The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1202: Popular nominees

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The rules are not worth the money?

The corners of the convict’s mouth twitched slightly, and you belittle the rules to be worthless in front of me, the convict, and keep saying that I am the only one doing whatever I want. Is this really good? Where do you let me, the defender of the rules, and the chief judge of the Demigod League show face?

"The goddess of pain and torture, and the **** of pirates acted arrogantly and recklessly, blatantly breaking the rules and wanting to harm Vale demigod. In the end, it is most worthy to be captured and killed. Vale demigod has no fault." In one stroke, these two female demigods are not good birds. The convict has always wanted to convict them, but there is no chance. Now Calder actually rehabilitates them, hehe, how is this possible.

Seeing the faint smile on Calder’s face, Terrell, the Judge of Justice, finally understood his purpose. It is better to draw a salary from the bottom. Calder directly assigned the crimes of the goddess of pain and torture, and indeed hit him. One was caught off guard.

"Calder has three counter-appeals and two vetoes are declared invalid. The first one requires everyone to discuss and vote." The convict directly announced the result of his judgment on Calder's appeal.

Calder shrugged indifferently, looked at Terrell, the Judge of Justice, and hummed coldly, "Anything you approve of, I will approve, and anything you oppose, I will approve. I will keep staring at you until you attack. The murderer who had captured Bolton caught him and sent it to me."

After speaking, Calder bowed back to the seven councilors, leaving only the black-faced justice judge.

Because when Calder turned and went back, he said, "I, the Storm Mermaid clan and the Siren Banshee clan are definitely opposed to it. Even if the Thunder Naga clan supports it, it is two to one, but we have the majority. Our Sea Clan does not support it. , Will Starshan wants to join the Demigod Alliance, hum, it's not that easy."

The corners of the Justice Judge Terrell's mouth twitched slightly. In fact, he really wanted to tell Calder that the demigod of Vale joined the League of Demigods just to make him uncomfortable, and you opposed him to join but helped him.

Kader: I know, everything I did and said today was taught by Vale demigod, but he taught me so much. The next step is my free time. The principle is, as long as you agree I oppose all of them. As long as you oppose me, I agree. This is enough.

"Does anyone have an opinion?" The convict swept his gaze, wanting to see if anyone else has an opinion. Everything is lively enough, isn't it?

"I object!" At this time, someone suddenly stood up, but this person exceeded everyone's expectations.

The convict couldn't believe his ears, "Carlson demigod, I remember, that little guy is your direct descendant, right? You object?"

The person who stood up was the real Carlson Starshan. He gently shook his head and said: "Little Will is the most promising one of my descendants. How could I oppose him? I have worked so hard to find a lot of nominations for him. , But there is no righteous judge among them."

Carlsen demigod snorted coldly: "Your Excellency planned a big move before, and almost wanted to wipe out the more important but insufficient relatives and friends of Little Weir. Would you be so kind to nominate him to join the Demigod League?"

"You are not qualified to be a nominee for Little Will, the convict, I request to deprive him of his qualifications, and I, the direct ancestors of Will Star Mountain, will serve as the nominator. I have already prepared all his complete information. Well, even the attributes he is good at, the strength level of each attribute, and even his contract beasts and fiancées, and the number of lovers are recorded. I am the person most qualified to be the nominee for Little Ville."

"No!" Without waiting for the justice judge to speak, a voice below sounded: "Carlson, you **** lied and didn't know how to blush. Ville was born in the continent of the gods, studied at the Mitis Wizarding Academy, rose on the Elf Island, mature On the road to the dragon. What have you helped him? Me, Shadow Dragon Troy is his recognized teacher. I have taught him Shadow Witchcraft and Dragon Language Magic Circle. I am the best candidate for his nominee. "

"He has the blood of the Star Mountain family flowing through him. He is recommended by me to enter the Mystic School. The Mitis Wizarding Academy also has Pollock Star Mountain to help him. Why am I not qualified? Can the teacher have relatives and even closer? "

"Hehe, who said I was just his teacher? My baby girl was stolen from him. This **** is about to become my son-in-law. You said it was your ancestor who didn’t know how many generations away. Dear, or is my teacher already a future father-in-law?"

"You..." Carlson was shivering half-heartedly, you bastard, in order to win Little Weier, even your own daughters used beauty tricks, really, too brutal!

"Don’t fight between the two. I’m more suitable for this nominee. You have to know that I have a deep friendship with little friend Weier, and I almost sold myself to him, agreeing to sit on the guardian island that he is about to open, and throw away my lair. Leave this nominee to me. The two of you will become in-laws soon. It’s not good to have such a dispute. Let me take this responsibility." Hamlin, the **** of food, stood up, but his She has short legs and short body, standing up like other people sitting, not tall enough to be eye-catching.

"Hamlin, who doesn't know how careful you are, doesn't you just want Vale demigod to help make suggestions and work hard to become a god?" A soft and wavy blond beauty snorted, "I am the goddess of music. Baihuayin’s best friend is entrusted by the goddess of music to take care of Val demigod. This nominee, in my opinion, it is more appropriate for me to act as the goddess of music."

"Goddess of fine arts, you are not the only bestie under the crown of a hundred flowers. My goddess of dance and her are more intimate, right? Can I fight for this nominee?" The **** has a good figure and a first-class appearance. Unlike the **** of fine arts, she is not weak at all. Her fighting spirit level must be not weak at all in witchcraft, and she is a properly double-material high-level demigod.

"Are these two goddesses trying to steal a man from your girlfriend? No wonder someone said fire and theft and anti-girlfriend." Thunder Naga demigod Lucas stood up: "Hamlin, you just almost sold yourself to little friend Weir. But the great granddaughter of our baby, Alesia, has already sold herself to the little friend of Weier, who controls the first floor of the ocean goddess in the seven-story holy acts as his transportation hub node, you must know that you can control the seven-story holy tower All of them are his relatives and his wife."

"This is a betrothal gift from Vale Demigod. Although there is no explicit statement, the implicit meaning of this is already obvious. How can I, as the parent of your wife, have no expression, so this nominee, I am determined !"

Littleville: Don't talk nonsense, I didn't mean it.

"Vail's demigod bears the blood of a giant dragon. There is a private island in my dragon clan, and my fiancee is a half-dragon martial sage. Why don't you give me the dragon clan for this nominee?"

"If you say that, I have something to say. In addition to his dragon blood, he also has a strong elven blood, and he is also the original elven blood. Should this nominee have a share of my elven demigod?"

"Hehe, let's talk about the women around him. Except for Lilith, the decent fiancée and righteous sister Luo, who followed him for the longest time, the most loyal to him is the catwoman Nicole Saint of our orc race. Warriors, the two of them are inseparable. Why don't you give this nominee to our orc demigod?"

"Bloodlines and everything are second. The path I choose is the most important, isn't it? So, this nominee should be handed over to the human wizard. After all, he has always been walking in the Wizard Islands as a human, right? Well, at least he has never regarded himself as an elven or dragon in front of outsiders."

One, two...

Three, five...

Eight, ten...

Thirty, fifty...

When Ville’s nominees exceeded one hundred, the seven councillors couldn’t help but look at each other, and then silently reached an agreement. No matter how good the young man is, it’s better not to enter the Demigod League so early. This relationship is inevitable. It's horrible.

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