The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1394: Redemption of the Thunder Giant King

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Watching the Thunder Giant King leave the Styx and walk on the opposite bank, watching the Thunder Giant King go away, they can only slowly move forward on the Styx. Ville and Lilith are not particularly urgent, he Always come back.

For thousands of years, the Thunder Giant King has never entered the Kingdom of Death alone in his heyday. Now he is unconscious and has suffered repeated traumas. It is even more impossible to accomplish such a feat. As long as he and others can drag him in Here, he will die without killing him.

As for coaxing or discussing things like that, Ville dare not do this. For Tier 6 masters, especially Tier 6 Giant Kings who are already crazy, you can shoot yourself to death if you are not careful, even if you are not afraid, in case he goes crazy. Here, I gave Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith a hand, and I couldn't find a place to cry when I wanted to.

Ville is not afraid of him being strong, not afraid of him being difficult, just afraid that he can't communicate, powerful power is not terrible, and powerful power that is out of control is terrible, and the entire giant clan is out of control in Ville's eyes, otherwise how could they be so. Like to die?

Time and time again, I broke myself and the world collapsed.

So for the giants, especially the high-level giants, Ville has no good feelings. If it weren't for them, the world would be very beautiful.

The speed of the Thunder Giant King is still unhurried, but he advances very steadily. The place of death is not completely dark, and it is not empty on it. The corpses are lying there, most of which are Thunder Giants, except for this. There are also the corpses of other creatures.

The Stygian ferry made its way forward leisurely, and finally landed with a "bang". Ville, Lilith, Caroline, and Segores landed on the shore, and a powerful breath of death hit them instantly. Stiff all over.

Little Ville immediately transformed into a Thunder Giant, and the light under his feet flickered, and the Death Boots appeared on his feet, and then hurriedly placed the three of them in his palms, and the breath of death miraculously did not continue to corrode.

Lilith looked at the ground with a slightly weird expression on her face, "You said, if we dig up the soil, can we use it to build a line of defense against **** demons?"

Little Ville couldn't help but a black line when he heard this, "Dear Lilith, I'm very pleased that you are thinking about the safety of the world, but let's forget this naive idea. If you can, it's impossible for Reaper to use it. And, What do you think we should carry them?"

Lilith thought for a moment, and tried to collect the dirt. A delicate storage bag was directly corroded and shattered, her face could not help showing a look of horror. As soon as the results of the advanced appraisal eye came out, Lilith was speechless. Eroding space, a small amount can still be controlled in front of you, and a large amount can directly create the end of the world, even the average small world cannot carry too much.

The most important thing is that, except for the underworld, the general world can't restrain their spread at all. This thing is more powerful than the plague.

Lilith's brain turned faster, and she nodded gently and said: "Next time the **** demons invade, we will find a way to connect this space channel to the gate of hell, so that those **** demons will also come and break into this Tier 6 thunder giant. Wang can't break through the level, and it is good to make this place a gateway to our world."

Ville gave a thumbs up and admired and said: "Lilith, you are so smart! Admire, admire!" While saying that he did not stop, and Ville sadly discovered that he could not run with his Tier 5 strength. I can walk slowly. Fortunately, I am now a Thunder Giant, with relatively large steps. Otherwise, it would be miserable to walk at the human pace.

The rich breath of death on the earth cannot be passed into the body through contact, but the breath of death in the air is not non-existent. The contact with this thing does not mean that the air does not spread, but the amount is very small. Said it can be ignored.

Little Ville leaned over and reached out to pick up the corpse of a Thunder Giant on the ground. After all, it’s not good for this thing to fall in this place. It’s easy to enter the Snowwood World. The voice of the tree of life young seedling came in his mind, begging him not to take this Harmful substances are sent into the world, and if the death gas inside is not dealt with in time, it will cause her harm.

Then he threw the corpse of the Thunder Giant to the tree of death, and told Little Vil that it would take at least two hours for such a corpse to be purified to a harmless degree. There should be no other things like this during this period. To interfere.

"Can you help me deal with it faster?" For the first time, Ville saw the death breath that the tree of death would not be able to gnaw down for a while. The underworld is indeed the underworld, and the energy level is not generally high.

The tree of life seedling left and refused, saying that she didn't eat everything. This kind of severely polluted and sad thing would eat her stomach. Until the tree of death was completely purified, she refused to touch this kind of thing.

The roots of the tree of death spread on the surface of Little Vir’s body, the wisps of death air were swept away by it, and the slight erosion and damage in the air was also put out, so that little Vir could go forward boldly with confidence, but these thunder giants’ The corpse, but could only watch and couldn't move.

Ville’s armor was slightly deformed, and three seats appeared on his shoulders. Lilith sat in the place closest to him and said softly, “As long as the passage is always there, we can take it slowly. The number of Thunder Giants is limited. , And we have enough time."

Little Ville reluctantly said: "This is only a Tier 4 thunder giant. If it is a Tier 5 corpse, there will only be more death air, and we can't handle it. Moreover, our time is not as abundant as we imagined, we must know. After entering the land of exile, our time flow is the same as the outside world, not a hundred times the flow in the twelve house."

Lilith, Caroline, and Segorith were relatively speechless. They entered the trial space of the Zodiac through the ancient gods cemetery. As the most special existence in the abyss battlefield, they did not want to enter. Come in, you can stay as long as you want.

There are no rules and no radius. Even if the things that Ville and Lilith are doing are very meaningful, they still can’t have unlimited overdraft time. The reason why they want to bring the exile back is more to give the abyss battlefield, the light sanctuary. An explanation, even if the forces in the ancient gods' cemetery were bought by Ville's demi-artifacts, they could not let other sanctuary gossip.

Not conducive to unity!

Even if Xiao Weier is already a Tier 5 master at the moment, he still needs to consider the rules of the entire abyss battlefield. One person can't fight the entire **** army, let alone Tier 5, Tier 6 masters can't do it.

Moving forward step by step, Ville suddenly found that the shadow of the Thunder Giant King in front of him gradually became clear, and his speed was slowing down.

Ville's eyes narrowed slightly, "This distance?"

Lilith, Caroline, and Segores are all Tier 4 pinnacle powerhouses. They are very sensitive to distance and space. They can easily calculate how much the Thunder Giant King has walked, how far it has advanced, and how far is it from the center area. How far is it, but because of this, they are very surprised.

The Thunder Giant King actually finished half of the road, which is a bit abnormal.

The Thunder Giant King, who has no shoes of death, bears all the erosion of death, but never stops moving forward step by step. His speed is limited by the rules and he can't get up quickly, but he always maintains his full strength. But now, his injuries are erupting. The huge body that had been riddled with holes slowly became a burden, slowing his speed a little bit.

"Why don't you stop?" Lilith gently asked her inner doubts.

"Why don't you look back?"

Segorith said softly: "I suddenly thought of something. The reason why Styx is on the periphery is not just to prevent outsiders from entering, right? Limiting the outflow of death air and purifying and washing death is also a very key reason. "

"Do you want to use the water of the Styx to clear the corpses of those thunder giants?" Ville turned his mind and understood Segorith's thoughts.

Segorith rolled a big eye: "The water of the Styx is not sinking, and it also has a strong corrosion to the dead. If you dare to throw these thunder giant corpses in, it will dare to leave you with a pool of corpses. Water. What I want to say is that if the Thunder Giant King turns around at this time, as long as he persists to the Styx, he can cleanse most of the breath of death. Why doesn't he turn his head?"

"He should know that the erosion he suffered without the death boots is fatal. If it is not cleared in time, the consequences will be disastrous. Even if it is a Tier 6 powerhouse, it is not impossible to fall here. What on earth does he want to do? Even if it is a fluke. When you reach the end and enter the kingdom of death, can you purify the death air in your body? He..."

Segorith's voice stopped abruptly, and several people thought of one thing at the same time. The Thunder Giant King made many mistakes, and his biggest mistake was to beware of the death **** Lamod planting the tree of death in the tree of death. In the passage, you must know that the tree of death is the key to crossing the Styx, and it can even help them get through the land of death to a certain extent.

"He wants to get back the tree of death, even at the expense of his own life!" Lilith's voice trembled slightly, and all the mysteries were solved.

"Perhaps I killed him." Ville also wanted to understand, his appearance caused the biggest obsession in the heart of the Thunder Giant King, who had been alone for thousands of years, to explode, even if his memory was eroded and washed away by the water of the Styx. But the obsession has been strengthened time and time again, becoming more profound.

He has always wanted to make up for his mistakes in the past, but he also knows that the Thunder Giant Race, which is left alone, cannot be destroyed. He must live, otherwise he will become the last king of Thunder Giant. This is definitely not what he wants. .

Until Xiao Weier appeared, he saw a way to get rid of a sin, even if it was just a way of self-deception, it was enough for him to fight with his life. This was his salvation, the salvation of the last Thunder Giant King.

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