The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1356: I am the master of change

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After Ville projected his violent shadow stone in the form of a golden dragon, a silver dragon, and a black dragon, the dragon **** showed a depreciation, and then reluctantly counted him to pass the level, and rewarded him with a godhead, a divine weapon, and a divine power.

Yes, the Dragon God generously gave Weier, Lilith, and Shenglongjieluo many rewards, but he was a little embarrassed. After he was promoted to Tier 5, he must formally join the dragon clan and form his own on Dragon Island. Power, the power mainly based on the awakened dragon bloodline.

What the Dragon God wants him to do is not to be perfunctory, but to be a true force, just like what he once did on the Elf Island, and can only be stronger than that but not weaker than that.

Dragon God’s reason is very good: "Your kid was only Tier 3 when you formed a force on the Elf Island. I allow you to form a force on Dragon Island as Tier 5. If you still follow Tier 3, do you think it is appropriate?"

For the Dragon God's request, Xiao Wei could only pinch his nose to recognize it, and this request was actually not excessive, and it was even beneficial to himself.

Ville has the blood of the elves, dragons, and giants, but the giants are exiled, and the giants’ blood seems to be less appreciated by the world consciousness, and there are too few masters of the elves and their deterrence is insufficient. They themselves belong to the type of insufficient entry. of.

Therefore, it can really bring a lot of help to Xiaowei. It is the identity of the dragon family that acts as the backer. Even if the dragon family is relatively closed, the overall strength and influence are not small at all. You can easily pull out the double-digit fifth-order. Master, Ville's formation of forces on Dragon Island definitely has more advantages than disadvantages.

In other words, this is a win-win situation!

The reason why dragons are strong has a lot to do with their tolerance for dragon bloodline owners. Whether they are dragon bloodline awakeners or **** dragons, they are almost always willing to come, but after joining the group, they need to comply more or less. Some rules.

Bargaining and disputes lasted for a long time, and finally ended with Vil's compromise, but in the eyes of Lilith, Caroline, and Segoris, Vil had a suspicion of getting a good deal and selling well.

After getting Vermillion, the Dragon God once again pointed the finger at Lilith. This little guy's enchanting level is only lower than that of Vermillion, but her attributes are destined to be impossible to have too many like-minded people. The only sacred dragon is Her contract demon is still doting on the sky.

Lilith’s answer to the Dragon God’s wooing was very simple. She was Weier’s true fiancée. She married a chicken and a dog and a dog. She and Weier had already had three chapters. The harem did not take part in politics, and the Dragon God could not help but get a black line.

After an entanglement for a long time, it ended with the defeat of the Dragon God, but it was Lilith’s persistence that made the Dragon God amazed. You must know that not everyone can refuse the Dragon God’s wooing. Wasn’t it possible that Ville had not been able to stand it before. Has the temptation agreed?

Turning his head, the Dragon God used Lilith's will to taunt Xiao Weier firmly and severely, making Weier a black line.

"That, if the Dragon God crown is not satisfied, I can actually give up the benefits of Dragon Island, after all..." Xiaoweier's words made the Dragon God proudly snorted and said, "What about signing the contract, do you plan to break the contract? "

"As long as the two parties reach an agreement, the contract can be terminated."

"Hehe, do you think I will let go of potential stocks like you? There are not many things like spending small money to buy potential stocks. As a great dragon god, how could I give up such superior conditions? Your kid is still dead. Tiaoxin, prepare to work for me honestly after returning to the Wizard Islands."

"Little guy, Tier 5 is a hurdle, and it's difficult for many people. They have paid a lot to get through this hurdle, but there are very few people who can succeed in the end. For a monster like you, you can break through Tier 5. It may not be difficult, but you need to think carefully about how the road to the fifth level needs to be taken." The Dragon God told Xiaowei very seriously that the method of entering the fifth level is very important and determines how the road will go in the future.

For this choice, Ville had considered it a long time ago, "I have carefully studied these three paths: the way of wizards, the way of blood, and belief in gods. I was the first to eliminate belief in gods. My background is too shallow. I also got together and didn't confirm my title and **** position. It's not realistic to start from the beginning."

"The way of bloodline is not difficult for me. Whether it is dragon bloodline or giant bloodline, it is easy to break through to the fifth rank. After all, I have more than one sixth-rank bloodline on my back. With the special skills I practiced. Method, temporarily suppressing and shielding the influence of other bloodlines, it shouldn't be difficult to break through the shackles based on one kind of bloodline." Xiaoweier's words caused a cold snort of disdain from the Dragon God.

"Boy, you are still too young. "Human Bloodline Evolution Secret Art" is indeed very powerful, and the human race's physique is indeed very magical. But the more bloodlines you merge, the greater the obstacle to breaking through and promotion. If you just merge A Tier 6 bloodline may easily advance to Tier 5 as you said, after all, this is not originally the end of your bloodline."

"However, you have too many Tier 5 and Tier 6 bloodlines in your body. When you break through and advance, these bloodlines will interfere with each other very strongly. After all, Tier 4 breakthrough to Tier 5 is a qualitative leap, and all bloodlines will be born. Longing, wanting to compete for this opportunity to advance, if your realm cannot completely suppress these bloodlines, your breakthrough is very likely to fail."

Little Ville was taken aback for a moment, then slightly nodded and said, "This seems to make sense, but my realm should be enough, after all..."

After all, after the training of the giants of the earth, the master of construction, and the giantess on ice, Little Weier's realm of strength is no longer under that of the average Tier 5 master, and he has a lot of control over his high-end bloodlines, but his realm It is only the fifth order, and there are still some shortcomings in order to completely control those sixth order bloodlines.

"But I didn't intend to take the bloodline originally. After all, my bloodline is a bit complicated. It is not weak to choose any one at random, but it hurts to abandon one at random." Ville's words made Lilith laugh out loud, while Dragon God He snorted uncomfortably, as if he was very unhappy with the blood of the giant in his body.

"My path is still the way of wizards. After continuous improvement and training, my land, ocean, shadow, storm, thunder, flame, ice, space, and light attribute laws have all reached a critical point. As long as conditions allow to break through and advance. It's not a problem at all." Little Will is very confident about this.

"And what I have to do is to upgrade all attributes to rank 5 at one time and become a rank 5 wizard with all attributes!"

Dragon God sneered coldly: "Your boy's opportunity is indeed rare in thousands of years. All-attribute Tier 5 masters are indeed very powerful, but this will seriously waste the blood in your body. You can do both. ."

"Wish to hear the details!" Xiaowei's spirit lifted slightly, showing an expression of listening carefully.

"Give Yamei the identity of a flat I will give you a full set of "The Book of Change"." The Dragon God's words stunned Weier slightly, but Lilith directly decided: "Deal!"

Xiaowei heard the words with a black line, looked at Lilith, and silently condemned the lady of the palace who had been gathering members of the harem for herself.

Lilith rolled her eyes and silently condemned Little Will's act of selling well after getting a bargain. For whom do you think Grandma I did this? The identity of a flat wife doesn't bring much change to Yamei, and that little silly girl can balance herself with one hand.

Yami's methods are far worse than Liya, and he can easily suppress Orchid Liya. Are you afraid of that little silly girl Yami? Even if her grandfather is the fifth-order black dragon Professor Witzel, she is also a fifth-order master immediately, and it is not necessarily true who is more powerful by that time.

"The Book of Change? You don't want to tell me that you are the Lord of Change, right?" Little Weier suddenly panicked.

The Dragon God replied very naturally: "Yes, I am the Lord of Change. Didn’t you find that there are many Yalong Transfiguration Wizards in the School of Change Wizard? They are all the Houtian Dragon Seeds that I have spread out, but It hasn't grown up yet."

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