The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1388: Crazy Thunder Giant

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How long is this channel?

The latter said how long does it take for this passage to pass?

The thunder and lightning are continuous, and they are getting stronger and stronger. There is a trace of other power in the thunder and lightning, which has "benefited a lot." Even more, this kind of reinforcement was something he couldn't imagine before, and time...

one day? Two days? Three days?

No, Little Ville fell in this passage for seven days and nights. Only then did he land on the ground with a "boom!", tumbled and fell into a pool, and then the whole person jumped out of the water.

This TM is actually a thunder pond. There is water in it, obviously the liquid of thunder and lightning!

Suddenly a big hand was caught on Little Will's head, accompanied by a loud shout: "Go back!"

Lilith, Caroline, and Segores fell on the ground lightly, and Ville was held by a tall figure and pressed his head into the thunder pond. The lightning flashed and thunderous, and Ville’s long hair was no longer tall and straight. Rising up, but dancing frantically, electric snakes danced on his body, muscles and bones screamed, the whole person screamed and screamed again and again.

This is an elderly Thunder giant with a height of more than twenty feet. The powerful aura on his body makes Lilith, Caroline, and Segores afraid to move. This is definitely not an ordinary Tier 5 master.

I saw him suppress Little Ville with one hand, pressing him in the thunder pond, his eyes gleaming with excitement, the corners of his mouth slightly cracked, and he muttered to himself: "Good boy, such a pure Thunder giant bloodline has not been seen for many years. Now, there is such strength without the baptism of Lei Chi, the fourth-order peak has already touched the fifth-order threshold, hehe, another super genius."

"Yes, yes, the revitalization of the Thunder Giant is hopeful, hahahaha!" The old man of Thunder Habitat laughed loudly, his messy beard trembling violently, and he hadn't taken care of him for a long time, as if the strange snakes were slightly hideous.

Lilith and others ignored Ville’s painful struggle. After confirming that the old man was not malicious, they turned their eyes to the surrounding environment. This is a huge pond. The passage when it came has disappeared, or it is a one-way passage. You can't see the opposite here at all.

There is pitch black in the sky. Even with the eyesight of their three Tier 4 pinnacles, the darkness here can’t be penetrated. It’s only vaguely felt that there is great danger lurking in the darkness. This is a basin with high surroundings. The cliffs towered into the clouds, surrounded by purple stones, and the stones were shining with a faint light of thunder.

"Thunderstone." The simple two words can't describe the value of these things. Any one of this thing is more valuable than the top-grade magic stone. It is a good treasure that is hard to find in the outside world, but here it is. It can be seen everywhere, densely paved.

Caroline and Segores are not ignorant people, their eyes lighted up, Lilith couldn't help but shook her head and said: "You are all the existence of the fourth-tier pinnacle. Seeing the fifth-tier is hopeful, it is not that the poor have no treasures on them. There are as many as three or five semi-sacred artifacts given by Weir. Although these thunderstones are precious, are they comparable to those semi-sacred artifacts? And these thunderstones are all owned by them. The master is right in front of you, so don't mess around."

"Well, as long as you don't move large pieces and change the terrain at will, picking up some leftovers shouldn't be a big problem." Lilith also knows the preciousness of these thunderstones. The entire valley is a giant thunderstone vein, and the core is this. Seat thunder pond.

It's just that Lilith looked around, but didn't find any other Thunder Giants besides this old man, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Lilith, do you think this place is a little depressing, and the sky is gloomy and a little scary." Segores is a fearless and fearless female man (strong woman), but at the moment she looks at the sky in a daze, with a slight expression on her face. Somewhat weird.

Here Lilith is asking about Segores’s feelings. There, Ville has been stripped naked, and there is a bad old man kneading on her body. “The bones are both strong, but they lack a little bit of vitality and toughness. , But that’s okay, Thunder Pool is a treasure of the Thunder Giant’s heritage, capable of awakening talent to activate bloodlines, not enough, not enough, not enough! More, more, more! Thunderstone, Thunderstone, Hahahaha, so many Thunderstones!"

"The thunder pattern on the bones is clearly level five, why hasn't the strength been broken? Is it because the bloodline is not strong enough? No, right? These thunder pattern levels are enough, but the strength is a little bit worse. Look at the strength in your body and you have practiced " "Thor Code", hehe, this thing is incomplete, your kid must be a fool who has been calculated. Let me help you fix it!"

"Yeah, your bloodline is a little bit different from mine, but it's very similar to the other one. The original Thunder origin that you have retained before can be cheaper for you. This is the sixth-order peak bloodline, kid, take it well."

"Ahahahaha, it's done! It's done! Well, thunderline, thunderline, taking advantage of the fusion of the bloodline to activate, it is a good time to modify the thunderline, hey~, the thunderline has actually been repaired automatically, hehe, just the real "Thor Code" is taught to you, you are ready!"

"It's strange that such a powerful force has not been able to form a thunder core, or just transplant you a Tier 6 thunder core? Well, so you can't break through the Tier 7 Thunder Giant, but Tier 6 is also enough. No matter what rank 7 or something, no one has ever succeeded anyway. In other words, what does a rank 7 thunder giant look like?"

"Ah~~~, perfect, worthy of the latest Thunder Giant I collected and built, Tier VI Thunder Core, Tier VI Thunder Pattern, Tier VI Thunder Bloodline, it’s a pity that the strength level is a little bit worse, and the bones are only Tier 5, so forget it. The multi-bubble mine pool should be gradually improved. How can the strength be so much worse, the fourth-order peak is not strong at all. Is it because the training time is too short and the strength is insufficient?"

"Hehehehe, if the power is insufficient, then give you more power, the power of the thunder of the sixth-order thunder giant, let me in!"

"Ah~~~" This time the screaming became Little Will. Originally, he was fiddled with by this crazy old giant. Little Will has been pretending to be dead and waiting for him to have enough to leave. As a result, this **** actually disliked that he was not strong enough. , Forcibly infused himself with a lot of strength, Xiaowei hurriedly transferred the power that rushed into his body into the world of snow wood, but there was still a large amount of power of the thunder giant accumulated in the body, and the powerful force teared his body to death. , But it continues to strengthen in a little bit of recovery.

The destructive power in the thunder pond brought powerful repairing power, so that Xiao Weier's body was sore, as if thousands of ants were tearing and gnawing in the body.

To suffer, to suffer, Weier’s strength has already reached the fourth-tier peak, all attributes are, but he maintains a relative balance, coupled with his own deliberate restraint, the world law constraints did not advance, and after coming to this place , The law of the world no longer restricts the improvement of strength, at least there are no restrictions on the fourth-tier advancement to the fifth-tier.

And this old giant pushed him into the thunder pond for the baptism of the thunder giant, strengthened the sixth-order bloodline, and also helped perfect the "Thunder Code", engraved the thunder pattern on the bones, and finally helped him with his own original power. Promote.

Although it is an act of uprooting the seedlings, but if they have enough strength, they can really lift you up, even very high.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Ville's body balance was finally inevitably broken. The Thunder Giant's bloodline crazily absorbed the power of the thunder pond, transformed into vitality and poured into his body, the old giant's insight into his mind. Constantly emerging, subtle chemical reactions have taken place with the current state, the body is evolving instinctively, and the lightning marks on the bones are also quietly perfecting and growing naturally.

The barrier of the Tier 4 pinnacle shattered in an instant, and Weier's strength suddenly increased. He charged forward unstoppably, his body grew a little bit bigger, the huge thunder magic power swarmed like a whirlpool, and his body was nourished by the thunder pond. Pull up.

The old giant couldn't help laughing, dancing and dancing, looking at Little Will, as if looking at a perfect artwork.

The entire valley was trembling slightly, the thunder water in the thunder pond was boiling, and the blood-red light turned up from the bottom of the A faint cry came into the ears, but at this moment the pain was unhappy, painful And the happy little Weir did not have the energy to analyze the weak branches of the information torrent.

The old giant looked crazy, and his idiotic applause resounded like thunder, making Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith have to retreat and stay far away.

Just at this moment, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky on the top of the mountain, making a muffled sound, and the surrounding area was bright, the old giant’s laughter stopped abruptly, and the powerful momentum broke out in an instant, and the double pressure stared at the sky dullly. Muttered to himself: "The time is up, I want to find a way to leave, Lamod, your kingdom of God, Lao Tzu is about to fix it!"

The old giant's figure turned, his feet suddenly exerted force, the whole person rushed out hundreds of feet in an instant, jumped up and down the cliff, bounced and disappeared.

Losing the suppression of the old giant, Ville suddenly rushed out of the thunder pond. A flash of lightning in the sky struck him by coincidence, forcibly knocked him back into the thunder pond, and plunged into the depths of the thunder pond. .

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