The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1401: Levi's disappointment and scramble


The patriarch of the storm giant came slowly, his gaze fell on Xiao Weier, he felt the pure storm giant blood on him, his brows wrinkled slightly, and the powerful aura pressed over, and asked coldly, "Who are you?" Where did you hear the name Maloney Sydm?"

Facing the mighty pressure of the patriarch of the storm giant, Ville didn’t care as if the breeze was blowing. He stood up and saluted: "Ville Declan has seen the Patriarch of Sydm, Maloney Sydm. The name was naturally heard from him personally, and he even told me the method to open the secret space."

Little Weier's words made the eyes of the patriarch of the storm giant suddenly shrink. He naturally knew where his stupid son had gone. This person had actually seen him, wouldn't it mean...

Suddenly a voice that he was absolutely familiar with sounded, making him feel excited, "Levi, when are you going to ignore this king?"

"Thunder, Thunder King?!" Storm Giant Patriarch Levi Sydm was stiff, he never expected that Thunder Giant King would actually appear in the Storm Giant Secret Realm space, or even in the Patriarch Hall. inside.

Levi quickly cleared up his mood, and gave a respectful salute to the Thunder Giant King who was only three meters tall, "I don't know if the Thunder King is coming here, if you miss it, please forgive me!"

Thunder Giant King Baldrick waved his hand indifferently and said: "No matter, this time I'm just a guest. The host and guest are still this kid, oh, forgot to say, this kid is my son, the new patriarch of the Thunder Giant."

Levi was really dizzy, seriously wondering if his ears were misheard, the Thunder Giant King Baldrick actually wanted to give way to a storm giant? How is this possible? How many years have your dream come true?

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick seemed to see Levi’s thoughts and snorted, “Don’t think too much, my son, although he has the blood of the Storm Giant, but his major is the Law of Thunder. He is a Tier 4 Storm Giant. That's right, he is also a Tier 5 Thunder Giant, and his strength is not worse than yours."

Levi was stunned when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked why.

The Thunder Giant King Baldrick took a seat on the huge chair, but this seat was prepared for the Giants. It was a little too big for the Thunder King, who is only three meters high. It felt a little weird, but the Thunder Giant. Wang Baldrick didn't care, and casually broke the identity of Little Ville.

When I heard that Xiao Weier was left behind by the Thunder Giant and was cultivated by the Blood God Kingdom, in order to save the Thunder Giant, he bravely rushed through the twelfth house, and finally came to the place of exile. He couldn't help but stand in awe.

However, it was somewhat unacceptable for Ville to receive the blood of the Storm Giant, the Flame Giant, the Earth Giant, the Frost Giant, and the Tide Giant. "Can the Giant's Blood really be confused?"

Thunder Giant King Baldrick chuckled: "The bloodlines of giants can't be confused, can the law of Storm and Thunder be confused?"

Levi smiled and stopped talking. His careful thoughts are well known, and there is no concealment at all. He knows that his aptitude is limited, and the current giant of the storm has not cultivated any talents with the hope of Tier 6. Hope to integrate the law of storm and thunder to cultivate a new giant king.

However, the strength of the Thunder Giant has always been higher than that of the Storm Giant, making him afraid to act rashly. Moreover, the Storm Giant also has his own dignity. He does not approve of the method of confusing his blood. However, the young man in front of him who was recognized as a son by the Thunder King It really aroused his curiosity.

Because he only saw the blood of the storm giant in Xiao Weier, the shadow of the law of the storm, there was no breath of the thunder giant at all.

At Levi’s request, Ville turned into a Thunder Giant. This free transition between impassable bloodlines made Levi quite shocked. “With different bloodlines and incarnation of different giants, can we use multiple different attribute laws at the same time? "

Little Will nodded and said: "Even if you don't have multiple bloodlines, you can practice different laws. It's just that certain bloodlines have a stronger affinity for special laws, and have less affinity for other laws. There is nothing impossible. I am fusing multiple giant bloodlines. I have understood many laws before, such as the earth, ocean, shadow, storm, thunder, flame, and frost. Well, the bloodline of the Thunder Giant was the first bloodline I merged. At that time, I was only a second-order, so naturally it is impossible to understand the law. All other bloodlines have bloodlines after the rule of succession."

"When I became a Thunder Giant, I could also use other laws, but compared to the Thunder Law, the other laws were somewhat inadequate when applied. When I became a Storm Giant, I used the Storm Law the smoothest, and when I became a Flame Giant, I used the Flame Law the most. By the way, the law of ice is the most powerful when incarnation of the frost giant, and the law of the sea when incarnation of the tidal giant is more satisfactory."

"The laws and laws also have closeness and estrangement, such as ocean and frost. The two types of laws have many similarities. Flame and thunder also have some similarities. It is beneficial to learn from each other.

Levi hurriedly asked, "What about the storm and thunder?"


"The relationship between storm and thunder is near and far, so let’s put it this way, storm is a combination of atmosphere and water, and thunder is a variant of flame. There are still some differences between the two in essence, but if you look at it from another perspective If you look at it, it might not be impossible to combine. The combination of water and fire creates stratus clouds, the clouds and the clouds relieve storms, the water and fire create thunder and lightning, and the lightning turns into water and fire." Little Ville's nonsense made the patriarch of the storm giant a little confused. The mind seems to have a rationale, but it seems to be a little less meaningful.

But there is one thing he can confirm that the Storm Giant can understand the Law of Thunder, and the Thunder Giant can also understand the Law of Storm, but the effect may be discounted, and this is undoubtedly a result that he cannot accept.

"There was a **** of the sky, palms of the sky, storm, thunder and lightning, and the sixth-order master god. Isn't his law a combination of storm and thunder?" Levi insisted on his idea, but drew a burst of laughter from Ville.

"The path of the gods is different from ours. They can completely master a priesthood before opening up a new priesthood. At first, the goddess of the night was only the goddess of the night, who held the authority of the night. Later, the stars and the moon were added. There are priests such as tranquility, recovery, etc. The priests of the goddess of the sea and the goddess of the earth are also not single, and it can even be said that the main gods who lived in the ancient times are all complex. The **** of the sky is no exception, although he was very early That time fell."

Levi froze for a moment, his eyes full of incredible expressions: "You, you mean, the **** of the sky did not use the combination of storm and thunder to advance to the sixth rank, but his two laws Is it Tier 6? Storm and Thunder are just the two main priests of the Sky God?"

Little Weir nodded and said: "That's the case. It can even be said that storm, thunder, frost, snow and rain are all the priesthood of the **** of the sky. His priesthood is more inclined to Qi, but this ability has not been developed. The sky has always been the domain of the strong, so..."

"How could this happen?!" Levi's whole person suddenly wilted, what is the purpose of his ten thousand years of persistence? I have been working hard to comprehend the law of thunder, trying to use the law of thunder and storm to merge into the law of the sky to advance to the sixth rank, but now this kid tells himself that the law of the sky is not played like this.

Thunder Giant King Baldrick said with a smile: "Levi, my son didn't lie to you. In fact, the three of our giant kings know that you have gone astray, but depending on your limited aptitude, you rely on the storm attribute to become the giant king. There is almost no possibility, and I can’t bear to break your illusion. Humans have a little pursuit to live a more fulfilling life, don’t they? But today my son came over and wanted to borrow the Sky Godhead, so he had to wake you up. Thank me, we are all giants after all."

Levi: I thank you, uncle. You always know that I'm off the road, but you are smiling and looking at the fool, wanting to borrow the godhead of the sky, hum, no way!

"Who knows if what you said is true, or deliberately deceived me to take away the Sky Godhead." Levi shook his head, and then shook his head severely, "The Sky Godhead is the treasure of our storm giants, and it is not for loan. ."

"Really not? Don't even give me the face?" A faint smile appeared on the face of Thunder Giant King Baldrick, and he smiled at Levi.

"Thunder King, this is the Secret Realm of Storm Giants." Although Levi was very nervous in his heart, he still sternly refused, but somewhat left a little back: "Unless he officially joins our Storm Giant clan and shows his talents, Only if you have enough contributions can you exchange for the opportunity to use the Sky Godhead."

"Deal!" Little Weier didn't care about the identity of the giants, and immediately agreed.

But the Thunder Giant King Baldrick is He has already regarded Little Ville as his son. How could the next patriarch of the Thunder Giant be drawn to him by the Storm Giant, and he immediately jumped up to reveal the Thunder Giant’s truth. Body: "Snatch my son? Don't even think about it!"

At this moment, Levi was stunned, and suddenly felt that the Thunder King valued this kid too much. Could it be that there was a secret he didn't know in the middle? Originally, he just wanted to find a step and let Little Weier use the Sky Godhead in a fair and honest manner. Who ever wanted to find the Thunder King's life gate at once, so he had to carefully consider how to treat Little Weier.

What the opponent opposes must be what I need to insist on. My dignified patriarch of the storm giant, how can I be threatened by you in my own lair, this little guy with the blood of the storm giant, I am sure to win!

Your son? Hehe, then this little guy has to admit it himself.

"The next Thunder Giant patriarch is an ordinary member of the Storm Giant tribe. As the Storm Giant patriarch, should I be proud? Little guy, your name is Will? From today, your name is Will Sidham!" Levi I gave him his surname directly. As for his identity, he was nothing, and nothing could be done without expense. The Thunder King, an old thing that had suppressed him for tens of thousands of years, could be suppressed, so why not do it.

Moreover, there must be other secrets in this little guy, otherwise it would be impossible to make the Thunder King so nervous, Levi cast his eyes on the Thunder King, but the latter gave him a serious look and made a threatening move.

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