for more than two thousand years can only lose in front of you. Are you embarrassed to say that your strength is insufficient?

As for personal connections, Shaun the Shadow Dragon is full of tears. He is also a half-dragon, and he has some connections in Long Island. But after he came out, he discovered that this kid is actually better than his relationship in Long Island. Even better.

Heilong Weizel is a teacher, and the daughter of Princess Silver Dragon calls him the boss eagerly, and the movement of reaching out for money is natural and smooth.

Shadow Dragon Troy is also a teacher of others, and he also told himself in private that he and his daughter should not hinder him or even help quietly.

Shadow Dragon Sean couldn't help but get a black line. This kid has a fiancée. He also has a flat wife and several lovers. The most important thing is that this guy is still his own grandson-in-law at the ninth level of the road to the dragon. You told me so, you really made me...

But Troy is not only his ancestor, but also a powerful high-level demigod four-star apostle. He really can't beat him, is there a full-scale suppression?

What kind of connections in the world can compare to those of an apostle under the seat of wisdom gods? However, most of the apostles with four stars or more are demigods and masters of the half-length level and above, okay, the demigod alliance can only retreat in front of this deeply hidden organization.

In addition, this kid also has a relationship with dragons, elves, seas, wizards, and churches. This relationship is almost in heaven. Isn't it enough?

In my opinion, there is only one deficiency that this kid said, and that is lack of greed!

Just as the flying battleship flew leisurely and Shaun the Shadow Dragon, Linda the Silver Dragon, and Dali the White Dragon constantly criticized Ville and Lilith, the Justice Judge continued to tear through the space and came to a remote and deserted island.

This is an island that maintains its original ecology. The birds, fish and insects on the island are happy and full of natural aura. There are no ferocious beasts on the island, no poisonous snakes, venomous insects, and even large carnivorous beasts and raptors. It is abnormal for the island.

The green hills and green waters on the island are shaded by green trees. On a golden sandy beach, you can vaguely see the old castle hidden by the greenery. The old castle is so dreamy that people can't really see it. The whole island is a little erratic. However, the ocean current repels all extraordinary powers or huge creatures in all directions.

Here is a pure land, inhabited by a senior member of the Demigod Alliance, a hermit who has been hidden from the world hundreds of years ago.

Although this hermit is hidden from the world, he is not really isolated from the world. As a senior veteran of the Demigod Alliance, he still knows the outside world very well, and some members of the Demigod Alliance are also fortunate to get here. Coordinates, can come and visit from time to time.

It's just that whether he can receive the reception of this reclusive old man depends on his mood.

The judge of justice looked at the dreamlike castle not far away, and his face could not help showing a disappointed look. The people who came to this island could not hide from the reclusive old man. If he is willing to receive you, then the castle will be It turns from illusion to reality, and a winding path appears. Just follow the path to enter the castle.

The castle is real, but its existence is slightly special. It does not exist on this island, but in a secret realm, belonging to the secret realm of the hidden old man.

The old castle that I usually see is just a projection, or phantom. The hidden old man is a senior high-level demigod. He has built his own secret realm for a hundred years and refined the entire island together to form it. With the perfect combination of the two spaces, free conversion between illusion and reality, people who don't know the truth can only admire it, but few can see through it.

Unless the strength reaches the same level as him, or has other people with related abilities at the same level.

The justice judge stood there quietly looking at the dreamlike castle, motionless for a long time without a word. This stop was one day and one night. When the sun rose again, he suddenly turned around, with a trace of determination on his face. Ready to leave.

The decisive expression turned into a surprise in an instant. On the golden sandy beach, an old man with a rickety figure and white hair was fishing quietly, except for the sound of the ebb and flow of the waves, the gentle sound of the wind, and the crisp birds. There are almost no other sounds, especially human voices.

The justice judge didn't know how long this old man had been here, maybe he had already appeared when he first came, but he didn't notice it when he was full of thoughts.

The Justice Judge rushed forward eagerly and eagerly. Just within ten feet of the distance, the white-haired old man's slight snoring sounded clearly into his ears, making him hurriedly and cautiously to restrain his footsteps, and walked over slowly, quietly. Standing still three meters away, motionless.

Suddenly, the fishing rod in the hands of the white-haired old man shook violently. The old man shook his whole body and held the fishing rod with one hand. He covered his mouth with the other hand, haha, and muttered with sleepy eyes, "I got the bait!"

The fishing rod in the hands of the white-haired old man trembles lightly and keeps turning the direction. The fishing line pulls the hooked fish in the sea to rotate back and forth, left and right, back and forth many times, until the fish swims. Exhausted, the white-haired old man used a little force, the fishing line shook suddenly, and a skinny fish with a foot of one foot flung its tail and landed in the nearby bucket.

"Do you understand?" The white-haired old man said lightly without looking back.

The Guardian of Justice was thoughtful, but it was difficult to comprehend it for a while, "Please also senior hermit for advice!"

"Why are you here?" The white-haired old man's voice is not hoarse and low, but has a calm and loud feeling. Hefa Tongyan is the best portrayal of him, there is no wrinkle on his face, if it is not for the white hair and the breath of the body , It's really hard to make people think of him as an old man in sixties.

"Come for friends."

"Goodness." The white-haired old man flicked the fishing rod in his hand, and the hook flew up in the air to startle a bird away, and a white feather fluttered down and turned into an animal skin roll and fell into the hands of the justice judge.

"Go, I can only help you so much." The white-haired old man finished speaking, stood up, carried the fishing rod and the bucket, and walked leisurely towards the castle. A path quietly appeared, the castle. It also became real from the illusory.

But as the white-haired old man walked past, the trail behind him disappeared a little bit. When he entered the castle, the whole castle gradually became illusory.

The justice judge gave a deep salute to the illusory castle, and turned away with the animal skin roll. He knew the behavior of the hidden old man, and also knew the strength and wisdom of the other party. He was really just a junior in front of him, as long as Just be obedient.

After all, he wanted to ask others, but it was amazing that the old man could know his intentions without asking anything after he arrived, and even prepared the answer in advance.

Experts, should be the case, I really got worse.

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