The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1331: From the blessings of the gods

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"Child, don't blame the **** of war. He was not intentional. This mistake is not entirely his responsibility. When fighting the **** demon, he took the lead and has been cursed by the **** demon." The voice of the goddess of the earth is full. A feeling of warmth.

"My child, I have been watching you. You are doing well. The world is facing a crisis. Your growth is related to the safety of the world. For some reasons, we cannot give you more help for the time being, but the gift for you is early You are ready, and only waiting for the last moment to come, there will be a helping hand. Child, go forward bravely, you are far from reaching the peak, and your potential is far from being developed."

For the goddess of the earth, Ville is grateful. To be honest, his fake goddess has not made much contribution to them, but they have never given up on themselves.

For the ocean goddess, he helped the storm mermaid and thunder naga get rich, and provided believers for the ocean goddess, which made some contributions.

For the beast god, he developed the belief in the second status of the beast god, the **** of war, and promoted the belief of the **** of war in the human race, in exchange for the support of the beast god, including but not limited to the acquiescence of Baihuayin and Hamlin. and support.

But for the Elf Goddess, he has the blood of the Elves and has provided a lot of help for the Elves. Until now, the Land of Light is the richest place in the Elf Island, and it has provided a lot of help for the seniors of the Elves. At the same time, it also expanded the influence of the Elves in the entire Wizard Islands.

But for the goddess of the earth and the goddess of the night, what they have done is really not enough, far from enough, but they have been silently supporting themselves and giving themselves convenience everywhere. This is what Xiaowei is very touched, but somewhat puzzled. .

As for the emperor of humanity and the goddess of dawn.

Human Sovereign is the first apostle. He really helped himself a lot, but he took more merits from him. He had almost made his flaws twice and three times because of him.

The goddess of Dawn does not value herself, but Lilith. She gave Lilith to "Dawn of Thoughts" early, but she only saw her true face after she was promoted to the world. Compared to her, Lilith is real. The goddess of dawn.

"It's an honor for me to be your favorite!" Little Weier said from the heart.

The breath of the goddess of the earth became softer and warmer: "Child, go through the twelfth house and go to the place of exile. That place is already a land of death, no longer suitable for ordinary people to go, but you have a reason to go, where There are things that are very important to you, and you are complete only when you get that thing. Boy, we are waiting for you to come back! With a brand new attitude!"

Little Ville's heart moved slightly, "It's not that no one can pass the Zodiac. Is this that you have been waiting for us to appear?"

The voice of the goddess of the earth sounded, "Child, don't need to think too much. In fact, there are not many people who break through the twelfth house, but their abilities are not enough to pass. The twelfth house is not that simple. You can get Hailam's approval. , And getting his teaching is not accidental, just like the dwarf craftsman Fred, they value your giant bloodline."

"Having the blood of the giants and the gods at the same time, especially the gods of our twelve powerhouses, is the necessary condition to pass the level. It is not possible to have both. It is also OK to have the gods and super strength, but the twelve houses Only Tier 4 powerhouses are allowed to enter. What kind of Tier 4 powerhouse do you think can get the clearance certificate from Tier 6 Frette?" The words of the Goddess of the Earth silenced Little Weier.

"Child, you are indeed different. Tell you a message that is not secret. Failure to challenge the Zodiac does not mean that you immediately lose the right to challenge. The challenge to the Zodiac has the right to jump over three failures, but you can't challenge all of them. Success is impossible to enter the exile. Frette will not let people pass the level easily, but it will not harm the passer-by. The real danger is the giant warriors."

Little Weir nodded slightly and asked softly: "Is there an inevitable connection between the foundation of the Zodiac, the incomplete kingdom of God, and the attributes of the twelve powerful men? Why do I always feel..."

There is a hint of helplessness in the voice of the goddess of the earth, "Because of the boredom of a certain rascal, the choice of the godhead and the kingdom is random. If they want to be interchangeable with each other, but most people feel that it is fun and they did not do this. I control this The broken kingdom of God was traded from the hand of the goddess of the night, and it really fits my attribute of the earthly attribute of the kingdom of God, but the laws in this kingdom of God are only part of the earth's attributes, and the name is: Glacier!"

Little Ville:? ? ?

"The glacier goddess is not simply a goddess of earth attributes, but a goddess with dual attributes of earth, ice and snow. She was once the goddess of the ocean goddess, and later fell into the hands of the giants. Before she died, she sacrificed her godhead to the ocean goddess. He also severely injured the Frost Giant who sneaked on him. The Frost Giant who sits in the Cancer Space is one of the Frost Giants. She ranks in the top three of the seven giant gatekeepers. She is good at attacking. You have to be careful.” The Goddess of the Earth revealed appropriately. Gave him a little message.

"Can you know the information in Cancer Space?" Ville couldn't help but be very curious. To know the previous three levels, even if it is Gemini without a gatekeeper, the **** of war does not know the information inside.

The goddess of the earth smiled and said: "I know a little bit more or less, after all, I am an existing Tier 6 god, and I can still see some fuzzy scenes with the help of the gods. The Frost Giant warrior has good talent."

Can the goddess of the earth be called a talented frost giant? Little Will nodded slightly, "I see."

Goddess of the Earth: You know? What is the answer?

As if feeling the doubts of the goddess of the earth, Ville smiled and said: "The giants are a fighting race. Fighting is something that is integrated into their bones and souls. Even the immature Tier 5 giants that are spawned, the fighting factors in their bones It will not be less. There is only one way for them to want this picture, and that is to defeat them head-on!"

This is the conclusion that Ville came to after getting along with Hiram and Maloney for a period of time. Hiram was very utilitarian at the beginning. It was not until Ville and Lilith teamed up to defeat him. His approval.

Well, it was a preliminary recognition at that time. After all, Ville, Lilith, and others are only Tier 4, and their ability to jointly defeat Hailam who did not use tricks is commendable, but in the end when Ville challenged Hairam to remain undefeated day and night. After that, Hiram completely admitted them.

evildoer! This is Hiram's evaluation of Little Will, but he still has a hint of joy when he thinks of Little Will's bloodline of the Thunder Giant.

No matter where Ville's blood came from, it is an indisputable fact that he has the blood of a giant, and the giants value their blood very much.

Our blood is not available to outsiders. If you get our blood, you are our own, this is the giant race!

And the reason why Maloney obeyed Little Weier's words was because Little Weier had defeated him time and time again, and it could even be said that he had convinced him. For the strong, the giants were willing to bow their heads, or even surrender.

You must know that regardless of the goddess of the night, the goddess of the earth, or the goddess of the ocean, there are some giants under their hands that are not very powerful. These giants are no longer the world's overlords, but only the gods' thugs.

"I know your concerns. The enemy is very strong, and it is a frost giant with strong control and attacking abilities, but this is not the reason for us to retreat. I have a reason to fight, and a reason to defeat her alone! No! Any fancy, head-on reason to beat her head-on!" If you can, Xiao Weier also wants to pass the level easily, but for Xiao Luo, there are some things that he must do by himself.

If it’s the promise to Hiram that makes me work 50%, add 20% to Frette’s promise, and 10% to Maloney’s promise. , Then, to blame Li Luo, Xiao Weier can directly explode the seeds and put out a thousand percent of the effort.

The Oolong operation of the God of War directly ignited Ville's fighting spirit, even a little too fiery.

He can practice with Hiram for one year, and can accompany Fret to build and study for fifty can accompany Maloney to cultivate for ten years, but now he is not willing to delay even a minute, I want to complete the test of the twelfth house in one breath, then take control of the twelfth house and rescue the cute little Luo.

Little Weier never thought that he would encounter such a time, such a thing, the **** of war, the sixth-tier main **** would actually make a mid-to-low-level error because of the curse of the **** demon?

The God of War had already given himself a lot of compensation, but no amount of compensation could compare to the position of Guai Liluo in Xiao Weier's heart, but he couldn't cast a grievance on the God of War.

He is a Tier 6 Lord God, who fought **** demons for the world, and eventually even died on the battlefield. Facing such a hero, what can you do?

Bear it, but this grievance is always going to be vented, so Little Will aimed at the giant masters in the Zodiac.

The first goal, the Frost Giant of Cancer Palace!

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