The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1338: The humble Tier 5 blood family

"Child, divine tool, divine status, divine power, the choice of one of the three is not fixed, but the most basic reward, if you need it, you can take it all." The words of the goddess of the earth made Little Weier a black line.

The **** of war previously gave himself some compensation for the Oolong incident, which made Ville suspicious. After coming out of the different space in Cancer Palace this time, Ville directly asked for the treasure in Cancer Palace. The godhead of space naturally does not want to give up.

And the generosity of the goddess of the earth also made Little Weier look at him, and he actually gave it all to himself, as long as he can pass the level, he does not need to pay it back. If he fails to pass the level, then the treasures and gods in the different space of Cancer Palace need to be returned. , But the artifact and divine power can belong to him, it is not too generous.

"Your growth is my favorite thing to see. The artifacts, godheads, and powers are just foreign objects that are not worth mentioning." The more the goddess of the earth is like this, the sadder the little Weier. I don't dislike these foreign objects at all. Let these Let the foreign objects come more violently.

The goddess of the earth looked at Xiaoweier and couldn't help but get the approbation of the practice, "Your strength has improved very quickly. It seems that the Frost Giantess has not caused much hindrance to you, but has brought you a lot of benefits."

As the existing Tier 6 main god, the bloodline of the Frost Giant that suddenly appeared on Ville and the ice power that was not yet able to send and receive freely on his body, all revealed this matter, this kid seemed to have subdued the Cancer Gatekeeper.

The Goddess of the Earth did not explore the thoughts of Little Weier's personal privacy, and then threw the lower half of "The Thoughts of the Earth" to him, so that he had time to study and study, and his current strength was just right.

Without much communication, the goddess of the earth rushed him to the next level, the lion palace created by the goddess of the dark night, the attitude of the goddess of the night to Xiaowei is as good as ever, even more excessive than the goddess of the earth, and the goddess directly blessed the divine arts. What is it like?

Moreover, each person blesses three at a time. According to his statement, the rules are limited, only so many. The implication is that if there are no rules, he intends to give more.

As the sixth-order main god, especially the existing sixth-order main god, the goddess of the night can be willful within the scope of the rules, and other sixth-order masters can't say anything. Your own godly favored one can give you a little benefit. As for all, People all give benefits...

Goddess of the Dark Night: My lover's wife, lover, do you give too much benefit to it?

Xiaoweier: Don't talk nonsense, just know it by yourself, it will be very troublesome for me to tell it.

Regardless of whether the sixth-order powerhouses in the hub space will have opinions, Ville, Lilith, Lady Night, Caroline, and Segores have successfully reached the different space of the Lion Palace. This different space is compared with the previous ones. There is another difference. Deep forests of ancient trees can be seen everywhere. The most striking thing is not the huge lion palace, but a huge black castle.

"Welcome to my world, foreign trespassers, I am the master of this world, the great blood duke Mahaton Brad:" Amidst the sound of "crash," a cluster of bats descended from the sky and turned into form in a blink of an eye. A slender man in a black robe, dressed in luxurious clothes, pale, with a faint smile on his face, a few fangs are faintly visible when he speaks, but his movements are exceptionally elegant.

"Vampire?" Lilith had a playful smile on her face, but these three words irritated the blood man on the opposite side.

Almost instantly tore off the mask of hypocrisy, the **** man Mahaton Brad had an inexplicable blood-red gleam in his eyes, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The great giant is up here, look at what I found? A body A female slave with a dirty and bright attribute, you will be my best collection. Your blood is full of the stench of bright, but I don't mind turning you into my slave."

"Huh~, is this an arrangement of heaven!" Mahaton Brad showed an abnormal rosy face, and his figure was in front of Mrs. Night for a short time, his hands stretched out and his whole body trembled slightly: "This is definitely a wound. The masterpiece of the **** of the world, the beautiful lady, is the great **** of creation. Let us meet here, waiting for thousands of years for..."

"Bang!" With a loud bang, Mahathir Brad took a hard punch in the face, and the whole person flew upside down, fell heavily on the mountain and slid more than ten meters before stopping.

"Lao Tzu's woman, do you dare to move? Don't talk about it, even if you think about it!" Xiaowei's figure flickered in front of Mahaton Brad and stepped on it hard.

After all, Mahaton Brad is a Tier 5 master, and Weier’s actions are so straightforward and unconcealed, leaving him enough time to react. A lazy donkey rolls and avoids Weier’s kick, and the ground "booms" A small pit appeared with a sound, and the earth was trembling slightly in the dust.

This guy is definitely not easy! To be able to become a Tier 5 master, Mahaton Brad is no ordinary person. The giants are exiled, and it is not only the giants who have entered the exile. Most of their diehards and direct subordinates have moved to the exile with them. Ground.

The subordinate races were originally not taken seriously, but after the giants found that it was difficult for their members to advance to the fifth rank, they had to put their ideas on them, and finally succeeded in creating two fifth-rank masters, one of which was Mahadun. Brad, the fifth-order blood family.

After all, Mahaton Brad is just an acquired master created by the giants in a short time with quick success. His strength has been catalyzed again and again, and his potential has been exhausted. He can only be regarded as a bit of existence in Tier 5, although his level has been increased. Tier 5, but the background, accumulation, and other aspects have not kept up.

If Mahaton Brad can sink his heart to practice hard after entering the alien space of the Lion Palace, and make up for his own shortcomings, it may not be possible to increase his power. It is just that he has self-knowledge and has given up struggling from the beginning, except for eating every day. Just sleeping, and even spent a lot of time sleeping, resulting in not much improvement in strength for thousands of years.

He is a true and true half-skilled player who has just entered Tier 5, and his combat experience is also severely lacking. If the previous trespassers were few and not strong, he would naturally be able to overpower others. As long as it was slightly difficult to deal with, he would go straight. Scared back, and didn't fight with them at all.

The first step into Tier 5 is also Tier Brad can be shocked even if he can't beat him in the past, but this time he really encountered a hard bone, and it was still a hard bone that could break him. .

"Mystery Space, open!"

"Ice Field, open!"

"Frost Giant, Transform!"

Ville directly imprisoned the surrounding space, then expanded the Frost Domain, and then transformed into a Frost Giant. The bitter cold air instantly spread, and Mahathon Brad's blood magic suddenly lost its effect. He looked at the Frost Giant in front of him. , Mahathir Brad was crying without tears.

The blood race is a subsidiary race of the giant race, and he is born with a huge psychological weakness for the giant race, and among the few giant races that he least wants to face is the frost giant, and he has too much restraint on himself.

"Great giants, your servant Mahaton Brad salutes you!" Facing the giants, what should the blood members do?

Mahatton Brad, who was bullying and fearing hard and unscrupulous, knelt directly, but his surrender was not directly accepted by Will, "For three days, if you can sustain under my attack for three days, I will accept your surrender. ,otherwise..."

"Great giant, your humble servant dare not do anything to you." Mahaton Brad flew around in the form of a bat, but Ville quickly recovered his human form and fled trembling with cold.

"Oh, if you are too scared of my ice attribute, I can change one, Thunder Giant, transform!"

Mahaton Brad was hit by a thunderbolt, his hair was erected, his body trembled violently and he let out a long cheer in his mouth: "Ah~~~~"

"Sure enough, you are much more lively now, let's continue, there are seventy-one hours before three days!"

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