The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1278: Legion Meeting

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Lava demon is a race among the number of people in hell. They are born with powerful strength and super defense. They can quickly increase their strength under certain circumstances. Adult lava demon can generally have Tier 2 and Tier 3 in the volcano group. Strength, a few can even be promoted to Tier 4 demigods.

But God is fair. The innate conditions of the lava demon are very good, but the growth potential is a big problem. The fifth-order lava demon is rare, the sixth-order lava demon is rare in the hell, and the seventh-order lava demon is the whole hell. The number does not exceed three, and the eighth-order lava demon only exists in the legend.

And this legend no longer knows how many tens of thousands of years ago.

Because of their innate attributes and the special requirements of their birth environment, the lava demons live relatively scattered, so they joined different territories and went to different lords. They became a common unit of the entire hell, and the spider lords were no exception.

Butler Stone is a Tier 5 lava demon. He was able to achieve Tier 5 or he was created by the Lord of Hell. The power and comprehensiveness of the lava demon is recognized in Hell, but the physical strength of the lava demon increases slowly and the potential is not high. It is recognized that many demon lords hope to have more powerful lava demon subordinates, and they have tried their best to do this.

Butler is a Tier 5 Lava Demon who was raised the day after tomorrow, but unfortunately, he is a semi-finished product, or a failure. The Spider Lord originally intended to create a Tier 6 Lava Demon, but failed for various reasons. .

Even so, as a lava demon built with the goal of Tier 6, Butler's overall strength is quite good in Tier 5, with the strength of the middle stage of the fifth stage, and even can contend against the high stage of the fifth stage in a short time when the strength bursts.

Lava demon is not a race that is particularly good at planning. Butler thinks he is not stupid, but he is far behind the real wise man, so he has learned some tricks, knows how to check and balance and delegate power.

He clearly knew that his subordinates were fighting between factions, but he turned a blind eye, and even contributed to it. He watched all this from the top and tried to improve his combat effectiveness.

Yes, it is not to enhance strength, but to enhance combat effectiveness.

As a Tier 5 master long acquired, he knows that his potential has been exhausted, his strength has basically been solidified, and the room for improvement is minimal, but his combat effectiveness can still be improved.

Most of the time is spent on cultivation, through external forces to increase combat effectiveness, occasionally taking time to deal with the 15th Legion, this is Butler's daily life.

Butler's strength in the middle stage of the fifth stage gave him absolute authority in this legion. He would not be disturbed when he was practicing, but today, he was called out from the lava lake.

Seeing a demigod standing respectfully in the meeting room, Butler's gaze swept away and fell on the three people on the left and right.

On the left is his main manager, Moros, and on the right is the first master Patricia under himself in the legion. "Hey, why there are two Patricia songs?"

All the demigods can’t help but have a black line. Although the appearances of Patrick Song and Patrick are very similar, for some **** demons who are not capable of observation, the appearances of other races are similar, but the breath of their two brothers It's totally different, good or not, don't masters use breath to judge the identity of others?

"This is my younger brother Patrick, the general manager of the Third Army. This time I fled to this place and brought some bad news about the Third Army." Patrice didn't sell it, and straightforwardly pointed out himself. The purpose of calling the crowd.

"The younger brother of Patricia? The fourth-order high-level strength, yes, yes, little brother, do you want to join my second legion, the treatment is good." Butler directly recruited him without saying a word.

Patrick froze for a moment, with a big smile on his face, and he said naturally: "It is my honor to be able to work for adults. If I have this opportunity, I am willing to invest in adults. Before that, I hope to solve the problems of the Third Army. abnormal."

"Is it abnormal? What kind of moth the devouring boss has made?" The lava demon Butler was very upset with the Devouring Commander. Not only was the two of them disagreeable, but also very afraid of that guy, despite the strength of the Devouring Commander. He is a little worse than himself, but has a high racial potential that cannot hold others. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses himself.

Well, although this time may be very long, is time a problem for the fifth-tier strong?

"It's not necessarily a question of swallowing the commander. It's just that there is a problem with the Third Route Army. Now, I have completely lost the sense of the Third Route Army base camp." Patrick is now less and less confident in his guess.

I will talk about everything I know from beginning to end, but the starting point is not the sudden return of the night elves, but the practice of Devouring Devil’s retreat. I look at the army and start talking about it. I will tell you the overall strength, logistical reserves, and strength of the Third Route Army. The number of people, the intelligence of different spaces, etc. are clearly introduced.

Lava Commander Butler glanced at Morros: "Your management ability is really good. That **** guy has an excellent manager like you, it's his blessing."

But Moros learned a lot from Patrick's story, and he couldn't help but admire this guy who was nine points similar to his opponent, not to mention that this guy seemed to be stronger than himself.

Patrick casually humbled a few words, and as soon as the voice was transferred to the sudden return of the night elf Ernst, he brought news of the fall of another space, and at the same time told the information he had learned.

Ernst failed to invade the alien space controlled by others, but was severely injured. The giant treemen in the alien space teamed up with a monster to take advantage of it. Ernst abandoned his men and the pet six-eyed evil lion and fled back to the base camp shortly afterwards. An abnormality occurred in the space channel, and the connection was temporarily interrupted.

"The weirdest thing is that the space tunnel has not disappeared, but there have been abnormalities and interruptions, and it is impossible to reach the other shore. I tried many methods first and then failed to connect successfully. According to reason, the different space should be unowned. It's not easy to do this." Patrick looked at Lava Commander slightly puzzled.

The latter pretended to listen carefully, but he kept wondering what might be the problem in this situation.

Patricia spoke and said faintly: "On the other side, someone has manipulated the teleportation array and made hands and feet in the teleportation channel. It is not difficult to be able to do this, whether it is a demigod-level array mage or Demigods with spatial attributes can do this. Even other demigods that can affect space can also do it. For example, the law of rupture of the blade demon, the law of rupture can also cause similar effects.

"The same thing can be done after the Shadowless Demon's Shadowfall and the Shadow Labyrinth reach a certain level." Patrick was stunned by the words of Patricia, "Do you suspect the Shadowless Demon? Impossible, he is my best Friend of mine, and my staunch supporter, in order to..."

Patrice waved his hand and interrupted him: "You don't need to be so anxious to defend him, I just put forward a few possibilities that can cause this effect, but these methods are quite tricky for Tier 4 masters. But for Tier 5 masters, it is not difficult to break, after all, that space has not completely lost contact, has it?"

Patrick shook his head Throwing away the extra thoughts, and continued to tell the information he knew, especially about Ernst's every move, the first-level clone of the demigod, and visited the other half again and again. The strong gods, the masters who have been missing one after another, the disappearance of the shadowless demon has given him too much image.

And what made him most disturbed was that all the passages in the different space in the teleportation hall were invalidated without knowing when it started.

Well, the time can be roughly inferred from the beginning, at least one node can't be wrong, the tidal murloc demigod returns, and the transmission channel must be good at that time.

Patrick kept insisting until he was the only demigod powerhouse left. He finally inevitably wavered. When he was in the teleportation hall, his inexplicable sense of crisis forced him to flee, and his extreme reaction was also Elicited the secret enemy.

However, Patrick didn't see the shadow of the enemy from beginning to end, just kept fleeing.

"The enemy is a Tier 5 powerhouse." This is Patrick's judgment, and he is confident in his judgment.

"So, you suspect that it was done by devouring that fool? For stronger strength?" Lava Commander Butler showed a solemn expression on his face.

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