The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1212: Demigods full of hope

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The impact of the Guardian Island’s official entry into the Wizard Islands’ sequence of forces is huge, but its relatively secret geographic location, powerful guardian hidden magic array, and limited access, strict entry conditions, make it difficult for outsiders to enter easily. Even if you enter, you can't get a full view.

The food city of Hamlin, the **** of food, is the most visited, but there are three other food cities outside the passage to the food city. They are located on the half-dragon outer islands, the elves outer islands and the construction wizard tower. On the island, there are three relatively small cities for food.

These three gastronomic cities have been under construction until the guarding island is officially opened, and then they were put into use. Thirty five-star chefs, three hundred four-star chefs, and thousands of two-star chefs swarmed in, and they forced this Three gastronomic cities are supported.

This is not only a city of food, but also an important holy place for the missionary of the **** of food, Hamlin. If you want to enter the guardian island through the city of food, you can only pass through the layers of tests, and you can enter the guardian through these three cities of food There are only three types of outsiders on the island: one is a foreign chef, the other is a real gourmet, and the third is a demigod customer.

The food sacred places are also divided into levels. Little Weier directly took out the general structure of the Yunwu Country’s Food Association, and let the descendants of the so-called Exterminators to operate and maintain, but there is a prerequisite that they must be devout believers in the God of Food That's right, this organization is quite competitive.

There are also two art cities outside the Art City. They are located on the Academy Island where the Seven Ring Monster Academy is located, and the Aoki Island outside the elves. The two art cities have different focuses. They also have the art of leading to the guardian island. The city’s teleportation array.

Other demigods who have joined the Discovery Alliance of the Gods and reside on the guardian island, as long as they strengthen their way and have their own territory on the guardian island, there will be a corresponding projection-like territory in the outside world. Ville arranges Relevant people help. Most of these people are third-tier and second-tier masters who are compatible with them and can serve as assistants. They will also be the holy spirits after these demigods become gods, so they work extremely hard.

You must know that after Hamlin became a god, he took away ten five-star chefs and fifty four-star chefs afterwards. After granting them the identity of the Holy Spirit, three of them successfully advanced to Tier 4, although Tier 4 was achieved with the identity of the Holy Spirit. The future development potential is very small, and there is no field even for the time being, but he can improve his cooking skills with the help of the **** of food.

They have also become the hottest existence in the Alliance of Gods, often walking in groups in various kingdoms. It is impossible for those main gods to monopolize. They can only make an appointment in advance. As for Hamlin, the **** of food, remote guidance or in the gods After the kingdom is completed, it is okay for the Holy Spirits to take it over. It is temporarily impossible for him to go out of the kingdom of God, and it is impossible for him to restore his free body in a short period of time.

However, when the city of art was officially opened, Baihuayin, the goddess of music, came as a clone. After more than ten years of hard work, her kingdom of God has been controlled seven or eighty-eight, and within a few years, she will be able to completely control her and become a nonchalant. Fear of demigods and demigods.

However, the gods have their own responsibilities to maintain world order and suppress the invasion of **** demons. His free time is really not much.

The goddess of music, Baihuayin, descended into the city of art, which still brought great encouragement to the demigods of the city of art, especially the relationship between them is not bad, such as the goddess of dance, the **** of art, the **** of sculpture, etc. People surround him all day, but there is only one topic: how to become a god.

"Don't worry about it. During the time when Little Ville and Little Lilith go to the battlefield of the abyss, I, the music goddess, will personally sit and guard the island and act as a judge of the Gods Exploration Alliance." Baihuayin summoned half of the art city. God, advise them.

Finally, I mentioned a line of thought that caused all the demigods to think, "Every **** should have a **** system, and only when the main **** appears in each **** system can better develop the gods. My goddess of music belongs to the **** of art. The divine element, but the position of the main **** is vacant, and the dragon without a leader is quite weak."

Several demigods of the city of art looked at each other, and the goddess of dance interrogated cautiously: "What do you mean..."

Baihuayin looked at them and said angrily: "I am proficient in music and dance, but other fine arts, paintings, sculptures, landscape paintings, garden architecture, etc. are really not proficient, the **** of art. I am also moved, but I don’t have enough power. I mean, we all work together to launch a **** of art, and then he will promote the rest of the gods."

"Just as the goddess of the earth has the goddess of agriculture, the goddess of spring water and healing, the **** of mountains, etc., the goddess of art also has the goddess of dancing, the gods of gardens, the gods of architecture, and the gods of carving." Baihuayin's words made them quite moved. ,just...

"Promoting the goddess of art to become the main god, I'm afraid it is a hundred times more difficult than the appearance of our fifth-order gods?" The dancing goddess feels a little headache when she thinks of so many artistic sub-items, although she is also very yearning for this so-called master **** of art.

Baihuayin nodded and said: "Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with this, but it varies from person to person. I know that there is such a candidate who has very good artistic talents in all aspects and has the potential to become a **** of art, but I am afraid she I don't want to."

Is there something that people don't want in the position of the Lord God? The demigods looked at each other, and they might not even be able to win the position of the gods. There is no reason for someone to pick and choose when facing the position of the main god.

The **** of dance thought, and asked tentatively: "Lilith Kendall?"

Baihuayin nodded and said, "It's Lilith Kendall, this girl is very talented in art, but the road is off the track."

Several demigods couldn't help but laugh. When it comes to Lilith demigod, they are still very familiar. The forty-year-old mid-level holy light demigod may become the seed of the holy light **** and the Valkyrie, and most of them are speechless. The thing is, this little girl, like Val demigod, hopes to take the path of becoming a fifth-order powerhouse independently and not believing in the wizard and knight of the gods.

When they think of those two evildoers, they feel very weak, especially Val demigod, he is simply a natural **** of magic, earth, shadow, ocean, storm, thunder, space, only the middle and high-level demigods have attributes. Sixth, if he raises the flame, light attributes, life attributes, and death attributes to the same level, it will not be impossible for him to become a **** of magic with all attributes in the future.

When they think about the alchemy potions, alchemy casting, and magic array abilities at the demigod level, they are even more powerless.

But with such a leader, they are more at ease, don't they?

That kid is too enchanting, comprehensive enchanting, and Lilith, who stays by his side, is also very good, but is different from Little Vil’s lack of greed, Lilith specializes in the attributes of the Holy Light, and may even be Bivel The demigod touched that barrier earlier.

"If Lilith demigod can become a holy light wizard, and then turn to comprehensively improve artistic talents, it may be possible to become the **** of art, even if it can't become the **** of art, she and our art deity, half Being close to God is also a good thing.” The dancing goddess thinks this candidate is very good, the most important thing is to help them, but will not compete with them, the things you value to give her, others may not be valued.

"Weir demigod and Lilith demigod's application to go to the battlefield of the abyss has been down. They are about to go to that cruel but full of opportunities. It is really hard to say how strong they are when they come back next time. The problem with high-level demigods should not be big. Maybe, we can apply to let Lilith Councilor become the instructor of our art city. UU reading" The **** of sculpture quietly put forward his own opinions, which was recognized by everyone.

"The elves are very artistic. Do you want to develop the Saint Mojiesi, the mother of the demigod of Vale, into a resident guest of the city of art?" The **** of gardens also began to come up with some small ideas.

"Art is irrespective of race and country. Elves can, and orcs can't be ignored. I think Nicole Saint Warrior is very good. The most important thing is that she has a good personality and is very obedient." The **** of architecture is very obedient to all races. There is a lot of research on the architecture of, and by the way, I also have an understanding of the potential of various races. There are a large number of orc races, which are the potential stocks for the development of faith, but they are not very good for fighting.

However, the successful case of Baihuayin and Hamlin gave them a glimmer of hope. It was not that they could not do it, but that they did not find the right way. Orcs or divine beasts were actually very good at talking.

But the very talkative orc demigod is now fighting with a "boom boom" fight. To become a god-level master does not have to be a god. Isn't it better to break through independently? The strong orcs are all shot out!

It's just that there are very few places where they can let go of their hands and feet in the outside world, but the guardian island is different. The dragon language magic circle here is very high and can fully meet their needs, plus demi-level healing potions and many gods. As long as you don’t die, you can be cured. Such a good place can’t be missed.

The friendships of the orcs are all typed out!

Those cultural people in the City of Art have a long way to go if they want their approval.

You said the goddess of music Baihuayin and the **** of food Hamlin?

Neither of them had ever directly faced the orcs. It was Val demigod who replaced them. He was really punched from the island of the beast god. The face of the beast **** is not so easy to get.

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