The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1288: Ice and fire fusion field

One plus one is not necessarily equal to two, it may be greater than two, may be less than two, it may be less than one, but under certain circumstances it may even be greater than ten.

If the dual domain of the previous Patrick and Patrick Patrice brothers is equal to two, or slightly greater than two, less than three, then Xi'an's ice and fire domain is five, seven, or even ten.

Is a hundred-zhang radius considered big for the field?

To be honest, even the first-level demigods who have understood the Three Laws have a larger area than this, but it is such a small area, but it is forced to dodge and escape, unable to confront it directly.

He was the first to advance to the high-level demi-gods, and now still leads the number of laws with the law of earth attributes, which has no advantage in front of the big devil brothers' ice and fire domain. Ville has tried the law of the earth, the law of fire, and the law of the sea continuously, and all of them are defeated without exception. In the end, he could only dodge and linger with the help of the law of space.

But Patrick and Patricia brothers chased him violently, and little by little increased the area of ​​ice and fire, no one on either side knew anything about it.

Patrick and Patrice didn’t have the slightest leeway and mood to speak. The Ice and Fire domain was their killer. It’s just that this killer has been immature. Nine out of ten were unsuccessful. The last time it was successfully performed, how long can it last? All are unknown.

They must get rid of the guy on the other side who can perform multiple attribute laws in the shortest possible time, otherwise it will be them who will fail in the end.

In this kind of battle of life and death involving races, failure indicates death, even for high-level demigods and peak powers of demigods like them. The heroic cherishment is not established here, or as the goal of sympathy. They can't wait to smash each other to pieces immediately.

This is the best treatment for an enemy you recognize.

Both sides.

"Dear Lilith, is your side well? The enemy's offensive is too fierce, and your dear fiancé can't hold it a little bit." Ville's voice came into Lilith's ears, let this watch the play while drinking tea , The Eye of Advanced Appraisal has never been closed, and the whole process of their battle was carefully monitored, and the beautiful girl of the sky almost laughed out loud.

"Men can't say no, this is what you said before." Lilith replied playfully.

Little Ville couldn't help but a black line, "My dear fiancee Lilith, are you sure that I said this sentence, not your devil teacher?"

Lilith thought for a while, nodded helplessly and said: "Well, this sentence is really likely to be said by my teacher, you can hold on, I will be well soon."

"When will it be soon? Dear, please give me an accurate time. I am not afraid of either of them fighting alone. It doesn't matter if they are teamed up at a normal level, but this field of ice and fire has already involved the fusion of laws. , Coupled with the field integration based on this, it’s a little bit tricky. If you don’t know how to use the hole cards, you can’t win them at all."

Lilith gently shook her head and said: "If you use your hole cards at this time, you will not have the effect of training at all. It is not easy to find an opponent that can bring us pressure and promote our progress, especially this kind of Competitors with advantages and new things are even more commendable. Persistence is victory. I have analyzed a lot. Give me three more days and I will definitely be able to..."

Little Ville almost fell to the ground, the long sword in his hand gleamed, and he slashed the earth's gravity sword with a stroke, and he rebounded and flew out a hundred meters away. "Three days? Dear Lilith, even three hours. They are all too choking, they are much better than before. And, I want to wonder, can their state really last for so long? After all, they are two people, the fusion of two attribute laws, and two realms."

"Hehe, it's rare to see a master at the same level that you are afraid of. It's really not easy. Actually, it's almost time to see it. It's time to verify things." Lilith sent a message to the little elf through the apostle elf. Wil, the latter's figure instantly disappeared into the ground, the ground trembled violently, and a huge stone man rose from the ground.

"Earth giant, rock puppet!" Ville's voice uttered from the rock puppet. Shizhang's huge body contains powerful power, and the faint ochre light emits into layers of earth guardian barriers to hold it tightly. Shrouded in it.

A fist-sized earth-yellow gemstone was inlaid on the giant's forehead, emitting a misty light, and a surprised look appeared on Patrice's face: "Heart of the Earth?"

"Based on the ground, before the energy runs out, I am undefeated!" The giant earth made a declaration, and then slammed his fist to the ground. A crack quickly spread in the direction of Patrick and Patrick Song, and the speed was not fast. But straight forward without stopping.

"The earth is frozen!" Patrice suddenly slapped his hands on the ground, a flash of cold light spreading around him in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped the area with a radius of one hundred meters. The cracks in the earth touched the area, and it was abruptly blocked. The edge of the earth is cracked, and a semicircle is split along the field.

The ice and fire domain was not broken, and there was not even much fluctuation, but the earth shrouded in the domain was split and shaken, pushing it back three to five meters abruptly.

"Split the ground!" The giant land giant plunged into the ground with one hand, and when he retracted it, a seven-foot long sword appeared in his palm. The long sword was swung by him and fell on the ground. With the sound of "rumble", the ground around the ice and fire domain cracked and abruptly. Cut off by him.

"Gravity of the earth, rebuke!" The entire ice and fire domain and the thick rocky ground below it all separated from the ground and flew slowly.

Gravity can be used in the forward direction and in the reverse direction. Now, Ville’s application is the reverse application of the law of gravity, which weakens or even cancels the effect of gravity. The strong demigods can indeed fly freely, but many people are still accustomed to stepping on the ground. The environment here has advantages over the attributes of the earth, and their two laws and fusion of fields seem to have nothing to do with the earth, but in fact they still have some dependence on the earth.

"What a cunning kid, but the dual realm is not that simple. Combining ice and fire to turn light!" Patriege didn't wait for the ice and fire realm and the ground below to fly up, and quickly cooperated with Patrick to issue a new trick, a dazzling one. The cold light came straight at, the speed was unspeakable, and it instantly fell on the giant earth, leaving a fist-sized piercing hole on his body.

The giant earth giant is just a rock puppet, not a real creature. The heart is pierced, and it seems that it can't cause much damage. The huge slap slapped his chest fiercely, and the rock on the surface of the body wriggled and twisted, returning to normal in an instant.

"Based on the earth, I am undefeated!" Not invincible, but undefeated. The premise is that the energy is not exhausted. The giant of the earth stepped on huge steps and rushed forward, ignoring Patrick and Pat. The attacks launched by the Lige brothers, even if the body was broken, they recovered again and again, and in a blink of an eye they reached the front of the ice and fire domain, and the huge rock sword in his hand smashed past.

"The earth cracks the sword!"

"Meteor Sword from Heaven!"

"Rock piercing sword!"

"Thousand-layer Gravity Sword!"


The giants of the earth wield a seven-foot-long rock giant sword, and they kept issuing their unique tricks, but it was not the brothers Patrick and Patrick that they attacked, but the ice and fire domain they were in. The earth's power continuously invaded the ice and fire domain, trying to break this The seemingly perfect dual-attribute field.

There was a slight tremor in the field of ice and fire, UU reading www.uukanshu. The two brothers, Patrick and Patricia, continued to send out attacking moves, leaving a series of scars on the giant's body, including penetration, cutting, crushing, vibration, burn, and frostbite.

It even burned first and then frozen, and finally shattered its half body by shaking it, but it quickly recovered with the help of the Heart of the Earth, while the ice and fire domain and the ground it was on gradually flew up and separated from the ground.

"Thousand-changeable Quicksand Sword!" The giant earth figure appeared on the ground below the ice and fire domain, and the law of the earth output with all its strength, and the ground carrying the ice and fire domain slowly flowed out silently.

"A combination of ice and fire, the magic burst!" Patrick and Patrice jointly sent out a huge ball of ice and fire and fell on the giant's head. In an instant, the giant fell to the ground and the ground cracked, causing smoke and dust in the sky, and the realm of ice and fire broke away. The **** of the earth slowly rose into the air.

"Haha, kid, thank you for your help. Let the ice and fire domain of our two brothers break away from the shackles of the earth, become purer, more flexible, and more powerful. As your reward for helping us, this seat will give you one. Cheng."

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