The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1256: Madam Night’s Power Show

"who are you?!"

The veteran third-order high-level space authority undead Errol easily defeated the two rookies who had just broken through, confiscated all their equipment, bundled them into a group and carried them into the castle by the heavily armed steel knight.

Crossed the flat courtyard and walked into the gorgeous hall. On the throne opposite, a beautiful woman in a gorgeous black robe was holding a cup of blood-red drink. She had a drink without a sip, and yawned from time to time, lazily. The look is particularly charming.

When Alma and Maras were glaring at the castle owner indignantly, Errol the undead let out a low roar, letting them know that they seemed to be the wrong person.

The black-robed beauty stretched her waist, squinted at him and said, "Who do you think I am?"

"The real space authority!" The undead Errol stared at the black-robed beauty in front of him, and the chains on his body kept turning and making a "crash" sound.

"Impossible!" Elm let out a loud roar, "Only our centaur warriors can be recognized by our ancestors, and we are the owners of the space key."

"Haha" The black-robed beauty yawned listlessly and said, "You two little guys are so unbelievable. I helped you so much behind my back and gave you so much power, except for appointing other sub-authorities. In addition to the power of, almost all abilities are open to you, and even personally take steps to help you improve and stabilize your strength, and ultimately..."

The black-robed beauty hated iron and steel and shook her head, looking extremely disappointed, making Elm and Maras blushing and not light.

The black-robed beauty left her hand a little far away. The chains on Elm and Maras were torn apart, and the four steel knights carrying them fell to the ground and turned into a pile of tattered armor. The undead Errol glanced at them, but Motionlessly locked on to the black robe beauty opposite.

"My name is Ye, I'm in charge of the Guardian Expedition. You can call me Mrs. Dark Night." The words of the black-robed beauty made El Ma and Maras' faces stiff, and at the same time they showed a bitter smile. It turns out that everything is in these outsiders. In his control, I was so lucky that I wanted to fight back.

I am so naive!

"Humph!" Mrs. Night snorted coldly, and said coldly: "You two little guys don't know what is good or bad, how easy is the key to refining, if it weren't for our help, can you get the approval of the key of space? Leaving aside, even if it is recognized, there is no need for three or two years to obtain space permissions."

"The key of space is the key to controlling the entire space. How can it be so easy to take it for yourself. What's more, we have not grown up with so many high-end equipment, so that your strength has increased to the point that you can't even control the space authority completely. To the extent possible, even so, you guys actually..." Mrs. Night was really speechless to these two idiots.

"From the very beginning, you have been in control of the space?" Alma suddenly realized, and suddenly wanted to understand everything. The relic of the ancestors was a crossbow. The bows obtained by himself and Marath were not derived from crossbows at all, but opposites. The ghost of the beauties.

And the so-called refining bow was granted the space authority directly by the other party, right?

"At last it's not too stupid to be hopeless." Mrs. Night snorted, "Don't think that Mrs. Ben is harming you. The pressure required for complete authority is very high, and it is not something you can bear at all. It is normal. Your life will be greatly reduced, not to mention that in the face of an invasion by foreign enemies, if you really get the space key, you can survive this space collision."

"The vitality of the Centaur is not that strong." This is not Madame Night's contempt for them, but a fact that does exist.

"I'm willing to withdraw from this space battle and repay your losses. How about stopping there?" The undead Errol looked at Mrs. Night and suddenly said something that Elm and Marath could not believe.

Is this subdued? Did you face our arrogant posture before?

Mrs. Night looked at the undead Errol and couldn't help but smile, and said faintly: "Do you think it's possible?"

"Sure enough, the things that are too easy to get are false. Are you calculating me from beginning to end?" The undead Errol stared at Madame Night, but the chain on his body gradually slowed down, and the sickle in his hand He raised his mouth aloud and let out a loud shout: "Let's fight, only the undead who died in the battle, there is no captain of the guard!"

Mrs. Night’s quilt was gently put down, and he snapped his fingers. The surrounding scenery changed from reality to reality. In a blink of an eye, the huge castle disappeared. The luxurious hall became an empty ring, and Mrs. Night was not far behind. The door of the space stood there quietly.

"As a space authority, your use of space authority is almost zero. Now let you see the fighting style of a real space authority." A look of nostalgia appeared on Mrs. Dark Night's face: "This feeling, time Has it been so long?"

"Space authority, the simplest and roughest basic operation of space authority, space domain, open!" Mrs. Night's cherry lips lightly opened, and the whole space was surging, dots of light suddenly appeared and quickly expanded with the Centaur space channel as the starting point Come.

The undead Errol's eyes flickered with angry flames, "Are you looking down on me? Space domain, open!"

The space field is not a real field, but a symbol of the roughest control of space, a fighting method that overwhelms people. In addition to personal ability, there is also the power of space, where the undead Erol is located. The alien space of is definitely more powerful than the centaur alien space.

Mrs. Dark Night smiled, and with a wave of her hand, she immediately moved Elma and Maras to a place close to the space passage of the Centaur. The dazzling starlight quickly expanded and occupied most of the space in a blink of an eye, leaving one-third of the space left. It fell under the control of the undead Errol.

"This is the most basic application of space permissions, and it is also the simplest and most basic display of space permissions." Mrs. Night's words made Elm and Maras a black line. They seem to be unable to do this well, but with Mrs. Night. The demonstration of, plus the permissions they obtained, vaguely explored a little bit of the doorway, and it takes a long time to practice before they can really master it. This is not a day or two days, ten days and a half months, or three to five months. of.

"A further step in the space field is space oppression!" Madame Dark Night's momentum continues to increase, the early stage of the third stage, the middle stage of the third stage, and the high stage of the third stage have risen to the peak of the third stage. Rohr suppressed it in the direction, and a violent tremor in the black space domain controlled by the opponent slowly pushed it back thirty or fifty steps before stabilizing his position.

When the strength is insufficient, then hold a corner firmly, guard the last point of the country firmly, and will never play a full-scale confrontation with the other party, it is just death.

"Space oppression is just to press people with does not have much technical content, the next step is space assault!"

"Space assault is still a large-scale attack, but this area has a certain focus. It seems that the two armies can line up in battle, but the real strong charge is also a space stab, just like this!"

"Space stab is an attack method of fierce charge and formation, so space trap plus space movement is somewhat similar to the assassins and archers on the battlefield, and it is impossible to guard against."

Mrs. Night’s methods are getting more and more sophisticated and more and more unpredictable. The Undead Errol retreats steadily. In the end, he can only use all his power to guard the space channel. This is the core of his own side. If this place is After being conquered by the opponent and connected to the opponent's space channel, he really has no power to fight back.

At least for now, through this space channel, I can continuously borrow the power of the Demon Space. The undead Erol's body shook suddenly, with an incredible look on his face, and a roar in his mouth: "Carlton, how dare you?!"

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the space channel behind Errol the Undead shook violently, as if it might collapse at any time.

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