The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1297: 2 Disposal of stolen goods

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There are many apostles in the apostle space, but the number one is always the first apostle, whether it is strength, financial resources, merit, record, elf ability, and the construction of the floating island.

The name of the hanging island of the first apostle is also the first. It is definitely the most expansive of all the apostles. There are palaces rising from above. Although there are no people, the buildings are quite complete. It can even be said that there are too many. , As if going to the empty kingdom alone.

These buildings are not built at will, each has its own particularity. The most majestic palaces are named: Dark Palace, Earth Palace, Ocean Palace, War Temple, Space Temple, Mystery Temple, Time Temple, Bloodline Temple And, the man palace!

The spoils-sharing conference was held in the Temple of War. The first apostle sat lazily on the head, and said his own battle results in a straightforward manner: "I captured a Tier 6 demon and sold it to Little Brother Weier. I don’t need to say what to exchange for it. This is an unreasonable point from the mission. The things from the sixth-order demon have been removed. There are not many magic weapons, only a dozen or twenty pieces, most of them are below the fifth-order, and there is only one sixth-order. The three to five used are barely eye-catching."

Having said that, he raised his glass and sipped a sip of wine, and gave a slight gesture to the devil's purpose. The latter said with a black line: "The first man, you can't be too dark-hearted. Isn't the big head of the spoils obtained by the Raiders? Personally? The wealth is compared with the wealth of the entire legion, um, this is really hard to say."

Moody thought about it, and found that although the legion has a large number of people, it really does not necessarily have more wealth, especially the wealth of the inspection. A Tier 6 treasure may even be more valuable than all the materials of a demon legion, but it is valuable. To be useful and to be used together are completely different things. What they want is not necessarily something that is too high-end, but something that suits them.

The first apostle hit a haha, shrugged and said, "This is a bit sorry. After I caught the sixth-order great demon, I was taken to give Lilith and Guai Liluo to class. The so-called demon is number one. I didn’t move the legion at all. The little ones who invaded the Sacred Ring, Brother Weier is going to hand over to his subordinates to practice, so..."

That's why I gained only this. The First Apostle had done a rogue statement about his spoils, and even threw out a bunch of magic weapons with a wave of his hand and showed them to everyone for review and research.

Professor Wetzel's mouth twitched slightly. Sure enough, this was the shrewd First Apostle. He had been calculating everything since he proposed to organize a team to help Little Ville get out of trouble.

I am the leader of Little Ville’s teacher, Jane, and it is impossible not to take action. The high priest is the number one master of the elves. Whether Little, Lilith or Guai Liluo, they have the blood of elves, and they are inextricably linked to the elves. Contact, they never denied this, only by virtue of this, the high priest did not refuse to take action.

As for the devil Moody, since he became the messenger of the gods of wisdom, he has become more and more like a person rather than a devil. The relationship between this **** and Little Will is a little bit complicated, and it is most likely the relationship between the old man and the son-in-law. Well, although there are contradictions, he will never watch him die, not to mention that there is Lilith among the people who need to be rescued this time, and it is even more impossible for him to sit idly by.

"First Lord, being an apostle can’t be so shameless. You want to divide our spoils, but you don’t want us to divide up the wealth of the First Legion. Isn’t that unreasonable. Don’t tell me, you didn’t get where the First Legion is. I don't believe in the coordinates of the space." Facing the huge wealth, the dragon of Wezel dared to face the stronger, this is his own instinct that he can't kill.

The elven high priest nodded and said: "The reason why we agreed to the proposal of the first man is largely because we know that all we can get in the early three stages is some broth and water. After all, the Third Army and the Second Army will be Those little guys swept once, and then it was our turn. But the First Army won't, they don't have the strength to invade the First Army, even if they are smuggling!"

"The First Lord, the wealth of the First Legion is complete, and everyone is jealous at such a large wealth. After all, there is a powerful legion with a sixth-order high commander and a fifth-order deputy commander. The high commander has been The first adult won, and the remaining three of us should be able to handle it. If the first adult can send us safely, we don't mind giving the first adult some share afterwards." Devil Moody is more direct.

"After all, the First Army is also the goal of our mission this time. Strictly speaking, we are a bit early to divide the spoils. After all, the prey has not yet been fully obtained."

The words of the devil Moody were unanimously approved by the black dragon Wezel and the high priest of the elves. The spoil sharing meeting could not go on. The First Apostle had a very ambiguous attitude towards sharing the space coordinates of the First Legion.

Even without the great demon Feld, the First Legion is not something that ordinary people can attack. The First Apostle is very clear about this. The three Tier 5 powerhouses are more than enough to protect themselves, but they want to be like the Third Legion and the First Apostle. It's almost impossible for the Second Army to win them all.

Unless you go out in person, or find more helpers, there are not many experts in the apostle space, and dozens or twenty Tier 5 masters can still be collected. For such a good place, no one will refuse to participate in the sharing of the spoils.

The ancient **** cemetery, the sacred ring, the four demi-god powerhouses, Little Ville, Lilith, Guai Liluo, and Mrs. Night, took the warm hospitality of a group of younger brothers and turned into two Tier 5 masters who came to rescue themselves, the Light Knight Tower Mick, the light wizard Thomasina.

They expressed their heartfelt joy for the fact that Ville and the others were able to find a way back after they encountered a broken space channel and fell into a different space. They expressed their heartfelt joy for them to go deep behind the enemy and destroy the conspiracy of **** demons. They even worked together to annihilate the enemy and create With such a brilliant record, the two Tier 5 powerhouses said it was a little unacceptable.

"One Tier 6 Hell Demon, two Tier 5 Hell Demons, and more than forty Tier 4 Hell Demons were annihilated. To be honest, I have never seen such a record, even if I command the Guangming Sanctuary Battle Palace. , And other sacred realms have acted together no less than twenty times, and have never had such a brilliant record." Bright knight Tamick expressed his envy, even to the extent of jealousy.

"You must have been favored by the goddess of destiny, otherwise how could it be possible to turn bad luck and create such a brilliant record."

Tamick's words made Ville stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Caroline, nodding slightly, "Perhaps it is true, maybe. A handsome person generally has no bad luck."

"Can I beat you? I always feel like I can't get through without beating you."

"I don't resist fighting against Master Tamek. Why don't we make a ten-year agreement and fight with all our strength after ten years!"

"Hehe, boy, you are very confident. Although you have gained a lot this time, and your strength has been raised to the peak of Tier 4 by trick, the barrier between the peak of Tier 4 and Tier 5 is not so easy to break through, I will give you Twenty, oh, I'll give you eleven years!" Tamick hesitated and gave him an extra year to prepare.

Littleville: "Actually, you can be more generous."

Tamick: "I beat you up earlier, isn't it good for me to get through to my ideas earlier?"

Xiaoweier: "I just hope that the pressure of fighting with adults will help me break through the sky."

Tamick: "I will pressure you very seriously."

"Okay, stop making trouble, Captain Well, we will report your achievements this time. The level of your expedition team will be improved by leaps and bounds. What are your thoughts on those "Tommasina, the manager of the Palace of Light, looked at Little Weier very seriously.

"As for the spoils of the expedition team, Sanctuary has no right to deprive them, but it has limited purchase rights, especially the proceeds of the Raiders that are not in the plan. You can only control it. However, I still hope you can sell the low- and medium-level loot that you don't use. Selling loot to Sanctuary and Sanctuary can also earn battlefield points."

Little Will nodded and said, "Ninety percent of the munitions inventory of the two legions, and three third-tier different spaces, is it enough?"

Tommasina and Tamick looked at each other: Is it enough?

We never thought that you would be so generous, and basically no one in the different space would like to sell, he actually made three shots, and it was still a third-order level.

"How many spoils did you get?"

"Secret! By the way, we are going to rest in the ancient gods cemetery for a while, looking for opportunities, is it okay?"

"The cemetery of the ancient gods is not another place. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible, but you have been able to protect the cemetery of the ancient gods this time. You can cultivate here for three years, and you must leave after three years."

"Three years? Enough!"

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