The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1404: No need to be a thief anymore


Amidst the loud noise, a figure soared from the center of the eye of the wind, and went straight up into the sky like a hurricane. The eye of the wind that had been narrowed three times gradually subsided. The storm giants such as Levi were pale, but slightly sad. .

"It's a big loss, a big loss, how could it consume so much!" Levi kept muttering, it was actually a month. You must know that the highest record so far is only eleven days, and that person has been baptized for eleven days. His genius finally achieved Tier 6 and created the glorious history of many storm giants.

They didn't expect that an acquired storm giant from outside could actually break this record, and forcibly increased this record by more than twice, making it an unprecedented 30 days.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, Ville landed on the floating island. The small floating island was trembling slightly. Levi's eyes suddenly shrank, pointing to Ville, who was shaking all over his body: "Fifth level, fifth level high. Duan, how is this possible?!"

We must know that the entire storm giant clan now has only one fifth-stage high-level powerhouse, that is, he, the patriarch himself, and the other four also have a fifth-stage mid-stage, and the others are all early stages. Doesn’t that mean that this kid at least Is the second master of the storm giant?

Wait, why is this blue armor on him so familiar?

"Storm armor?" Levi gnashed his teeth and called out the name, his face turned pale, and it was actually the storm armor. This is a legendary existence in the storm giant family, but he did not expect to be there. He saw the full version on him.

The other four Tier 5 storm giants showed such expressions, it is no wonder that consumption is so aware that they actually condense the Storm God Armor.

Levi looked at Little Vil with a complex complexion, and began to tell him the origin of the Storm God Armor. The Eye of the Wind was transformed by the first Storm King, and it contained his own blood and all the laws he had understood. These are all very functionally normal. Things, and what really stands out is a special artifact: the Storm God Armor.

The Storm Armor is a unique companion artifact of the original Storm Giant King. It is between the real and the imaginary. It is both a artifact and a magical power. If you must say it is a bit like a construction weapon, it's just that the style of this artifact can be fixed and costly. Huge resources, and sufficient understanding and affinity for this artifact can be created.

All storm giants who enter the eye of the wind have a chance to obtain this magical inheritance, and everyone has the opportunity to condense the **** armor of the storm in the eye of the wind. There is only one chance. The only way to understand how much is condensed can only be carried out in the eye of the wind. In this way, it is impossible to improve the evolution, this is a one-time gift.

Levi also has the Storm God Armor, but his Storm God Armor is illusory and unreal. It works well at Tier 4, but once it reaches Tier 5, it's really better than nothing, and it won't have much effect.

"The Storm God Armor appears freely, like a shadow, it will always exist once it is formed, even if it is in the body, it will always protect you, and will never leave it." This thing depends on the individual and cannot be deprived. "With this artifact, the strength is below you. It is almost impossible for the enemy to sneak attack on you. On a large battlefield, you can even fight hard regardless of defense. The Defensive Capability of the Storm God is super powerful."

"Especially you, the God of Storm armor, can already be fully materialized, and the level is at least a fifth-stage high-level artifact." Levi dare not continue to speak higher, afraid that he can't bear it, and the expression of envy and envy is undoubtedly revealed. .

Baldrick had heard of the Storm God Armor a little, but he didn't want to have such a powerful and convenient ability, and he was quite envious. Looking back, wouldn’t it be better for this thing to fall on his own son, because he has a limited lifespan. It is a waste to give it to yourself, not to mention that this stuff cannot be passed on. Fortunately, it is not yourself, otherwise it will really be a waste.

Levi took a deep look at Little Weir and calmed down his mind. "I hope your secrets can offset our losses. The consumption of wind eye is even greater than the past ten collective baptisms. There are not a few thousand years of recovery. But come."

Levi said that it is normal. If you increase investment, you can fully recover in dozens of hundreds of years, but this thing is too costly, and they plan to let Fengyan slowly recover by itself.

Balderick smiled and raised Willie's right hand, and showed them the twelve marks: "Is it true? This is the pass mark through the zodiac. Do you know the meaning of each mark?"

The five storm giants glanced at each other, and Levi asked tentatively: "Could it be that each brand represents a quota?"

"Bha~" Balderick snapped his fingers, nodded approvingly, and said: "That's right, each brand is a quota, and twelve brandings are twelve quotas."

All the storm giants including Levi suddenly calmed down, their faces were full of loss, and Baldrick couldn't help but a black line, pointing at them: "You, you..."

Levi shook his head lightly and said with a heavy face: "Brother Balderick, I will not call you the patriarch nor the Thunder King. I will call you the big brother. These twelve places are very useful for the entire giant clan. ?"

Baldrick was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he reacted, hehe smiled and said, "In other words, you don't like these places, are you not going to ask for it?"

Levi nodded and said: "The Storm Giant has no survivors, one person, two people, or even three, five, seven or eight people are not a clan, and they cannot take the vast majority of their clan members out of trouble. It makes no sense for us to leave only a few people. . Don't worry about these places!"

"Okay, you said it yourself." Baldrick's face was full of a weird smile, which made Levi a bit strange, and hurriedly interrupted him, "Stay, you first explain clearly how your Thunder Giants choose ?"

Baldrick took a deep look at Levi, and said in a deep voice: "We Thunder Giants naturally choose to trust him. Lao Tzu has given him all the authority of the patriarch and the Thunder Giant Secret Realm space. What do you think about us? Selected?"


"There are only twelve places, Thunder Giant..." Levi froze for a moment, and wanted to ask them, won't you fight?

The Tier 5 storm giant guarding the space channel suddenly exclaimed: "The quota does not necessarily correspond to a person, but it can also be a space, right? Your Thunder Giant Secret Realm space only occupies a quota."

Levi suddenly realized that if people can only be taken out, then it will undoubtedly be a huge harm to the giants. After all, their inheritance, baptism, heritage, treasures, etc. will be abandoned, which is absolutely unacceptable. , But what about the entire secret space?

"Hey, there is still something to be given to smart people, you are not stupid?" Balderick was slightly surprised.

The Tier 5 storm giant said triumphantly: "I'm naturally not stupid. I personally sent this kid to the patriarch. At the beginning, I thought this kid was pleasing to the eye. He was a good boy."

Baldrick threw him to the ground with a "bang": "Whose Lao are you? You are the weakest here. Be careful when you speak."

The Tier 5 Storm Giant smiled, got up, but muttered in his heart: Why is Lao Tzu the weakest? Isn’t it inferior to you and the patriarch? Well, this kid seems to be unable to fight, but he is better than the three early fifth-stage trash, right? Humph, this old **** saw that he was cleverly piercing his conspiracy, discovered the truth, and actually took revenge on himself in disguised form. It's really...

"Really?!" Levi was overjoyed, "We, Storm Giant, want three of these places!"

The storm giant's own secret realm is one. They also have subordinate races and other secret realms. There are as many as three. These are their heritage and wealth. It is a shame to lose.

"Hehe, we Thunder Giant pushed him to the position of patriarch and there is only one. You Storm Giant has three mouths. You have such a big appetite, you are not afraid to hold on. To tell you the truth, no!" Baldrick rebuffed.

The lie of the twelve spaces is the idea that Balderick gave to Little Vail. If you tell them there are no restrictions, they will not cherish you and you are not grateful. Only a limited number can make them grateful.

This is human nature.

Little Ville followed Balderick’s words and explained: "The Zodiac is twelve different spaces, and the twelve marks represent twelve choices. However, at least three of these twelve marks cannot be used casually. I am useful. ."

Levi looked at Baldrick, his gaze made Baldrick a little uncomfortable, "That is to say there are nine left? Storm giant, frost giant, earth giant, tide giant, flame giant, giant tree man must have One, there are only three left that can be allocated freely, we..."

Little Will hurriedly interrupted him and said, "There are not so many. The twelve marks can take away twelve different spaces. These different spaces also include the twelve houses and different spaces. The three that I said refer to the three tenths. In the different spaces of the second house, two of them have companions who rushed through the level with me. In order to let me pass the level smoothly, they chose to stay in the empty and different space to achieve the fifth level and open up the passage to the exile."

"So I must save them. The other place is for a giantess who has an appointment with me." Littleville said that when the third place was clicked, she did not continue, but turned to the topic. The Thunder Giant changed, pointing to a brand that had changed its color, and said: "This purple brand represents the space of the Thunder Giant's secret realm. It has been completely mastered by me, and it is connected with the brand, and has initially got rid of the seal of the Zodiac. "

"So, the remaining places are not nine, but eight. The three I reserved myself, and the one already occupied by the Thunder Giant Secret Realm space, there are only eight remaining." Little Ville shrugged and said: " If it's just some unimportant secret space, don't waste these places. In fact, there are still a few people in the twelfth house that I want to save. Among them is a sixth-order dwarf powerhouse."

The few storm giants could not help but look at each other, feeling a lot of pressure, and it seems that the humanity baptized by the wind may not necessarily be able to be exchanged for a place.

"Little guy, you are now a member of the Storm I can grant you the title of elder. Of these eight places, we must occupy one of the space keys in the Storm Giant Secret Realm, right?" Liwa Yi began to ask questions tentatively.

Little Will nodded and said, "The Secret Realm Space of the Storm Giant is the foundation of the Storm Giant. You can't lose it. I recognize this number."

"What if we want to ask for one more spot?" Levi is no longer open his mouth this time but three. After all, playing other giants like this will definitely go crazy. The Storm Giant does not have a giant king, and can't bear theirs. anger.

"Do you want that body to exchange?"

"The secret treasure of the storm giant, the most powerful secret weapon: Sky Godhead!" Livii had a painful expression on his face, and the corner of Xiaowei's mouth twitched slightly. He had already understood the thing once, although Xiao Miao yelled to eat it. It was stopped by myself.

If this thing was from before, I would have agreed to it without even thinking about it, but now it is not as effective as I imagined.

After hesitating again and again, Little Weier just gave them one: "You can consider it and wait until the final decision."

You say the godhead of the sky? Xiaowei casually turned into a shadow-pressing clone and quietly sent it back. Anyway, if he wanted it, they would definitely give it, and there was no need to be a thief anymore.

Well, the word "re" is a good use.

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