The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1397: Boy, be my son

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Crossing the Styx and returning to the space of the Thunder Giant's secret realm, Ville and the Thunder Giant King appear to be extremely lively, but the various facilities of the Giants are degraded by Ville to be worthless, but all the facilities are played. Once again, all kinds of permissions are naturally obtained.

Next to the Lei Pond, Ville was gnawing on fleshy bones and drinking wine, and suddenly he said, "I'm leaving."

The Thunder Giant King waved his hand and said, "It's easy to leave or not!"

"Ten thousand years, my soul power has been consumed too much, even if I want to transform undead creatures, it is impossible. Soul flying is the final result. I am very satisfied to be able to come back here and dissipate here." Jerome In Little Ville's voice, he said, "Give the authority to this kid and give himself to him, and he will take the giants out of the predicament."

"Is this kid really as good as you said?" The Thunder Giant King squinted at him. After some tossing, his power gradually returned. The life force accumulated in his body was not consumed in a short time. Back After the mystery, the power of thunder has been greatly supplemented, and now he is a Tier 6 powerhouse again, so naturally he will no longer be tossed by this bastard, and now he can suppress him with one hand.

For a sixth-order powerhouse, one hand is enough to suppress a fifth-order family, not to mention that this **** can't use his full strength either, and his body is not entirely his.

"Do you think that people who have both the tree of life and the tree of death are not worthy of your trust?" Jerome clicked to the end, stretched his waist and said, "Sure enough, there is still a good body, but it's a pity that you can't see the Thunder Giant. A glorious day."

"You can actually..."

The words of the Thunder Giant King were interrupted by Jerome, with a smile on his face and said: "It is enough. I have been waiting for the day when I can communicate with him directly, but I am afraid that the time is too short to bring to the people. There was too little help until I met you, and I transferred this responsibility to you, just as I retired from the fight for the position of patriarch and was at ease."

"Baldrick, that's a picker. You need to do all the hard work, but I do the main thing. Hahahaha, you will be like this for the rest of your life. I will take the initiative to work hard for the rest of my life. Isn't it good to be an easy dead ghost?" Jerome said softly, "It's not that this kid doesn't allow me, but that this time I come out, I'm destined to dissipate, and the soul power consumption is too great."

"The stronger this kid is, the bigger my soul trumpet is, but this kid is too weak, and it doesn't make much sense for me to come out. It's really a trouble of happiness. Balderick, wholeheartedly take refuge in him, Help him wholeheartedly, the giants will have a bright future, don't think about the length of a while, the future will truly belong to the giants. Remember!" Jerome said, slowly closing his eyes.

The Thunder Giant King couldn't help but burst into tears, silently stuffing the barbecue into his mouth, chewing hard, as if the only way to relieve the distress in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to grab the wine by his side, but was snatched away by a big hand like lightning. , Jerome opened his eyes and smiled and said: "I suddenly feel a little unwilling to leave like this. I decided to get rid of all the fine wines here before leaving, so that you won't make trouble with drinking in the future."

"Bang!" The Thunder Giant King hit his forehead with a punch, and turned around to wipe away the tears on his face. This **** was not for the sake of alcohol at all, he just wanted to see himself embarrassed.

A pair of solid arms hugged himself from behind, and the Thunder Giant King heard a familiar voice from behind: "Baldrick, sorry, this is the last time. The future of Thunder Giant is given to you. We will do it again in the next life. Brother, I will pay you back."

Jerome's voice became lower and lower, and finally he fell softly to the ground. The Thunder Giant King hurriedly turned and hugged him, but found that he had fallen into a coma, making a slight but long breathing, and he was actually asleep. Up.

The tears that had just dried out of the Thunder Giant King came out again. He knew that his old friend was not simply asleep. This was his farewell before the last peace and goodbye to the owner of this body.

In the soul space, Xiao Weier looked at the figure about the same size in front of him, with a weird expression on his face: "You don't look as fierce as you used to be."

Jerome shrugged and said with a smile: "If you are not a bit fierce, how to protect the blood of the giants, but your braver is really not that big. If you are a mere second-tier strength, you dare to covet the blood of a fifth-tier Thunder giant. Show compassion, you have long been a pile of coke."

"Are you sure you didn't see the fascination with me, so you flinched in fright?" Weier curled his lips in disdain, and the two laughed at the same time.

Jerome laughed and looked at Weil deeply and said: "Giving my blood and bones to you is the most correct choice I have made in my life. Boy, since I have inherited everything, then I must Assuming my legacy of responsibilities, the Thunder Giants cannot be destroyed."

Little Weir nodded and said, "This is one of the fundamental reasons why I entered the land of prevention. My blood has been telling me that to save the giants, I thought it was instinct, but now I know that everything is you bastard. It's a ghost."

Jerome did not deny that he did quietly move a little bit of his hands and feet, and rolled this thought in Ville’s mind time and time again. Although it was very slight and difficult to detect, it took a long time and it did have some influence on Ville. His distaste for the giants has disappeared a lot, and he has more recognition and responsibility for the Thunder Giants.

"Actually, you don't need to dissipate, I have been in contact with undead magic, and you..." Little Ville was interrupted by Jerome.

"For an old man of mine who has been dead for tens of thousands of years, dissipating is the best choice to return to peace. After all, there is a day, and I have entrusted the future to you, and keeping it for myself is meaningless. "Jerome said with a smile: "What's more, after using you, how can I continue to exist."

"Boy, your soul sea really looks like a big sieve. Anyone can come in and stroll around. Do you think the remnant soul of the black dragon appeared by yourself? Humph, if it wasn't for me to kick it out , You might really be overshadowed by it in the future. After all, not everyone is so lazy and ambitious." Jerome finished speaking, took a deep look, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a purple light and cast it towards Little ville.

A loud voice rang in his ears with a hint of heroism, "Boy, accept my final gift, this is all the sentiments of a Tier 5 peak thunder giant, let the thunder of justice ring through the sky!"

Can we talk hard, is it really good for Secondary Two? They are all so old, stable and stable!

A huge amount of information poured in madly, and the strength of the fifth-stage high-end of Xiaowei instantly fell into a sluggish state. Without him, the amount of information was too large and the machine was down.

Time passed by one minute and one second. When Vil woke up, the body of thunder had completed the evolution, and the powerful power filled the whole body. A tall figure on the opposite side enjoyed it with a sip of wine and meat, and saw Ville wake up. Here, a sentence came directly.

"Boy, be my son, everything about the Thunder Giant is yours!"

Hearing the words of the Thunder Giant King, Ville couldn't help but get a black line. Before giving control of his body to Jerome, he was not ignorant of the outside world. He even saw clearly and heard clearly. For nothing, this **** is really willing to take advantage of Jerome's old opponent.

But for being someone else’s Will’s choice is: "Don’t do it!"

Hearing this answer, the Thunder Giant King couldn’t help but burst into laughter: "Hahahaha, you deserve to be the kid who inherited everything from Jerome. He has courage and arrogance. However, I want you to be my son even more. If you admit it or not, I'll take care of this old man. Come on, my dear son, the authority of the Thunder Giant Secret Realm space, let's inherit it."

Little Will: ...

Do I want it or do I want it, or do I want it? But if you want it, doesn't it really look like a son inheriting Lao Tzu's property? so tangled!

Lilith: You are entangled with wool, haven't you decided to plant this **** to grab the last authority? Don't understand it as the son inheriting Lao Tzu's things, instead of knocking the **** to the ground, the **** can't offer it with his hands.

Xiaoweier: It turns out that there is still this kind of operation, which is worthy of being the lord of the harem, amazing! Learned another trick today.

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