The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1209: Hamlin became a god

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"The people take food as the heaven, and the taste is the first. Today, there is Hamlin. He understands the laws of food and becomes the **** of food, and hopes the world to learn from it."

Hundreds of demigods watched Hamlin's little figure slowly lifted into the sky under their eyelids, with a loud voice of a bit of excitement resounding through the sky and the earth, the entire Wizard Islands was shaken, and the sound seemed to be directly transmitted to all In people's hearts, there is no distinction between near and far.

Hamlin is going to become a god?

Only the voice of becoming a **** has such great power. The edict to heaven and earth is to declare that he is about to impact that great deity and requires the approval of heaven and earth. On the other hand, it is also to warm up for the charge, and use the power of heaven and earth to call his believers for himself. The final charge provides assistance.

The strength of the demigod itself is the most important thing, but if it is only a short cut, the faith of the believers is the biggest help, but are there really many believers in Hamlin, the **** of food?

"Food is the way, and I am the **** of food. When there is an extraordinary profession, the name is extraordinary chef, and it is divided into combat chefs and auxiliary chefs." Hamlin's thoughts on the world and the world suddenly come out, and the projections follow the piety. Their prayers appeared in the sky. Some of them wielded kitchen knives to dismember the beasts, some wielded sticks to hit the ingredients, some went up and down to pick the ingredients, and some controlled the fire to cook and prepare the medicated food.

"Not everyone in the world knows how to cook, but every creature can taste and appreciate food. Chefs should be respected. Food should bring happiness, magic and flavor to the world!" Hamlin had already prepared. , Not only communicated with the believers all over the Wizard Islands at this time, but also used the power of heaven and earth to teach his own magic at this time.

Well, the magical technique created with the help of Ville, Lilith, and Weiya, and this first magical technique is very simple but powerful, inspiring the deliciousness of food.

"All things are born to support people. There are countless intricate ingredients. They should be properly blended. Food combinations should promote each other so as not to be harmful. An extraordinary chef should have the ability to distinguish gains and losses, magical skills, and taste!"

"There are extraordinary powers in the world, as well as extraordinary things. Extraordinary food materials should be handled by extraordinary means, magical arts, division; magical arts, gathering!"

"The way of food, the way of temperature, water and fire melt in it, when there is the ability to control fire and water, magic, explosion; magic, temperature control; magic, freezing!"

"The way of food, pharmacology is integrated into it, there is the way of medicated diet, the medicinal properties should be improved, magical, and exciting!"

"The way of delicacy, the way of gentleness, when there is emotion into it, magic, the heart of food!"


"The way of delicacy is to avoid exhaustion and fish, believers kill lives without evil in their hearts."

"Extraordinary chefs should have cooking ethics, cooking skills, and cooking spirit, and customers are the first."

As Hamlin’s voice became louder and more stable, countless powers of faith swarmed from all directions, especially on guarding the island. The dense power of faith almost overwhelmed him, and the projections grew larger and larger. A chain appeared out of thin air, and the phantom surrounding him rattled.

Hamlin has read out his declaration of becoming a god, and countless powers of faith have swarmed in, making his strength continue to increase. The chain of laws is constantly rubbing with faint sparks, but it always feels a little bit less. what.

Xiaoweier's face was a little heavy, and he took out a golden crystal and suddenly threw it into the sky. Hamlin's phantom, a golden wheat ear was thrown into the Hamlin phantom, an illusory chain slowly took shape, Hamlin The chain of rules of law walked and collided more and more fiercely.

"It's still not enough." Ville once again took out a crystal, shook his head and threw it at the Hamlin phantom, but this is the ghost of beasts turning into a chain to join Hamlin's team.

With a muffled sound of "Boom~", a bright spark suddenly lit up, Hamlin's projection was instantly ignited and quickly became smaller, and the chains became more shining and more sparkling under the burning of the flames. Clearly, countless impurities seem to have been refined and purified.

With a crisp sound of "pop~", a crystal clear little godhead appeared out of thin air, the projection and the chains disappeared without a trace, the godhead turned around in the air and quickly fell on Hamlin's head. .

The hundreds of demigods below were ready to move, but no one dared to make a mistake, because at some point, a figure appeared in the sky.

The fifth-order dragon, the high priest of the fifth-order elven temple, the fifth-order wizard Kane, the fifth-order wizard, the controller of the light wizard tower, and the black dragon Wezel.

They protected the Hamlin group, and released the Tier 5 god-level breath on their body without reservation. There were constant demigod powerhouses quietly approaching in all directions, but they could only stare at them but helplessly, a Hamlin who had just become a god. He was already half of them, not to mention that there were five god-level masters guarding him, which made people dare not act rashly.

Hamlin raised his hands high, but a **** seat quietly appeared under him, "The kingdom of God, now!"

A kingdom of God with a radius of tens of miles in mid-air quietly appeared, and everyone below recognized this place at first sight: "The City of Food!"

It turns out that Hamlin has already been trained as a semi-finished kingdom of God. He has been doing preliminary preparations before. Half a year ago, he completely turned the island where the gourmet city is located into a secret space under his complete control. It was not until a day ago. The entire island was put away, and a huge phantom magic circle and guardian magic circle were left in place to attract the attention of others.

And the true gastronomic capital has become his kingdom of God, and the people who were left in it before have become the first people of the kingdom of God, that is, the original Holy Spirit.

Under the guard of the five god-level masters, Hamlin ascended the country very smoothly, and finally flew for nine days and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of agriculture!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the beast god!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of the sea!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of the earth!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of elves!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of night!"

"Hamlin becomes the **** of food, congratulations to the goddess of dawn!"


The blessing of the gods became the final note. Hamlin, the **** of food, became one of the gods, leaving the Wizard Islands, entering the temples, or the Nether Gods group. in.

Many demigods gradually reacted at this time. This time they watched Hamlin become gods throughout the whole process, which gave them too much insight, especially for the impact of the process of becoming gods. Hamlin actually used them before. Hundreds of demigods made them a great help for him to become a god.

Hamlin, the **** of food, has hundreds of thousands of followers, and most of them are advanced powerhouses. Among them, there are two demigods. Even so, he was almost a bit when he attacked the gods and condensed the gods. It failed, and in the end it was the young demigod Wil who helped him and made him succeed.

Those two crystals are obviously not ordinary things, with a strong divinity on them. If they read it correctly, they should be the handwriting of the goddess of agriculture and the **** of beasts. This should be prepared by him a long time ago, for Hamm Lin Chengshen is the back of the institute. If they expected it, Baihuayin, the goddess of music, should have been helped by something similar before.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were on Little Weier, but Little Weier smiled and greeted the return of the five god-level masters. They did not make a move, but they played a very good deterrent effect. Only then did many demigods react. There is something inside. One is a traitor, he was clearly with himself before.

"Selong Wezel, when did you become the fifth-order dragon?" The dancing goddess widened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw. How could the color dragon, such as Wezel, actually achieved the fifth-order. Up? Moreover, it was a natural breakthrough silently. This kind of god-level master who believed in the Conferred God without relying on the power of faith was the most terrifying.

Because he basically has no period of weakness, UU reading will not have the power of faith as a burden, and there is almost no weakness, um, except for the fact that there is no blessing from the kingdom of God.

However, when the strength reaches Tier 5, it is not difficult to create your own space first. It only depends on whether you want to do it. The average Tier 5 masters will have a small space of their own. They have the strength to build such a space. It can be regarded as an upgraded version of the battle space of the domain, and it can also be regarded as a kingdom of gods for one person, without the personal space of believers.

"In a few years, after all, my disciples are about to become a demigod. If I continue to stop, if I am surpassed by him, wouldn't it be very shameless, so I tried a little bit and raised a small level." Heilong Weize Er shrugged his shoulders casually. He was already at the pinnacle of a demigod before, and the demigod was consummated. After a small increase of one level, he reached the fifth rank.

I have to say that this promotion came in a timely manner. It was almost at the same level as Ville after he became a demigod, um, at a higher level.

We must know that Professor Wezel has always been in the lead in front of Little Weil, and a lot of it. If he is caught up by himself, he may really be bitterly smiling.

Well, although he has vaguely felt that his own disciple may not be easy, and his future achievements will be higher than himself, but before that, he will work hard and strive not to be surpassed so quickly.

The speaker is unintentional and the listener intentionally, the shadow dragon Troy is unhappy, "My disciple surpasses me, doesn't it mean that I teach well? This is the greatest face."

Professor Wetzel smiled and looked at him sideways, "Don't make excuses for your laziness with such high-sounding words, you are gradually falling behind, and within ten years, this little guy will completely surpass you."

"He, but he is about to rush to the battlefield of the abyss, once again entering the stage of strength telling improvement."

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