The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1362: A painful journey of challenge

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After Lilith's enlightenment, Ville regrouped and embarked on his arduous journey of challenge.

The giant of the earth, Verobi Earl’s strength is really strong, the fifth-tier strength is not compromised, and in the face of the challenge of Xiaowei, he always makes his best shots. Although he will not make a dead hand, he will definitely not. When the water was released, Ville would often be beaten half-dead before he was willing to stop.

Moreover, surrender is invalid.

According to Willoughby Earle, it is your freedom to challenge when it is time to challenge, and I have the final say when to stop fighting.

Verobi Earle’s combat experience is not particularly rich, but he has his own set of fighting methods. A mountain is immobile and forms a shadow of a large mountain to protect himself, and then all kinds of big moves are used to overwhelm others. , Severely suppressed Little Will.

The laws of the fifth-order powerhouse are far from comparable to those of the fourth-order powerhouse. Ville has tried to use the ground against the ground, and he does not need to be able to defeat Verobi Earle, as long as he can find out in the collision between the laws. Her height was fine, but she was torn down by Willoughby Earle.

The same law of the earth, the gap between the fifth and the fourth is really big. Little Will was crushed as soon as he came up, and he didn't even have the power to parry. He could only be described as defeat, and finally had to use the law of space. The power to escape.

However, the fourth-order space law, when faced with the fifth-order strong, even if it is not the fifth-order strong with spatial attributes, it will be restricted and restricted to a certain extent. Willoughby Earle has an orderly arrangement every time. On the battlefield, bit by bit, the surrounding environment becomes his home field.

When Velobi Earle's earth attributes soak the surrounding space, the power of space will also be disturbed, and the final result is only one: miserable defeat!

Ville’s second challenge lasted for an hour. After Verobi Earle had completed his infiltration on the battlefield, he was seriously injured and defeated. Even if he used a Tier 5 puppet, it was of no avail. In the end, he was almost torn by Verobi Earle. Break the fifth-order puppet.

After each battle, Ville would sit with Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith to discuss the gains and losses in the battle and what could be improved while he was recovering from his injuries.

Apart from the battle, Weier is constantly cultivating new things and working hard to improve his strength. Although knowing that there can be no qualitative improvement after the peak of Tier 4 and before Tier 5, every point of improvement is very important for Weier. Pivotal.

Ville was at an overwhelming disadvantage in terms of the earth attribute, and then turned to the flame attribute. With the help of the semi-artifact longbow, he used the long-range attack method to proactively attack. This time, Ville persisted for more than three hours, and finally was unable to defeat Verobi Earle. Torn the defense, after she pulled the battlefield to a large extent, she used her space ability to escape and ended the battle.

This was one of the few battles where Little Weil was uninjured, but the way the battle ended was a bit disgraceful, which indirectly led to the next few battles, where Little Weil was beaten badly.

After the flame attribute, Xiaowei tried the ice attribute, thunder attribute, storm attribute, light attribute, shadow attribute, and even the construction witchcraft frequently. The final result has not changed at all, without exception. Fiasco!

The only difference is the length of time you persisted and the severity of your injury.

When one attribute could not win, Ville had to consider the combination of multiple attributes. Fire and ice alternated in turns. Although to some extent the influence of Willoughby Earl’s earth attributes was prevented, it was impossible at all. Stopping her from moving forward, she was finally torn apart by the impatient Verobi Earle with several big moves.

The combination of storm and thunder made Vil condescending to face Verobi Earle. It was a fierce bombardment. High-speed movement and domain expansion initially occupied a certain degree of advantage, but in the end, it was unable to prevent the expansion of the earth's attributes. In the later stage, he was completely defeated.

The combination of light and shadow made Ville mysterious and unpredictable. At the same time he appeared and disappeared, it also inspired the attribute of time. Even at the beginning of the battle, he repeatedly threatened Verobi Earl and made Verobi a few times. Earle had to increase his defenses. This battle lasted for three days and three nights. In the end, Willoughby Earle seized the opportunity and severely suppressed Ville.

However, the combination of light and shadow did not bring any essential improvement to Vero. It was just that the fighting skills became more mysterious and unpredictable, and the burden of consumption on Vero was also very huge, which led to his final omission by Vero. B. Earle seized the opportunity and suppressed it severely.

Ville was defeated again and again, and he recovered again and again to challenge again. One year has passed, two years have passed, and three years have passed. Ville has challenged Willoughby Earle for ten years. The last time he even integrated time and space capabilities, he was still defeated.

In the past ten years, Ville has not stopped testing the barrier of the Palace of Pisces. Every time his strength increases, he will try with Lilith, Caroline, and Segores, but he has failed again and again.

In the past ten years, Little Ville's strength has improved significantly. There has been a lot of fusion between different laws of the same attribute. The power is not comparable to a single law, but the more powerful is the fusion of laws between different attributes.

It's just that the fusion of different attribute laws is too dangerous. Vil almost killed himself several times. If it weren't for the assistance of the apostle elf and Lilith assisted him, Vil estimated that he would not live now.

The power of the apostle elf Xiaowei can make Weier extremely surprised. Her independent innovation ability is not worth mentioning, or even almost none, but as long as you put forward the topic and give the method, her analysis efficiency is much higher than that of Weier himself. . Moreover, the accuracy of the results of the analysis remains high, even for high-end topics such as law fusion and disassembly, and even some opinions and suggestions can be given in conjunction with the actual situation of Xiaowei.

Well, more often, it is to put forward some precautions, so as not to play with Xiaowei to death, the law integration is not so easy.

It’s just that some things can only be unspeakable. After the apostle Elf Xiaowei gave the answer, it was Xiaowei who tried to execute it. If it were not for the snowwood world as a support, Xiaowei would not dare to do these common senses, and the laws would merge. The benefits brought to the world of Snowwood are even greater, and Ville has a deeper understanding of the "Creation Code".

In ten years, all the attributes of Xiaowei have been greatly improved, and even the improvement of each attribute has reached or even crossed the critical line. It is only because of the restrictions of the barriers that he cannot break through, but these efforts have not It was not in vain, but turned into a foundation to continuously consolidate his foundation.

The apostle elf told Little Weier that Tier 4 is very important. The more you accumulate at Tier 4, the greater the improvement you will get when you advance to Tier 5. It will be very difficult to improve again after you reach Tier 5.

When you are promoted to Tier 5, many things will undergo a solidification process. This process is an increase in strength, but it is also a disguised imprisonment. The strength improvement after Tier 5 is the slow accumulation of long waters, unless there is a big impact. It's hard to reach the sky if you want to leap in strength.

In Tier 4, because the law is not solidified, the understanding of the law is relatively simple, um, it is only simpler, this is still a super difficult thing, otherwise there are not so few Tier 4 masters.

With the sound of "Rumble~", the earth cracked and a huge fist slammed down, but a dark space door suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Weier. The huge rock fist passed through the space door and hit Pisces fiercely. On the barrier outside the palace.

"It's now!" The long-planned plan of Ville has finally reached the critical moment. The whole person instantly walks through the space channel along the huge rock arm, and the Tier 5 battle armor on his body retreats, and the whole person is lightly loaded and turned into a streamer to Pisces. Gong rushed over.

The first barrier was broken by Veloby Earle’s demo The second barrier trembled violently and made an overwhelmed sound. Ville became the last straw that crushed the camel. The second-layer barrier was shattered, and he himself rushed in like lightning. The broken barrier fragments cut through his body, and a little bit of blood was spilled.

Willoughby Earle's face changed drastically in an instant, "No! This fool..."

Ville has already left the battlefield. Verobi Earle tore his hands and grabbed the edge of the space channel and severely tore it apart. She rushed in quickly, but she was still a step slower, and Ville seemed to have been played with a broken cloth. The whole body of the doll flew out, with blood pouring along the way, her body in tatters was almost invisible.

"Guardian of the earth, set!"

"Earth barrier, stop!"

A blade-like force of the earth stopped three inches in front of Little Will’s neck, and stopped destroying him. The strong impact of the barrier slammed him out, and landed on the ground with a "bang". A puddle of bright red appeared in an instant.

"Vill~" Lilith, who had been waiting outside to respond, rushed up for the first time. The magic and the water of life took turns. An emerald green tentacled quietly appeared and plunged into his body, and the powerful vitality quickly passed into his body.

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