The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1242: Hell Demon Strikes

"The troubles of the young wizard (

With the sound of "Rumble~", twenty first-tier centaur fighters rushed up with their spears, and Daoqizhan fiercely slashed towards Vivian. Not far away, the twenty centaur fighters were divided into two teams. Bow to the left and right to shoot arrows, while Maras launched an attack while commanding the battle.

Vivienne sat on a throne of ice and waved the magic wand in her hand, "The battlefield is unfolding, the ice hell!" As her voice fell, the strong cold air quickly spread forward, and the ground was frozen with thorns and thorns wherever she passed. From the ground, a hundred and ten meters radius turned into a **** of ice.

"The first hunting team, bow and arrow attack!"

"The second hunting team rounded the back and went around!"

Maras looked at the dense thorns of ice, and suddenly felt a pain in his body. Although he knew it was an illusion, he couldn’t help but shudder and the feeling of being set on fire by the ice thorns. He really didn’t. Willing to come again for the second time.

A sky warrior and forty first-order centaur warriors were unable to make the girl move a step. She didn't even get up. Long-range attacks with bows and arrows were invalid. In close combat, they couldn't even get close and were frozen. This is already the first time. After three challenges, they tried their best, but there was no way in this ice hell.

"Is this a construction wizard?" Maras couldn't help shaking his head again and again. This was totally impossible to fight. The opponent was frozen and ice thorns close to him, and ice needles in the long distance, especially the overwhelming icy arrow rain. , So that they have no defense, the second-tier fighting spirit armor can be frozen, not to mention these first-tier big fighters.

"This is not a Constructed Wizard, but Ice Shaping. The real Constructed Wizard is more terrifying than this, Vivienne, let them see your father's Ice Constructed Witchcraft." Corleone not far away The city lord also couldn't bear it, "We don't have too much time to waste here, quickly complete the investigation and end it quickly."

"Got it!" Vivian didn't get up, pointing the magic wand in her hand to her feet, "Ice ice, shape it!"

Within a radius of ten meters, the ice changed rapidly and turned into a siege ballista in a blink of an eye. Then, with a finger left and right, two simple catapults appeared. As her wand danced horizontally, the sound of "swish~wish~wish~" followed, and the ice arrows with seven or eight feet long arms roared straight towards Maras, two groups in the sky more than one in diameter. Mi's huge hockey puck also smashed at them fiercely.

"Ice puppets, construction!" Vivian's work is not over, ten second-order ice puppets quietly appeared, one of the second-stage high-end, three second-stage mid-stage, and six second-stage early stage. But the second-order puppet is the second-order puppet, and its momentum is not weak at all.

"Ice puppets, attack!" Marathi teamed up with forty first-order warriors to dissolve Vivian's long-range attack. He saw these ten monsters holding ice shields, ice spears, and ice knives. His expression changed slightly.

For these invulnerable, bitterly cold monsters, powerful but wounded and recoverable monsters, Marath really has nothing to do. He had challenged Vivian three times before, and Vivian only ruled out the ice puppet for the third time. , But there was only one, and he was embarrassed by his beating, but now he sent ten of them all at once. How to play this?

"We admit defeat!" Maras knew that he had no chance of winning here. This girl could be regarded as a one-man army for their centaur, ten ice puppets of the second class, twenty or thirty How many centaur warriors do you need to fight with long-range attack equipment?

Dealing with the three or five Tier 2 Centaur Sky Warriors is not a big talk at all, but a modest statement from others. Even if you bring out all the advanced players in Youhe and Qiu Lin, she may not be able to get her to stand up and take part in the battle. The wizard is so scary.

Suddenly, I felt that the profession of wizards was very high, and my own warrior was a little bit inadequate, and didn't have too many mysterious methods at all.

On the third day of coming to the Qiulin tribe, the Lord Corleone and others were about to leave. The River Tribe was convinced of the **** demons, but the Qiulin tribe was very wary of the Guardian Expedition Team. The Lord Corleone was a little bit more concerned about these natives. Look down on it.

We kindly want to help you (although only incidentally), but you bite Lu Dongbin and don't know good people. I don't have the time to convince you that you must listen to us.

City Lord Corleone originally planned to beat them down, but who would have thought that the stronger they behaved, the more wary Qiulin tribe would be against them. Incidentally, there would be River tribes who were also suspicious and suspected that they would act Out of the double reed.

From beginning to end, only the warriors of the River Tribe were confronting Vivian. The "smart" Qiulin tribe only watched the monkey show. They did not fully agree with Vivian's strength, but they easily did not. If you leave the game in person, as long as you do your homework on the surface and pull your guard up to the highest level, City Lord Corleone has nothing to do with them.

"Leaving?" Chief Qiu Lin didn't even have any polite words, he directly sent them away, and did not say a word later, there are River Tribe Chiefs and Maras deliberately to keep them behind, but this is the Qiu Lin Tribe after all, they themselves are Guests can't be the master at all.

"There is no need to send more, we have collected a lot of information in the past two days, and we are not far from leaving this small space. I am afraid that there will be no chance to see again in the future. I don't need to say any more. It will be indefinite in the future!" He released a small flying vehicle, and the chiefs of the two tribes He and Qiulin were dumbfounded.

"This is the legendary space equipment?" Chief Qiu Lin's eyes fell on the ring in the hand of City Lord Corleone.

"This is a small flying machine, a magical equipment developed and built by a wizard." City Lord Corleone pointed at him. The door of the aircraft opened with a crisp sound and everyone was just about to board the aircraft. There was a sharp horn in the distance. The sound rang.

"Everyone, please stay!" Chief Qiu Lin stopped them for the first time.

"Chief Qiu Lin has something to do?" City Lord Corleone took the initiative to stand up, "I have been disturbed for more than two days, and I left without a word. It is indeed a bit wrong."

"I didn't mean that, I..."

"This is the holy water made by the Wall brothers. It has a fairly predictable effect on the **** demons, and it can also well remove the remnants of extraordinary powers in the body."

"No, that..."

"This is a sacred potion, based on holy water, combined with the magic potion created by the wizard alchemist's method, which can heal most of the damage caused by the magic of hell. This is a sacred antidote potion, which is very good for the poisoning caused by **** demon The lifting effect."

"Wait a minute, I..."

"Oh, by the way, I think your arrows are still made of pure wood. Not to mention their low power, they cannot be recycled after one use. In return for your hospitality these days, this batch of steel-made arrows is I gave it to you, and I hope it can be of help to you."

"I didn't mean it, just now..."

City Lord Corleone's face sank slightly, and he said coldly: "Chief Qiu Lin, don't be too greedy. We are just friends, and we will never meet again in the future. Only these can help you. After all, we stay. The time in this different space is limited, so you can do it for yourself."

"Report~, the hunting team was attacked by unknown enemies. The number of enemies is countless. The first hunting team and the first hunting team were destroyed." A centaur rushed to the news But Chief Qiu Lin couldn't believe his ears.

"What the **** is going on?!" Chief Qiu Lin's face is full of incredible expression. You must know that the First Hunting Team is the most elite hunting team in the tribe, and the elite led by his own son is just because there are outsiders in the past two days. , The son needs to stay to help him suppress the field, so he didn't lead the team out, who ever thought...

"Here, the **** devil is here..." There was a pale color on the face of the chief of the river tribe, and Maras clenched his fists and his face was hideous.

"What? There really are **** demons?!" Qiu Lin tribe chief's face changed suddenly. When all the members of the river tribe arrived, he had doubts, suspected that this was a conspiracy of the river tribe and wanted to **** Qiu Lin tribe. On the site, the spies sent out did not even go to the original territory of the Youhe Tribe and returned.

For two consecutive days, he didn't notice any abnormality, which made his vigilance constantly improve, but this vigilance was aimed at outsiders like the River Tribe and the Guardian Expedition.

"All the warriors, gather immediately and prepare to meet the enemy!" Qiu Lin tribe chief gave an order, and nearly a hundred first-order warriors from the tribe swarmed.

"Maras, you led the second hunting team to help Chief Qiu Lin to block the enemy, and the others immediately moved to the ancestors' land!" What tribal chief commanded made Chief Qiu Lin's face changed drastically, "You..."

"You can't keep it. The tribe along the river has been destroyed. There are too many enemies. Only by uniting everyone can it be possible to contend with them. Only our two tribes are far from enough. I will not fall here. "He tribe chief suddenly turned to Corleone City Lord, before he spoke, he blocked him back.

"Sorry, we are sparsely staffed. We are just an expedition team, not an expedition team. We are unable to compete with the army of **** demons.

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