The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1231: Opponent in the dark

"The troubles of the young wizard (

"The guardian expedition team submitted the expedition application, time, seven days later, the members: Mrs. Night, Lord of the Ancient City, Temple Knight, Little Transparent, and Ooze Monster." Many of the information of the expedition team is semi-confidential, and it is often not considered when performing missions. His real name was revealed.

The real name is very important for an extraordinary person. Even a strong demigod may be cursed by **** because of the exposure of his real name. There are too many weird powers in the world, and the curse is precisely the **** race. I have to guard against the best skills.

"The Guardian Expeditionary Team rents three large-scale construction equipment, namely: a defensive flying wizard tower, a large-scale ground digging engineering vehicle, and a siege gun!" These three pieces of equipment are indispensable for the demigod-level expeditionary team. , After all, offense and defense in the abyss battlefield is very important, and what is the battlefield grabbing the abyss?


And the most important resource is space, but the key of space is not so easy to find, so slaughtering the **** demons and looting resources has become their secondary purpose, but it is second only to finding the key of space and killing the **** demons.

Different spaces are not static. Changes in location, level, stability, etc. may occur. Although this change cycle may be long, mutations in different spaces are not a small probability event. The densely packed different spaces are almost separated from each other. There will be some changes, and the major sanctuary of the abyss battlefield needs to be updated in real time.

The defensive flying wizard tower is a must-have for the expedition. It has a strong defensive power, not to mention plug-and-play, and there is a cross-domain teleportation array inside, which can be connected to the sanctuary. It is a must-have for the expedition.

The Siege Cannon is an upgraded version of the Magic Crystal Cannon. It is extremely powerful and consumes a variety of powers. Magic Stones, Magic Crystals and even the extraordinary powers and magic can be used. The power is even greater. The lowest-level Siege Cannons also have three Rank pinnacle’s offensive power, and there are various attack methods, which can be concentrated or scattered.

The ground digging engineering vehicle is a masterpiece of the construction wizard. It contains a large space. It can collect various resources and simple processing in various complex terrains. The general expedition team will even have ten or eight such. equipment.

It's just that the guardian expedition team arrived for the first time. It belongs to the expedition team established by pure outsiders. There is no foundation or reserve in the abyss battlefield. These necessary things can only be concessions.

However, considering their particularity, it is actually understandable.

Seven or eight demi-god powerhouses sat in a group, and a series of messages came and displayed in mid-air, "Has the target been detected?"

"It is tracking, the order in which the other party submits the information is completely in accordance with the process, and the destination will be submitted three days in advance. Today is only the second day. According to the information provided by them, this time they are ready to explore, or they should be ready to looting. It is a space with different attributes of the earth, with a third-order level and a high-risk level."

"According to the analysis of the intensity of cross-domain transmission provided by them, there are as many as thirteen most likely targets, and there are twenty-nine more likely targets. None of these different spaces can be ruled out. In addition..."

"According to the latest intelligence from the Guardian Expedition, the city owner, Nobby Corleone, has already broken through Tier 3."

The semi-god powerhouses couldn't help being silent. In just half a year, a task was not carried out, and only after receiving the most basic training, they actually broke through?

"It seems that this foreign team is not only the three semi-god powerhouses who need to pay attention, but the others should not be underestimated. Haha, interesting little guys. Terrell, where did they offend you and actually let you Are you deliberately doing it right with them?"

"I have no intention of opposing them, and even begging them. It's just that my unrelenting invitation can't get their response. That's why I made a move. My original intention was not to treat them, as long as his friends After being trapped in a different space and getting the answer I want on this condition, I will personally take the blame and return his friend to Zhao."

"Hehe, you don't need to ask to know that it is the moth that your group of fox friends and dog friends made trouble, Terrell, listen to the old brother's advice, and cut off with those people, they will only hold you back. You are getting worse and worse. It's like you before."

"That kid is very strong. To put it mildly, fight it alone. None of you in this room is sure of winning. In the battle with this little guy, although I left behind, the opponent seems to be too. It’s really a battle of life and death, and it’s not me who survived. The most important thing is that these three demigods have great young potential, and it’s unwise to be enemies with them, Terrell, do you think All right."

"To be honest, if I can, I don't want to be an enemy to them, but..." It's just that Terrell also has his own way and his own persistence. If he shrinks from this place, then he may never be able to have it again in the future. Great progress, unless pushed to a new path.

But is it so easy to change the way of a demigod-level powerhouse?

"I have no retreat, and I struggle with him to the end. The final result is not important, but the process is important! So, the deducer, this time, please!" The justice judge was silent and played with him. The old man with a crystal ball bowed deeply.

The old man is wearing a gray robe, which looks a little old. He wears a shabby but neat hat. He carries a gray magic wand with him. He plays with a fist-sized crystal ball with his hands. The color of the crystal ball is slightly different. It was muddy, but there was a hint of dark golden light in it.

"You hold the teacher's token, I will not refuse to help, but these children are very lucky, I really have no intention of being an enemy of them, this will seriously deplete my strength." The gray-robed old man shook his head and said: "For the sake of the teacher, I will make three shots. After three times, please forgive me not to accompany me anymore."

Terrell nodded solemnly and said: "This was originally my personal matter. It is an honor to be able to get your help. I really have no intention of hurting them. I will compensate them and you all afterwards and do my best! "

"Although the teacher's factor is in it, I only agreed to help, but my shots are not free. You have to be clear about this." The gray-robed old man's words caused other demigods to feel uncomfortable.

"Old liar, what are you doing with so much nonsense, don't you know what kind of character Terrell is? When did he do things to sorry his friends? When did he let his friends suffer? This kid is just a stupid with a problematic head all day long. Egg, you don't have to worry about him going to the wrong account." A half-faced grunt said, "That kid is so arrogant, UU reading doesn't like us old guys at all."

The gray-robed old man squinted at the demigod and said coldly: "Sledgehammer, if you think about it, you know that the little guy can't say anything disrespectful to us. He is a very talented and measured man. The little guy, it’s just that he is mediocre without being envied by others. His talent has brought a lot of small troubles. And that little girl under yours is not a magnanimous and upright person. You are deceived!"

The demigod smiled coldly: "I don’t believe all Cecily’s words. I have fought against that little guy. I know his strength and character. Cecily may not even see the little guy’s face, but I It's not because of this that he doesn't respect the predecessors, but because he has seen his character thoroughly."

"From the beginning to the end, he didn't mean to actively integrate into us. In his eyes, all of us are rubbish!" The demigod's words caused silence.

This group of old antiques who have lived for at least hundreds of thousands of years is not a human spirit. Those three little guys are less than 50 years old and have achieved demigods. Not to mention, they also have decent combat power in the demigod group. They are definitely among the geniuses. Genius, the future is unlimited.

What's more frightening is that their growth has not stopped at all until now, but keep moving forward. Such people should be good friends, but the other side's attitude towards them is not close.

Is it disrespectful?

No, from Little Ville and Lilith, they can feel enough respect. Respect does not mean closeness, and what they respect for themselves and others is not their strength, but their achievements in guarding the battlefield of the abyss.

"The latest news, the guardian expedition team's expedition goal is officially requested, the target space: Ice and Snow Demon Realm." The performer's expression was slightly strange, the crystal ball slowly turned, and a figure appeared quietly.

Vivienne Ace.

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