The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1323: I want the ownership of the 12th house

It's terrible outside, I want to shut down!

This is Frette’s true thoughts. With his fists clenched, there is only one thought in his heart, he must leave this ghost place anyway, and then whether it is to return to the dwarf base camp or run to the Wizard Islands to be the master of his own constructed wizard. It's better than in this precarious place.

My previous relationship with the top twelve was really not friendly, but since I became an apostle and contacted them on the initiative, they were already their own people, but this group of **** counted even their own people, and it was simply ruthless.

God of the ancient river: Are you your own? Why don't I know? Isn't the dwarf a branch of the giant race? As long as it is a giant, it is right to destroy it.

"Smack~" Frette slapped Weier on the shoulder and said with a serious expression: "Brother Weier, we must complete the test of the Zodiac, please! I will do my best to help you!"

Little Ville dumbly watched the little man standing up without sitting tall, looking at himself with a serious expression, as if he didn't agree, he would not sit down.

"Since I come to this place, I naturally want to clear the zodiac. Even if you don't say it, I will try to do it." Ville didn't take the opportunity to threaten, but rather naturally said that he wanted to clear the customs. .

"No, no, no!" Frette shook his head and said, "It's not trying to do it, but it must be done!"

"No, your strength is still a little weaker. You must strengthen and strengthen!" Frette kept turning in circles: "But what can I do for you? Build artifacts? The use of artifacts requires a lot of power. , Your own power, uh, should be able to drive the artifact, but it takes a long time to build the artifact. As you become stronger, the fellow giants are also becoming stronger."

"No, right? You are still young, and your ascension speed is much faster than those of the giant compatriots. In the same time, your ascension will only be more, but what can I teach you? Your kid's attributes, um, earth, ocean, and shadow , Dawn, Storm, Thunder, Flame, eh~, your kid actually has the blood of a Thunder Giant." Frette's eyes flickered and looked at Little Weir, apparently investigating his own information from the Apostle Space.

"Alchemy casting, alchemy potions, formations, are you still constructing a wizard? Hahahaha, great, great, I finally thought of a way to help you!" Frette couldn't help laughing and shooting hard. He patted Little Ville on the shoulder and said, "Boy, in the next 100 years, you can stay here and receive my training. I will let you have the strength to defeat Tier 5 giants!"

"One hundred years is too long, I may not have so much time to waste." Ville pointed to the sky and said, "I came from the ancient gods cemetery. I have only three years of experience. I studied outside with Hiram for a year. Time, there are only two years left."

"It's okay, I have a hundred times to accelerate here. A hundred years here is just a year for the outside world." Frette waved his hand and said, "Don't think that this one hundred years is really long, I want to teach it to you. Things are not that simple. In the second half of the Thunder Giant's cultivation method, the construction witchcraft, the law of thunder, the law of fire, and the law of the earth, you have to comprehend the law of life, the law of purification and the law of water properties left behind by the **** of the river. "

"You little girls can't be idle, especially the two of you. There are too many of you who are weak. In the end, they can only drag their feet. In this century, if you can't upgrade to the fourth stage, then stay here. Wait for them to come back to pick you up. After all, the most feared in the battle is not the god-level enemy, but the pig teammate." Frette's words left Caroline and Segores speechless for a while, are we really that bad?

Especially the lady of the sky, Segores, as a natural soul singer, she has always had her own pride. This kind of pride has never been given up whether in the continent of the gods or the wizard islands, but now she is actually pointed at. The nose said it was a weak person, dragging her legs back, which made her a little unacceptable.

Little Ville slowed down, somewhat understood Fret’s plan, and asked in a quiet voice, "You want me to clear the zodiac, it’s definitely not simply letting me enter the land of exile and take a look at the situation there. Or it’s as simple as looking for giants’ heritage, you, want me to completely control the seal of the zodiac and save you out?

Frey nodded and said: "The twelve big yin people are too terrible. If I have been under their hands, I don't even know how to die, so I must get rid of the seal and leave this ghost place as soon as possible. Leaving this ghost place, with my sixth-order strength and the identity of the master of the construction wizard, I can mix anywhere, Brother Wil, this time I really can only rely on you! Those twelve **** are all It's unreliable."

"Then do you know the way to completely control the Zodiac?" Ville asked carefully. In fact, he still likes the Zodiac very much. Regardless of the size of the space, strength, magic and rich rules are his favorites.

"It is very difficult to master the Zodiac thoroughly. Even if you practice the "Creation Code", it is almost impossible to swallow the Zodiac. Your strength is still a little too weak. The accumulation of the Zodiac for thousands of years In addition to your own background, you can't control it casually. One or two may be possible, but twelve, it is basically impossible without hundreds of thousands of years. Would you like to wait here for hundreds of thousands of years?"

Frette asked casually. In fact, it wasn't that Ville couldn't wait, but Frette felt a little crisis. The inexplicable sense of crisis told him that he must leave this place in the shortest time, otherwise it might happen that he is not Whatever I am willing to see threatens my life.

As a veteran Tier 6 powerhouse, Frette has participated in the Hell Demon counterattack. He knows that Tier 6 powerhouses are actually not a big deal, and there is a risk of falling. There is even more than one Tier 6 powerhouse who has fallen. Up.

Even if it was the twelve Tier 6 powerhouses who were originally sealed and exiled, half of them are no longer there. Those cell bosses are still like this, let alone the prisoner himself.

"It is impossible to control the twelfth house alone, but you control the first house separately, and then join forces with the giant Tier 5 master who was originally the guardian. If you work together, you can break the seal, and at the worst, you can open up the connection between the twelfth house and the outside world. "There was a sad expression on Frette's face: "Actually, I don't have much confidence in the place of exile, and there are still giants alive. The power of space is the source of the different space, and the power of the source is extracted, which will make the world. Trapped in the Age of Domination, the giants, as transcendent creatures, cannot survive in the Age of Domination."

"This is the most vicious calculation of the top twelve!"

Frette patted Ville’s shoulder and said, “Actually, you don’t need to be so pessimistic. As long as you have received my training, coupled with the artifacts and construction puppets I provided, the possibility of clearing the level is still very high, those giants. The clan members will definitely give you some face, after all, you are also a member of the giant clan."

"Moreover, the different spaces you need to control are not twelve, not even five, but three. In addition to the seven giants of Tier 5 masters, the place of exile has also cultivated a strong blood clan, which is actually controlled. There are already nine different spaces, you only need to control the other three different spaces and achieve fifth-order in the different spaces."

"Well, this doesn't seem to work. Someone must be able to adjust and direct the controller of the Zodiac to work together to break the This job, it seems that only you can do it." He patted Ville on the shoulder, showing a disgusting expression that Lao Tzu is optimistic about you.

"My purpose is only one, to clear the zodiac, and then get the giants heritage, to help you control the zodiac and get rid of the difficulty is a little bit big, and it is easy to offend the twelve strong." Xiaowei hesitated, and finally shook Shaking his head and saying, "Although we have a good friendship, but..."

"Artifact set, Tier 5 construction puppet, complete Thunder Giant cultivation method." Ferret said one by one the benefits he provided.

"Compared with your freedom, are these things really important? Moreover, the Thunder Giant cultivation method is actually not unique to you, right? Other giant gatekeepers in other palaces behind should also have them? As for the artifacts The suit and Tier 5 construction puppet, after promotion, as long as I have enough time, it is not a difficult task at all."

"What do you want?"

"The twelfth house!" A bright smile appeared on Xiaoweier's face: "Afterwards, I want the ownership of the twelve houses! All the twelve houses!"

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